Chapter 412 Conferred God End

After the gods of Leibu were sealed, they became the gods of Huobu.

Luo Xuan was granted the position of the righteous god of the southern three qi fire stars, and he still led the five righteous gods of the fire department to perform their duties and inspect the good and evil in the world.

Tail Fire Tiger: Zhu Taboo Moves Room Fire Pig: Gao Taboo Shock
Fire Monkey: Fang Taboo Noble-winged Fire Snake: Wang Taboo Jiao
The Lord of Fire: Liu Yuhuan
Lu Yue was granted the post of the Great Emperor Wen Haotian, and led the six righteous gods of the plague department, and let you carry out any occasional illness.Names and taboos of the six righteous gods of the Ministry of Plague:
The Messenger of the Eastern Plague: Zhou Yuxin The Southern Messenger of the Plague: Li Yuqi

Western Plague Messenger: Zhu Yu Tianlin Northern Plague Messenger: Yang Yu Wenhui
Master of Encouraging Goodness: Chen Yugeng and Taoist Priest of Plague: Li Yuping
After that, it was the position of the Gods of Doubu.

The Evil Corpse of the Holy Mother of Jinling, the Jinsha Yuanshen has [-] stars and evil spirits, who are obediently driven, and will always sit on the post of the righteous god of Kangong Doumu.

After that came the Five Dou Xingguan.

Among them, the Imperial Conferred God Position is one of the righteous gods with the highest status among the conferred gods.

Emperor Ziwei at the North Pole of Zhongtian: A Textual Research on Ji Taboo Boyi

Immediately after Bo Yi Kao was granted the title, all the stars in the sky shone brightly. The northern crape myrtle star, which was temporarily under the control of the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, flashed brightly, out of the Antarctic stars, and was introduced into Bo Yi Kao's body.

There is even more infinite luck surging up on the list of gods, and the luck of heaven also blesses his body. Bo Yikao reshape his new body and gains a new life.Emperor Ziwei has a high position and authority, and has a wide range of staff.From examining the calamity of the universe, to the rise and fall of countries in the world, to the rise and fall of immortals in the three realms, and to the misfortune and longevity of all life.The supernatural power is boundless and can instantly destroy the demons and monsters of the three realms; the mighty virtue is vast and restrains the movement of thunder.

Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole is one of the four rulers of the heaven, with a high status, only under the Jade Emperor Haotian, and on the same throne as Emperor Gochen.

Bo Yi Kao's mind and soul returned to clarity, and many memories flooded in. He understood Fengshen, and understood the world.

Bo Yikao stepped up to the top of the Ziwei star surrounded by stars in the sky.

The fate of the North Pole of the Heavenly Court descended for it, and the four holy emperors of the North Pole, who are eminent in their real bodies, greeted Emperor Ziwei and entered the palace of God!
Boyi Kao, no, he is now Emperor Ziwei!He was dressed in a purple imperial robe. The man who was as gentle as spring breeze, the man who was so elegant in the world, has become the most prominent emperor in the world today!
He ascended to the sky one step at a time, surrounded by shining stars, thousands of miles of fairy clouds, and thousands of fairy guards, but no one was by his side.

Qukong, who had already arrived at the land of Mount Tai, stayed in the shrine, he looked up at the sky, the majestic yet so handsome figure, his heart throbbed inexplicably, and he felt pain in his heart.

Emperor Ziwei, who had ascended to the heavenly realm, seemed to have a feeling, the emperor's eyes swept away thousands of miles of mortal dust, and fell down to the divine realm of the Emperor Palace of Mount Tai.

One is in the sky, the other is on the ground, and the two look at each other without knowing it.The mountain of Mount Tai is too high, and the palace of Emperor Dongyue is too grand, blocking Ziwei's sight, but it can't stop a heart beating for him.

Above Qukong's primordial spirit, a seal trembled violently. There were many past events in it, but it was unobtainable. Qukong's mind flashed like lightning, and across the palace of Xiqihou, the colorful fallen flowers in the youthful peach grove were as picturesque as poetry. The figure of the handsome man, the harmony of the zither and the music of the Chinese music chapter.

Qu Kong was puzzled, he didn't know why there were these strange but familiar pictures in his mind, he didn't know, but his heart was hurting.Ziwei Dadi's footsteps to reach the heavenly realm paused for a moment.

Behind him, Ling Yingyou Sheng Zhenjun asked, "Does the lord still have any concerns in the mortal world?"

Emperor Ziwei lowered his head and moved, looking at Jifa in Jiepai Pass. On the top of it, there are three colors of luck and good fortune. Although Xiqi is defeated, he will live a happy life. .

Qing Luo under the Conferred God Stage, looked at Emperor Ziwei with a smile, this is the person who is accompanied by his disciples on the road, and has the strength and ability to protect the one he loves!
Qing Luo looked at Taishan Emperor Palace again, but smiled and said nothing, she has been waiting for more than ten years, and it is not bad to wait for a few more days.At this time, it was a day when the gods were enshrined, and the world was paying attention to it. It was an extraordinary day, so it was better not to attract the attention of many great powers.He is not those stubborn feudal parents who only do things like beating mandarin ducks with sticks.

Emperor Ziwei returned to the throne, and Qingluo saw an acquaintance behind Lingyingyou Shengzhenjun.Bai'e, one of the two little snake monsters, when he was suppressed at the bottom of Linghu Lake by the Yuanshi sage.

Qing Luo suddenly realized that Ling Ying You Sheng Zhenjun was also called Emperor Zhenwu in the folk beliefs of later generations, and there were two generals, the turtle and the snake, under his seat. Come to think of it, Bai'e was the general of the spirit snake!But the black snake demon disappeared, only she appeared, and her cultivation had reached the early stage of Taiyi.

Thoughts flashed across Qing Luo's mind, but he didn't move, he just continued to stare at Feng Shen.After the Five Dou Star Officials, there are all the Star Officials.

Among them, Queen Jiang, the original wife whose eyes and feet were gouged out by King Zhou, was appointed as the star official of the Taiyin Star.
King Zhou was named Tianxixing,
Hong Jin was conferred the title of Longde Star,

Princess Longji was conferred the title of Red Luan Star,
Mufu star: Deng Hua,

Water House Star: Yu Yuyuan

Fire House Star: Our Lady of Fire Spirit,

Tufu star: the grandson of Tufu
Moon Touring Star: Shiji Shanshi, Suqin Taoist.

Daji's true spirit was taken into the Wa Palace by the Nuwa Empress, where she recultivated her Taoist heart and then refined it to the human world.

There are also other Jiejiao immortals who died in front of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and they were all conferred gods. There are almost no deities in the elucidation of religion. It is worth mentioning that Jiang Ziya's ex-wife, Ma Shi, was conferred the title of broom star.

After that, there are 36 heavenly stars, 72 earth evil stars, and a group of nine obsidian kings and 28 constellations.

There are also four sages of Kowloon Island named Marshal of the Four Sages guarding Lingxiao Temple.

Later, Zhao Gongminger was the god of Jinlong Ruyi Zhengyi Dragon and Tiger Xuantan True Monarch, and the two gods under his seat were Zhaobao Tianzun: Xiao Sheng, and Nazhen Tianzun: Cao Bao.There are also his disciples Chen Jiugong and Yao Shaosi who follow him to enshrine the gods.

Then there are the four generals of the Mo family, who are entrusted with the post of the four heavenly kings, guarding the gates of heaven, standing on the ground, water, fire, and wind, protecting the country and the people, and controlling the wind and rain.

In addition, Zheng Lun and Chen Qi were appointed as the second generals of Hengha, and they were appointed to spread teachings.

Later, Yang Jian became the god, and Zhao Huiling appeared as the king. Because of the thought of Emperor Haotian, the blood relationship, and the luck of the heavens, he was granted the godhood.

Afterwards, Mistress Sanxiao was conferred the title of God, Taoist Chaoxi walked in front, and Bixiao Qiongxiao followed in a dazed and spiritless manner. Sanxiao was conferred the title of Immortal Girl of Sensing the World, the Third Mistress, and was appointed to be in charge of the Hunyuan Jindou. Specializes in the heaven of succession, where one responds to immortals, mortals, human beings, sages (sages in the world), princes, emperors, nobles, humbles, sages, and fools, they will first turn from the golden fight to the robbery when they land.

Chao Xi received the Dharma, and the two ladies rebuilt a new body. The body of Chao Xi’s good corpse does not need a divine body. She only looked back at the ancestor of the enemy in the Southwest Sea Demon Abyss. The former Yun Xiao looked at each other, and Chao Xi sighed. Of course, Qiu Mo smiled lightly.

Empress Sanxiao flew away in the golden light all over the sky.

After that, there were one hundred and eight thousand gods, a group of immortal cultivators under the golden fairyland, and even some golden immortals were all named one hundred thousand heavenly troops and returned to the heavenly realm.

As for Taiyi Daoist's primordial spirit and true spirit, since the god position is full, he can only enter reincarnation and practice in the next life!

At the end of the conferring of the gods, Shen Gongbao returned to heaven and earth for three salutes, and asked for instructions to complete the conferring of the gods.

On the Fengshen Stage, the luck of the weather dissipated, and in the end, all of them entered the body of Shen Gongbao.

Above the sky, countless merits and virtues descended, scattered all over the world, and even Qingluo also received a small amount of merits and virtues.

And Shen Gongbao intercepted the gods on behalf of the heaven and man, added merits and virtues, broke through the realm of the Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop, walked on the avenue, and obtained the immortal body.

The Conferred God Platform, after completing its mission, collapsed with a bang. Since then, there has been no Conferred God Platform in the world, and no true spirits can be enshrined in the priesthood.

360 The five gods of Zhou Tianzheng are all together, and the luck of the heavens gathers and rises. For a while, all sentient beings in the prehistoric world only feel that this day is even more majestic and unpredictable.

 It's not my water, but Fengshen is the prequel of Journey to the West, Taoism, Buddhism, and Demons. These things need to be explained, clarified, and paved the way for the smoothness of the plot in the following world.

(End of this chapter)

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