Chapter 389
In Chaoge City, a person standing in front of Daji and King Zhou was Qukong.

Although Qu Kong concealed his appearance, but Daji is a nine-tailed demon fox, how could he forget his smell?

How could Daji forget that man who dared to sing the court song for a person, dared to resist humanity for a person back then?If Daji used to be, she would be happy and promiscuous, but now that she is a mother, she already knows human relations and understands human principles. A mother who has a child is the most humble and powerful woman in the world!
Daji looked at Qukong warily in her heart, and there was something ominous in her heart, which reminded Daji of what Xianzun once said, that she and Wu Geng can only live as one!
King Zhou didn't know this, he just laughed because Qu Kong was Qing Luo's disciple.

Qu Kong held the qin in both hands, and said: "I have seen the king of men, Xiaoxian was ordered by the virtuous to play a piece of string music for the king of men."

Although King Zhou was puzzled, he still laughed and said, "In that case, let the immortals play it!"

Qu Kong responded, sat down, and played the piano.

Concentrate the mind, purify the qi, gather the dharma, summon the spirit, call the soul!
Qu Kong's slender and jade-like ten fingers caressed the body of the qin, the qin is the phoenix's habitat, and the phoenix is ​​flying.


The Chinese music sounds, like the orchids in the empty valley, like the fairy music of the nine heavens, like the various forms of the world, like a soul-stirring!
When King Zhou heard it, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had heard this piano sound before.

King Zhou didn't know that when Boyi Kao played the piano, it was Boyi Kao's heart.Now the qin played by Qu Kong is still played by his heart!
Two people, two songs, but one heart!

When King Zhou listened to it, the more he listened, the more confused he became, and the more he listened, the more intoxicated he became. Even Daji gradually fell into the sound of the piano. Although the music of silk and bamboo is simple and easy, it always makes people confused.

In the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, Guidance still sits quietly in it, and the heart of the saint is thinking and hesitating.

After a long time, a boy came back to the Eight Treasures Merit Pond, closed his eyes to greet him, and then stood up not daring to disturb the saint.Connected to the dream, dreaming all the time, waking up and dreaming away, confused for thousands of generations, tranced for thousands of generations, no one knows whether the saint is sleeping or waking up.

The boy picked up six pure bamboos and put Wu Yunxian into the pool of eight treasures.

As soon as the fish enters the pool, the merits and virtues will rise, and the eight treasures and Buddha objects will surround the water with eight fixed merits and virtues. All the misfortunes and misfortunes on the fish will be eliminated, disasters will be eliminated, and evil will be killed.

Jieyin closed his eyes and opened them. He looked at a fish in the pool of merit. The fish swims without sex, and he can do whatever he wants!

The boy didn't realize that the sage opened his eyes, because in his countless years of cognition, the guiding sage hadn't opened his eyes a few times beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool.

The boy looked at the fish in the pond, and was eager to play, and wanted to take six more clean bamboos to play with the fish.

The guide said: "Don't be rude!"

The boy was startled, he quickly raised his head to look at the saint, and hurriedly bowed down.

Jie Yin said: "Since you come to our west, you are a guest, and you must treat them kindly."

The boy responded hurriedly.

Jieyin looked at the fish in the pond, shook his head and smiled, but there was endless suffering on his face, the bitterness blended with the smile, on the contrary, he looked even more bitter.

Take a step forward and head to the east.

In the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, the Antarctic fairy went deep into the starry sky formation, and the stars all over the sky turned accordingly, and the entire star world was turning, getting lost in direction and time.

The Antarctic fairy smiled and stretched out his hand to call. The stars in the Antarctic are twinkling, and the stars in the Antarctic are doubling.

Antarctica took one step forward and traveled thousands of miles, but it could only take a small step forward.

Jiuyao star flashes, among the nine main stars, the star is folded, and circles of black circles cover the South Pole.

The Antarctic pupil shrunk slightly, and this circle of light was the pure destructive power of the stars compressed by the power of the stars. Among them, even quasi-sages were taboo against the terrifying destructive power, and dared not deal with it lightly.

Antarctica stretches out its hand, and there are seven stars in the palm. The seven stars come out and hang in the southern sky. They are divided into seven main stars: Jing, Gui, Liu, Xing, Zhang, Yi, and Zhen. After the main star, 42 big stars appear, and after the 42 big stars appear 520 stars.

It is the southern seven constellations among the 28 constellations!
As soon as this star came out, it turned into a huge vermilion bird that covered the sky and covered the sun. The vermilion fire was flourishing, and the sky was full of fire, sparks, and fire, like thousands of falling meteorites, all crashing into the black circle of light.

The starry sky shattered, the interstellar mourned, and the 28 constellations were eclipsed, especially the seven constellations in the south, because the Antarctic fairy is also in charge of one of the seven constellations in the south, so the restraint is naturally greater!
Looking at the gloomy stars in the sky, the Antarctic fairy was slightly happy, took out his crutches, knocked down the sky with one stick, and passed through the void.
The Taoism of the Stars in Antarctica is the main practice of the good corpse avatar, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, and longevity, blessings and misfortunes are the Tao of Antarctic Immortals.

With a single crutch, he shot into the void, into the Shouyuan, and hit the southern Qisu Zhijing Xing, instantly debilitating his body and causing his soul to be seriously injured!
One star was missing, and the entire formation trembled, leaking out.

However, Anji still underestimated the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals, and the power of the other ten thousand formations was suddenly mobilized, and the ten thousand formations made up for a while, instantly suppressing the Antarctic immortal in the depths of the overlapping shadows of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face became gloomy. It is impossible to break the formation of ten thousand immortals if only these disciples are relied on.It seems that he still needs to do it himself!
In another four-element formation, Daoist Lu Ya turned into a fiery sun, and the fire burned, burning rivers and seas.

The Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit transforms into the body of a giant tortoise, invokes the basalt method, mobilizes the monstrous water, and submerges the whole world into a world of sea. Boil the waters of this world!

Yuanshi Tianzun on Qingyun said with a smile to Lao Tzu: "Look at what kinds of things he has under his sect. It's really funny that such things have to be cultivated to achieve true results!"

Lao Tzu just nodded his head slightly, but Zhunti just smiled and didn't say a word, ignoring it.

In the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, Sun Zheng was forced to flee out of the formation for fear of leaving Sun Zheng to stab the ground.He looked around in a blink of an eye, and fixed his eyes on the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit!
Fearing Liusun's inexplicable throbbing in his heart, feeling it, he hurriedly took out the fairy rope and sacrificed it to the four-element formation. .

Afraid to keep Sun Daxi behind, he said, "Shut up!"

The fairy rope was tightened suddenly, and the four feet were tied together. The huge body of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit suddenly lost its support, and she turned over and fell down.

Afraid to leave Sun Dao: "Fellow Daoist Lu Ya, kill the immortal flying knife, if you don't cut it now, when will you wait?"

Lu Ya raised his head and glanced at the excited grandson who was afraid of leaving behind, then looked at Qingluo again, his eyes met for a moment, Lu Ya said: "Don't worry, fellow daoist, I'm only fighting to break the formation and not to hurt anyone."

After finishing speaking, the Immortal Slayer Flying Knife flashed out in his hand, Lu Ya bowed and said, "Please turn around, baby!"

The next one, a flash of white light with thousands of speeds, slashed out, not the tortoise spirit, but the basalt formation spirit that shattered the four elephants, breaking the basalt formation in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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