Chapter 373 The Map of Good Fortune
Lao Tzu was silent and sighed again.He withdrew his hand and walked towards Zhuxian Sword Formation!
The boundary card is closed, and four sages of the Dao of Heaven stand side by side against one sage of the Dao of Heaven!
Lao Tzu took a step forward and said: "Tong Tian, ​​now that the Four Saints have arrived, even the Immortal Execution Sword Formation is hard to stop.

If you stop at this time, you can still avoid the disaster of innocence! "

Yuan Shi also stepped forward and said, "Tongtian, would you like to listen to my brother again? Stop now, and the friendship between the three religions is still there.

Whenever, as long as you are willing to look back, I am your senior brother!As long as you are willing to look back, I am the beginning of the Sanqing Dynasty on the top of Kunlun Mountain, and I am your brother! "

Tong Tian was taken aback for a moment, apparently he did not expect Yuanshi Tianzun to say such words!

Tongtian's eyes were complicated, but he closed them immediately, and opened them again, only fighting intent!

Tong Tian said: "If I retreat, let me watch the death of countless disciples behind me with my own eyes?"

Jieying Zhunti just stood aside without saying a word. They were just thugs and would not participate in these complicated emotions.They can save sentient beings, but they cannot save saints, because saints are not sentient beings!

Lao Tzu shook his head and stopped persuading.

He originally thought that the Four Sages had arrived at this time, and the persuasion at this time should make Tongtian retreat by three points!

When Yuan Shi heard this, a moment of sadness flashed on his face, but he immediately returned to the appearance of that proud brother.

That moment of sadness, so fast, so fast that even the sky thought he was dazzled.How could his former elder brother, who was so proud, feel sad for love?

Tong Tian raised his hand and laughed loudly: "Since the formation has been set up and the people have arrived, then let Pindao use the magic power of the next four!"

The laughter spreads all over the sky and spreads to the earth, and one word reaches the sky and the earth!
Fight against the Four Saints alone!How much standing and courage does this require?
In the prehistoric world, apart from Tongtian, I am afraid that no one would dare to do it!
Do what you know you can't do!Even if it seems that there is no chance of winning, we must fight again!If you are invincible in battle, you will not give up.

In this laughter, there were tears of emotion from countless Biyou disciples, and the excited pride of countless Jiejiao disciples!

At this time, Jinbie Island, which was banned from the island, and Chuanyun Pass, which was banned from the city, were closed, and the immortals wept!This is the ban of the sky, they can't get out!

This is their teacher!This is their father!
Wanxian once came to court, Wanxian is weeping now!
When you come to pay homage, you are worshiping the teacher.When we cry, it is the father who weeps!
For them, Tong Tian fought against the Four Sages alone, knowing that he was defeated but doing it fearlessly!
For them, they act against the sky, knowing that the will of the heavens cannot be violated!
The immortals wept, what they wept was emotion, and what they wept was faith!

As soon as the teaching is defeated, the luck is getting stronger!

Jiepai pass, Tongtian enters the formation, the four major disciples mobilize the Juejian, and the sword formation of Zhuxian reveals the sky and the earth!

The four ancient fierce swords of Zhu, Jue, Trap, and Kill, the number one killer weapon under the heavenly law, bloom their supreme glory!

At this moment, the Zhuxian Sword Formation did not converge in one city, but blossomed into the sky and the earth!

The heavens and the earth are overturned by the killing intent, the sun and the moon tremble, the stars and rivers are hidden, and the mountains, rivers, rivers and seas are all trembling for it.

The minds of all living beings seem to have a sword hanging around their necks, which may fall at any time. Killing, death, death, and extinction fill the hearts of all living beings.

The four sages nodded in greeting, and they went to the boundary board to close the four gates, which are also the four gates of the Zhuxian Sword Formation!
With the Tiandixuanhuang Linglong Pagoda on his head, I stepped into the Zhuxian Sword Gate with a red crutch in hand.

In front of Yuanshi Tianzun's body, the golden lamp in Yuxu was lit, holding the Three Treasures Ruyi in one hand, and the Pangu Banner in the other, and stepped into the gate of the Immortal Sword.

The three immeasurable Buddha light relics on the top of Zhunti radiated, and stepped into the sword gate of killing immortals with the wonderful tree of seven treasures in hand.

Guide the twelfth-rank golden lotus to bloom under one step, and step through the immortal sword gate with the magic subduing pestle in hand.

And after the four saints stepped into the Jade Sword Gate, four more people stood outside the Jade Sword Gate!

Xuan Du stood outside Zhu Xian's sword gate.

Antarctica stands outside the gate of the Immortal Sword.

Yun Zhongzi stood outside the Juexian Sword Gate.

Qingxu Daodezhenjun is standing outside the Killing Immortal Gate with a Hunyuan flag in his hand!

The four of them are just waiting for the sage to make a move, fix the four sword gates, take down the four swords of Zhuxian, and break the fierce formation!

Originally, Guang Chengzi was supposed to be on the trip to pick up the sword, but it is a pity that it is impossible for him to come to pick up the sword again!
The four immortals stand at the four gates of a city, standing in front of this fierce city with eternal murderous intent, wind and clouds pass by their heads, sometimes, maybe saints, maybe the changes of the world are on their bodies!

Beyond the battlefield of Heaven and Earth Calamity, on Tianyu Mountain.

In the Tai Chi diagram, the body of the blue ancient snake is connected end to end, forming a circle, a circle enclosing the runes of the Dao, enclosing a great world!
The 11 yuan scales on Qingluo's body are all shining, and the avenue runes attract the three most powerful figures in the world!

The infinite stars above the Hetu Luoshu float in the sky, the journey of the sun and the moon is out of it, and the stars are shining, it is inside!

The sun, the moon and the stars, hundreds of millions of stars are hanging high in the sky!

The map of the mountains and rivers and the country falls, and the mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away, all appearing, and the infinite earth is considered to be a force!
In the picture of Tai Chi, Tai Chi transforms into Infinity, and Infinity acts as a Dao.Time, space, and the five elements. . .Three thousand avenues are all derived!

Qingluo's primordial spirit was shocked, and the primordial spirit came out of the body and came to the center.

At this moment, the whole world was born for him, the whole world was created for him!

In the Taiji diagram, the Taiji turns into the beginning way, the sun, moon and stars in Hetu Luoshu turn into the sky, and the way of the earth in the mountains and rivers turns into the earth!

Heaven is formed, earth is formed, and Tao is also formed!
A world is born again!
In the Tai Chi Map, under the River Map and Luoshu, and above the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, a phantom of a world emerges!

Qingluo Yuanshen's eyes shined brightly, and he made a move with both hands. The body of the ancient snake was engraved with three thousand avenues, and the scales of one hundred and eight thousand small avenues flashed, and countless avenue patterns flew out, filling the space. Unreal world!
This illusory world is solidifying little by little, and becoming real little by little!
Qing Luo was pleasantly surprised, he was waiting, waiting for a treasure to be born!

Finally, when the last Dao pattern merged into the phantom world, the phantom world has become a real world!
Qingluo fuses it with Yuanshen, derives the avenue and evolves a world, and the avenue of good fortune is endless!

Qing Luo formed the Dao of Good Fortune with the perfect Dao in the world!

Derivation of all things is good fortune.

The real good fortune is not the good fortune of the way of good fortune!It is the good fortune of all the roads and trails in the world!

Good fortune is omnipresent and omnipresent. Wherever there is Tao, there is good fortune!

Good fortune is the progress of the whole world, the progress of the whole Tao, and the progress of every sentient being!
The life of good fortune, the world of good fortune, good fortune should be infinite!

Qingluo Yuanshen comprehends, Ming Dao Ming Shi Ming common people, only for good fortune!

Qing Luo realized clearly in her heart, and shouted loudly: "The picture of good fortune, show it!"

Words come out, words fall, the three images vibrate, the way of good fortune in the entire prehistoric world is prominent, a wheel of good fortune floats out of the sky, and the world's good fortune is manifested!

The Taiji diagram vibrates and flashes, a golden bridge spans the two poles of the sky!

Hetu Luoshu shook and scattered, the sky was full of stars, a sea of ​​billions of stars!

The map of the mountains and rivers and the country trembled and fell, the mountains and rivers are boundless, and the earth is boundless!

 The climax is more difficult to write recently, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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