Chapter 415

If not. . .No way!
Only must succeed!When Qing Luo was determined to do this, she only wanted success, and only success.

The falling spirit pattern between his eyebrows flashed out, and the light blue halo echoed with the falling spirit patterns in other places, across thousands of mountains and rivers.

In the famous Wuling Mountain Mansion in the southwest, the gate was reopened, and their mansion master walked out of the gate that had been covered in dust for many years, and returned to Luoling Mountain.

A month later, they all returned to their respective mountain mansions.

Three days later, ten thousand demons came out of the five mansions of Luoling Mountain.

The loose immortals and cultivators in the southwest all trembled and stared at them.

Ten thousand demons come out together, ten thousand demon cultivators and immortals come out together, this is rare in today's prehistoric times.

If it is the Yaozu, then it will naturally arouse many powerful other thoughts, but they are Yaoxiu and Yaoxian, which are different from the Yaozu and the ancient Yaozu.

They don't call themselves the demon clan, they only call themselves the Taoist poor. They are Taoist immortals, and all immortals in the world. Strictly speaking, except for human immortals, they are all demon immortals.

The team of Wan Yaoxian is very large, but it is very small in the vast and endless Nanzhan Buzhou, and it is even smaller in the four continents of the prehistoric and desolate, like dust rising, inconspicuous.

But it is remarkable that the dust is raised by a giant.

Wan Yaoxian walked all the way, and there was no domineering force, only the breeze and white clouds drifted past, rushing to that abyss.

The vast abyss that Qingluo once slapped Lonely to death with a palm was called the abyss of disgust by all the casual cultivators.

Beside the abyss, the palace lord of Wuling Mountain Mansion and several monsters of the Taiyi realm stood at the front, followed by more than two hundred golden immortals, and nearly ten thousand demons stood behind them.

They were waiting for the order, for Luo Lingshan's order.

Qing Luo gazed across the mountains and rivers, looked at Yue Ji Minghou and the others, and smiled in relief.He is a lazy person, and he didn't like those powers at all, so he subdued these people, just like enfeoffing territories in the mortal world, Qingluo is the king, they are lords, and the lord takes the place of the king.

The falling spirit lines between their brows are the constraints of the system.If these people are loyal, the falling spirit pattern is a protective talisman in times of life and death crisis.If they have two hearts, the falling spirit pattern will be a fatal blow!
Qing Luo's own strength is psychological constraints.Because Qing Luo is strong enough to protect them and help them practice.And because of Qing Luo's strength, they didn't dare to have other thoughts in their hearts.

Of course, Qing Luo is a generous and easy-going person. He will not punish those demons at will, but will only seek mutual benefit and create a force that is like the existence of faith.

Many powers in the world became curious, not knowing what earth-shattering move Qingluo was about to make.

In Luoling Mountain, Qing Luo and Ge Kun sat under a tree, drinking tea silently, waiting for someone.

After a cup of tea, a blue light door suddenly appeared, Qinglan stepped out, looked at the two with a smile and said: "I am late."

Qing Luo stood up and said with a smile: "It's not too late, no matter how long you wait, it won't be too late."

Ge Kun also squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "After more than ten years, both of you have become quasi-sages, and the old man can't shake you off no matter what."

Qinglan smiled lightly, her appearance was stunning and divine, she walked to the stone table, sat down, took a sip of tea, and said: "This tea-making effort has surpassed the two of us by a hundred thousand miles! "

Ge Kun smiled complacently and did not refuse.

The three of them sat and drank tea quietly under the towering ancient tree, the breeze blew and warmed people's hearts, as if this spring breeze was the same as tens of thousands of years ago, the three of them sat under the tree and drank spiritual tea quietly.

No matter whether the tea is good or bad, even if it is just ordinary mountain wild tea, with the best tea set, the best tea maker, and the most intimate tea drinker, it doesn't matter whether the tea is good or not.

The three of them sat under the tree, and the Wuxuan Spiritual Tree was still the same spiritual tree, as long as the tree was there, so were the people.

The three of them drink to each other, passing countless vicissitudes with a smile. Although the three of them are no longer the little demons of the past, the three of them are still the Qing Luo, Qing Lan, and Ge Kun of the past.

In Ge Kun's vicissitudes of life, there is vitality today, like the vitality of a young fairy.In the past, there was always a touch of twilight in his body. Although immortals can have eternal looks, they have experienced vicissitudes of life. They have experienced too many ages and ages. Even immortals, their hearts will grow old.Immortals are not old because of their body, but they are old because of their heart.

Today's Ge Kun is very energetic, because he has expectations in his heart.With anticipation, there is hope, and the heart will move.In the past, Ge Kun had no desires and desires, followed the wind like clouds, and was too plain, so his heart would be silent.

Today, it is different.

The wrinkles on his face tightened, and he said with a smile, "How is it? It's almost time to start, right?"

Qingluo glanced at Qinglan, she looked at him, and the three of them looked at each other again, and nodded in unison.

Ge Kun stood up abruptly, laughed loudly and shouted, "Okay!"

A good word made the old man's heart come alive.

In the southwest of Honghuang, there is a mountain range that has been located for endless years. It used to have no name. Later, a great power rose here and established a mountain gate. This place has a name: Luoling Mountain Range.

Today is just an ordinary day in Honghuang, but it is an extraordinary day for this mountain range.

The Luoling Mountains stretch for hundreds of thousands of miles, shrouded in clouds and mists, with spiritual energy flying into the sky, and fairy treasures shining in it.

There was a loud rumbling sound from this mountain range, and a series of earthy yellow rays of light rushed out of the mountain range. The Lingshan Mountains stretch for one hundred thousand miles in five directions.

Countless banners soared into the sky, and countless spirit patterns fell one after another like snowflakes flying all over the sky, engraved on every peak of Luoling Mountain Range.

Immediately, a dazzling green spirit bead rose up, the spirit bead was in the center, and the center commanded the four directions.

The towering fortune beads are divided into the five elements, and the radiance is divided into five spiritual mountains.

Five Elements Spirit Mountain began to skyrocket, rising higher and higher, more and more stalwart, soaring into the sky, the mountain became wider, as wide as a continent, and the side of the mountain could not be seen from afar.

The towering good luck beads fell, and a five-element magic circle emerged, and the eyes of the five-element magic circle were the five five-element spirit mountains.

A five-element array was formed, with dazzling five-color auras, and the multicolored light began to spread, from points to lines, then from lines to surfaces, and then to three-dimensional space.

The Five Elements Formation covers the Luoling Mountain Range which is [-] miles away. In fact, counting the Five Elements Spirit Mountain, it is far more than [-] miles away.

One picture flew out from the mountain, the picture floated in the air, and the other picture was very thin, black and yellow, with the sky above and the mountain below.

There are roads, roads, and roads in the picture, which turned into chains and fell into the mountains.One hundred and eight thousand chains fell and spread all over the mountain world, becoming the Taos of order. The mountain world has avenues, there are many avenues, and the seeds of the dao are complete.

From the mountains, 36 Dinghai God Beads flew out. The God Beads Dinghai, there is a sea naturally, the sea falls into the mountains, and the ocean flows in vastly, and the 36 heavens descend one after another. The 36 worlds of the heavens are piled up in layers of space, the sky and the sea are of one color, and a layer of barriers is born to isolate everything, the heaven and the earth, and even all the Taos.

In the Luoling Mountains, there is a lake flying up, the lake water is so clear that green lotuses are blooming all over the lake, and there is an island in the center of the lake, with five trees on the island, and three Taoists sitting under the tree.

The five spiritual trees on the island exude innate charm, five elements and five species, which are opposite to and echoed by the five stalwart spiritual mountains.

Immortals outside the mountains, looking at the mountains, they are slowly shrinking.

Taoist in the mountains, look at the mountains, they are slowly enlarging.

In the mountains, the sky and the earth gradually darkened, the world became wider, the oceans became larger, the five spiritual mountains became more majestic, the [-]-mile mountains stretched for millions, the flat lands between the mountains became plains, and the peaks became independent mountains.A blaze rose, revealing a phantom of a golden crow, spreading its wings and flying into the sky, turning into a great sun to illuminate the world.

A ray of silver glow passed through, turning into a round of silver moon, the moonlight was like a waterfall, hanging for nine days.

Countless dots of light rise up and turn into infinite stars in the sky. The sea of ​​stars is in the sky, and the stars are infinite.

In the world, there is wind again, and there are places where the wind is strong, small, and violent.

There will be rain again, light rain, heavy rain and heavy rain, and there will be places without rain.

Clouds rise again, light clouds, thick clouds, glowing clouds, dark clouds, and cloudless places.

Snow falls again, light snow, heavy snow and blizzard, and there are places without snow.

Luoling Mountain is no longer a mountain, and the mountains are no longer mountains.

The Luoling Mountains have become the Luoling World!
Here, mountains and seas are boundless and endless, only mountains and seas cannot be leveled.

This world is shaped by the space avenues of the 36 layers of the heavens. One layer of the heavens turns into a layer of realm heavens, and the 36 layers of heavens transform into the 36th layer of realm heavens, forming a boundary wall of a world.

The five five-element spiritual mountains have become the mountains that support the sky in this world, and the mountains that suppress the five directions of the world. The five mountains have only the power of the five elements, the purest power of the five elements. , to develop the foundation of the five elements to perform ten thousand ways.

At the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, there is a boundless ocean, with surging waves, and billions of hectares of sea blue. Mountains and seas accompany each other, and mountains and seas keep each other. Dry, the mountains will not fall, the mountains and the sea are lonely, only the mountains and the seas are accompanied by each other, through the endless vicissitudes of the past.

On the other side of the sea, there is a vast continent with towering mountains and forests, rivers and lakes, plains, highlands and low valleys.In the center of this world is a thousand-mile lake with a hundred-mile island in the middle of the lake. There is a hall, three Taoists, and five ancient trees on the island.

The three people in Qingluo are still three people. The three people who used to sit here just lived here. The three people who are sitting here now are existences that can turn the world upside down with one hand.

But the same thing is, the three of them still seek the way as before, and walk the way together as before.

Qing Luo smiled and said, "Both of you, this world has been completed, what name should I call it?"

Ge Yun stroked his beard and said, "It's better to call it Luolingjie."

Qinglan smiled and said, "Then it's better to call it Luolingdongtian, it's more catchy."

Qing Luo smiled and said: "Now it's not the same as before, there's no need to be so public and famous, it's better to change to another name."

After listening, the two nodded in thought.

Qinglan smiled suddenly, and said: "This world is separated by mountains and seas, why not call it the mountain and sea world, how about it?"

"Mountain Sea World! Good name, not bad!" Qing Luo agreed immediately, "Mountains and seas can last forever without boundaries, and mountains and seas are in the heart, quiet and boundless."

Ge Yun also nodded in praise.

Qingluo looks thousands of miles away and sees the mountains and seas in this world.

These mountains and rivers are all his, and this is the world he has expanded.

There was an inexplicable tranquility in Qing Luo's heart, and there was even a trace of peace in the tranquility.

Thinking that when he first came to Honghuang, he only lived in a cave, and then he lived in a mountain, and now he has a world!
Qing Luo withdrew her gaze, turned her head and said, "Since the first step has been completed, let's continue there."

Qinglan and the two nodded.

All the spectators from all directions stared at them more curiously, and the three quasi-sages came out to create a world.This world is still the foundation of Qingluo's dojo, so, could it be that he wants to run away with his family to avoid something?
Deep in the Jiuchong Tianyun, Minghe and Jiufeng watched the mountain and sea boundary below move to the southwest, and their expressions changed slightly.

Jiufeng frowned and said, "Could it be that he has figured out our plan?"

Patriarch Minghe waved his hand and said: "Impossible, I have used the luck of Asura to disrupt the heavenly secrets, and cut off the causal induction with the two swords of Yuantu Abi, even a quasi-sage, it is extremely difficult to detect it easily."

Jiufeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Extremely difficult? Does that mean it's still possible to notice it?"

Styx's face was gloomy, and he said: "It will take a long time to change, it is better to act as soon as possible. The body of Xingtian was suppressed by Haotian himself in the No.19 Chongtian, and he was determined to be in the extremely windy sky. When you arrive in the heavenly court, you have to completely follow my instructions." Act according to your will, otherwise, if the matter fails, this seat will not care about you.

Moreover, Haotian will definitely protect him even more if he misses this time, and there will be no more chances in the future. "

Jiufeng nodded. At this time, she was not a noble ancestor witch of the Wu clan, but a murderer who rescued people from prison.

In the lower realm, in front of the mountain and sea realm, a light gate appeared out of thin air, and the mountain and sea realm entered the light gate.

On the southwest coast, above the abyss of disgust, a gate of light emerges, and the boundary between mountains and seas emerges.

All the monsters below saluted together, "Waiting for the Lord of the Mountain to guide you."

Here, Qingluo was the mountain lord of Luoling Mountain.

In the mortal world, he is the outer sage of the human race.

Although it is the same person, there are always many different changes in different places of Qingluo.Qingluo stepped out of the mountain and sea boundary, and came to the front of Wan Yao, above the abyss.

Qing Luo nodded, looked at Yue Ji Minghou who was standing in the front, and asked, "Are you ready?"

Yueji Minghou stepped forward to hold the salute and said in unison: "I report to the Lord of the Mountain, everything is ready!"

Qing Luo nodded and said: "Then let's start!"

The two nodded in response.

Qing Luo silently calculated that all the disciples and more than a hundred people from the lotus elves should have almost arrived.

He looked at the sea in the southwest. One side of the sea was blue, and the other side was dark.

The blue is the sea, and the dark is the devil.

There, there is Moyuan, the ancestor of the former Yunxiao and now the hatred of demons.Weeping Blood also went there, and only Weeping Blood was the most suitable place to go there. After all, he was originally a half-demon existence, so there was no barrier between demons and demons.

Below, his home ground, begins.

Shi Jun took the first step, followed by more than [-] demons and immortals.

Shi Jun shouted: "Falling pumice!"

Behind him, Qian Yao released endless flying stones and fell into the abyss of disgust. The flying stones are endless. These stones are the result of their search for a hundred years. Every stone is a spiritual material.
A stone can only float a pound of weight, but a million, tens of millions of stones can float a city!

(4000 words in this chapter)
(End of this chapter)

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