Chapter 428 Bloodbath Never Night
Nether blood sea, endless blood, endless blood waves, endless Asura is excited.They can see the light of day again, can kill all directions again, can drink the flesh and blood of living beings wantonly, and their reputation as Asura will surely spread far and wide again.

In the Pure Land of Fahua next to the sea of ​​blood, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva looked down, and the Styx, who claimed that the sea of ​​blood would never dry up and never die, went to die again.

In the eyes of Ksitigarbha King, Styx is an ancient power with a very high level of cultivation, but he is always trying to die. One day his blood will dry up, and Styx will die!

He looked at the infinite Asura in the sea of ​​blood, put his hands together, the Buddha's light flourished, the Buddha's light illuminated most of the Netherworld, the infinite Buddha's light illuminated the blood sea, the golden light collided with the blood color, the golden light was from rigid to yang, and the blood color from yin to evil It was fierce, but as soon as the golden light entered the sea of ​​blood, infinite Buddhist mantras resounded in the sea of ​​blood.

It's that time of a century again.

Every hundred years, he will personally take action to save some Asuras, sometimes thousands of them, sometimes only hundreds of them, it all depends on how fast Patriarch Styx reacts.

In his free time, Ksitigarbha would come to the Blood Sea for a walk, recite scriptures, and save some demons.

He called the Asuras the demon-killers, because they were born only to kill, to kill for the sake of killing, and to kill to become demons.

His master told him that it is not necessary to be a high-ranking person for these creatures. If you pay attention to your appearance, a lot of creatures may be slaughtered.

When Ksitigarbha first came, he was always embarrassed, because of his status, he didn't want to attack those low-level Shuras.But when he saw the asuras who ran out of the sea of ​​blood and slaughtered everywhere, the corpses of all the creatures, and the fear all over the place, he finally became angry.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, there will be a second time after the first time.The more time passed, the more he played Qiufeng at will.

He lost his face, but in exchange for one party after another, the creatures were not killed.At that time, Zhunti gave him the honorable position of Bodhisattva, and he asked Bodhisattva what he meant?
Zhunti laughed and said: It is Bodhisattva.

Bodhi means enlightenment, wisdom, and Tao, and Satyu means sentient beings and sentient beings.It is collectively called the Three Vehicles together with the Shravakas and the Fate.It is also one of the ten realms.Practitioners who seek the supreme Bodhi with wisdom, transform all living beings with compassion, practice all paramita, and achieve Buddhahood in the future.Only those who are sentient beings of the Dao, those who feel sentient beings, those who are greatly enlightened, and those who are Dao-minded, can be called Bodhisattvas.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva nodded in thanks.From then on, he no longer doubted. He had great compassion and supreme wisdom in his heart, and this was what he wanted, not those empty names.

Ksitigarbha's Dharma Buddha light spread the Dharma scriptures, and countless Buddhist texts were involved in the hearts of more than a thousand asuras, crushing the killing heart and reshaping the kind heart.

In the infinite Dharma words, more than a thousand Asura's bloody murderous intent faded from their eyes, they folded their hands together, and said: "Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!"

Ksitigarbha smiled and waved his hand, and recruited thousands of Asuras.

He saw that the sea of ​​blood was calm except for those asuras who panicked.

Ksitigarbha pretended to be puzzled, but waved his hand again, wanting to shine the light of Buddha again.

Suddenly a cold voice came from beside his ear: "Ksitigarbha, you are too greedy."

His face was startled, and he thought he was careless!
A three-foot long sword pierced Ksitigarbha's body, and the sword was stained with Buddha's blood, making it even more rampant. Yuan Tu stabbed Ksitigarbha with a sword.

Ksitigarbha was frightened and angry, and a golden wheel of immeasurable merit appeared behind him, protecting himself, holding a diamond banner in his left hand, and forming a fearless seal in his right hand, and the Buddha's light was magnificent, hitting the Styx in the dark behind him.

Ming He drew his sword and retreated, standing on the sea of ​​blood, looking at Dizang with strong killing intent in his eyes, and said: "If it weren't for the golden wheel of merit and virtue behind you, I could have killed you with just one sword strike."

King Ksitigarbha's face was pale, with blood from the sword marks on his body, he smiled pitifully and said, "It's a pity that you still don't have any."

The murderous intent in Ming He's stern eyes subsided, and he said, "This seat, Yuan Tu, is not so easy to get hurt."

After all, Patriarch Minghe's body flashed, and he fell into the sea of ​​blood.

In an instant, the sea of ​​blood surged violently, and a bloody vortex rose up, shaking the entire water of the sea of ​​blood.Dizang got up and went to the Western Bliss, using the water in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool to dissipate Yuan Tu's killing intent and evil spirit.

Dizang laughed a little in his heart, because he knew that only when Styx hurt him would he go to the City of Nevernight with peace of mind.

Styx is scheming against Ksitigarbha, but Styx did not expect that Ksitigarbha is also scheming against himself,

The sea of ​​blood looks boundless, and the sea of ​​blood is frightening, frightening to immortals, and frightening to souls and ghosts.

Today, the blood of the sea of ​​blood sank.

Since the creation of heaven and earth, the sea of ​​blood has never decreased, only increased.

But today, the water in the sea of ​​blood is sinking, obviously sinking.

The bee pupae of the endless sea of ​​blood flowed into the earth, and in the extreme depths of the earth, under a hundred thousand feet, there was a river of blood rushing under the earth, and a sea of ​​blood was raging.

The Nether Blood Sea, the sea of ​​blood that will never dry up, sank today.

The water in the sea of ​​blood sank inch by inch, foot by foot.

The water of the ten thousand zhang blood sea melted into nothingness!

It is the water of a sea of ​​blood that is ten thousand feet deep. The sea of ​​blood is vast and boundless. If the sea of ​​blood sinks by a foot, it can fill a vast ocean.Now it has sunk ten thousand feet, enough to cover the sky and the sun, and enough to become a vast ocean of blood again!
The sea of ​​blood passed through the earth, and the earth was trembling, but countless creatures did not know why.Their ability to predict the signs of the earth can't sense the depths of the earth, and there is a boundless sea of ​​​​blood below a hundred thousand feet!
Wherever the sea of ​​blood passed, all the creatures hiding underground, immortals and demons, all turned into blood water, expanding the sea of ​​blood.

Wherever the sea of ​​blood passes, all the lakes and rivers are turned into blood.When the living beings drink it, they will turn into demons and kill everything. The life will not stop, and the killing will not stop.

In the sea of ​​blood, hundreds of millions of Asura tribes are walking through.At the beginning, there were four demon kings who commanded the Dharma Department Shura, Zizai Tianbo Xun, Brahma, Lust, and Shiva.

There are also four major demon generals commanding the War Department Shura, Indra, Vishnu, Lutoro, and Ghost Mother.

Later, there are the wife of the Great Demon King Zizai Tianbo Xun, the concubine Umo and the 72 Princess Asura.Patriarch Minghe stood at the forefront, where the sea of ​​blood passed, there was nothing to stop him, and all living beings were submerged in the monstrous waves of blood.

After the leadership of the Asuras, there are as many as one billion Asura tribes, each of whom is comparable to the realm of Immortal Dao and Heavenly Immortals and above.

The four major demon kings, the four major demon generals, and the concubine Umo are Daluo Jinxian cultivation bases, 72 Asura princesses, each of whom is in the late stage of Taiyi, and the 72 work together, based on the blood and river formation, and even Can fight with the quasi-sage.

Ming He sneered, looking at the City of Nevernight on the sky, a mere fairy city, but there are only a few big Luos, hundreds of golden immortals, and more than ten thousand little immortals, how can he resist his billion Asura tribes?Styx not only wanted to seize Qinglian, he also wanted to wash the night sky with blood, in order to repay the humiliation Qingluo gave him outside Luoling Mountain.

He Styx has never been a magnanimous person, no matter who offends him, from the three realms and six realms, even a saint, he dares to make the saint pay the price for offending him!
The nightless sky is destined to become a ruin!
(End of this chapter)

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