The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 441: The Legend of the Evernight City 4 Parties

Chapter 441

After a hundred years of seclusion, Qing Luo exited the seclusion and recovered from her injuries.

Even though he has the Sanguang Shenshui, the law of derivation, and the good fortune Qinglian, Qingluo has been in retreat for a hundred years to heal his injuries.

He mended every wound in himself, and he realized again that his scales are engraved with three thousand great ways and one hundred and eight thousand small ways, each of which is a treasure, he is full of treasures, full of scales, Full of treasures.

This snake body of mine is probably the most precious snake body in the snake clan.

Qing Luo walked out of the quiet room and looked for Ge Kun again.

Ge Kun was lying on the back of a half-foot-sized turtle, facing the sky, with water on his back, squinting his eyes, enjoying the sun.

The lotus blossoms are in full bloom, and little elves who have not yet become immortals fly out, waving their transparent wings and playing around Ge Kun.

Xu Shi sensed that Qingluo had left the gate, and opened a gap in his squinted eyes, looked at Qingluo, then closed his eyes again, and said in a lazy voice, "You're recovering well!"

Qing Luo remained silent, nodded and looked at Ge Kun with a smile.

Ge Kun instantly felt that he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. He shook his body and patted the turtle under him. The water turtle quickly waved its four claws, scraped open the lake water, and burrowed into the bottom of the lake.

Qing Luo stretched out his hand a little, the blue light flew out from his fingertips, and landed on the lake, a drop of ice covered thousands of miles, Lianhu Lake's sleep instantly turned into an ice surface, although it was an ice surface, it was not as cold as ice and snow, it was just a piece of floating ice forming an ice surface .

Ge Kun sighed, stretched out his hand to slap, the ice surface thousands of miles away broke into the water in an instant, and the ice lake turned into a lotus pond in an instant.

He opened his eyes, and said with dissatisfaction on his face, "What's wrong? You're here to trick me, old man again?"

Qing Luo smiled and said, "I beg you."

"Huh? Begging again? Are you sure that I'm an old turtle?" Ge Kun gave him an unceremonious look.

Qing Luo didn't take it seriously and said: "At this time, it is about Ge Lao's path, and it is a journey to help you achieve enlightenment!"



"Then I, trust you again?"

"Well, trust me again, and I will never trouble you, a great god, again!"

Ge Kun got up lazily, and patted the water turtle under him, and the water turtle swam to the lake by itself. After Ge Kun walked down, it sank into the water automatically.

Ge Kun stretched his waist, and then said: "Tell me, how can I make me bleed?"

The last time I promised Qing Luo to be the Supreme Elder of a city, but he tied his luck to the Evernight City. Although even if the city was destroyed, he would not suffer the disaster of destruction, but his luck was already gone. With such a profound accumulation, maybe in another ten thousand years, the fortune will rise again, and the opportunity to go further on the road will come. How can Ge Kun be willing to give up?
Qing Luo said with a smile: "The last time Nightless Sky fought against Asura, how much did Elder Ge know about the teleportation circle of Patriarch Styx?"

. . .

200 years later, in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Bing returns home.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was very happy and greeted him personally.

Standing in a blue moon robe, Ao Bing is a handsome young man, like a son of the sea, blending with the sea as if one.

Ao Guang walked out of the Crystal Palace, raised his head and saw his parents and children.There was joy in his eyes, but when he saw the two Taoists behind Ao Bing, his face showed seriousness.

Ao Bing stepped forward and said, "My son pays homage to Father."

Ao Guang helped him up with a smile, and said, "My son, you don't need to be too polite. Who are the two behind you?"

Ao Bing smiled and said: "These two are the deacons and elders of my teacher's Nightless City, the Bai family's twin immortals."

Those two people were a man and a woman, the man had a handsome face and the woman had a beautiful appearance, the male Taoist stepped forward and said: "My respects to the old Dragon King. The poor man is the deacon elder of the Evernight City, Bai Jin. This is the younger sister, Bai Xiu. "Bai Jin pointed to Bai Xiu and said to Ao Guangli.

Ao Guang was taken aback for a moment, the two of them were both Taiyi cultivators, and there was an unusual connection between the two of them, presumably they had some skills.

The Dragon King said with a smile: "So that's how it is. I heard that each of the elders of Taiyi Baixian in Guicheng is a generation with great supernatural powers and secret arts. It's really extraordinary to see them today!"

During the past 200 years, Nightless Sky City has specially recruited Taiyi Hundred Immortals, that is, hundreds of deacons and elders of Taiyi Gold Fairyland, each of whom has extraordinary combat power and is accompanied by supernatural powers and spiritual treasures, which is no small matter.

Bai Jin waved his hands and said with a smile: "I am ashamed of the Dragon King's praise. In fact, I came today to discuss something important."

The smile on the Dragon King's face remained undiminished, and said: "You two fellow Taoists, just talk about it."

Bai Jin stepped forward to hold the ceremony and said: "I am here today, following the decree of my city spirit emperor, to set up a formation at the bottom of the East China Sea.

This formation has the ability to teleport through space. It can be teleported from here to Evernight, and it can also be teleported from Evernight to here. The two places intersect and communicate with each other, which is more convenient. "

After hearing this, the Dragon King became silent and did not reply for a while.

The Dragon King pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "This matter is of great importance, can I allow Benlong to discuss it!"

Bai Jin said with a smile: "My lord Dragon King is serious. This matter is all up to the Dragon King to decide. Whether it will be successful or not can be decided by the Dragon King alone. My emperor is negotiating with the Dragon King on an equal footing, not by force."

The Dragon King relaxed slightly, and said with a smile: "I understand the dragon. Since you two are here, why don't you come to my Dragon Palace to rest for a while?"

Bai Xiu Qiao smiled and said: "Thank you, Lord Dragon King, for your kindness. My brother and sister have important positions, so we cannot enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Dragon Palace."

After a few words of politeness, Ao Guang saw that the two of them really did not want to enter the Dragon Palace, so he followed Ao Bing in.

Bai Jin smiled lightly and said, "How long do you think it will take for the Dragon King to agree?"

Bai Xiu looked at the Crystal Palace of the Dragon King, and replied, "It's been a long time! With Ao Bing bringing the promise of the ancestor, how can the Dragon King not be tempted?"

Bai Jin nodded, indeed.

After half a day, Ao Guang really came out and agreed to the matter himself, with a beaming smile on his face.

The two got the Dragon King's promise, so they asked the Dragon King for a thousand crab soldiers and crab generals, and set up a large teleportation formation at the place where the casual cultivators of the aquatic tribe gathered in the deep bottom of the East China Sea.

Of course, the large teleportation formation was made by Ge Kun himself after refining the formation flag, formation beads, and various spirit patterns before handing it over to the two for layout.

Three days later, a thick beam of light suddenly rose from the East China Sea. Countless mysterious spirit patterns emerged in the beam of light, and there were bursts of space fluctuations, and a figure stepped out of the beam of light.

Brothers and sisters Ao Bing and Bai Jin, the three of them bowed in unison: "Greetings to Master (Old Ancestor)"

The divine light dissipated, and Qing Luo's figure emerged.

Qing Luo looked up at the teleportation circle, and then the towering fortune pearl brilliance burst out, an extremely powerful coercion emerged, imprinted on the big circle, and condensed into a falling spirit pattern.

Qing Luo said loudly: "Bai Jin Bai Xiu, the two of you will stay here to guard this formation. Every thousand years, someone from Nightless City will come to take over.

With my magic power left in this formation, even the general Daluo Jinxian cannot easily destroy this formation.The two of you stay here, don't cause any trouble, just watch over and maintain the operation of the formation, pass on the Eastern Sea Aquarium, and communicate with hundreds of scattered cultivators. "

The two said yes in unison, staying behind for a thousand years seemed like a long time, but to Taiyi Jinxian like them, it was nothing.

Qing Luo waved his hand again, and with the teleportation circle as the center, a water palace with a radius of ten miles rose up, and the water palace wrote "Never Night Sky"!
He looked at Ao Bing and said, "If you want to stay in the East China Sea, you can stay in the East China Sea, it doesn't matter when you come back.

After hearing this, Ao Bing quickly nodded his thanks. He grew up here, how could he not miss his homeland.

Qing Luo stepped on again, and the teleportation formation was set up again, and Qing Luo instantly teleported to the City of Nevernight through the transmission formation.

Ge Kun appeared next to him and said, "How? Although my magic circle doesn't have powerful attacks, these magic circles for deflecting the air are definitely first-rate!"

Qing Luo nodded and said: "That's right, the space pressure is really weak, even cultivators in the Heavenly Wonderland can teleport.

It's just that the spiritual energy consumption is a bit too much! "

Ge Kun said disapprovingly: "That's also impossible. Although this formation can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth by itself, it needs more than half of the golden immortal's mana to activate it once for frequent transmission. Even the Taiyi Golden Immortal can activate it ten times in a row. , are extremely mana-consuming.”

Qing Luo nodded, indeed.

However, although there are shortcomings, they are very effective, and this shortcoming is not a shortcoming.

From now on, the Donghai people can enter the city that never turns dark, and no longer need to cross mountains and rivers, cross mountains and ridges, without the waste of space and time. Presumably, there will be more immortals wishing for the city that never turns dark.

Of course, the Donghai Aquarium is only one place, in the water, it is also close to the place of hundreds of scattered cultivators in the southwest.

Teng Liu followed Yu Yixian to his cave, Penglai Island, and also set up a large teleportation formation, and Penglai was also close to Jinao Island.

In Dongshengshenzhou, Xiaozhu led people to the Qiankun Sect of the Four Great Xuanzongs, and after obtaining consent, he also set up a large teleportation formation.

Xihe Niuzhou, Yueji Minghou also brought people to visit Maitreya, and set up a large teleportation formation in the far west.

In Beiju Luzhou, amidst the poisonous miasma, Shuo De and Xuan Li, led by a roc, entered Beiju Luzhou and also set up a large teleportation formation.

From east to west, from north to south, there are five large teleportation formations, which are scattered in four directions, but all of them can reach the city that never sleeps!
(End of this chapter)

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