Chapter 413
Shen Gongbao came down and came to Qingluo's side, bowed respectfully and said: "Shen Gongbao is very grateful for your kindness." Without Qingluo's help, he might be in the position of many true spirits and gods on the list of gods at this time above!

Qing Luo said with a smile: "Helping you is helping me, and cooperation will benefit both.

So you, now that this is over, what are your plans for the future? "

Shen Gongbao was taken aback when he heard the words, his mind was blank, he was worried all the time since he was in the robbery, maybe he will die in the next moment, how can he think about where he will go in the future?

Now that I think about it, I look around in a daze, he has no sect, no teacher, no close relatives and friends, no matter how big the world is, there is no place for him to live!

Shen Gongbao felt inexplicably lost.

Qing Luo patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "If you have nowhere to go, how about coming to Luoling Mountain, although it is not a holy place, it can also shelter you from the wind and rain, and return to a home!

The name of this mortal world is home, right? "

Shen Gongbao's heart trembled, the feeling of being taken in by someone was so peaceful, and after ten thousand years of practice, he had a home to return to, so he was so inexplicably moved.

Although he is a hero of the Conferred God, but after the Calamity, he is just an ordinary Daluo. Those casual cultivators who died in the Calamity, and other immortals, have their own grievances and grievances. Punching bag, he has no protection from a saint, no relatives, no reason, no power, he really has nowhere to call home, how can he settle down?
Shen Gongbao's eyes were slightly red with excitement, and he said in a trembling voice: "If the virtuous and honorable don't give up, this junior is naturally very willing to go!"

Qing Luo laughed loudly and said, "Okay!"

After the sunset, beside the wasteland of the Conferred God Terrace, Qing Luo and Shen Gongbao walked westward, their shadows walking side by side, the two figures became smaller and smaller as they walked, and walked out of the sight of heaven and earth, the prehistoric wilderness under the setting sun, there was another scene in the silence. Numerous signs of new life will appear.

Under the orders of the king, Ji Fa abandoned his soldiers and returned to Xiqi, and became the Marquis of Xibo again. The people of Xiqi were all grateful, and they were all moved by the greatness of the new king's heart and his love for the common people.

The princes of the Great Shang and the Quartet returned to peace, amnesty the world, the people lived in peace, and the war subsided. Extend the dynasty for a hundred years.Wu Geng became the king of the great merchants and survived instead of his parents.

In the prehistoric land, the four continents were divided, and the spiritual veins were infinite but also destroyed. After the innate aura disappeared in the world, the acquired aura declined again.Regardless of race, the road to cultivation is more difficult.

Moreover, because Zhenyuan Great Immortal founded the lineage of Earth Immortals, the position of Earth Immortals has become a unique title for mountain gods, water gods, and earth gods.

The power of the prehistoric world to suppress many great supernatural powers has weakened again, the supernatural powers of the monks of all realms are greater, and the path of seeking Taoism for monks of all realms is even more difficult!
In Fengshenzhong, the explanation and teaching have failed, and there are no more twelve golden immortals in the past.Guangchengzi is still suffering the three disasters in the Peach Blossom Nunnery in Jiuxian Mountain, and Taiyi Daoist is still at a loss after being reincarnated.

Cihang, Manjusri, and Puxian devoted themselves to the Western religion, fearing that their grandson would be rejected by Yuanshi Tianzun because of his weakness in the Zhuxian sword formation, so they left the Chanjiao alone and devoted themselves to the Western land.

The Twelve Golden Immortals, the Twelve Great Luo Golden Immortals, now only half of them are left, and the disciples of the three generations of Chanjiao have also died and injured a lot. The disciples of the entire Holy Cult of Chanjiao, counting the three or even four generations, the number of true disciples and named disciples is only three hundred number!
Yun Zhongzi, who was originally a Fude Immortal, also because of Shen Gongbao's words, attracted the aura of catastrophe into his body, forcibly canceling most of his good luck, so he lost the opportunity to kill the corpse.

Cut off three thousand disciples, each returned to the cave at the mountain gate, and saw Tongtian for the last time.

Tongtian can't be in the prehistoric world, and he can't even leave a trace of distraction, because he has endless magic power in his body, and he has the magic power of the demon ancestor Luohu!
The demon ancestor Luohu, the primordial spirit and the cultivation base of the demonic way are separated, the primordial spirit is suppressed on the star created by the two ancestors, but the magic power stays in Tongtian's body.

Therefore, Tongtian couldn't stay in Honghuang, he just took another look at his disciples when he came back.The three thousand disciples wept farewell, and since then there has been no saint in Biyou Palace.

Among the [-] disciples who cut off the teaching, there were no more than a hundred people in the Golden Immortal Realm, and only two people broke into the Great Luo Realm. One was Wen Zhong, and the other was Yuan Tianjun among the Ten Heavenly Lords. chance.

As for the person who broke into the quasi-sacred realm, there was also one person.It is the Holy Mother of Nowhere.

The Holy Mother of Wudang once stood in front of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, heartbroken, unrequited in life and death, and experienced ups and downs, but her Taoist heart became more and more determined. She traveled the world for ten years, and shuttled more than 3000 suns, moons and stars. Out of the endless world of mortals, in the endless mundane world, in the splendor of Lishan's pear blossoms, realize a trace of infinity, behead the good corpse in the infinity, known as the old mother of Lishan!

Although Jiejiao won miserably, there are still three quasi-sages, eight great Luos, one hundred golden immortals, and three thousand disciples. The roots are still there!

As for the Renjiao, there are also three generations of disciples, his name is Bian Zhuang.It was the little fairy who once looked up to many holy powers in the Tianhe Navy.

He was accepted as a closed disciple of Xuandu, broke through the realm of the golden fairy, and was instructed by Lao Tzu. He was proclaimed by Haotian, the most special god in the heaven, and he was named one of the four sages of the North Pole. One is to rely on the relationship of saints to seek superiority. At this time, the strength is the most unmatched god at this time.

Although the gods are divided into gods, some extremely high positions in the heaven are still vacant, because it is difficult to seal such a high position of god even if the luck of the three parties is combined on the list of gods!
Although there are five Zhengshen 360 in the list of gods, the first-rank gods are only Zhongtian Beiji Ziwei Emperor and Doukan Yuangong's mother.

Among the four emperors in the Heavenly Court, there are still the vacant honors of Emperor Qinghua of Dongji and Emperor Gochen Shanggong.

As for the Western religion, although it has received [-] immortals, in the Western Bliss, there is only infinite golden light that blooms day and night, illuminating the entire Niuzhou of Xihe for nine days and nine nights, and no one knows what kind of destiny is in it.

Heaven, earth, and earth, wind, rain, cloud and snow, alternation of four seasons, stars, sun, moon, solar terms, sins and blessings, are all in charge of immortals.

Emperor Haotian is even more united with Jiuyou Difu, respecting the reincarnation master of the six realms as inheriting the sky and following the example of the earth emperor, not one of the four emperors, but outside of it, he not only shows his dignity, but also belongs to the heaven.

In the Jiuyou Difu, there are countless Yin soldiers and ghost generals, Yasha Rakshasa, You Xing, Digong, Chenghuang, Meng Po, the Ten Great Yin Commanders, the Four Great Ghost Judges, the Chief Judge Cui Fujun, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the Ten Palaces. The king of hell, the four great kings of hell, the ghost emperors of the five directions, the great emperor of Fengdu, and others entered the positions of priests, and were granted the imperial edict by the heavenly court.

From then on, no matter whether it is a monster race, a human race or other races, or if it becomes an immortal or a human being, it needs to undergo the baptism of the sky cloud thunder calamity to wash away karma and get rid of the mundane world.

Since then, the way of heaven has been perfected, and the three realms and six realms all respect the principles and order.Immortals seek the Tao, and they need to experience three disasters, five calamities and nine disasters before they can achieve the realm of immortality and the realm of Daluo Jinxian!
 The Four Royals originally had Chengtian to follow the example of the Houtu, but because everyone said that the status of the authentic and the Dao of Heaven was roughly equal, so this god was deliberately placed outside the Four Royals, and Dongji Qinghua Emperor was placed in the Four Royals. To respect the posthumous land and Taoism.

(End of this chapter)

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