Chapter 392 Blood Mosquito Despair

Hundreds of millions of blood mosquitoes covered the sky and covered the ground, pouring ink like a cloud of blood, making a deafening buzzing sound, disturbing people's hearts.

No one cares about the buzzing sound of a mosquito, but the buzzing sound of tens of thousands, billions, or even nearly a billion Blood Spirit mosquitoes vibrates at an extremely fast frequency, directly shattering the space, causing mountains, rivers, plants and trees to shatter. Was shattered into fly ash.

Moreover, one billion blood spirit mosquitoes directly included 27 thorns in the insect swarm, and the mosquitoes were all over the body of the thorns. Even if each mosquito only sucked a little bit of flesh and blood, they could completely devour the thorns.

But, still the same sentence, one thing falls one thing!No matter how many blood spirit mosquitoes there are, as long as they touch the body of the purple blood thorn, they will be swallowed by the thorn in an instant!
Especially the purple blood spirit flower blooming on each thorn, each time it is sucked, it can directly swallow tens of thousands of spirit mosquitoes.

Countless mosquitoes inserted needles into the body of Purple Blood Thorn, but not a single mosquito could pull it out again!Because the needles inserted into it were all swallowed by the purple blood thorns, and the bodies of those mosquitoes would also be swallowed inside!
Qing Luo, who was hiding in the sky, looked at the engulfing battle below, and was overjoyed. This was another opportunity for Purple Blood Thorn!
He thought so happily, but Taoist Mosquito was angry.These are the disciples and grandchildren who he spent a lot of effort to raise, which will be of great help to the future killing of corpses, so he naturally does not want the mosquito swarm to lose too much.

However, in this world space, he could not detect the breath of a cultivator, and he had no idea where the enemy was or who the enemy was.I am clear and my enemy is dark!He didn't dare accept this most mysterious defense!

Mosquito Taoist's defense is very poor. Although he is only the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian, he has the sharpest needle weapon in the world that can break ten thousand armors, and he is even more powerful in sneak attacks.

Although some people say that the way of heaven is unfair, it is also fair.God gave Taoist Mosquito a peerless attacking weapon, but it also left behind his weak and vulnerable body!

Mosquito Taoist's body is very fragile, so Mosquito Taoist has no sense of security and is very afraid of death.

And Qing Luo wants Daoist Mosquito to die!

He and Taoist Mosquito have formed a bond, such an enemy who hides in the dark and can give you a fatal blow at any time, is the most terrifying, impossible to guard against, a negligence is a fall!
If it was outside, Qing Luo would still be very entangled in how to deal with Taoist Mosquito, but in the creation map, he looked at Taoist Mosquito as if he were looking at a dead person.

Because, in this creation map, he is the principle, he is the law of order, and he is the master!

Qing Luo wants to hide, but no one can detect her body.Unless this person's Dao Realm surpassed Qingluo, walked higher than him on the Three Thousand Avenues, and the world was higher, he would naturally be able to see him.

It's a pity that Taoist Mosquito is not such a powerful Taoist.

Qing Luo waved her hand, and the world below her, space, flowers and plants, earth, mountains and rivers all slowly recovered.

This is not to use Qing Luo's mana to recover, but to use the derived power of the whole world to self-generate and self-repair.

Daoist Mosquito began to panic, the unknown is the scariest thing!The same is true for immortals.

Daoist Mosquito is very bitter and aggrieved.This kind of invisible enemy is the most terrifying, even if he has the sharpest needle in the world, he can't pierce the enemy!
He looked at the fewer and fewer mosquito swarms, and at the gradually repairing world below him, a flash of inspiration flashed in Taoist Mosquito's heart.

There are only more than 8 million spirit mosquitoes left, suddenly startled, flew into the sky, and flew towards the edge of this world.Since this enemy did not show up, it seems that this person may know that he is following him, and his cultivation is not high, so he dare not fight him head-on.

This enemy traps himself with a world, then he breaks the world, see how this person traps him?
Qing Luo looked in the direction that Taoist Mosquito was flying away, and realized in his heart, but he was not in a hurry.

Mosquito Taoist's idea is really good. With the power of his needle, even the best innate spirit treasure can be broken, and it is naturally feasible to break the good fortune map.

But what if Taoist Mosquitoes can't get close to the edge of the world?
Daoist Mosquito hid among the blood mosquitoes all over the sky, and flew to the extreme north at an extremely fast speed, but he couldn't get rid of the purple blood thorns that were also chasing after him.

Purple blood thorns are like hunters chasing prey, blood mosquitoes are prey, and thorns are hunters!The number of mosquitoes is getting smaller and smaller. Although the number is small compared to more than 8 million blood mosquitoes, it can't last for a long time!
Mosquito Taoist was angry and aggrieved in his heart, he had never even met the enemy, yet he was forced to such a fate!

Daoist Mosquito was angry in his heart, he wanted to test this enemy, and teach these annoying thorns a lesson by the way.

In the cloud of blood all over the sky, an extremely thin and extremely long slender blood needle suddenly protruded, and stabbed at the king of thorns who swallowed mosquitoes' favorite!

The blood needle pierced the Thorn King, and Thorn suddenly trembled and twitched violently, as if his flesh and blood essence was about to be swallowed up.

But at the next moment, an extremely thick black beam of light descended from the sky, exuding an aura of annihilating all things, and hit Taoist Mosquito, who leaked his aura among the swarm of mosquitoes!
Daoist Mosquito turned pale with fright, he couldn't care less about devouring the flesh and blood in King Thorn's body, he drew the needle and ran away, hiding his breath again and hiding among the mosquitoes.


With an earth-shattering bang, the black beam of light directly wiped out tens of thousands of blood spirit mosquitoes, and hit the ground unabated, shattering countless mountains and rivers, and destroying the continent in an instant!

Fear rose in Taoist Mosquito's heart. Such a powerful power was enough to destroy him without even a trace of his true spirit!He was terrified in his heart, and said with a blood cloud: "This fellow Taoist, please be merciful. The poor Taoist has lived in the mountain gate for a long time. He has never stepped into the wild for millions of years, and has never made enemies with anyone. Could it be that the fellow Taoist has found the wrong enemy?"

Qing Luo ignored it, he wanted to kill this Taoist Mosquito.Even if Taoist Mosquito's breath leaked just now, he could use the power of heaven and earth to restrain his body, and then use the five extinction lights to destroy it.

But he didn't do that, because he fell in love with Taoist Mosquito's body, the world's sharpest needle on his body, the ability to pierce armor is second to none, the first needle in the world, Qing Luo was very moved!
Taoist Mosquito fell in love with the body of the Holy Mother of Guiling, and Qing Luo also fell in love with Taoist Mosquito's body. The cycle of cause and effect is really amazing!

Qing Luo sat cross-legged in the void, and the Five Spirit Gourd floated beside him. Once Taoist Mosquito's breath leaked out, he would force him to hide with a thunderous blow.

The purple blood thorns were still devouring the swarm of blood spirit mosquitoes non-stop. After the king of thorns weakened, he still chased and devoured the swarm of mosquitoes even more frantically.

Mosquito Taoist hurriedly urged Duan Guang, but he found that the more he urged, the slower he was.

In the void, Qingluo mobilized the power of the world to press down on the blood cloud, making it only a hundred miles in an instant because of ten times the resistance!
At the same time, Qingluo closed her eyes, and the way of good fortune was derived in her body. At the northernmost end of the world that Taoist Mosquito rushed towards, the edge of this world was retreating again, and the territory of this world was expanding again, even wider!

Mosquito Taoist flew more and more desperate, he looked to the north, the end of the world seemed to be in front of him, but he could never reach it, always separated by thousands of rivers and mountains, always separated by a line of heaven and earth, he couldn't reach it!

Taoist Mosquito's needle is very sharp, his needle can break through everything in the world under the saint and become invincible, but the person who holds the invincible needle may not be invincible in the world!

His needles can pierce all things and drink the blood of all living beings, but they cannot pierce the sky or the earth in the map of creation.Because his needle cannot touch the high pole of the sky, nor can it penetrate the deep pole of the earth.

The moment he entered the creation map, he may be doomed to die.

Taking the world as a cage, taking the world as a prison, people who are banned may have hope and hope outside this world, but in this world there is only death!
(End of this chapter)

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