Chapter 416 I Have a City and a World
The abyss of disdain was created by Qing Luo, and now it is filled by him.

A piece of stone fell into the abyss, and the abyss was dark and bottomless.

As the stone fell, a trace of buoyancy force rose up, although it was very weak, but it was extremely numerous.

The power of accumulating more is always amazing.

Millions and tens of millions of pumice stones were thrown into the abyss one after another.The power of floating has become so strong that even the air in the abyss is buoyed up, and a cloud of air flies out from the abyss. There is nothing left in the abyss, and there will be nothing left in the future!

Hundreds of millions of pumice stones can float a weight of tens of billions of catties, but it is far from enough to float a huge continent.

But those floating stones are stones refined into spirits by thousands of goblins.Behind Shi Jun, thousands of demons waved their command flags, and hundreds of white beams of light rose from the abyss. With floating stones as the foundation of the formation, a large floating formation was completed, which could hold tens of billions of catties the weight of.

Minghou stepped forward and said, "Please ascend the mountain, Lords of the mountains!"

The masters of the five Lingshan Palaces moved together, turning their hands to issue orders, five array orders shot up into the sky, and five beams of light shot into the sky.

At this time, the five Lingshan mansions in the southwest of Honghuang were shaken violently, and the Daoist array flags flew from the mountains, enveloping the entire mountain range.The whole body of these spirit mountains is full of brilliance, and countless mysterious spirit patterns emerge.

There are as many spirit patterns on the mountain as fish scales, and the spirit patterns form a sea, forming like a treasure, and the treasure mountain rises into the sky.

The five mountain mansions are like five spiritual treasures, obeying orders, flying to the sky, rising into the sea of ​​clouds and floating in the air, traveling thousands of miles a day, rushing to the abyss of disgust.

In the world of mountains and seas, Qinglan looked at the five spiritual mountains, nodded and said: "Ge Lao's attainments in the formation are really brilliant, and it is a good method to refine mountains into treasures with formations."

Ge Kun also had a hint of complacency on his face and said: "I, an old man, have been thinking about this magic circle for thousands of years, and I never thought it would come in handy now. The more powerful one is yet to come."

Beside the Abyss of Disgust, countless immortals were already staring at him, curiously wondering what Qing Luo was planning.Not to mention Qing Luo, no one can guess the whole thing, no one dares to underestimate his plan.

Below, Yue Ji frowned, calmed down her slightly nervous thoughts, and shouted: "Set up the formation!"

Behind him, all the monsters flew up into the sky, flying to the sky above the Abyss of Disgust, and measured their respective positions. They lined up the formations and everyone in the Kan Palace, and took out one after another spirit pattern formation flags to arrange on all sides. For the fairy cultivators, the pattern patterns are extremely complicated and trivial. More than [-] demon cultivators arranged for a total of six hours, from dark to dark.

In the dark night, more than three thousand demon cultivators arranged for another four hours until dawn, and they were all extremely tired.Qing Luo looked at them with a smile, the millions of Dao Formation-based spirit patterns, even if they were learned separately, it was extremely difficult for them after hundreds of years of learning.

The glory of the great sun rises, and the blazing sun shines through the sky clouds, scattering the abyss of disgust.

Yue Ke stepped forward and said, "Let Nine Heavens Huayun go!"

All the female cultivators behind him flew into the sky together, dancing with the clouds and mist around them, and the clouds filled a radius of one hundred thousand miles. They seemed to be dancers on the clouds. , the cloud comes out with the dance, the wind accompanies the cloud and dances with the fairy, and all the little demons look crazy when they see it.

Thick and dense clouds spread all over the hollow, the large formation under the cloud merges with the cloud and mist, the large formation gathers clouds, and the cloud rises into a spiritual formation.The formation and the cloud are combined, such as the cloud becomes a continent, a continent of clouds and sky.

At this time, the five Lingshan Mountains rushed to them day and night, flying down from the sky, like five flying divine peaks, crossing tens of thousands of miles, and falling to their destination.The five sacred mountains fell on the cloud formation, and they were arranged in four directions. The Zhongshan Lingfu sat in the center, and the Sifang Lingshan Mansion fell to the four directions.

Shi Jun and Huangni Patriarch led 4000 people to fly above the sky, and each demon cultivator released huge square boulders with a size of hundreds of feet. Every boulder was a spirit pattern, and many defensive spirit patterns flashed by. .

Countless boulders surrounded the four directions, and a huge city with an area of ​​[-] square meters was gradually formed. There were five mountain peaks in the city, and all monsters climbed to the top of the sacred mountain.

After the four square walls were piled up with countless boulders, four pieces of soil floated out of the mountain and sea boundary floating above the sky and clouds. With the power of the ancient quasi-sage, these four pieces of soil are enough to create four acquired treasures.

Four pieces of soil, only the size of a palm, rise up against the wind as soon as they fly out, and become more than [-] miles long. , indestructible, even the masters of Taiyi Golden Immortals cannot break through.

Standing in the sky above, Qing Luo calmly received the attention of the powerful people from all directions. His city was about to be built.

He has a boundary and a city.

The city is the city of heaven and earth, and the boundary is the boundary between mountains and seas.Even though this city is destined to experience many hardships, this city will eventually bring him endless benefits!
He can build a city with his own hands, but it is his own city.This city was built by Wan Yaoxiu, his city, and their city.

If Qingluo builds the city and thousands of monsters live in it, it is a gift from Qingluo.

Wan Yao builds the city, they built the city, they will naturally feel proud, and then give birth to a heart of belonging, and a heart of protection.

Most of these ten thousand monsters are in the realm of heavenly immortals, but they built this unparalleled giant city.

On the huge wall, there are four other golden gates. The golden gates stand tall and open in all directions to welcome visitors from all directions.
In the city, there are carved railings, and towering buildings, and there are 36 halls, [-] palaces, and wide avenues with four horizontal lines and four vertical lines. . .A real giant city is taking shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the sky of the giant city, Yue Ke and Xuan Li led three thousand demon cultivators out together.

In the sky, patches of clouds rose, and spiritual beads rose one by one.Colorful light floats Yuxia, and purple air hides Yuanjun.Go to the misty sky, and go to the upper realm of happiness.The luan can't climb it, the fairy blows far away and it's unpleasant to smell, and the glow is from the atmosphere.

Above the giant city, there are countless clouds and clouds, thousands of colorful auspicious clouds, thousands of miles of Hongqiao, and Lingzhu as bright as stars.

The colorful clouds are shining brightly, the sea of ​​clouds left behind by a hundred thousand pearls, the most beautiful clouds and the most beautiful sky in the world are here!
Qian Yao behind Yueke also stared at her. They never imagined that Yun could be so beautiful. Yun could be so beautiful. Xia could be so beautiful. They couldn't believe it. It was their handwriting!
The beauty of this Cangyun Longxia formation also attracted the attention of countless immortals.Everyone has the love of beauty, even immortals.Qing Luo knew that his city would not have much fame, so he could only rely on his appearance to attract the minds of all the immortals in the world. Fame can be born by external appearance.

These clouds and mists are collected by Yueke and the demon cultivators for hundreds of years. There are morning rays, sunset glows, colorful clouds, and phantom clouds. There are many kinds of clouds and mists. Falling ideas come out of the layout.

The shining pearls above the cloud world are each eye of the formation. There are hundreds of thousands of eyes in the formation. break.Those pearls absorb the brilliance of the great sun during the day, absorb the brilliance of the sun at night, and attract the light of the stars in the sky. During the day, they are beautiful, but at night, they are even more beautiful!

He wants to build this city into the most beautiful city in heaven and earth, among the three realms.

Below the city is the unique array, the ancient array of unique spirits, which Ge Kun deduced day and night.

As the name suggests, all supernatural powers, spells, and spiritual powers in the formation will be absorbed.Together with the big formation, no matter the monsters, immortals and Buddhas in the city, as long as they have not realized the Daluo, they will be suppressed. Once the magical powers are used, there will be no one in ten, and the double realm will be suppressed.

Of course, if there is a falling spirit pattern in the big formation, it is not restricted, only the demon immortals of the Golden Immortal Realm and above.

The Ancient Absolute Spirit Array will always absorb all the spells and supernatural powers issued by the immortals in the city, and even the power of Lingbao can be suppressed.

These absorbed magical powers will be used as the source of the formation to maintain the operation of the formation.

The big formation above the giant city, the Cangyun Longxia formation, can absorb the light, clouds and clouds of the sky, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the clouds day and night, and store them in one hundred thousand spirit beads as the source of the formation.

Once this formation is activated, it will protect the entire upper realm of the giant city. The clouds and clouds will never end, and the formation will not be broken. Neither can fly.

This city is very tolerant and friendly to Da Luo Jinxian.Because, Da Luo Jinxian, wherever he goes, is a powerful party, worthy of respect.

Qing Luo is very satisfied on the surface, and also very satisfied in his heart.His city is finally about to be built!
Standing on top of the Cangyun Longxia formation, he deduced the square position in his heart, and he wanted to fill the city with color again, making it the only accessible way out.

Qing Luo stood on top of the beautiful clouds all over the sky, stretched out her sleeves and waved:
"go with!"

The 26 purple blood thorns turned into 26 sky-reaching giant thorns, falling down.

The thorns turned into ten thousand feet and ten thousand feet, and they continued to grow on the earth. Their roots also penetrated deep into the earth, absorbing the nutrients of the earth, and returning to the return of the mother earth to grow.They are vertical and horizontal, connecting north and south.Wherever it passes, everything is afraid, and everything flees away.

Purple Blood Thorn sensed the fresh blood and trembled all over, wanting to devour it.But Qingluo's eyebrows moved, and the 26 thorns never dared to do anything wrong again. They only climbed and grew at a high speed in the north-south direction, over the mountains, fields, and rivers, spanning a distance of hundreds of millions of miles!

The power of heaven and earth, nothing changes, and he realizes a lot in an instant.

They were not amazed at the strength of the Purple Blood Thorn, but at the courage of Qing Luo!
The giant city is located in the southwest of Nanzhan Buzhou, in the middle of the southwest.

In the north is the ancient temple of Nuwa Temple.

To the south is the Zhongnan Undead Volcano.

To the east is the wilderness for hundreds of millions of miles, and billions of miles away is the human race Nanman, and beyond that is the great merchant.

To the west is the West Seashore, and beyond the West Seashore is the Moyuan Sea, billions of miles away.

Today, the purple blood thorns run across the north and south, stretching for hundreds of millions of miles due to their terrifying purple blood thorns. It is the only exit for more than 70 billion miles in the southwest of Honghuang!

As for Qing Luo, if he has ambitions, then Qing Luo will be the Lord of the Great Desolate Southwest.

But Qing Luo didn't want to be the lord of the Southwest, he was just a lazy Taoist and would not have such ambitions.

The purpose of Qingluo is to build a heaven and earth city and build a passageway.

He wants to build a highway, from west to east, from east to west, an unimpeded road!
In the future, when Buddhism flourishes and Buddhism and Taoism oppose each other, the road from Xihe Niuzhou to the Eastern World, that is, from Xihe Niuzhou to Dongsheng Shenzhou, will be blocked by Taoism.

The human race is in the middle and east of Nanzhan Buzhou, the Taoist immortals are in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and the Western religion is in Xihe Niuzhou.

Western preaching must go eastward. In the future, the Taoist immortals of Dongsheng Shenzhou will break with Buddhism, and will never allow Buddhism to pass through the territory of Taoism and enter Nanzhan Buzhou to preach.

If you bypass Beiju Luzhou, in the endless miasma, there are hidden ancient monsters, ancient witches, and many murderers who are desperate. Even the Da Luo Jinxian dare not cross the entire continent easily, not to mention, there are still people there. There is a place called Beiming.

Therefore, if Buddhism wants to continue to prosper in the east, it can only be their only way to go to the southwest!

Although Deep Demon Abyss blocked his path now, Qing Luo would make Demon Abyss feasible and make this road to the southwest a thoroughfare.

Immortals from east and west pass by, and there will be a lot of immortals coming and going in this city. In the future, this city will be the only way for immortals from east and west to travel!

Qingluo doesn't take up Buddhism, nor does she know how to help Taoism.Anyone can pass his way.

If Buddhism fights against Dao, Buddha can escape from here, and Tao can chase from here.If Taoism is fighting Buddhism, Taoism can also enter from here.

No matter who comes, they are all guests.

However, once entering the city, killing is prohibited.Out of the city, kill at will.

Even so, there will still be many powerful people who are dissatisfied with Qing Luo or jealous, but he is not afraid.

Qing Luo begged for the protection of Empress Nuwa, and was willing to exchange for the Great Tribulation of Conferred God, not only Nuwa's protection, but also the protection of the two saints of Western religion.

He saved the treasure of suppressing Qi Luck of the Western Sect, and the twelve grades of lotus platforms are complete, so the Western Qi Luck will not be lost forever.Even though the second sage of the West left during the Conferring of Gods, and the second sage paid back his karma, the Western religion still owes Qing Luo's karma.

Qingluo is not Hongyun, which caused the Ersheng to owe infinite karma. His karma is neither big nor small.

Therefore, even though the conferred gods were over, Yuanshi Tianzun did not attack Qing Luo.Maybe it's the reason of the three saints, maybe it's the secret words of Daozu Hongjun, or maybe it's his identity as the son of Daoxuan.

Qing Luo is not in a hurry to go to Zixiao Palace.Because Daozu may not be in a hurry to see him.Daozu said that within a thousand years, not after the calamity.

Daozu gave him time to pass, so Qing Luo would not go to Zi Xiao immediately without knowing what is good or bad.

Qing Luo stretched out his hand to make a move, and the clouds and clouds in the four directions gathered to form a card. He lightly lowered his right hand, pointing to the Great Way of Creation, causing all the scales of his body to move together, and the four characters were completed.

The Sifang cloud card fell, hanging on the gate of the Sifang giant city.

On the gate of the city, there are four characters, "City that Never Turns Dark".

The city that never sleeps does not mean that there is no alternation of day and night, but that the city is endless day and night.

There is no difference between day and night for people and immortals in the city.

In the City of Nightless Sky, on top of the five spiritual mountains, ten thousand demons each wear five-color daoist robes.

The thousand monsters in the Zhongling Mountain House all wear yellow Taoist robes, the Beiling Mountain House thousand demons all wear blue Taoist robes, the Xiling Mountain House thousand demons all wear golden Taoist robes, the Nanling Mountain Houses all wear red Taoist robes, and the Dongling Mountain Houses all wear blue Taoist robes .

Clothes and colors are the same, but the forms are different.Like the Nightless City, although it has a general unity, it also has independence and freedom.

On the clothes of Wan Yaoxian, there is a pattern, the falling spirit pattern, which symbolizes the people of the city that never sleeps, and the colors symbolize the mountain houses they belong to.In the direction of the Southwest Demon Abyss Sea, weeping blood came back on a cloud of blood.

Qing Luo smiled lightly and asked: "It's done?"

With a weeping face and an evil smile, he said, "It's done!"

Qing Luo nodded in satisfaction, looked at him and said, "Go."

Crying blood and laughing loudly, the laughter was rampant, without restraint at all, he landed on the city of Evernight, stood facing the wind, standing east and west, facing east, the east sun rising.

Weeping Blood preached: "I am the Lord of the Nightless City, the Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor."

As soon as this sound came out, all the monsters participated in the ceremony and respectfully said in unison: "See the Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor!"

The sound shook the sky, and also shook the hearts of countless powerful people.

Qing Luo was very satisfied.He is a Taoist, not a king.He seeks the Tao, not for the sake of power.However, the desire for power is not only shared by humans, but also by every immortal.Therefore, Qing Luo let his evil corpse satisfy his yearning for power.

Qingluo has a city and a world, he is the ruler, and weeping blood is just the king.

(4400 words in this chapter)
(End of this chapter)

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