Chapter 418 City of the Common People
In the front of the fairy cloud, there is an old woman standing on the cloud head, her temples are in a bun, her remaining hair is half down, and she wears bare clothes and a staff. Although her face is vicissitudes, there is a light of wisdom in her eyes.

Behind him followed all the sects and all the immortals.

Qing Luo looked at the person in front, and asked with a smile: "The visitor in front, dare to ask, is he a Wudao friend?"

The old mother laughed and said: "Yes, yes, my old body name is Lishan Old Mother, and I came to watch the ceremony on behalf of Wudang."

Qingluo heard the words and praised: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist Wudang for beheading his corpse and becoming a quasi-sage." It turns out that the famous old mother of Lishan in later generations was really transformed by the Virgin of Wudang. At the end of the battle, I left first, and later turned into an old mother of Lishan, practicing in Lishan and Lishan.

Li Shan's old mother smiled even better, and said: "I am here to congratulate Fellow Daoist today, don't let me steal the limelight.

The three saints in the church all need to sit in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation and reset the big formation to suppress the luck of my teaching. I can't come and go in person. I hope fellow Taoists will forgive me. "

Qing Luo's heart moved, and he said immediately: "Where did you say that, fellow Taoists can come, and the poor Taoist is overjoyed, so why blame it?"

The old mother of Li Shan said in harmony: "The friendship between Taoist friends and my teacher will last forever in the sky and earth, and we will never forget it. If there are difficulties, I will teach all the immortals and I will do my best for the Taoist friends."

Qing Luo's heart was touched, and there was a touch of emotion on his face. He smiled and said: "Thank you very much. The door of the poor way will always be open for the noble religion."

The immortals behind Li Shan's old mother are all disciples of the Jujiao Golden Immortals, three Taiyi Golden Immortals, six Golden Immortals, and if Brother Da Luo is not counted as Yuyi Immortals, there is not a single one!
Thinking about how beautiful it was back then, it has withered away since then.

But no one dared to underestimate Jiejiao, the powerful disciples of Jiejiao still existed, and even defeated Fengshen, luck was boundless, and victory again, it was only a matter of time.

The Zhenjiao formation that intercepts the teaching is the Ten Thousand Immortals formation, not the Zhuxian Sword Formation.The Zhuxian Sword Formation is the number one in killing the world, but it is not entirely created by Jiejiao.

The Ten Thousand Immortal Formation belongs entirely to their intercepting sect formation. This formation is not only used for offense and defense, but can also rely on the great power of the formation to suppress the luck of a sect!
Zhu Xian's four swords have no effect on suppressing luck, and the Qingping sword has been broken, so the only thing that can suppress luck is the suppression of magical powers of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation that surpasses Lingbao.

Presumably the three Holy Mothers of Jiejiao are busy setting up the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation again at this time. Without the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation of Jiejiao Ten Thousand Immortals, even with the core of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation and the support of the Ten Thousand Dao Formation, it is still extremely difficult.

Just as the immortals of Jiejiao were being sent to their seats here, a group of bright stars descended from the heavenly court, like thousands of stars falling, and the righteous gods descended from the heavenly court.

The first one was an old Taoist with white hair as long as one foot, and his brows were extremely kind, which made it impossible for people to have any malice. It was the Taibai Jinxing who persuaded Qingluo to go to the heaven.

Qing Luo greeted him and said, "Thanks to the star officials and all the righteous gods for condescending to come to watch the ceremony."

Taibai Jinxing hurriedly waved his hands and said: "The Great Immortal's words are serious, the little old man is specially ordered by the Jade Emperor to come to watch the ceremony."

The gods behind him include not only ordinary righteous gods, but also Jiejiao gods.Wen Zhong, the four generals of the Mo Family, the Lord of Ten Heavens, and others once intercepted the immortals.

All the sect gods bowed down to pay respects to Qingluo.Qing Luo waved his sleeves to greet him, and said: "You don't need to be too polite, today is to observe the ceremony, and if you have free time in the future, you can come here to find poverty and talk about the world."

The gods of Jiejiao went to Lishan's old mother's place one after another, and the two chatted as before, because they were old friends.

After the gods passed by, the great Luo Jinxians from all over the world came here again, and Qing Luo returned the salutes one by one, even if it was a casual cultivator of Jinxian Taiyi, Qing Luo treated each other with courtesy and a pleasant smile.

After several hours, thousands of immortal figures had already stood around the cloud platform watching the ceremony.

Three mountains and five islands, four major states, three realms of heaven, earth and man, and all the great powers, most of them have people to attend the ceremony.

However, among all the immortals present, except for Qing Luo, only the quasi-sage and good corpse of Li Shan's old mother came. Looking around, it turned out that none of the quasi-sages and great powers had arrived.

Those who dislike Qing Luo are already laughing in the dark.

Qing Luo didn't care about this at all. He was a junior quasi-sage and had few connections.

While he was thinking about it, suddenly a spirit of water and fire flew out from the north, turned into a feminine and beautiful man, and rushed to him with a box in his hand.

Firstly, his body carries a heavy aura that is rare in the world. Although his appearance is soft, the aura on his body is like an ancient battle spirit, unyielding and undefeated, with a strong and true killing intent.

He said in a voiced voice: "Nine infants from the ancient monster clan came to watch the ceremony."

As soon as this sound came out, everyone present was surprised, the ancient monster clan, the peerless monster, the nine infants of the top ten handsome monsters!

Qing Luo nodded with a smile, and said, "Thank you fellow daoist for coming."

Jiuying frowned, and said: "Your Excellency has the breath of an old friend, would you like to return to my clan?"

Qingluo suppressed her smile, and said: "Poverty is no longer Qingxuan, I hope you will forgive me.

But Pindao and the ancient monster clan will always be friends, because Pindao is still the leader of the snake clan. "

Jiuying was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then said: "Afterwards, please don't forget your promise to the saint."

Qing Luo nodded, he certainly remembered the promise he made with Nu Wa.

Jiuying turned around and stood on the cloud platform, standing alone, no one within ten feet of him dared to approach him.

Qing Luo looked up at the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars, mentally deduced it, and it was an auspicious time for falling.

There are no immortals coming from the sky in all directions, those who should come have come, and those who don't want to come will not come, so let's start.

Just thinking about it, above the northern sky, the stars are shining, there are avenues of starlight paving the sky and grounding, the string ensemble, the fairy air is everywhere, surrounded by the dense fairy breath, the sky is sprinkled, the heavenly horses clear the way, the gods and the heavenly generals step down, the Arctic Purple Myrtle Emperor The emperor's aura was spreading everywhere, and the purple light path spread down the sky, and came to the city that never sleeps.

Qing Luo squinted his eyes, but he forgot about this.

Under the canopy of the Emperor of Heaven, Ziwei Dadi, dressed in the emperor's purple robe, came personally. The Four Saints and Three Saints of the North Pole had returned, standing beside the Emperor Ziwei, and all the Big Dipper Gods stood beside the Emperor like stars and moons.

Beside Emperor Ziwei, a peerless person stood without saying a word.

Emperor Ziwei's imperial car stopped, he held his hand, and walked down with Qukong.

The moment Emperor Ziwei stepped down from the emperor's gate, the emperor's robes on his body were taken off, and he was only wearing ordinary Taoist clothes. He walked up to Qingluo and bowed down with Qukong. The two said in unison: "I beg the master to help you!"

All the great powers in the world were amazed and looked sideways. Who would dare to accept the worship of the four emperors in the heaven?

Qing Luo stood quietly, and after receiving this gift, he looked at the two of them and said: "You two have understood each other, and you will not be hindered as a teacher. Get up."

The two looked happy, stood up, and then bent down to perform the ceremony.

The emperor Ziwei reappeared in the robe of God, and the noble air of the emperor could not be turned away. In an instant, he became one of the incomparably noble four emperors of heaven.

Now, all the great powers instantly understood.Emperor Ziwei formed a Taoist couple with Qingluo's disciples, and he visited his elders as a junior to seek perfection. At that moment, he was not a great emperor, but just a junior.

Even the immortals who were watching the ceremony were astonished, and it took a long time to come to their senses, this junior was paid too cheaply and too honorably!
Li Shan's old mother looked at the couple kindly. The person who entrusts the right love is love, and the wrong entrustment is hatred, which is a devil.

Above the heaven, under the laurel tree, Yuelao looked at the two red lines on the laurel tree in front of him, stroked his beard, and smiled without saying a word.

After Emperor Ziwei came, there were no immortals from all over the world.

Qing Luo sent a message to Ming Hou.

Marquis Ming realized it, stepped forward and said loudly: "The time for the law of heaven and earth has come, please watch the ceremony!"

When the voice came out, the sound spread for thousands of miles, soaring up to the sky and down to Jiuyou.The immortals present all became quiet and solemn.

All the demons and immortals in the Nightless Sky City stood together solemnly.

Weeping Blood flew up, Qing fell on top, and he was on the bottom.

Crying Blood was in the sky above Nightless City, he was above Ten Thousand Monster Immortals and below one person.

Weeping blood and mind was silent, his primordial spirit flew out, turned into a monstrous sea of ​​blood, the sea of ​​blood was turbulent, turned into red rain and landed on the City of Nevernight, and then landed in the thorn field of hundreds of millions of miles under the city of Nevernight.

Countless thorns were devouring blood and going crazy, 26 thorns branched into infinite thorns, the thorns rose ten feet high, and the thorns that covered the sky and the sun surrounded the bottom of the city that never sleeps.

A piece of black and red blood covered the earth for hundreds of millions of miles, only the city of Evernight was the most beautiful and softest brilliance in this world.

Towering fortune beads flew from Qing Luo's body, and countless dandelion flower paths rose up, dividing into three floating flower paths and falling on the south, north, and east gates of the city, grafting the earth.

Weeping blood raised his voice:
"I am the Lord of the Nightless Sky City, the Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor.

The Nightless Heavenly City reaches all directions and accepts hundreds of millions of living beings in the Three Realms. No matter people, immortals, demons, ghosts, witches, or demons, no matter the east, west, north, south, or four directions, everyone can enter this fairy city and get a city of protection.

Nightless City is the first city of ten thousand races in the world, the city of ten thousand immortals, and the city of ten thousand spirits.

Those who enter my city are my distinguished guests.

Those who enter my city shall be protected by me.

Those who enter our city will stop killing.

Those who enter our city, respect this ceremony.

Those who enter our city can live in peace.

Those who enter our city will live and die.

Anyone who enters our city will protect it.

All living beings can enter the Three Realms and Six Paths. "

As soon as the voice of Weeping Blood fell, countless thorns soared into the sky, and hundreds of millions of thorns from all directions bowed their heads and bowed their heads to pay homage to the Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor.

All the demons and immortals below also paid homage to the Linghuang: "See the weeping blood Linghuang, the city exists without boundaries, and the Linghuang is eternal."

The earth-shattering sound of pilgrimage contains the magic power of thousands of monsters, and it reaches the sky, and can be heard in most of the prehistoric regions.

The sound shook the world, and also shocked the hearts of all the powerful.

They only thought that Qingluo built the city to dominate one side and to be the ancestor of one side.But I never thought and dared not think that Qing Luo would use a city to house the entire world!
How courageous!So bold!
Everyone thinks so.

There has never been a city of ten thousand races, a city of ten thousand immortals.Even in ancient times, or even ancient times, there has never been such a city.

In such a city, there are too many causes and effects and too much karma to bear.

As a monk seeks the Tao, everyone is entangled in karma and cause and effect. If those vicious people flood into the fallen city, how can they be controlled and controlled?
All the races in the world have entanglements of grievances and resentments between clans, and there are entanglements of grievances and resentments between immortals among the immortals in the world.All over the world, there are countless entanglements among the major forces.

Such a city needs to bear too much karma, how can a person without strength protect the number one city in the world where there are karmic disputes?
Even Qing Luo, no one believed that he had the strength to protect the city.Except for saints, even saints may not be able to protect them.

All the great powers were still in shock, and heard the voice of weeping blood again:
"The City of Nightless Sky is the city of the living beings of the heavens and the earth. It also has the function of enlightening the living beings in the city. It controls the living beings in the city to respect the sky above, respect the earth below, and respect the common people."

The hearts of all the powerful people suddenly realized that this sentence is said, but there is a lot of room for manipulation, not only boasting to attract the eyes of the world, but also putting on the cloak of benevolence to leave room for themselves.

Well calculated!
Qing Luo doesn't care what other people think, he just does what he thinks.

Qing Luo's face was solemn, and he said loudly: "I use the Hunyuan Sixiang Gate to suppress the four gates of the Evernight City, and suppress the luck of a city!
fall! "

Qing Luo raised his palm to the sky, and four gates appeared on his palm, which are the best innate spiritual treasure, Hunyuan Four Elephant Gate.

The four gates fall from the ground, wind, water and fire to the square gates, suppressing the east, west, north, south, and four directions, and suppressing the luck of the city.

Qing Luo looked at Dongfang with a smile, it's time to come back.

He stretched out his hand and shouted:


On the altar of Jizhou Shending Central Society, luck is soaring, a black bird flies into the sky, and a green python circles out.

In the catastrophe that year, Qing Luo put his own luck into Chaoge, not only suppressing Chaoge's luck, but also using Chaoge's city luck to suppress his own luck.Now that the catastrophe is over, it's time to come back.

On the land of Central Continent, golden dragons whirled, and mysterious birds covered the sky.Thousands of miles of China, there are dragons and snakes rising from the land, and there are winds and clouds calling for companions.

The python of luck flew through the nine heavens, skimmed thousands of miles across the land of Shenzhou, and came from east to west, accompanied by the aura of wind and cloud, and covered it with golden brilliance from the sun.

The python of luck returns, circling the Nightless City, the python merges into one city, and the python merges into one city.

The Nightless City restrains the luck of those who come from all directions in the city, the Hunyuan Sixiang Gate suppresses the luck back to the city, and the Nightless City also suppresses the python of luck. With a city, the town of the heavens and the common people suppresses their own luck, and the city will not be broken. If the luck is gone, the city will absorb the luck of the Quartet, and it will also belong to the luck of Qingluo.The more prosperous the city is, the more prosperous his luck will be.

And with such a stalwart city, with such a city that accepts all living beings, he will gain infinite luck.

There is no need to rob humanity of luck, no need to rob the masters of luck from all sides in the world, Qing Luo has created a source of luck for himself!
The quasi-sage's power, the higher the power of cultivation, the more luck is needed to maintain one's own good fortune.Only if luck lasts for a long time, can their great powers last forever.

Qingluo now also has the source of luck, and if the Nightless Sky City lasts forever, then Qingluo will also last forever.

For example, the blood of the ancestor of Styx never dries up, and Styx never dies.

For example, the Queen Mother of the West protects a group of immortals, and her luck is not bad.

For example, the demon master Kunpeng holds Beiming as the master, and has a long luck.

. . .

When the cultivation base reaches the quasi-sage, luck is more important.Because these people are standing at the pinnacle of the Dao, and they are the closest to the Dao of Heaven except for the saints. The closer they are, the more terrifying the Dao of Heaven will be, and the harder it is to guess the changes of God's will.

God's will is like a knife, and it is difficult for all living beings to guess.These mighty powers of theirs are already immortal, and only the heavens and the earth can measure their calamities to make them fall.And the calamity of heaven and earth is the embodiment of the will of heaven.

Luck, in common terms, means that the more prosperous the luck, the better the world is for it, the better it is when encountering bad luck, the better you can find treasure when you go out, the help of heaven and earth in battle, and the understanding of heaven and earth in cultivation.

The worse the luck, the worse the heaven and earth will be for it. Sitting at home, misfortunes will come from the sky, and even good luck will turn evil, and everywhere you go will be evil.

For the quasi-sage Almighty, his lifespan is unlimited.But luck, to a certain extent, has become another lifespan for the powerful.The longer and stronger the luck, the longer they will survive all calamities.Luck is exhausted, disasters are endless, and in the midst of calamities, the body turns into ashes!

(4222 words in this chapter)
(End of this chapter)

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