Chapter 425
Shen Gongbao had a clear understanding in his heart, and asked again: "Then I don't know what the World Lord wants me to do?"

Qing Luo looked slightly solemn and said: "This matter has a great relationship. It not only involves a city, but also involves me, an ancient power, and an immemorial power. It is extremely important."

Shen Gongbao's complexion changed drastically. The one who can be called a great power by Qing Luo will never be the Da Luo Jinxian, only the quasi-sage!Moreover, one is a great power from the ancient times, and the other is a great power from the ancient times.He was terrified.

Seeing Shen Gongbao's appearance, Qing Luo relaxed again, and said with a smile: "Don't worry. Although it sounds scary, it will be of great benefit to you. Do you want to have the luck of Taigu Da Neng?"

Shen Gongbao's heart trembled. This not only sounded scary, but it was even more scary in practice. It devoured the luck of an ancient mighty man. He, is he looking for death?

Shen Gongbao gritted his teeth, and said, "Just tell me."

Seeing Shen Gongbao like this, Qing Luo couldn't help laughing, "It's not like I want you to die.

You listen to me, soon, there may be a fierce battle in the city that never sleeps. At that time, I need you to listen to my orders and use your luck to weaken a powerful luck, and then it will be fine. "

"That's it?" Shen Gongbao was taken aback.
Qing Luo smiled, "That's it! What else do you want to do?"

Shen Gongbao's face was reddish, just now he said that despite his orders, it was him again who would be hesitant.

After hesitating for a while, Shen Gongbao still said: "You don't know about this matter. Although I specialize in the art of luck and disaster, for an ancient and powerful existence, once I use it It will be entangled with cause and effect, and will never die. Either he dies, or I die.

Although Xiaodao can use the technique of calamity to weaken the Almighty Luck, and even steal the Almighty Luck, once this luck is done, he will be the enemy of life and death. It's good even if I die, but I'm afraid that the great man will make my life worse than death! "

Qing Luo said with a smile on his face: "I thought there was no taboo, don't worry, as long as that powerful man comes, he will have no future, and Nightless Sky City will be his eternal burial place!"

Shen Gongbao looked at Qingluo's indifferent self-confidence, and was suspicious in his heart. The ancient power, that kind of power has lived for countless years, and even the world's kalpas can't destroy them. Those powers are almost immortal, except Saints, there is almost nothing that can destroy them.

However, Qing Luo has never been a big talker, Shen Gongbao still believed what he said.

He said solemnly: "Since the world lord thinks highly of me so much, I will definitely do my best."

Qing Luo nodded in satisfaction, Shen Gongbao's calamity technique was unsurpassed, and with him taking the shot, the success would be even greater.

Prehistoric, Dongsheng Shenzhou, Kunlun Holy Land.

On Kunlun Mountain, in Yuxu Palace, a group of disciples who were handed down, named, second, third, and even fourth or fifth generations of Chanjiao stood respectfully in Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of explaining religion, the sage of heaven.There are vicissitudes in his eyes, just a few decades but like a long Dao era, this saint has vicissitudes in his eyes.

This vicissitudes has increased the majesty of the saint.Yuanshi Tianzun looked around, there were more new faces in Yuxu Palace, and there were fewer old faces than before.

The sage was silent, and Yuxu Palace followed suit.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at it for a moment, with a hint of relief in his eyes.At the very least, there are still many of his proud disciples standing in front of him.

He said slowly: "From today onwards, I will leave the prehistoric world, and I will not return unless there is an immeasurable calamity."

In a word, it is very light, but it shocked the hearts of all the disciples of Chanjiao.

The Antarctic Immortal knelt down first, then the Twelve Golden Immortals knelt down, and then all the disciples knelt down together, touching the ground with their heads.

All the disciples cried out in unison: "Please be merciful, Teacher (Master Zu)."

They knew that since the sage had spoken, it was a foregone conclusion.No matter what they do, they are unstoppable.

Yuan Shi looked at disciple Yuxu who was kneeling on the ground, and was suddenly moved.At this moment, he understood Babel.When Tongtian and his disciples parted and met again, the master-student relationship was beyond words.

Yuan Shi was very satisfied. With so many disciples, he was relieved to see him off with tears in his eyes.

Yuan Shi looked at Jiuxian Mountain again, there was still one of his disciples there, and he could never return there.

Where the saint's eyes fall, everything has a feeling.

The peach blossom tree on Jiuxian Mountain shakes its branches and leaves, and the peach blossoms are full of trees. One peach blossom and one green leaf bid farewell. The peach blossoms all fall, and the leaves fall to the ground. On the virtual palace.

Although Yuanshi Shengmu had no tears, his heart was filled with tears.

He looked at Wa Palace on the wall of the southern plane, but Nu Wa ignored him.

He felt sad.

Yuanshi looked around, he was a sage of heaven and earth, he could destroy heaven and earth, pick up stars and take moon, he was omnipotent, but he couldn't save him.

In the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, Jieyin opened his eyes and sighed: "It's so good! Yuanshi Daoist, don't worry."

Yuanshi Tianzun looked happy, his brows stretched, and he bent down to salute to the west.

Nu Wa in Wa Palace was silent.Yuan Shi is a good teacher, and he is willing to give up the face that he will never give up in his life for a disciple.

Yuan Shi turned around, and finally there was a smile on his always majestic face.

Yuanshi waved his sleeves and said: "Get up, master and apprentice are bound by the law, and when we meet again, I will go as a teacher."

Yuan Shi smiled lightly, and the majesty of the past disappeared with a smile, and he looked at disciple Yuxu with a benevolent smile in his eyes.

All of Yuxu's disciples raised their eyes and looked at their master for the last time.

Yuanshi Tianzun ascended to the sky, alone, without wind, cloud, or omen, before ascending to the top of Kunlun Mountain, he was smiling at Yuxu's disciple.After ascending to Kunlun, his smile is facing the common people and looking at the common people with a smile.

The Anji Xianweng's eyes were red, and he asked, "Where is the Yuxu Golden Bell?"

Chi Jingzi got up in an instant, a golden bell was hung on Kunlun, and Chi Jingzi hit the golden bell with his own hands.

When the golden bell rang, the sound of the bell brightened the world and shook the Three Realms.

On the top of Kunlun Mountain, where the sun shines on the snow-topped mountain all the year round, the immortals of Yuxu rise up, the immortals of the South Pole hold the palace lantern of Yuxu in their hands, and the son of the cloud holds Qingyun in his hand.Behind him all the disciples stood together.

The sound of the golden bell spread throughout the prehistoric land, shaking countless living beings.I saw the majestic Heaven, Earth and God Mountain, Kunlun Holy Land, a golden lamp was lit, and the golden flame burned most of the sky. The big day in the sky.

Tens of thousands of golden lamps were set up in the ten thousand mu of Qingyun.Nanji Xianweng led all Yuxu's disciples, knelt in unison and said:

"Congratulations to the Sect Master!"

"Congratulations to the Sect Master!"

"Congratulations to the Sect Master!"

Three bows and three knees.

Yuanshi Tianzun's figure was very small, he looked at the sky full of Qingyun golden lanterns, listened to the sound of bells, he smiled again, and left Honghuang with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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