Chapter 390
Once one of the Four Elephant Formation was broken, the other three formations were all depressed, obviously they were also implicated!The basaltic array scattered, and the water spirits scattered all over the sky.

Qing Luo clearly felt that the core of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation under his feet had become stronger!
Fearing Liusun saw Taoist Lu Ya leave, but he did not leave, instead he reached out and took out a Yikun yellow sword, and slashed at the giant tortoise.

But as soon as his sword hit the turtle spirit, a shocking emerald green brilliance knocked the sword away.

The giant tortoise roared, its voice full of anger!
The giant tortoise braced itself on all fours, and even split the fairy rope directly. The brilliance flashed, and it turned into the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.

At this moment, the turtle spirit is only angry, with eyes full of anger, wanting to burn the anger of the sky!The Holy Mother of the Guiling was full of aura, and the mighty aura of the quasi-sage formed a wave of air, which made the fearful grandson tremble.

The Holy Mother of Guiling didn't say a word, and after offering sacrifices to the Sun and Moon Divine Bead, she shot at the grandson of Fear. One day and one month, the sun and the moon complement each other, and the yin and yang separate. On Fear Liusun's body, there was no room for his reaction, and Fear Liusun's soul trembled, and his body was almost crushed!
Afraid of keeping Sun Daji away, he resisted the injuries all over his body, and fled away in a stream of light.He knew that Yuanshi would not save him if he fled to Yuanshi at this time, and Tongtian would not save him if he cut off his disciples.Because they are in a catastrophe, this is a catastrophe, and they have to cross it by themselves. The Saint Master has created a battlefield for them to measure the catastrophe. In the battlefield, life and death are determined by themselves. , that is the person who crosses the catastrophe!

Afraid to leave grandson to run away, Gui Ling chased after him.

After chasing without any hesitation, Gui Ling was very angry. Her formation was the first one to be broken among the [-] large magic formations, and it was the formation of her as the four major disciples, all because of this.The two are people who are facing each other for killing and robbery. Once the robbery energy enters the heart, it will spread all over the soul with the nameless fire, and they will lose their minds!
Gui Ling chased Fear Liusun, and Fear Liusun also ran west.His glimmer of hope told him that the West was destined to escape.Afraid to keep grandson and dare not fight Guiling, not only because of the difference in realm, but also because of Guiling's name, Jiwei Chanjie has the strongest temper among the disciples of the Second Sect. All will suffer!

And at the same time that the Holy Mother of Guiling chased her out of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, Qing Luo secretly activated the magic formula.

From Chuanyun Pass to the west, flowers bloom everywhere, and dandelion flowers spread thousands of miles and thousands of miles.Countless strands of spiritual thoughts converged into a strand of spiritual consciousness, surveying all directions.

Gui Ling chased Fear Liusun, the speed of escape became faster and closer, and the distance was getting closer, Fear Liusun became more and more frightened.

Seeing that the distance between the two was less than a thousand zhang, Gui Ling waved his hand and released the sun and moon beads, the sun and moon rose brightly, piercing through the sky in an instant.

Fear Liusun slapped his hands, and with one palm, he created a prison, sealed off the four directions, and everything can't be restrained, even if light enters it, he will be imprisoned.

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit sneered, took out a sword, and the clear water sword came out, the sky was blue, and the clouds were deep.

A sword flew out, flying faster than the turtle spirit, flying into the clouds, into the sky, the sword and the sky merged into a boundary of clear water, blue sky and white clouds, and a world shrouded Fear Liusun.

Although a prison can imprison everything, can it imprison a world?

The clear water and cloud sky seems beautiful and beautiful, but in the world is a green sea, a blue sea that will turn into raging sea waves if touched, and it will kill you if you touch it!

Fearing that Liusun's face would turn pale, he exhausted all his mana and fled away recklessly.

But the vastness of a world has already enveloped the endless and boundless space, even though Fear Liusun fled extremely fast, he still fell into the world!
The Holy Mother of Guiling laughed loudly and said: "Fear of leaving grandchildren, you will bring your own destruction today!"
Suddenly a sigh resounded from the sky and the earth, the sky and the earth were illusory, and all things were blurred.

A Taoist appeared next to Fear Liusun without knowing when.

Afraid to stay Sun Daxi said: "Thank you saint for saving me!"

Jieyin clasped his hands together and said, "Go!"

Afraid to keep Sun Xinxi, he hurriedly answered yes, and flew away.

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit entered the heart, although the murderous intention was already on the rise, but the saint's dignity can still be clearly distinguished.After she bent down and saluted, she hurriedly chased after Filiusun again.

With a touch of one hand, a golden lotus blooms and traps the turtle spirit. He said: "The four demons of greed, anger, infatuation, anger, and sadness, little friend, you have already fallen into killing demons, it's better to get out as soon as possible!"

Gui Ling said angrily: "Sages don't rely on the strong to bully the weak, this is the fate of killing the catastrophe, not some kindness!"

Jie Yin shook his head and said: "You and him are both our predestined guests in the West, and there will be a time for reconciliation!"

After finishing speaking, as soon as he put his hands together, the light of the Golden Lotus Buddha bloomed, shining so that the Virgin of the Golden Spirit reappeared in its original form.

Then he asked: "Where is Bailian Boy?"

A boy in white clothes suddenly appeared beside Jinlian, kneeling on the ground.

This is the soul boy transformed by the white lotus who received him, but he didn't know that when he went to Zhuxian to cover the sea of ​​blood with the white lotus, something also included with the white lotus.It was also the person who collected the white lotus later on, Medicine Master Buddha, instead of taking it back in person, so it was never discovered that there was also an evil thing coming out of the sea of ​​blood.

He said: "You put the turtle spirit into the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, and I will deal with it when I return."

Boy Bailian listened to the order, put away the golden lotus, and headed west.

Then take the lead and step out in one step, and the lotus flowers in the sky descend on the formation of ten thousand immortals.

The moment she stepped onto the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, Qing Luo also left the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

Return to the land in the Western Zhou Dynasty, Xiqi City.

The war is chaotic and chaotic, shouting and killing. An army of 40 came out from the middle of Jiameng Pass, approached the city, and besieged Xiqi City.

Wen Zhong was the commander-in-chief, using his troops like a god, and an army of 40 attacked Xiqi City again!
Returning to this old place, Wen Zhong was deeply moved. He came here a few years ago, sent troops to the west, and suffered a disastrous defeat. When he returned, all his trusted disciples died!

Now, he returns again and attacks the city again!
Xiqi only has 20 troops left, and the generals and coaches are far inferior to Wen Zhong's military calculations. Xiqi's four gates are severely attacked. Breakthrough!
Wen Zhong was overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered to march into the city.

But the next moment, a white light flashed in the sky, and a cloud wall protected Xi Qi!

Wen Zhong was furious, and looked at the person who came, Yun Zhongzi, the true immortal of Fude!
Wen Zhong's robbery!

Wen Zhong stood up and said to the four immortals beside him: "Please also invite the four uncles to fight together, suppress Yun Zhongzi, break through the city as soon as possible, and complete the task of senior Qingluo."

The Four Immortals laughed and said, "It should be so."

After saying that, the four immortals flew out of the camp and surrounded Yun Zhongzi.

The inexplicable throbbing in Wen Zhong's heart subsided a little.The reason why he said suppression was because he knew that Yun Zhongzi was a true immortal with luck and blessings, and, even if it was four battles and one, it would take a lot of time to kill Yun Zhongzi. A half-step quasi-sage Da Luo powerhouse is by no means simple.

Qing Luo explained that a single dispatch of troops can only be fought quickly, and there must be no delay!

(End of this chapter)

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