Chapter 360

In that ray of precious light is a little bit, a little bit of fire!In the pseudo-chaos formed in the Hunyuan Four-Elephant Gate, like a little chicken!
Chaos is like a chicken!
The precious light exploded, like the birth of chaos, like the reopening of the majesty, the sky and the earth collapsed, the four gates trembled, and the four images disappeared!
A chaotic storm swept away, and Baoguang Huozi and Wujueguang lived and died together!
Qing Luo was slightly startled, Ran Deng had such a means, it was truly extraordinary!

Ran Deng panted slightly, he looked at Qing Luo, a sternness flashed in his eyes, he opened his mouth and spit out two beams of precious light, and the two flames rushed towards Qing Luo with a chaotic breath!

At the same time, Ran Deng raised his voice and shouted: "Also please help fellow Taoists!"

This sound spread thousands of miles and thousands of miles, up to the nine heavens, down to the mortal world!

Qing Luo's expression was startled, she never thought about lighting the lamp, so she saw it!

But he is not in a hurry, he wants to see who Ran Deng is looking for!
Qingluo releases the five spirit gourd, and the five fixed profound light shoots out, and the five-color spirit aura seals the talisman and lu, and the seal is formed once it is revealed, and the second son is sealed with the great seal, it is successful!
Ran Deng was surprised, never thought that he could even hold this method!

Qing Luo smiled lightly and said: "Since Fellow Daoist invited an assistant, then the poor Daoist will go out for a meeting, and Fellow Daoist should keep this place!"

After all, as soon as the tactic was urged, his figure emerged from the Four Elephant Gate and came to the Ninth Heaven Realm!

As soon as he came out, he saw two murderous swords flying towards the southwest of Honghuang!

He smiled again, it turned out to be Patriarch Styx!But the person holding the sword is hundreds of blood god sons, not the body of Styx!

Everyone in the Second Sect of Chanjue was shocked, but who knew about Patriarch Styx's fierce reputation?

Yuantu, Abi's twin swords rushed to the sky, the boundless murderous aura covered the sky, Abi's hell appeared in the clouds, and Yuantu's crimes will descend to heaven!
The two swords came, but Qing Luo was not afraid.Even though these two swords are much stronger than last time, and even under the suppression of the calamity, they still reached the strength of the quasi-sage and mighty, Qing Luo is still not frightened, because this is the world!

Qing Luo smiled lightly, raised her hands, and shouted:

Kyushu moves together!

The momentum of the situation, the dragon and the snake take off the land!
The Kyushu in the world, the Kyushu Divine Cauldron shakes!
On the altar of Zhongzhou Chaoge Society, the mysterious and yellow light of the Zhongzhou Divine Cauldron shines on the world!
At this time, Qingluo showed a radiant dharma body, and in the halls of countless human sages in the Kyushu, incense rose, and green smoke gathered in the sky, becoming a sage dharma body!
Qing Luo clasped his hands together, sat cross-legged on the green lotus, a golden wheel of merit and virtue emerged behind his head, and nine Qingyun clouds on the top supported the splendid rivers and mountains in the Jiuxuan Picture, the towering fortune beads reflected the divine light of good fortune, and the dazzle golden flowers emitted brilliant golden light.

The Qingluo Dharma Body between heaven and earth is majestic, sacred, majestic, and immeasurable!
Qing Luo reaches out again


Dragons roared between heaven and earth, Kyushu Divine Cauldron, Nine Cauldrons and Golden Dragons came out, and from Zhongzhou Divine Cauldron, a golden dragon with a million feet flew out!
The dragon flies in the sky, and the sky descends auspiciously!
At this moment, countless people all over the world bowed down to heaven and earth, respectful and respectful.

Kowloons unite, Kowloons fly into the sky and become one dragon!
A dragon is tens of thousands of feet long, spanning the ends of the heaven and the earth, and connecting endlessly.

The Luck Golden Dragon circled Qingluo's body, flew around three times, and rushed straight to Yuantu and Abi's two swords!
The golden dragon is supreme, the dragon flies into the sky, the wind and the cloud follow the trend, all phenomena are born with signs, and the world is full of colors!

The two swords of Yuantu and Abi turned into hells of infinite demons, killing endless evils, forming seas of evils into abysses, staining the darkness of the sky, showing the sharpness of the way of killing!
The golden dragon collided with two swords, the golden light forced the fierce light, and the sword flew away, and the omens scattered!The Golden Dragon Supreme is so strong that it directly shattered the layers of hell, crushed hundreds of blood god sons, suppressed and killed the infinite ghost Shura, directly smashed the double swords, and the two swords returned to the sea of ​​blood!
The golden dragon turned around and roared, roaring across ten thousand layers of mountains and thousands of layers of water, rushing into the dark sea of ​​blood in the northwest, shocking countless Asuras!
In the sea of ​​blood, Ming He gritted his teeth, angry in his heart, but sneered on his face, with the meaning of killing in his smile, with the meaning of lore!Even though Qing Luo has humane luck to protect him at this time, once he leaves the land of the human race, he is only a small area, so it will be easy to capture him after the catastrophe!
Qing Luo smiled lightly.Ran Deng has plans against him, why is he unprepared?There are only a few people who have hatred against him and are enough to threaten him, and there are even fewer people who can and dare to take action in the catastrophe!
Ancestor Styx was naturally on his guard.

At this time, he is deep in the center of the human race, and he is protected by humane luck. People like Patriarch Styx will naturally be rejected by humane luck!
As a sage outside the human race, he can naturally use the luck of humanity to resist the mighty power of the foreign race!
When the boundary card was closed, the immortals were stunned and frightened. They looked at the majestic dharma body in the sky, and their hearts were shocked!Although everyone knows that Qing Luo has borrowed his supernatural powers at this moment, he still can't help but feel shocked. Da Luo Jinxian, who is strong enough to fight against ancient ancestors like Styx, is definitely not something they can provoke !
The Jiejiao immortals were naturally pleasantly surprised, and most of the Xianjiao immortals looked stiff. Who would want to fight against such an opponent?Who wants to fight?
Qing Luo collected the dharma body in the air, bowed down to the golden dragon and bowed reverently, the nine dragons were divided into nine dragons, and the nine dragons flew into the sky and scattered in nine directions, each entering the divine cauldron of the nine states!
In the Four Elephant Gate, Ran Deng was startled, but not panicked.Ran Deng raised his voice again: "I also ask my fellow Taoists to help me, let's kill powerful enemies together!"

Qing Luo was surprised this time, who else is there!
The voice of the burning lamp fell, and there were three stars flashing above the sky, which became brighter and brighter, more and more dazzling, and more and more terrifying!
Among the ancient stars, when the seven kills, greedy wolves, and Pojun are in the palace of life, the three sides and four sides meet, and the star of Ziwei Big Dipper presents a pattern of "killing, breaking, and wolves".

The Seven Killing Stars are the star constellations of the solitary and the solitary star of punishment and killing, and the solitary star of success or failure.

Pojunxing, also known as Consuming Star, is murderous in number, and it is a blessing and a disaster.

If the greedy wolf star falls in the six relatives palace, Zhu Yao and the assistant Shan Xing are the most prone to rampant greed and death!

When the three stars gather, the world will be in chaos, and the dynasty will collapse and change!

But at this time, out of the three ancient stars, a woman stepped out, a woman with awe-inspiring fighting spirit, Jiufeng!
However, at this time, she is no longer called Da Wu Jiufeng, but Zu Wu Jiufeng!

Jiufeng comprehends the power of the stars, refines the power of the three-star star that kills the wolf, tempers the body with the power of the stars, strengthens the blood, and cultivates a trace of the power of reincarnation of fate, obtains the ancient sacred aura, comprehends the body of heaven and earth, and breaks through in one fell swoop The blood shackles made the last ancestor witch in the world!
She, Jiufeng, is the last ancestral witch in the world!At least for now, he is the last one, the last witch walking in the world!
She abandoned the tribe, stayed away from the earth, and went to the lonely stars. She has endured countless hardships for thousands of years and thousands of years, and countless hardships and sweat have finally led to today's day!
Stepping down into the void, wearing a battle armor, with awe-inspiring fighting spirit!The air machine pointed directly at Qingluo!
In the past, Qingluo broke the important affairs of the Wu clan many times, and even killed the great witch of the Wu clan. The enmity between Jiufeng and Qingluo should not be underestimated or given up!
(End of this chapter)

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