The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 372 The Four Saints and the Immortal Executioners

Chapter 372

the third

Zhunti was taken aback for a moment, and then came to a realization.

He didn't expect Yuanshi to be so generous, willing to exchange oriental luck.

Zhunti looked back at Jieyin.

There was a ripple in Zhunti's heart.The two saints established a religion, and when they were sanctified, they made 48 great ambitions to become saints through merit!

They can be said to be in debt.In debt!Saint in debt to the sky!They need to repay the merit owed!
And for them to repay, they need to save sentient beings, spread the Western Dafa, and repay with supreme merit.

This is an opportunity, a rare opportunity!A chance never to be missed again!

There is no doubt that Zhunti is tempted!
Jieyin opened his eyes, and the illusory worlds in his eyes dissipated, and his eyes became clear again.

Then he said: "Thank you, fellow daoist, for your kindness. No matter whether I agree or not, I will give you an answer in three days!"

Yuan Shi was surprised, but he was not in a hurry, he just said: "Three days later, Pindao will be waiting for you two in front of the Zhujie Pass!"

After all, Yuan Shi stepped out of the Western Paradise and returned to Jiepai Pass.

The great power between heaven and earth stared at Jiepai Pass, watched Yuanshi come back alone, and thought in his heart, didn't Yuanshi invite the two sages of the West?
Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi sat in the hut and waited.Waiting for the decision of the Second Saint of the West.

The saint is waiting, everyone can only wait, even the amount of robbery is waiting!
The world fell silent again.Just like Yuanshi's battle against Tongtian and Laozi's battle against Tongtian, the tranquility before the storm!
A day has passed.

Two days passed.

On the third day, the great sun rose from the east and the golden sun came from the west!
A round of Golden Buddha Sunrise rushes to Jiepai Pass from the west!

The Western Zhunti Saint is here!

Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi stood up to greet him, put their palms together, and greeted him with a smile on their faces.

Inside the Zhuxian Formation, Tong Tian frowned, but he was still very calm.

When Zhunti came, he just entered the tent and sat quietly.

The world fell silent again.

Above the Western Nether Blood Sea, a white lotus emerged, followed by hundreds of millions of white lotuses.

Blossoming white lotus, the divine light that purifies the world, saves all lives!

The white lotus is vertical and horizontal, forming a barrier of lotus flowers, forming a net of white lotus, covering the entire sea of ​​blood!
Patriarch Styx looked gloomy, but he was not angry.Because the reception is only to trap him temporarily, lest he destroy the pure land of Dharma Flower in the Six Realms of Reincarnation taught in the West!
The sea of ​​blood was surprisingly quiet.Ming He knew that at this moment, Quan Jie Tian Di had little to do with him, and it was better not to intervene, otherwise it would be difficult to get out of the body, and it was not the first time he was trapped like this.

On the third day of Zhunti’s coming to the east, the saint was guided to step on the golden lotus, and the radiance came to Jiepai Pass!

The Zhuxian formation cannot be broken without the four saints, and now it is the four saints!

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I asked Lao Tzu to wait for three days. It took another three days for Zhun to come, and another three days for him to receive him!

The three sages come to help, which is the ultimate number of nine!

Tong Tian was puzzled, why did it take three days for the reception and the transfer to arrive?

Not only Tongtian, but even Yuanshi was puzzled.But it's here after all, it's good to be here!

But he didn't know that this was done intentionally by the leading saint!He is deeply aware of the secrets of nature, and finally deduces that the Western University should be prosperous, but it has been prosperous for a long time, but it has been ruined for a long time!
Therefore, Jieyin Zhunti did it on purpose!

And today, it is also the 49th and [-]th day when Qing Luo comprehends the Dao pattern in the Taiji diagram!
At this moment, Qing Luo in the Tai Chi diagram is covered in blood, but also covered in Dao!
Qing Luo laughed loudly, turned around, and turned a person into a snake!

A huge ancient snake body emerged!On its snake body, one hundred and eight thousand yuan scales and three thousand main scales correspond to one hundred and eight thousand trails and three thousand avenues!
On each snake scale, there is a dao pattern, a dao!

The Taiji map shakes, the Shanhe Sheji map shakes, and the Hetu Luoshu shakes.Three pictures resonate!
The boundless spirits swarmed in the prehistoric world, gathered in the Taiji diagram, and poured into the body of the green snake!

Above the green snake, there are nine Qingyun and three smallpox.Inspired by the pattern of the avenue, the tide of infinite aura gathers!

One mu celebrates Yunsheng, and another mu celebrates Yunsheng!
All the powers in the four directions are amazing, such a vast spiritual tide of heaven and earth, like today's creatures, who else can reach it?

In the Tai Chi picture, one acre of Qingyun rises, stretches one acre after another, and above the four acres of Qingyun, the aura gathers and a smallpox blooms!
For every acre of Qingyun raised, Qing Luo's body's mana sea will open another [-]%, and every time a smallpox blooms, his primordial spirit will become stronger by [-]%!

One mu of Qingyun is connected, until 36 mu of Qingyun, nine small flowers bloom together, and the spirit of heaven and earth slowly subsides!
At this time, the body of the ancient snake was covered in scars, making this ancient snake even more ancient and more powerful!

At this time, Qingluo's mana and primordial spirit in his body have reached the peak, reaching the most prosperous realm of ancient monks!Even in ancient times, his Great Luo Realm was in the most perfect state!
But compared to the ancient times, or even the ancient desolate era, it is still a little worse than many prehistoric evils, maybe a lot worse!

However, to be able to achieve such a perfect state after the end of the ancient era, his good fortune is already not small!

At this time, his mana is not weak even if it is against the quasi-sage's power.

The Dao patterns on Qing Luo's body correspond to the Dao patterns in the Tai Chi diagram.

The pupils in Qingluo Snake's eyes converge, and he wants to refine another world!
His Nine Profound Map is gone, or it has been integrated into this world of Dao!
Qing Luo wants to re-refine one side of the world, or rather re-refine the Nine Profound Maps!
Laozi trapped him, and Nuwa helped him.

It can also be said that the joint efforts of Lao Tzu and Nu Wa gave him a fortune!

Lao Tzu frowned in front of the Jie Pai Pass, and stretched out his hand, intending to take back the Tai Chi Diagram.

As soon as the Taiji diagram in front of Tianyu Mountain hummed, it turned into a golden bridge and came out across the world!

However, Jinqiao failed to fly away after all!
A red hydrangea fell from the 33rd layer of heaven and bound Jinqiao!
Lao Tzu raised eyebrows, is Nu Wa going to have a fight with him?
I stretched out my hand a little, and a Tai Chi appeared on Tianyu Mountain!
Taiji produces two instruments, two instruments transform into two qi, and the two qi intertwine and turn into scissors!

Cut hydrangea with yin and yang!
But before the two qis could touch each other, a long whip that grew like the sky fell down!
It was the congenital gourd vine!
This vine was used by Nuwa when she created man, and she obtained the merit of creating man, and achieved the ultimate treasure of acquired merit, the good fortune whip!
With one whip, what was struck was worlds between life and death, and the aura of yin and yang fell straight down the mountain!
With a loud noise, Tianyu Mountain just disappeared!The largest mountain range in the northern mountains, stretching for billions of miles, collapsed directly!The whole prehistoric land trembled!

The four saints of heaven and earth are all paying attention.They were surprised, never thought that Nuwa's strength was not weaker than Lao Tzu's!

Laozi frowned, and said, "Friend Nuwa, what do you want to do?"

Nuwa's voice came from outside the 33rd layer, ethereal and illusory: "You break your formation, and I will protect my people."

(End of this chapter)

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