Chapter 440
The area of ​​thorns in the southwestern part of the prehistoric wilderness is wider, absorbing the immeasurable sea of ​​blood, and the thorns of nearly [-] million Asura's corpses grow on this land soaked by the blood sea, making it more comfortable.

Tens of thousands of blood crows flew down from the thorn branches, recuperating in the thorn branches, and staring at all the creatures in this area.

Even immortals, no one would dare to pass through the vast thorny field.

The Thorn Field has become a place of death, a place where resentment, death, and sorrow gather, and it will last forever, and the more it accumulates, the thicker it becomes.

On the terrifying thorny Jedi, there is an extremely beautiful fairy city.

Together with Yaochi Wonderland and Penglai Wonderland, it is also known as the city that never sleeps.

Ever since then, there has been a steady stream of visitors from all directions in the City of Nightless Heaven. Immortals travel like streams. The beautiful scenery in the city is moving.

The strength of the Nightless City has attracted many immortals to seek shelter, seek protection in the immortal city, and enter the immortal city.

Nightless Sky City has carefully selected people, and has recruited more than a thousand immortals to strengthen itself.

But the one with the highest cultivation level is only in the mid-stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and none of Da Luo's cultivators came, but there are a hundred more Golden Immortals, and the rest are all little immortals from the Celestial Immortal Realm.

The Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor is in charge of one city, the five mountain city masters are in charge of each side, and the Baoshan Sanren are in charge of teaching etiquette and law. All the guarding immortals in the city must pass the assessment.Shen Gongbao is in charge of the transformation of the robbery cloud in the fairy city, watching the luck of the immortals in the fairy city, and the luck of the whole city converges.

Weeping Blood went through the battle of the sea of ​​blood, drank the blood essence of three Asura kings, and even drank the blood of the ancestor Wu Xingtian's body. The cultivation of blood path went further, and his strength became even more unfathomable.

After the Qinglan battle, she returns to the Nuwa Temple.

Ge Kun still spends his days idle.

Qingluo retreated for a hundred years, using the lotus of the ninth-grade lotus platform to restore the vitality of the physical body.

And this is only a hundred years, the fate of the great merchants in the world has finally declined, the black bird ascended to heaven, and abandoned the merchants.

The Shang Dynasty was passed down to the 34th century, and finally it was inevitable to die!

The grandson of Xiqi Jifa, Ji Zhao once again gathered millions of troops and invited the princes of the world to attack the Shang Dynasty.

The grandson of Wu Geng, Zhou Geng continued the order of his grandfather, King Zhou. He was absurd and had no loyal ministers inside or outside. He was a villain and treacherous minister.

After the war, Da Shang thought he had the help of heaven and was blessed by all the immortals, so he should be infinitely king, so whether it was military or cultural, they were all slack, singing and dancing, good ministers passed away, and traitors came to power.

Pity that Zhou Geng was still kneeling and begging to the statue of Qing Luo outside the Hall of Sages when the court song was about to be broken, and paying homage to the tablets of all the ancestors. In the eyes of the immortals, there is nothing more than a fight between ants, and no one pays attention to it.

Qing Luo just sighed, born in sorrow and died in peace, bringing himself to perish, who can save him?

Above the Nine Heavens, Leibu Zhengshen, the former Wen Zhong, and now the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universalization Tianzun, above the Heavenly Court, also sighed, the dynasty he had preserved for three generations was finally gone.

Since then, the last concern in the mortal world has disappeared.

After the emperor Fuxi appeared in the world, the gods also became prominent in the world. Chaoge built the temples of the gods at that time, but did not build the Temple of the Great Arctic Ziwei. Ziwei emperor star is prominent in Xiqi, and the aura of the emperor belongs to Xiqi. After a hundred years, finally, the four directions of the world belong to Xiqi, and the world belongs to Zhou!
The world has opened the third dynasty era, Zhou Xing enfeoffment, enfeoffment of all princes in the world.

The southern human race has gradually migrated to the forest human race, and moved to the center of the human race. Because the Nanman tribe was included in the Shang Dynasty and entered the human center of luck, now the Nanman tribe has broken away from the rule of the Zhou Dynasty and dispersed the orthodox luck of the human race.

The human race in the ancient land of Nuwa Temple was also moved by Qinglan to the land of the forest human race. Tens of thousands of human race lived in the southern forest separated from the Zhou Dynasty.

And the name of the founding country of the southern human race is really the name, Nanzhao!
When Qingluo first saw that Qinglan was honored as a holy aunt, she was under the Nuwa Temple, and she had a water spirit pearl on her body, so he guessed that Qinglan would be the holy aunt of Nanzhao Kingdom in the future.

However, the origin of the name Nanzhao Kingdom is due to one person.

Former clan elders, take photos!Since the innate aura dissipated, Zhao had already passed away, and the aura of the prehistoric land became weaker and weaker after conferring the gods, and Zhao finally reached the limit of his lifespan. Without the maintenance of innate aura, he died like a mortal.

But he went there with peace of mind, because he saw the human race rising step by step, becoming stronger step by step, step by step from the race that was almost exterminated back then to the protagonist of the world today, the first race of the prehistoric, he was satisfied.

He may be the last of the first generation of human race. Their existence is older than the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. They also overcame thorns and waves for the human race and gave up everything for the race. Although no one knew about it, they were also very at ease.

The well-being of the human race is their long-cherished wish in life.The most beautiful death in the world is to die without any regrets while watching your wishes come true.

On the day he passed away, Zhao's body turned into fly ash and fell on the land where the human race had multiplied for generations. The divine power of Sanguang Shenshui and Jiutianxisoil also dissipated and turned into dust.

The golden light that shines on his body emits a brilliant golden light, shining brightly in the world, and the prosperity of the world is as he wished.

In his whole life, he was born in the human race, grew up in the human race, became enlightened in the human race, destroyed in the human race, lived in the human race for the rest of his life, and will end up in the human race.

The human race in the southern part of the forest commemorates its respect, avoids its name, and respects its sound, so it is called Nanzhao.

If it weren't for the photos of the past, abandoning Daluo Daotu and protecting thousands of people, how can there be tens of millions of people today?
Nanzhao was established, and the royal family in power was the Luoge clan. It was the boy who knelt down and begged Qingluo to spread the fire. Luoge was dead, but the Luoge clan was still strong. They were the royal family of Nanzhao Kingdom, the Luoge royal family.

The Nanzhao Kingdom does not worship the Sanqing, nor the West, but only respects the Holy Mother of Nuwa.On the day of the founding of the country, the Holy Mother appeared in the Holy Temple of Nuwa to bless the country, and the holy aunt Qinglan guarded the temple to protect the country. Walking in the world, saving the common people, the world calls her a descendant of Nuwa!
In Shouyang Mountain, in the Palace of Eight Scenes, Lao Tzu frowned. The Nanman people entered the Shang Dynasty at the beginning, and they belonged to the ancestors of the outer branches, but now they came out of Zhou, but they were separated from the main vein.

Qing Luo is also deeply impressed by Nu Wa's superb calculations.

To put it bluntly, a single beggar enters the mansion, eats and drinks comfortably for a while, and then leaves the mansion with brocade clothes and treasures.

The southern barbarians have enjoyed the good luck of the great business for hundreds of years, and developed prosperously. Now when the dynasty changes, they leave the Zhou Dynasty, divert the orthodox luck of the human race, and return to the body of Nuwa.

Moreover, the descendants of Nuwa have diverted the fate of the world for a long time. The descendants of Nuwa have Nuwa's personal permission to walk freely in the world. Who in the world does not respect it?Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, saving the world and saving people, and with the word Nuwa on her name, who in the world does not know that this is the blessing of the Nuwa Empress?
I feel helpless in my heart, even if Nuwa is not in the prehistoric world, just a trace of divine sense left in Nuwa's temple is enough, worthy of being Nuwa!

 Nanzhao Kingdom, the name of the ancient country, is an ancient kingdom that rose in Yunnan and was established by Pi Luoge, the leader of the Mengshe tribe.

  Baidu source
(End of this chapter)

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