The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 419 My family has a female Bai Suzhen

Chapter 419 My family has a female Bai Suzhen

Now Qing Luo has created a source of luck for himself, and the Evernight City is the source of his luck.

The city is not destroyed, and neither is he.

If the city is destroyed, he will die.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is too risky for Qing Luo to attribute the source of luck to a city, and the city's name is too powerful, the greater the risk.

Qing Luo also knows, but the greater the risk, the greater the opportunity.At this time, it has not yet appeared that after some years, after Lao Tzu turns Hu into a Buddha, his city will usher in a real opportunity.

Anyone who enters another city will add a little luck to the city, and everyone will add a little luck to him.Jinxian and Taiyi have very little luck, but Da Luo Zhunsheng's luck is not too little.

What's more, there are thousands of immortals gathered together, even if they are few, they become many.

As soon as the Nightless Heavenly City stands, there is another black and yellow merit hanging down from the sky, and the merit is shining golden, more merit than the westbound road!

The first city of thousands of immortals and races in the world, it will drive the new development and new future of immortality.

Nightless City is the transition from the era of immortals living alone to the era of living in groups.

Times have changed.Today, the prehistoric world is no longer the ancient times when auras were abundant like rain, and innate auras could be seen everywhere.The era when monks seeking the Tao and relying on the aura of a fairy mountain for thousands of years to achieve immortality has passed.

More monks began to rely on the major forces to survive, the mainstream of immortal cultivation in the world, and the era of group cultivation of sects and immortal sects is approaching.Taoist couple, law and land, the four are gradually respected by ascetics.

The ancient, ancient, and even the Middle Ages, the age of conferring gods, will become the ideal world of cultivating immortals pursued by countless immortals in later generations.

Nightless Sky City will lead the fairy city of the prehistoric world in the future, and will change the fate of countless immortals seeking the Tao, and provide a new path for the development of the fairy way.

The merits and virtues descended from the sky, the merits and virtues melted into the City of Nightless Sky, melted into the body of Qing Luo and weeping blood, attracted the envy of countless immortals.

At this time, Ming Hou stepped forward and said: "Li Cheng! Please take your seats!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of fairy servants from the spirit city led the immortals down the cloud platform and entered the city for a banquet.

Weeping blood flew down and entertained the immortals in person, and all the immortals present felt at ease.

The Weeping Blood Linghuang is an evil corpse, a half-demon, half-immortal existence. He is not Qingluo, but has the bearing of a powerful person.He has the ability to kill and devour blood, and if he disagrees with him, he may turn into a demon, devouring blood and soul.

Qingluo and Weeping Blood, one good and one evil, welcome all directions with kindness, and bind all immortals with evil.

Qing Luo stepped into the mountain and sea world, and there were already several people waiting in the mountain and sea world.

Qukong and Teng Liu are two newcomers who have already met the two elders, Qinglan and Ge Kun. Qukong and Emperor Ziwei bid farewell to Qingluo.The two of them were divided into one emperor, and they had so many affairs that they had no choice but to leave.

Teng Liu and Yu Yi also entered the city to entertain the immortals.

Qing Luo just smiled and sent them away without saying anything.

On Zhuo Ling Island, there are still several people waiting.

Baoshan Sanren sat slightly uneasy, not because she was guilty, but because there were two quasi-sages sitting beside her.

Qing Luo came back, cupped his hands and saluted, "Fellow Baoshan Daoist, long time no see!"

Baoshan hurriedly got up and said: "Please trouble senior to remember." After many years of separation, she will call Qing Luo senior again.Back then, she only called her fellow daoist once, and before she warmed up, she had to call her senior again.

Qinglan smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Baoshan, you don't have to be cautious, you and I are old friends, we can call each other as a fellow Daoist, there is no need for seniors to call us distant."

Qing Luo also responded: "Yes. By the way, Fellow Daoist Baoshan, how are you thinking?"

"This..." Baoshan Sanren hesitated, "Ah, fellow Taoist, it's not that you are poor and don't appreciate kindness, it's just that you don't know much about Taoism, and I'm afraid it will confuse others, how can you take on this great task?"

Qing Luo took two steps closer, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoists have seen the ability to teach and transform with their own eyes, and they can teach such a great kindness to a wild small world, how can they not teach a city?
Moreover, when a fellow Taoist enters my spirit city, he should be called an elder, with a respected status, and share the luck of the city with us, and the path of the road will be magnanimous. "

Qinglan also persuaded: "Fellow Baoshan Daoist, you and I met in the Longevity Mountain of Zhenyuan Daxian in the past. You and I are still at the same level of cultivation, but now my brother and sister have become quasi-sages by relying on one side of luck. Daoist friends, wisdom and perseverance are the best vehicles, the only thing missing is chance. If luck is not enough, how can we get chance?"

Ge Kun chuckled, these two are going to recruit people into the gang.

Da Luo Jinxian, wherever he goes, is a great power who is admired by others.In the future, there will definitely be many little immortals and Xiaoxiu who want to join this city in the future, but it is almost impossible for Da Luo Jinxian to join.

Every great power is a master who masters his own way, and has his own dojo. The source of luck is connected to the dojo. They are not a chance of life and death, and they will never move to the cave.

Ge Kun got up and left silently, he didn't want to join in, he couldn't stand such a noisy place in a city.

Ge Kun is naturally the biggest in the world, anyone can go there.Because, the source of his luck is all over the world, as long as the four pillars supporting the sky support the sky for a day, he will have the merit of supporting the weather for a day.

Even if the world collapses, he still has the merit and luck to support the sky for a calamity, and his fortune is as high as that of a saint!Since no one dared to touch him.

From the corner of Qing Luo's eyes, he saw Ge Kun leaving, and laughed in his heart, Ge Kun, an existence more powerful than the power of heaven and earth, how could he let go?Sooner or later!
Ge Kun, who was walking towards the cave, felt an inexplicable chill down his back.

Baoshan Sanren pondered for a cup of tea, and finally the hesitation faded from her eyes. She said solemnly: "Since the two fellow Taoists praise Xiaodao so much, then the poor Taoist dare not refuse any more."

Qing Luo said with a smile on his face: "Thank you, fellow daoist. In the future, we will have to rely on fellow daoist to educate the immortals in the city, and to maintain order and rituals in the city."

Baoshan Sanren said: "Pindao will definitely assist the Linghuang wholeheartedly in governing the fairy city."

"That's it, great kindness!" Qing Luo felt relieved again.All the demons in the city are not restrained by law and order, which is a great harm.There is also a city rule, all parties are constrained, and all parties need to be extremely cautious, not only to consider the interests of all parties, but also to maintain the majesty of the fairy city, and to take into account the thousands of immortals in the city.

Dharma etiquette rules must be performed by people with great wisdom!
And Baoshan Sanren is the best candidate for this.In that small world, Qing Luo witnessed with her own eyes that in a hundred years, the Sanren of Baoshan turned a barbarian world into a place where the human race lived in peace and purity.Its method not only has three parts of Lao Tzu's inaction, but also three parts of Yuanshi's obedience to the sky, and three parts of Tong Tian's anti-heaven and man's will, as well as his own way of strategy. He should be the best candidate for this position. !
The aura in Qing Luo's palm floated up, and there were countless densely packed tiny spirit patterns condensed, and a Luoling pattern appeared, and there was a word "地" in the middle.

The falling spirit patterns are divided into heaven, earth, black, yellow, and fifth grades.

The heavenly rank corresponds to the realm of quasi-sage power, the yellow rank corresponds to the realm of the golden fairy, and below the golden fairy are all unparalleled spirit patterns.

Qing Luo raised his hand and said: "This is a prominent status item of the poor Taoist lineage. Fellow Taoists can imprint it on the palm of their hand, and don't need to imprint it on the mind."

For the great power of the Great Luo Realm, one should not restrain it like those juniors of the Immortals.

Since Da Neng has joined his lineage, his luck has merged and merged into one body, if he betrays, he will die by himself.And the luck of the younger generations of Xiaoxian is too weak, even if they betray, they can use the innate spirit treasure or other big people's luck to protect them at will, naturally there will be no hindrance.

Baoshan Mingwu took this pattern and imprinted it on his palm.

Qing Luo smiled and said: "From now on, Fellow Daoist is the law enforcement elder of my Evernight City. The rules and ceremonies in every city are all set by Fellow Daoist. Anyone who violates it, no matter who it is, will be punished, what will the consequences be?" The poor will follow."

Baoshan's heart was touched, and he nodded his thanks.

After sending Baoshan away to the world of mountains and seas, Yueke dodges and enters again.

The boundary wall in the mountain and sea world can only be entered by the falling spirit patterns of the mysterious level and above.

Yue Ke bowed and said: "The mountain lord, all the congratulatory gifts sent by the immortals have been sent to the treasure house of the fairy city by the subordinates, under the control of Linghuang Dayi, but these few congratulatory gifts are too precious, and the mountain lord needs to personally decide. "

Qingluo looked at Yueke with satisfaction, Yueke is a ten thousand year old fox who has become enlightened, and her family is full of female cultivators, all of them are quick-witted, and all of them are extremely beautiful, they are most suitable for these personnel matters.

Qing Luo said: "Then take it out and let me have a look."

Yueke replied yes, and took out several rare treasures from heaven and earth.

The first is the four ginseng fruits.

Then there are the Heavenly Phoenix Blood Stone of the Feng Clan, and the thirteen nine-day flat peaches of the Heavenly Court. There are only three 9000-year-old peaches, and the rest are 3000-year-old small flat peaches.

It seems that Heavenly Court is still relatively friendly to him, and he is willing to give out thirteen flat peaches, even if they are 3000-year-old flat peaches, which are not available to ordinary monks.

Qingluo collected several rare treasures, leaving only six 3000-year-old flat peaches, and said: "Take these six flat peaches and share them with the master of Wushan Mansion." Yueke smiled and nodded her thanks back down.

She had just walked a few steps, then stopped suddenly, and said: "Shanzhu, there is a Taiyijin fairyland Taoist outside the boundary, he said he is your old friend, I have something to see."

Qing Luo was taken aback, looked at Qing Lan, then smiled and said: "Go and ask her to come in, she is indeed an old friend!"

Yue Ke hurried to invite someone to enter.

Qinglan smiled suspiciously: "Isn't this Taiyi little snake demon your descendant?" With the supernatural powers of the two of them, they have already seen the person coming.

"Yes and no." Qing Luo waved his hands and said with a smile: "Actually, all the snake races in the world are my descendants. This little snake demon is indeed an old friend. It is an old friend who was at the bottom of the Spirit Lake!"

When Qinglan heard about the bottom of Linghu Lake, she felt a little annoyed on her face, but she didn't speak anymore.The higher the cultivation level, the clearer her vision, and the more she knows the fearfulness and supremacy of the saint.She didn't mention the matter of the saint back then.

At this time, the old man also came in.

Bai'e, who was dressed in white plain clothes, saw Qingluo, and her pale face instantly became happy.

She hurriedly said: "The little demon Bai'e has met senior."

Qing Luo laughed, the little white snake from back then became smarter.She is now the spirit snake general of Emperor Zhenwu, but she is only called a little demon in front of him, because it is the only reason why he and her are of the same family.

Qing Luo said: "Bai'e, it's been a long time since I saw you. Get up first, why don't you see Hei Qu?"

Bai'e and Heiqu are exactly the two snake demons he met, one black and one white, when he was suppressed by Yuanshi Tianzun at the bottom of Linghu Lake.When Qingluo instructed the two of them to enter the Heavenly Court, which was short of manpower, now Bai'e has also become a fifth-rank priest.

Upon hearing this, Bai'e said with a mournful expression, "Please remember, senior, my deceased husband died a long time ago in the battle against demons in the lower realm."

Qing Luo was stunned for a moment, then sighed and said: "Fatality tricks people, Pindao never expected it to be like this.

Thinking about a trace of cause in the past, tell me, why did you come here today? "

Bai'e's face flushed suddenly, and she said happily: "Thank you for your kindness, senior, thank you for your kindness.

Bai'e begged senior to help, save my child's life! "

Qing Luo was stunned, and said: "But you and Hei Qu's son? What disaster is there for your son?"

Bai'e held back the tears in her eyes, she knew that people with great supernatural powers don't like noisy cries about unruly women, she suppressed the sadness in her heart, and said in a trembling tone: "So that seniors know that Bai'e and Hei Qu have formed a Taoist couple by themselves. Soon, Bai'e was pregnant with a son, but my husband died in the battle against the fierce monsters in the North Sea at this time, and Bai'e was granted the throne of God because of the kindness of her late husband.

But also because of this, I obtained the divine veins, and the child I gave birth to is a half-god and half-demon body. The divine veins and the father's demon veins are incompatible with each other, and the blood is difficult to fuse.

Therefore, Bai'e begged the seniors to save my child. "

Qinglan's eyes flickered, she was very similar to her predecessor, she belonged to the same snake clan, and her blood was intolerant.

Qing Luo asked again: "Then why don't you ask Emperor Zhenwu to help? Instead, you come to ask for help at any cost?"

With a miserable face, Bai E said: "Senior, I don't know. After being proclaimed as a god, the Heaven and God Realm began to flourish and integrate. The re-establishment of the heaven and the rules means that there is no illicit love between gods and gods, let alone raising a demigod and demigod." Demon child.

If I ask Emperor Zhenwu, even if the emperor treats me with mercy, he will not tolerate the existence of my child, a half-god and half-demon. "

Qingluo sighed, and just about to speak, Qinglan said: "You take out your baby first, and have a look with Pindao."

Bai E hurriedly nodded in agreement, she opened her mouth and spat out, and a demon pill floated out of the air, and when Bai E pressed the spell in her hand, the demon pill split into two, and in an instant, [-]% of its pure mana was lost. And at this moment, a white light flashed inside, and a white and tender baby girl was lying on the ground.

Bai'e hurriedly made a formula to collect the demon pill, sealed the damaged demon pill and swallowed it.

A trace of pity was born on the blue face, the poor mother of the world, in order to hide her son, Bai'e broke the demon core herself, used the pure magic power in the demon core to support her son, and then used the demon core to hide the child.Every moment, a huge amount of mana will be consumed, and every time a pill is opened to take a child, it will damage nearly half of its mana.

Qinglan waved her hand and released a beam of brilliance, which merged into Bai'e's body and repaired most of her missing mana. Bai'e's face was quite rosy, and she knelt down to thank Qinglan.

Qinglan stretched out her hand and hugged the baby girl on the ground in her arms. Looking at this baby who was only half a year old in the mortal world, her whole body was white and tender, and there was still a little baby fat on her face. She closed her eyes and fell asleep in the dark .

Seeing this, Qing Luo said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, since the aunt is kind, your child will be fine!"

Bai'e was overjoyed, and hurriedly knelt down to thank: "Thank you for your kindness, Holy Aunt, thank you for your kindness, Holy Aunt."

Qinglan said with a smile: "It doesn't have to be like this. Both the god and demon blood in this child are weak. You only need to use Da Luo Jinxian's magic power to suppress the tyrannical power of the fusion of the two bloods for 49 days every year. After hundreds of thousands of years, the blood will be peaceful, and the qualifications will be improved." Also excellent."

When Bai'e heard this, the blood on her face disappeared in an instant. For tens of thousands of years, Da Luo Jinxian needs to take action to suppress it every year. Now, where can she find Da Neng!
Qinglan stretched out her hand a little, and the water spirit pearl appeared in the air, with heavy waves, covering the baby girl, turning into a layer of abyss mask, at the same time, the magic formula in Qinglan's hand pinched, the law of space emerged and merged into the baby girl's body, a fight The big seal melted in a flash.

Qinglan said: "Pindao has sealed the life of this baby. In 10 years, this baby will not grow, and the tyrannical power of the blood in its body will not increase. Only the monks in the Great Luo Realm will suppress the blood fusion every year. After 10 years, this son's blood has been fused, and he is a person with excellent aptitude for cultivation!"

Bai'e said happily: "Then I don't know if the holy lady can accept my son Suzhen as a disciple, and she will practice Taoism in the future, so that she can serve the holy lady and repay her kindness?"

Qing Luo was stunned while listening, and said with a smile: "Bai'e, this baby girl's name is Suzhen? Bai Suzhen?"

Bai'e nodded and said yes, "My late husband is dead, and Bai'e doesn't want her to take her father's surname anymore, so as not to fall into his father's disaster again. So she took her mother's surname."

Qing Luo nodded and said: "Your daughter is destined to be extraordinary in the future."

He never thought that Bai Suzhen in the legend of the White Snake in his previous life was actually just a baby girl right in front of him!
(4444 words in this chapter)
(End of this chapter)

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