Chapter 427 The Authenticity of Xuanmen
Although the Ninth Grade Good Fortune Green Lotus is the lowest rank among the several lotus platforms, it is definitely the lotus platform that fits the origin of the Good Fortune Green Lotus, and it belongs to the Good Fortune Green Lotus.

However, the 36th-rank Good Fortune Qinglian is the supreme treasure of the Primordial Meng, and the ninth-rank Good Fortune Qinglian is only the top-rank spiritual treasure in the prehistoric.

But the innate source of good fortune within it is definitely the most precious existence, especially for his karma red lotus, it is the most precious thing.

Once the karmic fire red lotus has become the fifteenth grade, the innate treasure suppresses air pressure luck, and gathers with Asura religion, Asura way, blood sea luck, and killing way luck, even if he can't prove Hunyuan, he will definitely not be weak Yu Zhenyuanzi's ancestral status as the Earth Immortal even surpassed it!

The emperor Fuxi has been a saint in the world for ten years, and he has a feeling that he took the honorary name Gouchen Shanggong Tianhuang Dadi, and assisted the Jade Emperor to control the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and rule the stars.In charge of the military revolution in the world, staying in the Gouchen Palace and the South Pole Jiangxiao Palace, which are the same as the North Pole but are the hubs, and the emperor also follows the sky. Chen, the body of the illusion is equal to seven and seven and seven, so there are five thousand nine hundred and twenty.The one who is in charge of the Zhifu Lingdong Nine Heavens Realm, the one who controls the group of demon spirits, holds the map of the gods in his hand, and controls the stars in charge, and respects Fu Zhao, the grand master, and sits on the seat.

Another great emperor from the Four Royals of the Heavenly Court succeeded in cultivating Taoism, got the leader of human religion to take charge of wars in the world, got the sage of the monster clan, ruled all the monsters in the world, and got the Lord of the Three Realms, Emperor Haotian, to take charge of the godhead.Fuxi beheaded the corpse, and the evil corpse turned into Gochen Shanggong Emperor, and the fruit status was perfect.

Qing Luo was not surprised, because it was said in the previous life in Huaxia that Gouchen Shanggong Great Emperor was transformed by Fuxi, not a mere three-generation disciple of Chanjiao, Lei Zhenzi.

A disciple of three generations of Chanjiao, whose cultivation base is no more than a golden immortal, not to mention that Chanjiao loses, even if Chanjiao wins, it will not be his turn to be the great emperor.

After Emperor Gouchen Shanggong appeared in the world of saints, Emperor Ziwei in the North Pole of Zhongtian and Emperor Changsheng in the South Pole also appeared in the world of saints for ten years.

Emperor Ziwei showed his sage Xiqi, because Xiqi built his upper palace, which was built by Ji Fa, and it was built for his elder brother. It was extremely noble, so the spirit of Ziwei finally entered Xiqi.

During the ten-year period, all the righteous gods in the heavens will show up in the world of saints, benefiting all beings, the weather will be smooth, the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe, and there will be many temples in the world, and countless believers will pay homage. The power of countless incense is the way of these true spirits to enshrine the gods foundation.

In the past ten years, the God of Heaven has been widely known in the world. On Jinao Island in the East China Sea, the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals reappeared. Qingping Jianhai suppressed the luck of the Jiejiao. The luck of the Jiejiao began to recover. Those who practice latently, some go out to seek the Tao and travel around the world, and some have their caves in Dongsheng Shenzhou to recruit disciples, establish a sect, and spread the Taoism of Jiejiao.

On Dongsheng Shenzhou, there are many immortal sects, and the number of authentic Taoist monks is gradually increasing.The sects stand side by side, and the various sects of the two sects are still hostile to each other, and they don't like each other.

The two Popes began to rub against each other again, but this time I didn't let it go.

Xuandu came out of the mountain in person and established the rules, setting down the four upper Xuanzongs, the twelve middle Xuanzongs, and the thirty-six lower Xuanzongs.The rest of the sects are collectively referred to as Xuanmen.Every thousand years, the major sects use the discussion of the Tao as the law, and divide them into three classes of Taoism.

Among the four great Xuanzongs, Chijingzi's Lihezong, Taoxing Tianzun's view of Qingxu, Yu Hua's Dao of Huaxue, and Ma Sui's Qiankunzong.

Most of the Taoist sects in the Twelve Middle School were established by the powerful disciples of the three generations of Chanjie, and most of the Xuanmen in the 36th Middle School were created by the disciples of the three generations of Chanjie.The four major upper Taoist sects are divided into half and half, and the same is true for the Twelve Middle Taoist sects. Among the 36 lower Taoist sects, there are slightly more teachings, accounting for 24 sects.

The major sects are divided into separate administrations, demarcate their own boundaries, and live in peace with each other.Among the disciples of the second generation of Chanjue, only these four established sects, so there are four great Shang Xuanzongs.

People teach Laozi to accept only two disciples, Xuandu and Chen Tuan, Chen Tuan is still a named disciple.There are three generations of disciples in the two teachings of Chanjue, and even four or five generations of disciples have come out. But Xuandu took over Bianzhuang, and Renjiao has three generations of disciples.

Various sects of Taoism went to Nanzhan Buzhou one after another to find people who inherited Taoism. Many immortals traveled to the mortal world, leaving behind many myths and legends.

At this time, it was only more than forty years away from Fengshenliang Jie, but the world has changed another generation, and Wu Geng of Chaoge has also changed from a child back then to a late emperor who is nearly half a hundred years old.

Ji Fa, the Marquis of Xiqi, has also passed away. His life was changed by immortals.

The human world began to return to peace, and the three realms also returned to normal, with the cultivation of health and rest after the catastrophe.

Lao Tzu has been sitting in Shouyang Mountain and has not come out. Although the time is approaching, he has no intention of leaving.

Because, the Second Saint of the West has not left yet, so he is worried.Whenever the sage of the West rises, so does he, the sage of the East.

Lao Tzu looked at Duobao sitting quietly in front of him and the self-proclaimed primordial spirit, and then at the west, ripples appeared in his calm eyes.

In the Western Ultimate Bliss, Zhunti and Jieyin sat quietly beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, and Jieying sensed Lao Tzu who was looking at the west from afar.

His painful face was even more painful.

Zhunti smiled and said, "Brother, don't worry too much. If we don't do this, when will we be able to repay the infinite merit?"

Jie Yin sighed: "After all, we have to come to this point, and let down the teacher's care for the two of us. I didn't expect that I would abandon my teacher one day."

Zhunti clasped his hands together and said, "Senior brother, you have a picture.

The teacher is the incarnation of Tao and the teacher of all Taos in the world.

Although we ascetics are heretics and non-Xuanmen orthodox, Buddha is the way.

We are also practicing the Tao. Although the ways are different, they are the same in the end. The teacher is the teacher of all the ways, and he is also my teacher of Buddhism and Taoism. Why do you want to abandon the teacher? "

Jie Yin nodded, the pain on his face faded a little, he said: "This time, I have suffered for my junior brother, three thousand worlds, it is no small matter."

Zhunti said with a smile: "Senior brother is too famous, senior brother stops being tired, senior brother has a big dream of three thousand, and dreams of Hengsha billions of billions, this is labor, this is merit.

Even if we set up another Buddhist sect, we still need to respect our brothers as our roots and ancestors. "

Jie Yin nodded, with emotion in his eyes, he did not refuse, the two of them have gone through endlessly, no matter how great the favor, no matter how great the benefit, it can't compare to the love between the two of them.

Jieyin said: "It is the greatest blessing and the greatest opportunity for Jieyin to have a companion for the rest of his life."

Zhunti laughed and said, "The same goes for Zhunti."

Beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, the love of the two saints can be expressed in one word.

Above the City of Nightless Sky, in the mountain and sea realm, Qing Luo, who was cultivating with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes.

He said: "What should come is finally here!"

On his forehead, the ancestral Luoling pattern emerged, sensing three thousand spirit patterns, summoning the former Luoling tribe, and now the Nightless Sky City tribe.

Qing Luo waved her hand, the breeze flew by, and Jiu Ling, who was sleeping, woke up, Qing Luo smiled and said, "Your feast is here."

(End of this chapter)

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