Chapter 409
When the Antarctic fairy left, Yun Zhongzi happened to return.

He was ashamed and blamed himself, and when he came, he knelt down in front of the Xianjiao immortals and apologized.

Nanji sighed, stepped forward to help Yun Zhongzi himself, and said: "Junior Brother, don't blame yourself. Since Master didn't blame you, it's not your negligence. You've done your best, it's not your fault!"

Yun Zhongzi stood up, looking at the decadent aura of the second and third generation disciples of Chanjiao, he still felt deeply remorseful in his heart.

Qing Luo on the side listened and sighed.Yun Zhongzi tried his best, but he couldn't win if he worked hard!Luo Xuan is willing to work hard, life and death without fear, so he has great courage and great ability.

Explain and teach the immortals to go back on the clouds, how beautiful it is when they come, and how lonely when they return.

Jiang Ziya didn't go back, he stood on the Jiepai Pass, here is the stop of educating and teaching, and the stop of his battle of fate.

At that time, Shen Gongbao and others also returned.

Shen Gongbao stopped and looked at Jiang Ziya at the gate.

The two former senior brothers, once the fateful enemies of the catastrophe, are now divided!
Jiang Ziya was defeated, but his heart was not defeated.He has experienced many ups and downs, and he has shrunk the victory and defeat of the entire calamity into his destiny, which is nothing more than another big ups and downs.

Jiang Ziya smiled and said, "You won!"

Although Shen Gongbao was happy, he was not happy.He replied: "Thank you!" Shen Gongbao turned his head and left.

Jiang Ziya looked at Shen Gongbao's back, and his eyes lit up with fire, which was the true fire of Samadhi.The fire burned all over Jiang Ziya's body. He wants to be released into reincarnation. In this life, his path stops here, and he will come again in the next life.

King Wu, no, it was Ji Fa who rushed over and asked in surprise, "What is the Prime Minister doing?"

Jiang Ziya looked back at Ji Fa with a smile, took out a bag and said: "The guilty minister is defeated, and I apologize with my own body. This bag can protect your life, and the old minister is gone!"

After the voice fell, the wind blew and the fire scattered, and a soul flew into the cycle of reincarnation.Ji stood in a daze, watching the disappearance of all the immortals and Jiang Ziya, weeping, picked up the kit, turned and left.

Immortals can float away with the wind, but he can't. He is the descendant of Xiqi, and he is responsible for the life and death of all people in Xiqi. There is no mountain to rely on, so he forms a mountain of his own, towering in the sky.

The Ten Thousand Immortal Formation dissipated when the Cloud Piercer was closed, and the final battle was over, the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation had completed its mission, its mission in the world.

Shen Gongbao returns, Wen Taishi returns, Qiu Shou Xian, Ling Ya Xian, Jin Guangxian returns, Qu Kong returns.

Their fate has changed, and the trajectory of their fate has turned to an unknown direction.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit first bowed and bowed to Qingluo.

Afterwards, all three thousand disciples of Jiejiao bowed down and saluted.

"Thank you for your kindness, fellow daoist!"

With a smile on her face, Qing Luo didn't dodge, accepting the gift calmly.

He is already the mighty power of heaven and earth, the mighty power standing on the top of the prehistoric place, he is no longer the humble little fairy who was cautious and careful every step of the way.

He has become a great evil, and he has also become a person who can set off a storm in the world. Therefore, he will not have the modesty that he should not have, because he is a great power in the world.

But he will still have the modesty he should have, because there are still many predecessors on the road worthy of admiration and respect.

Qing Luo raised her hand and said with a smile: "The battle of calamity is not my work. If there were no battle where the leader gave up everything, if there were no battles where you risked your life, if there were no disciples who sacrificed silently to stop teaching, we won't win.

You are all victors in this war, and we bear the long-cherished wishes of the dead.You live for the dead, and you live for yourselves. "

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit nodded and said goodbye to Qing Luo.Three thousand disciples flew into the sky and flew eastward through the clouds.

In the world, return to peace and tranquility.

Before Chuanyun Pass, there were four more people.

Qing Luo goes first, and Qu Kong follows.Shen Gongbao and Wen Zhong looked at each other and followed.

Under the setting sun, a group of four traveled from west to east.

This is the end of the battle of measuring calamity, and it may also be the scene of the next measuring calamity.

. . .

Qing Luo appeared outside Chaoge City, looking at the still prosperous King City on Earth, she smiled with relief.

The four entered the city and walked on foot, passing through the city full of vehicles and horses, but no one noticed the four of them.

Because they are immortals, the common people are ordinary, immortals are different, and immortals return to two divisions!

Chaoge Fengshen was under the stage, and Qingluo arrived.

The excitement in Shen Gongbao's eyes could not be suppressed no matter what.He rebelled against the interpretation of teachings, and was an enemy of a religion, a sage, and a god, and what he relied on was only a Qingluo.But he is a winner!
Wen Zhong's eyes were sad.Because the Lutai opposite to the Fengshentai was destroyed and gone, King Zhou died.

Wen Zhong felt sad again.

His disciple died because of him.His general died because of him.His descendants died because of him.

Wen Zhongxin was very tired. After experiencing the death of people close to him one by one, he was heartbroken again and again.

Qing Luo looked at him with a smile, and said: "Since you are tired, then go back."

Wen Zhong nodded, and said: "The words of the sage are exactly what Wen Zhong thinks in his heart."

Qing Luo looked at the palace, and said again: "But you can't let Wu Geng go.

Wen Zhong, the Xia Dynasty lasted for 10 years, and it finally perished.Their kings are passed down from generation to generation.Your love will also be passed on from generation to generation, and you will serve the country wholeheartedly.

However, there will be no immortal dynasty in the world, and the replacement of dynasties is inevitable. "

Wen Zhong's heart trembled, he pondered for a long time, and finally nodded with difficulty.

Qing Luo looked back at Shen Gongbao, and said with a smile: "Are you ready to attract the attention of all the immortals in the world?
Once on this platform, you are the center of the heaven and the earth, the sky and the earth are held together by you! "

Hearing this, Shen Gongbao took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

Qing Luo also nodded, "Since it's done, let's go!"

Shen Gongbao stepped forward and walked to the extremely high Conferred God Stage.

He took the first step and stepped down the steps, making very steady footsteps.

Qing Luo also let Wen Zhong go, went to the palace, waited with the King of Man, and waited with the Emperor Haotian!
Above the Nine Heavens Realm, the Lingxiao Palace.

Haotian, Queen Mother, and all the gods looked solemnly at Chaoge and at Shen Gongbao who was taking the stage!

The rise and fall of the heavenly court are all related to the Conferred God Platform, a mortal platform!
Shen Gongbao took the stage, one step at a time, step by step, steady but not slow.

Around the Conferred God Stage, there was no one other than Qing Luo and Qu Kong.The Fengshentai is very quiet here, so quiet that only the footsteps of Shen Gongbao can be heard.

Step by step, stepping on the Conferred God Stage, stepping on the hearts of many great supernatural beings in the world.

Countless countless immortals, all staring at him.

Shen Gongbao stepped onto the stage, and every time he took a step, an acre of sky cloud would hang down from the nine heavens, and a golden light would rise above the earth.

The luck of heaven connects to the gods, and the luck of humanity connects to the gods.

The Conferred Gods Stage gradually became sacred and more stalwart. The brilliance of the Conferred Gods List and the God Whip on the Conferred Gods Stage became more dazzling.

Beside the Conferred God Stage, no one supported the guard of honor, but the sky was sublimated for it, and the earth was radiant for it.Heaven and earth are crowning it, why do you need anything else?

(End of this chapter)

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