Chapter 410 Conferred God One
Shen Gongbao continued to step on the stage, the sun and the moon gradually rose together, and the silver light of the great sun shone on the stage of conferred gods.

On the sky, countless stars are gradually twinkling, and the sea of ​​stars is shining brightly.

Winds and clouds rise from all directions, and rain and snow come from all directions.

Thousands of mu of sky and clouds, ten thousand golden lights.

Wanbu ascended the stage, and Shen Gongbao reached the top of the Conferred God Stage.

At this moment, the Conferred God Stage was the center of the entire world.Standing on the stage, you can overlook the whole world.

At this moment, the Conferred God Stage is extremely high, it can touch the sky, and it can reach the ground.

Shen Gongbao walked to the center of the Fatai, and solemnly bowed to the sky once, once to the earth, once again to the world, and three times to heaven, earth and people.

In the sky and on the ground, endless brilliance rose instantly, auspicious colors spread all over the sky, and the brilliance illuminated Kyushu.

Qing Luozai is watching Shen Gongbao, Wu Geng is watching, Wen Zhong is watching, Haotian Queen Mother is watching, Zhen Yuanzi is watching, Minghe Patriarch is watching, Beiming Kunpeng is watching, the great monster left over from ancient times is watching, ancient Legacy witches are watching,. . .Nuwa is watching, the Second Saint of the West is watching, Sanqing who has returned to the dojo is watching, and the disciples of the Second Sect of Chanjie are watching!

The eyes of infinite immortals stared at him, and there were countless eyes watching from all directions. These eyes were very heavy, and few people could bear them.

Shen Gongbao endured it.

He walked to the list of gods, bowed to Donghai Biyou Palace and said: "Respectfully invite the Taishang Wuji Hunyuan Sect Leader Tongtian Sage Fuji."

In Donghai Biyou Palace, Tongtian smiled and pointed.On the stage of conferring gods, the sheng reeds in the air are resounding, the fragrance is dense, the banners are covered with feathers, and the yellow scarf warriors are flocking.

The golden talisman of the Zifu descends to the jade platform, and the three platforms are covered with feathers and banners.Lei Wen's fire fights are divided into successive order, and the stars are listed in order.

The selflessness of picketing is called the highest virtue, and it breeds self-sequence and long-term talents.Immortals, gods, men and ghosts will be determined from now on, and the dynasty will not fall into the grass.

The talisman descended and was enshrined under the list of gods.Jiejiao's luck shows that the sky is blue and the sea is endless, and it is introduced into the list of gods.

As soon as the Jiejiao luck enters, it instantly induces the luck of the heaven above the nine heavens to drop countless smallpox and lead them into the list of gods.

Wen Zhongli, who was beside Wu Geng, said, "Please give me an order from the king!"

Although Wu Geng was only five years old, he was a man of great fortune and majesty. He took a step forward and stood on the altar of the central palace, in front of the Kyushu tripod, and said: "My human life is full of disasters, and I should entrust the gods of the heavens to cultivate human karma. Power. Introduce people's luck, seal the gods!"

As soon as the words fell, a golden dragon rose from the Zhongzhou Wangding, soaring into the sky, and the Octagonal Golden Dragon also shook, and the dragon and snake rose to the ground.

Lao Tzu's eyebrows twitched, and the luck of humanity has also been included in the list of gods. Humanity and heaven are equal to the gods, which means a lot.

Yuan Shi sat on the cloud bed of Yuxu Palace, his face remained motionless. In any case, Fengshen had nothing to do with him anymore.

In Biyou Palace, Tongtian looked at King Ren with a smile, but said nothing.

In Huoyun Cave, Taoist Ji Gua smiled in relief.

Emperor Haotian was surprised, but he didn't say anything.

Jiejiao Luck, Heavenly Court Luck, Human Dao Luck, the luck of the three parties are combined in the list of gods!
At this time, the list of gods is extremely sacred and has infinite divine power!
Shen Gongbao held a whip in his hand, straightened his body solemnly, and said: "I, Shen Gongbao, invite the gods of heaven, earth, people, and gods to enshrine the gods!"

Fengshen, it has begun, this is the time to share the results of the battle!

The misty fragrance and colorful clouds are born, and the road is full of praises and congratulations to Taiping.The auspicious light of the North Pole covers the ground, and the purple air from the south surrounds Jincheng.

All the immortals will ascend to fruit on this day, and all the saints will return to chastity in the Ming Dynasty.For thousands of years, we have worshiped and sacrificed to the far away, and from now on, we will protect the country and clarify it forever.

Shen Gongbao saluted and proclaimed:

Taishang Wuji Hunyuan Sect Leader Tongtian Sage said:

Alas!Immortals and all roads are far away, how can one go without thick bacon; gods and ghosts are divided, how can they flatter and steal? The eyes are refined on the island, and the three corpses have not been killed, and it will end in 500 years of calamity; always hold the truth One is in the entrance, if you have not transcended the Yang God, it is difficult to go to the promise of the Three Thousand Wonderlands. . . .You wait for it to abide by the Hongrui, not to be selfish, to provoke others, to benefit Yi, to keep the seal forever, and to master the silk.So Zierchi, Erqiqinzai!

After Shen Gongbao read the imperial edict, he put the talisman seal on the table, holding the spirit banner in his left hand, and the whip in his right hand, stood in the center, and said: "Bai Jian can hang the list of gods on the table, and all the gods should enter in order. , not to take the blame."

Bai Jian is the god who attends the list of gods, wherever the list of gods is, he will be there!

Bai Jian received the decree and hung the list of gods on the table with Xuanguang.

The brilliance of the Conferred Gods List was unleashed, and all the immortals and true spirits who were included in Xiqi and Chaoge appeared prominently, but almost all of them were in a state of confusion, their memory was dusted, and their spiritual intelligence fell.

When Bai Jian saw it, he walked up to the immortals and true spirits holding the soul flag in his hand, waved the soul flag, and led the group of true spirits into the altar, knelt down under the altar, and listened to the heavenly edict.

Shen Gongbao's prestige was born in his words, and he was implicated in the fate of Fengshenbang. At this moment, he was not only Shen Gongbao, but also the host of the three directions of heaven and man.

He preached: "Today, under the order of the Supreme Emperor Tongtian, Erbojian was the commander-in-chief of Emperor Xuanyuan in the past. He conquered Chiyou and made great achievements. Unfortunately, he died in Beihai and sacrificed his life to serve the country. He is commendable for his loyalty. He has always fallen, and his injustice is still sympathetic. Today. You are appointed as the leader of the Three Realms, and the eight divisions and 360 five Qingfu righteous gods. Er Qiqin!"

In the shadow of the wind and wind on the stage, Bai Jian was surrounded by the wind and clouds on the list of gods, and the incense and mist hovered, creating a new body and regaining a new life!Overjoyed, Bai Jian kowtowed his head in gratitude, and went outside the altar, holding a Bailing banner in his hand, to serve the conductor.

Shen Gongbao holds the whip in his hand, and his heart is connected with the list of gods.The god position on the list of gods has both the will of humanity and luck, the will of the saints who cut off religion, and the will of heaven.

With a clear understanding in his heart, he preached again: "Invite Huang Tianhua to the stage to listen to the seal."

After a while, the God of Qingfu led Huang Tianhua to the stage with a flag, and knelt down to listen to the imperial order read out.

Shen Gongbao said: "I am ordered by the Supreme Master Tongtian, Huang Tianhua, to serve the country loyally as a young man, and to make a great contribution when he goes down the mountain. He is especially filial to save his father. He did not enjoy the honorary title. He sacrificed his horse leather. The situation is really painful. The reward will be given. When you are generous, you are specially appointed to the post of Lord Bingling, the righteous god of the three mountains. You are so dear!"

Although Huang Tianhua killed the Four Sages of Jiulong Island, he himself died in the melee of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. He kowtowed to thank him under the altar, and three regiments of luck were divided into three groups on the list of gods to bless him. The position, the godhead is generated from the center of the eyebrows and hidden into the altar, and the power of faith is used to reshape the new body. Once the body is completed, the spirit and soul are immediately clear, and they get rid of the muddle.

Shen Gongbao re-introduced: "Introduce the disciples of the foreign sages of the human race, and Qu Kong stepped forward to listen to the seal!"

Qu Kong was stunned, he never thought that he could be made a god!

Qing Luo smiled: "Go, this is a gift from the teacher!"

Qu Kong nodded, flew onto the stage, and listened to the seal.

Not only Qu Kong was surprised, but all the great powers in the world were all surprised. They were surprised that Qing Luo asked his disciples to confer gods, what kind of gods would they confer?What's the plan?
The name of Qing Luo has now spread to the ears of countless powerful people. People who can change the world with the body of ants are not trivial. They will pay attention to every word and deed of Qing Luo, and dare not ignore the slightest bit.

(End of this chapter)

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