Chapter 388
Although Immortal Wu Yun felt that he would mention the Sacred Heart, as the head of the Seven Immortals who intercepted the teaching and served him, he was the one who protected the Tao, enlightened the Tao, opened the Tao, and preached the Tao.

Master Tongtian is not only the leader of Jiejiao, but also the teacher of Jiejiao's immortals, and the father of Jiejiao's immortals!

Wu Yunxian was secretly vigilant in his heart, and saluted: "In this case, the younger generation will bid farewell, and I will see you again before the Wanxian formation."

After finishing speaking, Wu Yunxian hurriedly pulled away, and flew back to Shilu in a blink of an eye.

Zhunti sighed, stretched out his hand to cover his palm, the palm was like the world, one palm was like a country, and the Buddhas of a country chanted, it was the Buddha country in the palm.

With one palm in the air, it dispelled endless air waves, spanned thousands of miles, covered Wu Yunxian in an instant, took it into the palm, and then turned the hand and lifted it, the palm facing upwards.

Wu Yunxian shrank a thousand times and was trapped in Zhunti's hands.

Zhun mentioned: "I made my little friend wronged. It's not for the poor's own selfishness. If the poor way let the little friend go at this time, you will be in trouble if you go away. The poor way has to use this method to save you!"

After all, he ignored Wu Yunxian's struggle, stretched out his hand and pointed to the back of his head, and the golden wheel of merit appeared, and a black and yellow merit was introduced into Wu Yunxian's body.

Immediately, Zhunti waved his other hand, and a boy in a water suit appeared. He took six pure bamboos in his hand and put a bunch of them on Wuyunxian in Zhunti's hand. It is a big golden crocodile with a big head and a small body, and the top of the head is smooth. Later, when the Western religion flourished, it was transformed into a wooden fish beaten by thousands of Buddhist monks in the shape of a black cloud fairy.

Zhunti said: "Put Wuyun Immortal in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, and feel the Buddha's Light and Three Awakenings."

Hearing the order, the boy took the Wuyun fairy from the six pure bamboos and went to the west.

Zhunti went eastward and came to the front of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

Yuan Shi smiled rightly, but Lao Tzu was silent, his eyes were red all over the sky.

Tong Tian said angrily: "Zhun Ti, how come you come here again and again to sabotage my matter of stopping my teaching?"

Zhunti bowed his head and sighed, and said in his mouth: "Sin, sin!" After that, he bowed to Tong Tian and saluted.

The three sages were startled, the six sages would just nod their heads when they met normally, the six sages only saluted Hongjun, no one had done such a big salute.

All the great powers in the world were amazed, and admired Zhunti Saint's mind, which was as broad as boundless, for the common people in the West, and bowed down to others with the dignity of a saint.

Tong Tian was also shocked, and said in a calm tone: "Zhunti Daoist, although you have a compassionate heart, you can't just take advantage of me to stop teaching, so let me teach you how to do it?"

Zhun Ti smiled again, but the smile contained immeasurable compassion. He said: "It's not that the poor Taoist only embarrasses fellow Taoists. Although the poor Taoist accepts people who are destined to be predestined in the world, it is not at will. In everything, we should pay attention to one thing. edge.

During the catastrophe, many disciples of Jiejiao have entered the catastrophe, and they have accumulated many murderous intentions in the past.

The poor way accepts them, but also rescues them, saves them from a catastrophe, and escapes death. "

Tong Tian looked down, and landed on the disciples of the Jiejiao. He felt a little uneasy. If he really lost, these disciples would be boundless in life and death. Guihui still has hope of being alive.

Look up to the sky, look at the sky, the sky is vast, and the sky is dark.

He closed his eyes and meditated. If he really lost, the Western religion would also be the way out.

When Tong Tian opened his eyes again, his eyes were clear and he stopped talking.

In the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation below, the Nanji Immortal and Taoist Lu Ya went deep into the formation. Here, the starry sky, the glazed cloud sky, the stars are all over the sky, and the nine bright stars are shining brightly. The 28 constellations are far away, in the endless stars. Connected into a star map.Nanji Xianweng stepped into the starry sky formation, while Taoist Lu Ya walked in front of the big formation of the four major disciples.

On Lu Ya's handsome face, there were bewildering eyes.Lu Ya looked over the four major disciples and landed on Qing Luo.

Qing Luo raised her head, her eyes met.The two suddenly laughed together.

Both of them are from the Nuwa faction, although they are in two camps at this time, the root of their interests is still the same.

Lu Ya smiled and said, "Poverty Daoist admires fellow Taoist very much, turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain."

Qing Luo laughed back and said: "Poverty Daoist also admires Fellow Daoist very much, he has a breeze in his sleeves, and he comes and goes freely."

Lu Ya nodded, then moved his eyes back and forth among the four disciples, and finally he looked at the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.

Lu presses into the formation, water travels in the realm of sky and sky, and water and fire overcome each other.

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit came out with a sword and sang: "

The three emperors have cultivated the Daotong, and all the phenomena hidden in the chest are infinitely wonderful.

Biyou palace fax formula, especially to the world of mortals to defeat the army. "

Lu Yajishou said: "The Daoists are friendly with supernatural powers, and the poor Daoist asked for advice, just to decide the outcome, please accept the fellow Daoist for mercy."

The Holy Mother of Guiling shook her head and said: "Fellow Daoist, you are humble. If I was in my prime, I might be able to win, but at this time, Pindao has lost some vitality, and my strength is not as good. Even if I am in a big formation, I can still win or lose. .”

And just when Lu Ya and Gui Ling faced each other, the hearts of Cihang, Manjusri, and Puxian suddenly throbbed. They were destined but lost, but they didn't know why.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at him, was shocked in his heart, couldn't help laughing and said: "It's so powerful, so calculating! Qing Luo, come out and answer!"

Qingluo's face was calm and calm, and he came out of the battle without any panic, and said: "Dare to ask the saint what advice?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Poverty Dao really almost caught your plan! Presumably this chaos of heaven is also your plan!"

Qing Luo shook his head and said: "The younger generation doesn't know what the sage said, and the younger generation is also incapable of doing so."

Tong Tian was thoughtful, while Lao Tzu looked at Qing Luo with surprise in his eyes.

Yuan Shi smiled and said: "It's okay if you don't admit it, Pindao knows your calculations.

Yun Zhongzi, come here! "

After hearing this, Yun Zhongzi hurried to Yuan Shi's side.

Yuan Shi stretched out his hand and took out a token, saying: "Go to the foot of Kunlun Mountain, summon these things, and go to Xiqi City to protect them."

Yun Zhongzi was surprised and accepted it, without asking a word, he immediately left Chuanyun Pass with his life.

With a smile in Yuanshi's eyes, he said: "Although you let the sage cover up the secret, the three people under my sect, Cihang Manjusri and Puxian, are related to the three immortals of Jiejiao. I have already understood that your calculation is actually In the mortal world.

Take advantage of this opportunity to destroy Xiqi, destroy the foundation of Zhou, and disperse the luck of Da Zhou. "

Qingluo's eyelids twitched slightly. Although he had guessed what was in his heart, he still said calmly: "Qingluo admires the wisdom of the sage. The younger generation is far behind."

His plan is, as Yuan Shi said, to take this opportunity to directly attack the city of Xiqi, which is the foundation of luck in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and Jiameng Pass is the closest pass to Xiqi. Together with the 20 troops defending the city and the four Da Luo Jinxians, it is enough to break through the city.

He originally wanted to save three of the seven immortals from being reduced to horses, but he didn't expect to involve the sage's heart, and Yuanshi came to his senses as soon as he pushed.

But Qing Luo will not be disappointed to be found out because of the calculation, because there are five people who have escaped their destiny in Jiameng Pass!

The three generals of the Mo family and Wen Zhong should have been on the list long ago, but they are still alive now, and there is Shen Gongbao there. Five people whose fate has been messed up, one of them is Shen Gongbao who is the source of disaster. Who can stop, who can stop?
 Something happened at home today. My dad got involved in the bureau because of a quarrel. Fortunately, the relationship came out, so the update was late.

  In fact, it’s also because of the anime The Legend of Mortal Cultivation. I watched it 8 years ago when I was in the first grade of junior high school. I read it four times. The book has influenced my life. Looking back, the vicissitudes of life have changed, but the book is still there. I don’t know why.

(End of this chapter)

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