Chapter 391 Mosquito Taoist (third update)
On the way to the west, the boy Bailian was heading back west with the clouds on his back. As he was walking, he suddenly felt a slight movement in the lotus platform!

The boy Bailian was startled. The Twelve-Rank Merit Golden Lotus is the treasure of his western religion to suppress luck. The defense is so strong that few people in the whole prehistoric world can break it. The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit has been bound by the teacher's Buddha beam, how can she still struggle?
He hurriedly waved his sleeve robe, and the twelve-grade lotus platform flew out, the golden light of merit and virtue slowly turned, and the supremely bright and benevolent light bloomed, and the turtle spirit was also trapped in it and could not struggle.

Seeing this, Bai Lian boy felt a little at ease, probably because he was thinking too much.

He wanted to put away the lotus platform.

But Bai Lian boy looked in front of him again, and suddenly found a small blood-red mosquito lying on the lotus platform.

He couldn't help laughing: "This childish creature, how can a golden lotus with twelve merits be eaten by an ant like you?"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to pat the mosquito.

The boy clapped his palm, and the Buddha's light rose in his palm, hitting the spirit mosquito.

Unexpectedly, when the boy slapped his palm, he felt as if his palm had been pricked by a needle. The pain came, and he just let out a cry and lost consciousness.

It turned out that this mosquito actually sucked up the essence of Bailian boy's essence in an instant, and devoured his primordial spirit!
The little blood-red mosquito turned into a sharp-nosed, thin, hideous Taoist priest in a flash!

He chuckled and said, "Little boy, how dare you laugh at me? It's a pity that I don't even know how I died!"

This person is the famous Mosquito Taoist in later generations!

It came from the same source as the ancestor Styx, and both were conceived from the sea of ​​blood.

But Taoist Mosquito was born late, and the luck of the blood sea has been occupied by Styx. Those who hide from XZ avoid the ancestor of Styx.

Now, he greedily looks at the lotus platform in front of him, one of the most precious lotus platforms in the world, and it is made of the lotus seeds that gave birth to the 36th-grade good fortune green lotus of Pangu Great God.
How many spirit treasures this is the dream of great powers!But also because of the last four words of "Sage Supreme Treasure", no one has ever dared to pay attention to it!
But now someone has an idea for it!

At this time, at the end of the calamity, the heavenly secrets are the most chaotic and disorderly. If he took this lotus platform at this time and hid in the deepest part of the sea of ​​blood, even a saint would be helpless!

But Taoist Mosquito thought for a while that this method is not good, not to mention that the most virtuous thing on the lotus platform is against him, the terrifying and omnipotent supernatural power of the saint alone is enough to make him terrified, even if the sea of ​​blood is boundless , if he can't stop the saint, then he will be worse than dying!
Thinking of this, he no longer wanted to take away the entire lotus platform.

He looked at the unconscious Turtle Spirit Madonna inside, his eyes lit up with greed again, and he even stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. What a wonderful body, what a body that makes people greedy!

Surging magic power as high as the sky and the sea, the blood of ancient beasts, and the aura of innate gods and spirits, and the purification of pure flesh and blood. Daoist Mosquito assures that he has never drunk the blood and body of such a wonderful holy quasi-sage in his life!

His desire for blood is stronger and stronger than the beast's desire for fresh meat!
Blood is his life!
Daoist Mosquito immediately appeared, a blood-red Spirit Mosquito!
Of course, in order not to attract attention, he only reduced to a size of several feet, with waving wings, slender hands and feet, and a thin body. The most frightening thing is its sharpest beak in the world!
If the Zhuxian Sword is the most powerful sword for killing Dao and the world, then Daoist Mosquito's long needle, which gathers the essence of the sea of ​​blood and possesses supernatural powers, is the most powerful needle in the world!
No matter whether it is a spiritual treasure or a supreme treasure, whether it is acquired or innate, no matter whether it is a human or a beast, no matter how powerful the physical body is, even the body of an ancestor witch, it has absolute confidence to destroy it!
Because, its mouth is not only sharp, but also more powerful against flesh and blood, specializing in breaking defenses and powerful bodies!What its mouth likes most is to plunge into the most powerful flesh, absorbing the most beautiful and fresh flesh and blood, which will make it feel extremely excited and happy, from the primordial spirit to the comfort of the flesh, dripping and dripping!
Daoist Mosquito pierced the twelfth-grade golden lotus with its sharp beak, and the sound of the symphony of golden swords was triggered in an instant.

Although one thing is strong, there will be something restrained!
Just like the twelfth-grade virtuous golden lotus, although its defense is extremely strong, it is still a genus of gold and wood. After all, it was restrained by the sharp beak of the mosquito Taoist, bit by bit, bit by bit, and bit by bit, it separated the lotus platform!
And under this sky, there are a few dandelion flowers growing from the wild flowers and grass everywhere. The dandelion flowers are blooming, and the flower clusters are like eyes. In the eyes!

Qing Luo, who was looking for it but couldn't find it, suddenly found it, and immediately franticly frantically flew towards that place.

On that day, he asked Teng Liu to sow countless flower seeds for this day!You can investigate and find the traces of the Guiling Madonna meeting the Mosquito Taoist!
During the catastrophe, cause and effect are chaotic, secrets are not revealed, and his plan cannot be revealed, so he can only prepare like this!

In the time of one stick of incense, the twelfth-rank lotus platform golden lotus split into two places, one was the ninth-rank lotus platform, and the third-rank lotus platform entered the belly of Taoist Mosquito!
Although Daoist Mosquito ate the third grade, he couldn't digest it at all, and had no choice but to spit it out again.

He didn't care to look at the power of merit and luck scattered on the twelve-pin lotus platform. He only looked excitedly at the unconscious turtle spirit. Such a wonderful body was about to be eaten by him.

However, the next moment, an ancient picture suddenly appeared, and a colossal force directly absorbed the world with a radius of ten thousand zhang into the picture, and naturally also absorbed Taoist Mosquito, Golden Lotus of Merit, and Our Lady of Turtle Spirit into it!

Daoist Mosquito was startled, he flipped his hand and released hundreds of millions of blood mosquitoes, covering the sky and covering the ground. He also transformed into a small mosquito and hid in the mosquito swarm. If any enemy approached, then he would be a god of death in the mosquito swarm.

These hundreds of millions of mosquitoes are all his descendants, and their auras are very similar. He hides in it, every mosquito may be him, and every mosquito may not be him!
With this move, you can save your life by retreating, and kill the enemy by advancing!
Qing Luo, who was hidden in the creation map, had a slightly condensed expression. To deal with this kind of vicious person, only being more vicious and using viciousness to control viciousness can be effective!
The map of good fortune, there are many creatures multiplying in the good fortune world, and the swarms of insects flying all over the sky cover the sky and cover the sky, and all the creatures that pass by will perish!

Qing Luo stretched out his hand, and 27 thorns spiraled out along his wrist, turning into 27 python-like existences, and pounced on the hundreds of millions of mosquitoes. Countless thorns stood up, and the body of thorns rushed towards the mosquito swarm.

Countless mosquitoes pierce the body of thorns, and countless thorns pierce the body of mosquitoes. This is a contest between mosquitoes and thorns, needles and needles!

(End of this chapter)

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