Chapter 426
Yuan Shi was the third of the six sages to leave the prehistoric world.He stepped into the wall of the extreme south plane with a smile. Nuwa stood in front of Wa Palace and nodded to him.

Yuan Shi said: "Friend Nuwa, long time no see."

Nuwa smiled and said, "It's been a long time since we saw each other."

Yuan Shi nodded, looked at the wall of the most marginal plane, looked at a kind of human power below him, it was very quiet here.

Ten towering weeping willows, no wind, no sun and moon, no stars, no mountains and rivers.There is only silence like this, the years are too long, so long that the world is old.

Yuanshi waved his hand, and Qingyun mumu floated by, and the golden light shone brightly, covering the whole world.The brilliance was dim, and above the sky, a majestic palace appeared, with the inscription "Yuqing Palace", Yuan Shi stepped into it and sat quietly in it.

The powerful immortals of the human race below calmed down after being shocked.Only Fuxi got up and stepped into Wa Palace.

Fuxi entered Wa Palace and never appeared again.Because, he was returned to the prehistoric by Nuwa.

On Shouyang Mountain, I looked up to the west. Yuanshi could walk easily, but he couldn't just walk away. He is the master of Taoism, and he bears the responsibility of the whole Taoism.

The two sages of the West never left the prehistoric world, but they just stood up on top of the twelve golden lotuses.

The golden lotus is the twelfth rank, not the incomplete lotus platform that lost the third rank and fell to the ninth rank.

Pick up the body, walk in sackcloth, with compassion and pain on the face, the saint walks eastward, walks in the western pure land, the west wind blows up yellow sand, and the clothes carry the wind, the saint is like a mortal, walking eastward is no different from heaven and earth, accompanied by desert wind and sand Holy eastbound.

Lao Tzu raised his eyes and looked at Jie Yin for a while, but then ignored him.

Guided eastbound, crossing the pure land of the west, passing through the vast expanse of oceans, and setting foot on the fairy land of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

The reception never stopped, he went straight to the east, crossed Shenzhou, and stopped in front of a fairy mountain.

Jiuxian Mountain is surrounded by fairy spirit, flowers and plants are flourishing, the sky is quiet and beautiful, all living beings are still, and all things are alive.

Qingluo sensed it at the moment when he led to the Nine Immortals Mountain.

Qing Luo was unmoved, he couldn't control it, and he didn't care anymore.The wisdom of the sage is infinite, and he cannot guess the wisdom of the sage.

Guided into the Jiuxian Mountain, a peach tree without leaves and flowers stands on the Jiuxian Mountain.

After leading him to the tree, he raised his eyes to look at the tree, and the pain on his face became heavier.

Sit down, cross your legs, put your hands together, close your eyes, and chant the mantra.

"The Great Compassion Curse"

"Namo, Holatana, Duolayeye, Nanmo, Alaye, Polujiedi, Shuobalaye, Bodhisattva Poye, Mahasattva Poye..."

Every word, every word is sad, every sentence is sad.Pity the common people, but only one person.

The peach tree was even sadder when he heard it, and it hurt even more.Peach tree's sadness infected the whole mountain, and everyone was in sadness.

Birds are sad, trees are sad, grass is sad, everything is sad.

A cicada fell upon hearing the sadness, and landed on a peach tree.

After reciting the mantra, Jieyin turned his back to the peach tree and asked, "Is there a limit to the sea of ​​bitterness?"

The branches of the peach tree sway.

Jieyin said: "The sea of ​​bitterness has no limit, turn around and see the shore.

If you turn back, I will guide you here, extradite you, and escape from the sea of ​​suffering. "

After the Taoist finished speaking, he closed his eyes and said no more.

Jiuxian Mountain is peaceful.Under a peach tree with no leaves, no flowers and no fruits, a Taoist in sackcloth sat cross-legged with his head bowed. The Taoist closed his eyes and fell into a dream, and all the beings outside had nothing to do with him.

In the dream, the peach tree turned into a human, Guang Chengzi.

In the dream, Jiuxian Mountain turned into a sea, and he was in the middle of the sea.

In the dream, the Taoist became a boatman, and he was extraditing passengers.

The sea is boundless, a black sea.The boatman is no different, just an ordinary boatman.Guang Chengzi is different, he is just an ordinary person, but he is stepping on the surface of the sea.

The extraditionist drives the boat to the sea, the waves are churning, the waves are raging, the wind and waves are violent, and the waves in the sea are stirred up by hundreds of feet. That small boat, a lone boat, may capsize at any time.

Guang Chengzi didn't know, he didn't dare to move, he didn't dare to leave, he was afraid that if he left, he would fall into the sea.

He wanted to wait for the small boat to ferry him, but the boat was too small in the sea, blocked by the wind and waves, and couldn't get close.

He hesitated for a while, then a strong wind blew up in the sky, creating a dense mist, and another great fire came, which hindered the small boat from approaching. .

Guang Chengzi panicked, he stepped forward hastily, and with one step, he fell into the sea.

The sea water was icy cold, and his heart was twitching with pain when it touched his body. He struggled desperately, and swam forward with all his might to the small boat.

But he swam, the strong wind blew him back three times, the miasma blinded his eyes again, swam in the wrong direction three times, the overwhelming fire forced him back three times, and for the tenth time, he finally passed through the strong wind and walked out. Miasma, he swam out of the sea of ​​flames, saw the small boat again, he climbed up in ecstasy, and escaped from the sea of ​​suffering.

Guang Chengzi didn't know why, he laughed wildly, and then wept with grief.He returned to the shore in a small boat and escaped from the bitter sea.

On Jiuxian Mountain, the dead trees are in spring, the peach trees regenerate new leaves, the peach blossoms are in full bloom again, the breeze is blowing, and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing.Guang Chengzi woke up, but he turned into a cicada, the one that fell on the peach tree.

The peach blossoms were fragrant under the tree. The Taoist opened his eyes and spread his palms, and the little cicada fell into his palms.He said with a smile: "You have not completed the calamity, and you still need to be honed for another life before you can achieve the right result.

Come with me! "

The Taoist got up and walked.Leaving behind the fragrance of the peach tree, returning to the pure land of the west, I will come again with my wish.

The Taoist left, and another Taoist came.

Qing Luo stood where the Taoist priest was standing, looked up at the tree full of fragrant peach blossoms, his eyes were full of splendor, after looking at it for a while, he smiled at the peach blossoms in full bloom.

He said: "That's great."

The first Taoist came here to take away a cicada, and the second Taoist came here to leave a fate.

Qing Luo waved her hand, a little spiritual light entered the tree, the body of the tree was supernatural, and the flowers bloomed even more.He can be regarded as using this tree, giving it a little fate, and it can be regarded as repaying the cause and effect.

Yuanshi Tianzun of the wall of the plane, although reluctant to give up, smiled reassuringly.

Yuan Shi looked at Qing Luo on Jiuxian Mountain again, his eyes were devoid of emotion, neither cold nor angry nor happy nor hated.

. . . . . .

Emperor Fuxi set foot on the prehistoric land again after tens of thousands of years. He returned to Huoyun Cave, which had been silent for many years, then entered Beiju Luzhou, where miasma and poisonous substances filled the sky, went to Shouyang Mountain, and then went to the Heavenly Court. After the world.Show the saints in the world, the emperor of the human race, and shine on the human world.

The powers in all directions are shocked, the identity of the emperor is very eye-catching, no one knows that the power of the human race, who has lived in seclusion or disappeared for many years, is the emperor Fuxi, who suddenly returned to the prehistoric world, and what actions he will do.

It took ten years for Fuxi to appear as a sage in the human world, but the ancestor Minghe waited for Fuxi for ten years.It's not that he didn't dare, but he was worried that something might happen. His move is related to the way. If he can take back the ninth-grade green lotus, use the good fortune green lotus as the source, the karma-fire red lotus as the body, and the karma-fire burning lotus, his twelfth-rank karma-fire red lotus will be destroyed. The lotus will have a great possibility to become the fire lotus of the fifteenth grade industry, a congenital treasure!
(End of this chapter)

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