Chapter 417
Qing Luo didn't pay too much attention to the spirit emperor who was lucky enough to become an emperor in the city below.After all, Crying Blood is still too young, he has not experienced too much tempering, the emperor needs to be experienced in many battles, or someone with supreme wisdom can be called the emperor.

Of course, different emperors have different strengths on the throne.The Emperor Wa of that year was the Emperor Wa of the demon clan, and the Eastern Emperor of the year was the Eastern Emperor of the monster clan, the emperor who ruled the heavens in ancient times, naturally far surpassed the emperor of the city of Weeping Blood by tens of thousands of times.

However, the Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor has many years to waste, temper, and grow.

Qingluo faced the west, and looked at the golden sea with a smile. Behind the sea was the devil, the devil's abyss of the devil.The Demon Abyss straddles the north and south, blocking the road from the southwest to the west.

Qingluo showed a kind smile on his face, he was kind to the sky, the earth, all sentient beings, the demons, the immortals, the Buddha, and the common people.

Sleeves waved lightly, white clouds floated past, flowers bloomed everywhere, and flowers flew all over the sky.

Countless dandelion flowers rise up and float in the nine heavens, like falling snow falling backwards, the ground is snowing, and the sky is bearing snow.Dandelions grow in the sky, starting from the Cangyun Longxia array, growing all the way, all the way west, and blooming all the way.

Thousands of flowers bloom, and thousands of them grow again. The floating flowers are endless, spreading out the hollow sky.

Dandelion flowers grow towards the sea, like facing the sea, and the flowers bloom in full bloom in spring. A white road goes westward, crosses the city that never sleeps, crosses the mountains, rivers and seashores, crosses the vast sea, and finally reaches the magic abyss.

Qing Luo nodded with a smile, and headed west, towards the Demon Lord.

Qiu Mo also had a smile on his face, but it was a devil's sinister smile, and the two smiled and looked at each other.

The dandelion blooms, and the flowers are hundreds of millions of miles long, spanning two continents.One end is set in Nanzhan Buzhou, and the other end falls in Xiniu Hezhou.

The road from east to west has been smooth since then.

In the east and west, there is another westbound avenue, and there is another way for sentient beings to seek the Tao from east to west.

The two sages of the West smile and suffer, but their hearts are happy.

All the great powers in the world are curious about how Qing Luo reached an agreement with the ancestor of the hatred, and they are even more jealous of Qing Luo in their hearts.

Qiu Mo looked at the floating flower road in the sky, and felt at ease.In the past, when she was in a hurry, she had no choice but to place Mo Yuan here, and she could only place it here.There are Kunpeng in the north, there are monsters, there are saints in the East China Sea, there are saints in the West Pole, there is a sea of ​​​​blood in the northwest, Penglai in the southeast, and Zhenyuan in the wild west. Southwest Sea.

However, Moyuan blocked the roads of Nanzhan Buzhou and Xiniu Hezhou, and blocked the passage of countless monks. The luck was damaged, and the longer the time, the less luck Moyuan would have.It would be too dangerous to split the Moyuan and separate the way.

Therefore, she allowed this road above the sky to exist.But if a monk leaves this path during the journey, he will fall into the abyss and become the blood food of some bloodthirsty soul-devouring demons.After all, she is a demon, only for profit, there will be no kindness.

On the sky, a golden light of merit and virtue fell, and fell down on the city of the nightless sky.There are no demons, because they are the initiators.

Restoration of the road, meritorious service to all immortals in the world, meritorious service in helping the general trend of the world, should be rewarded.The merits sprinkled back into Qingluo's body, adding a ray of light, and there are strands of merits gathered on the Danying spiritual path, embellishing its shape.

Wan Yaoxian walked on the clouds in the city, and there were white clouds passing through the four horizontal and four vertical avenues.

It is a means of transportation in the city.After all, a huge city with a radius of [-] miles cannot fly, and an immortal with a suppressed realm will find it troublesome.

These clouds are divided into left and right back and forth, the right side is going, and the left side is returning. They are hundreds of feet in an instant, and they come and go without hindrance, like the continuous flow of chariots and horses in the world.

The Wan Yaoxian set up a banquet and spread [-] tables of spirit fruits and spirit wine.

Qing Luo's face is kind to the world, although his appearance is extremely handsome, he is not lonely and cold. His smile is as gentle as a cloud, like a spring breeze ten miles away, and he is gentle with all living beings. He can infect all living beings. .

Qing Luo flipped his palms over, and the clouds formed a line above the sky. On the sky above the Nightless City, they formed a circle of cloud platforms. They were viewing platforms, and the platforms were round platforms.He stands in the center and can welcome visitors from all over the world.

In front of Longevity Hill, Qing Jia stood waiting quietly holding an invitation.

On the high mountain a million miles away, the master and apprentice of Baoshan Sanren looked at Xiaozhu in deep thought without saying a word.

In front of Biyou Palace, Qing Yi waits with a post.

On Ziwei Star, Qu Kong stood in front of the palace with a post in his hand. The moment the post was opened was the moment when Qu Kong's memory came back, and the person in his memory would be the person in front of him.The person who is willing to follow life and death, the person who sacrifices his life to protect each other, and the person who has left life and death stand in front of him the moment he opens his eyes. The most beautiful scene in the world is nothing like this.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Guang looked at Ao Bing who had returned with joy in his eyes.

In front of Shouyang Mountain, in front of Kunlun Mountain, at the foot of Mount Sumeru, outside the Nantian Gate of Heavenly Court, outside Huoyun Cave, West Kunlun, Netherworld, Blood Sea, Penglai Fairy Mountain, Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, Dongsheng Shenzhou Zhongxian Mansion, Nanzhan Department The Continent is scattered with immortal sects. . .

Every famous place, whether it is big or small, there are people from the lotus elves to send stickers.

Send a post, invite all immortals, Buddhas, gods and ghosts in the world to come and watch the ceremony, watch the ceremony of the city that never sleeps.

Of course, Qing Luo knew that he was in the prehistoric age, and his qualifications were too low, so he would definitely not be able to invite those powerful people. He never came and would not overestimate himself, but Qing Luo would not let no one come from anywhere.

On his invitation card, he respected first and then invited. He invited not only those powerful deities of the world, but also invited those powerful disciples.

With the status of Qing Luo Zhun Sheng Da Neng, except for the saint, the whole prehistoric can be called a fellow Taoist.But he is willing to surrender his status. If he can't invite those with great supernatural powers, he will invite powerful juniors and disciples to surrender voluntarily.

Those who really want to come, or who are inconvenient to come, or who don't want to go out of the mountain to escape Da Neng, will also send disciples of the younger generation to watch the ceremony.Those who may have malicious intentions are also very likely to come to disciples of the younger generation, and if they send disciples, isn't it subconsciously that they are a generation higher than Qingluo?When we meet in the future, we can still talk about this matter, why not do it?
Qing Luo doesn't care about these fake seniority, even if someone laughs at him behind his back, how many people in the entire prehistoric world, except for the saint and quasi-sage, dare to laugh in front of him?
Today, it was Qingluo who wanted something from them, even if he suffered a little and achieved his goal, it was worth it!To ask for help, one must have the attitude of asking for help, and he will not be less polite at all.Those invitations sent to the saint dojo are not to invite saints, but to invite saints, even if they are three or four generations of disciples, it doesn't matter.

It is very likely that no one will come to Kunlun Mountain, but he will never lack the courtesy that a saint should have.

Nether Blood Sea, if someone will come, he will invite him, as long as someone comes, he will make money.If no one comes, Qing Luo will appear roughly wide, and it will be more able to test the attitude of Xue Xuehai.

Qingluo stood in the middle of the sky and looked up at the sky. In the northern sky, Ziwei star was shining brightly. He had a smile on his face, a gratified smile. As a master, he would only fulfill the happiness of his disciples.

When Qing Luo was raising his head, wind and rain blew up from all directions, dragons and snakes rose from the land, dragons roared in the sky and the earth, auspiciousness was born in the four seas, and golden dragons flew into the sky.

"I'm waiting for the Dragon King of the Four Seas to congratulate the Great Immortal on his completion of the Spirit City, so I'm here to watch the ceremony!"

But the dragon kings of the four seas came together from all directions, and they were the first to come to watch the ceremony.

Qing Luo laughed happily: "Thank you four dragon kings for traveling hundreds of millions of miles to come to the appointment."

Ao Guang stepped forward and said: "The Immortal is being polite, Xiaolong is still in the future and thank the Immortal for his kindness in teaching my son Ao Bing." Then he bent down and saluted.

Qing Luo stretched out her hand to stop it, and said with a smile: "Master and apprentice, it should be like this, so there is no need to thank you."

The Dragon King of the Four Seas congratulated them, Yue Ke stepped forward to accept the congratulatory gift in person, and invited them to sit on the cloud platform to watch the ceremony.

As soon as the Dragon King of the Four Seas took his seat, two other boys from the northwest came forward, each holding a tray of Lingzhen. Only these two trays of Lingzhen were enough to prove who came.

That plate is neither wood nor earth and five elements, it is refined from Nine Heavens Brocade Clouds, it is regarded as an acquired spiritual treasure, but it is only used for serving plates.

On the two plates, there are two baby-like fruits, which are so delicate that they are no different from ordinary children. The essence of the five elements manifests on them, and the clouds of good fortune float and float, which are worthy of heaven and earth.

Erdaotong stepped forward and said: "The younger generation is ordered by the family teacher to send ginseng and fruit special to congratulate the senior on the completion of the ceremony in Xiancheng."

As soon as these words came out, many little demon fairies all looked sideways, and looked at the four ginseng fruits in the boy's hand with shining eyes.

This ginseng fruit that has been spread all over the world, within the Three Realms, who doesn't know, who doesn't know?

One of these top-grade innate spiritual roots of spiritual fruit requires a great fate method to obtain.

Yue Ke stepped forward to take it, her hands trembling slightly, she took it as if it were a treasure, for fear of making a slight mistake.

Qing Luo smiled and said: "Thank you two little friends for coming to watch the ceremony, the kindness of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, I will remember it in my heart and never dare to forget it."

After the ceremony of the breeze and the moon, I also walked to the cloud platform to watch the ceremony and sat down.

After the two passed away, a Taoist came from the west and stepped on the Danying Flower Road, becoming the first Westerner to come east from this road.

The visitor had a wide smile on his face, his breasts were open, his breasts were leaking, and he had a round and glorious watermelon belly, and he strode forward.

Qing Luo greeted him: "Brother Maitreya came in person, and the poor Taoist is overjoyed."

Maitreya laughed loudly and said, "Poverty Dao just wants to beg for a vegetarian meal."

Qing Luo's eyebrows twitched: "Brother Dao is willing to come, and I will take care of your fast meal at any time!"

Maitreya touched his round, smooth, white and tender belly, nodded with a smile and said: "That poor man can remember it!"

After finishing speaking, he followed Yueke and led him to sit on the viewing platform, sitting beside Qingfengmingyue. Maitreya's eyes were narrowed, and he was chatting with the two boys with a smile.

Yueke was taken aback, because suddenly there was a leaf in her hand, the Bodhi leaf, the most benevolent thing in the world, the supreme treasure tree in the Western Paradise.

Yueke was shocked, and kept the ginseng fruit by her side, not daring to let the little demon next to her stay.

Half a moment later, from the undead volcano in the south, a ball of raging flames flew in front of Qingluo, revealing a beautiful woman in a fiery palace attire.

Qing Luo was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for hundreds of thousands of years. It's a blessing for the poor to come here."

With surprise in Chongying's eyes, he has been sizing him up since he showed his figure, and when he heard the voice, he quickly returned to God and said: "Senior, you are very polite, and this junior is here to congratulate senior on completing the ceremony in Xiancheng."

There was still a hint of awkwardness in Chong English's words. The quasi-sage in front of her was still a little snake monster in her eyes tens of thousands of years ago. Now she is about to call her senior. The gap is so big that she has some reactions not come.

Yueke led Chongying to sit down on the cloud platform to watch the ceremony, and received Chongying's congratulatory gift, the Tianfeng Blood Stone, which was made by gathering the mighty power of heaven and earth with the true blood of the quasi-sage Tianfeng.

Qing Luo looked at the arrogant girl back then with a smile, and now she knows how to promise.

The etiquette between Immortal Zhenyuan and the Feng Clan is very heavy, and Qing Luo also knows it because he has an interest relationship with them.And with the identities of the two parties, no matter how precious the treasures of heaven and earth are, they will not make people curious.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Qing Ding looked at the closed mountain gate and pinched the invitation card in her hand. Even though she had been standing there for a long time, she did not dare to neglect her at all.After all, in front of her is the saint dojo that exists supreme in the world.

Half a month ago, Qing summoned more than a hundred members of the lotus elf clan who had achieved success in cultivation, and personally bestowed the body of the falling spirit pattern, distributed it to various places in the prehistoric region, sent spiritual invitations, and invited all immortals to watch the ceremony.

This is the first time for their family to work for the Mountain Lord. Naturally, they can't fail, and they can't live up to the trust of the Mountain Lord. Although Qing Luo said that it doesn't matter whether they can invite people, the important thing is that they have the proper courtesy.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Yuan Shi raised his eyes to see the night sky, and his brows frowned again.The Antarctic fairy on the side saw it and realized it in his heart.He walked out of Yuxu Palace, and with a wave of his sleeves, a gust of wind picked up Qing Ding and threw him hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Qing Ding was at a loss, was she thrown out?She felt sad, and was about to leave in a daze. Before she left, she remembered Qing Luo's entrustment, bowed in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, bowed respectfully, and left.

Beside the Nether Sea of ​​Blood, Qing Geng's legs trembled in the sea of ​​blood, holding a spiritual post, waiting for someone to come.

In the depths of the sea of ​​blood, Shiva, one of the four great demon kings, looked at Qing Geng, stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. This kind of elves manifested is very delicious. What is there to respect in a place that has been trampled down by them?
She stretched out her hand to grab it, and her five fingers pierced through the sea of ​​blood. The five pointed fingers were suffocating like a sea of ​​blood from a mountain of corpses, and the black and red blood pierced Qing Geng.

Qing Geng was so shocked that he was about to be stabbed to death by the bloody palm before he even had time to escape.

But the brilliance of the falling spirit pattern on his eyebrows appeared, and a green lotus emerged out of thin air, 36 green lotuses bloomed, each piece of green was like a sword, 36 swords slashed down, with a sharp edge, like a big knife, it directly chopped into pieces With a blood-colored palm, the flesh and bones were so broken that it could not be broken any more. Shiva roared in pain, and his eyes burst into anger.

Qinglian's lotus leaves were cut off, and Liantai had already taken Qing Geng away from the sea of ​​blood.

Qing Luo on the Nightless Sky City, her eyebrows twitched, it seemed that the sea of ​​blood did not intend to let Luoling Mountain go, even the person who sent the post wanted to make a move.

Just as he was thinking, another ray of golden light flashed through the sky in the east, traveling tens of thousands of miles, and came to Qingluo's side.

It was Yu Yixian who came, but he came with Teng Liu.

There was a trace of uneasiness on Fairy Yuyi's face, but it was more of a smile and a trace of respect: "Yingyi is here to watch the ceremony with her husband, and please accept it, senior!"

Qing Luo was stunned for a moment, and looked at Teng Liu, whose expression remained unchanged but his ears were red, and realized in his heart that it seemed that Immortal Yu Yi had stolen the hearts of his disciples.

With a warm face, Qing Luo said with a smile: "The poor Taoist accepts it. You and I should be considered friends of the Taoist." This acceptance by him shows that he, the elder, has agreed to the two of them's Taoist companionship.

Feather Wing Immortal was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Thank you very much... Thank you, fellow daoist, for your fulfillment."

Although Immortal Yu Yi would call Qing Luo senior according to Teng Liu's status, but they are all powerful immortals, they talk about each other and do as they please, so they don't care about the messy names in the mortal world.

Teng Liu also stepped forward and saluted, "Thank you, Mountain Lord, for fulfilling your wish."

Just as Qing Luo was about to open her mouth, she suddenly saw thousands of floating clouds in the east coming to the west, white flowers hanging down and scattered in the sky, and there was even more fairy energy lingering around.

(4239 words in this chapter)
 In the position of Buyetian, Hanhanyu drew a picture. It took more than an hour to draw more than [-] pictures, but the result was too rubbish to read at all. I don’t have any talent for drawing. If you want to see it, You can join the book friend group to read, and I won't be ashamed of being in the book friend group.

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(End of this chapter)

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