The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 452 The White Monkey Enters Huaguo Mountain

Chapter 452 The White Monkey Enters Huaguo Mountain
The era of saints is slowly coming to an end. Although saints hide in the prehistoric, their footprints still remain in the prehistoric.

Above the heaven, in the 33rd heaven.

In the great red sky of the Taiqing Realm, the Taishang Laojun refines his elixir by himself in the Tushita Palace, regardless of world affairs.

In the Qingweitian of Yuqingjing, Yuanshi Tianzun's dharma figure never took a step.

In Yuyu Tianzhong of the Shangqing Realm, Tongtian Dharma Xiang never took a step forward.

The two holy dharmakayas in the Yuqing and Shangqing realms are the result of the belief in the Sanqing, so they do not take half a step beyond the 32 and 31 heavens, but only live in the place of faith, and they are the supreme gods of Taoism.

Taishang Laojun is Lao Tzu's distraction. He not only inherits the highest belief in Taoism but also has an independent body, so he can travel all over the world.

In the Nuwa Temple in the southwest, the statue of Nuwa attached to Nuwa's spiritual thoughts can show the holy power.

Zhunti Buddha's mother is a Taoist and Buddhist dual-cultivation body, and the Bodhi ancestor walks in the world.

Entering the Buddha in Amitabha's dream, in preaching Namo Amitabha, and relying on the incense of faith.

The six sages are gone, even though there are still traces left, countless great powers feel that the shackles between heaven and earth have eased, and their laws and ways are less crushed and sunk by the ways of saints.

Qing Luo came back to his senses, the sage was away from the prehistoric, and Qing Luo also felt it.Among the Three Thousand Ways, the supremacy of the Six Paths has weakened because the six masters of the Six Paths are no longer in Honghuang.

This flood, from now on, is the flood of all living beings.The sage has retreated from the high ground to the background. Although he is still a chess player, he is not as suffocating as before.

Qing Luo raised her head and looked up at the top of the mountain, Bodhi Patriarch.

He got up and flew to the top of the mountain, bowed his head to Patriarch Bodhi's back, and said, "I've met fellow Bodhi."

Although Bodhi and Zhunti are separate bodies and subordinates, Bodhi is also an independent power. He has his own soul and his own world, so he cannot be called a saint.

Bodhi stood up, lowered the five-colored stone, and said with a smile: "My friend Daoist, I have heard about it a long time ago. I am lucky to meet you today."

Qing Luo waved her hand and said: "It's just some past events, not worth mentioning."

Patriarch Bodhi just smiled, looked at the five-colored divine stone fragments in Qing Luo's hands, and said, "Fellow Taoist, why are you here for this?" He pointed to the five-colored stones behind him, and looked at Qing Luo calmly.

Qing Luo nodded, raised her palm, and a drop of blood essence was surrounded by the blue spiritual circle, without any breath.

Patriarch Bodhi was silent for a moment and said: "This is also the good fortune of this thing. It is just to remind fellow Taoists that this stone has undergone rituals of chanting scriptures day and night by poor Taoists, and the Buddha's relationship has been dyed, and the Buddha's nature has been achieved. It is a spiritual thing.

If the Taoist friend only has the blood essence of the ancestor witch in this blood, it can still suppress the tyranny of the ancestor witch, but if you add the blood essence of the great sage of the monster race, it may be impossible. . . "

Qing Luo didn't take it seriously and said: "This blood is given by the Nuwa Empress herself, what's in the blood, I don't even know what's in it."

Patriarch Bodhi no longer spoke, just nodded.

Qingluo walked towards the colorful stone. Since the founding of Buddhism, after leading the Taoist to transform Amitabha, the secrets of heaven returned to Qingming, and his whereabouts were also revealed to the eyes of the saints.If you want to hide the secret again, with Qing Luo's ability, it is impossible to hide the saint.

Simply, it is straightforward.Zhunti Buddha's mother has already sensed the opportunity of this stone, and there is no need for him to take care of it.

Zuwu's essence blood dripped into the multicolored divine stone, and the divine stone became stronger and older, and a sense of wildness surged out, and Zuwudi Jiang Xuying also flashed past.

With such a good fortune, the blood of the ancestor Wudi Jiang, no wonder he can learn the art of somersaulting clouds in the future, and cultivate the body, 72 Earth Sha is so easy to achieve.

The Xuanmen Eighty-nine Xuangong and the Buddhist Nine-turn Xuangong are all made according to the secret method of the witch clan. With the help of the blood of the ancestor witch, the stone monkeys in the future will get twice the result with half the effort.

Qing Luo looked at the five-colored divine stone fragments in his hands, and put them away.Turning around, he said, "What a bother, I'm sorry to say goodbye!"

Taoist Bodhi said with a smile: "Don't bother, the poor Taoist is leaving here."

"Oh? Where does Fellow Daoist want to go?" Qing Luo asked.

Patriarch Bodhi said with a smile: "This fairy mountain is for the benefit of all beings. Afterwards, I will set up an enchantment, and no one who belongs to the Taiyi Immortal from outside can enter.

Pindao wants to travel to the west, but he hasn't returned for many years, and he misses the pure land of the west very much. "

Qing Luo nodded with a smile, turned and left.

What Empress Nuwa told him has been done.He didn't care much about the plans of Empress Nuwa and the plans of the two Westerners.Journey to the west is still early, and no matter how secretive the plan is, it will be revealed little by little.

Qing Luo didn't intend to sit down with Patriarch Bodhi and discuss the Tao. The Tao is different and the body is also different. Patriarch Bodhi is very shrewd.

In an unnamed area of ​​the East China Sea, there is a white monkey heading east.

Walk opposite Qing Luo.

The monkey didn't see him, but he saw the monkey.

Qing Luo couldn't help laughing, stretched out her hand to grab it, and a huge force captured the white monkey on the sea out of thin air.With another wave of his sleeves, he threw it into the creation map.

Then Qing Luo stepped out and entered the picture.

The white monkey was originally shocked and panicked, but when it saw Qingluo, it was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Meet the mountain master."

Qing Luo smiled and said: "It seems that you still recognize me as the mountain lord."

The white monkey's face trembled, and he hurriedly said: "The little demon will never dare to forget the kindness of the mountain master, and will always remember it in his heart."

Qing Luo waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't say such false words. Since you have left my mountain, you will not be under the control of the poor.

I have something to do today. I need you to go with me. Would you like it? "

This white monkey is none other than a golden fairy monster monkey who left Luoling Mountain in the early years. It was hidden in Xibohou's family for generations, and was presented to King Zhou by Boyi Kao.

That day it was let go by Qing Luo and left Chaoge, but now Qing Luo suddenly remembered it and came looking for him specially.

The white monkey did everything he could, and hurriedly said: "The little demon is willing to go, and is willing to contribute his modest strength to the mountain lord."

The white monkey is in awe of Qing Luo today, and he also has great regrets. If he walked out of Luoling Mountain without self-righteousness, now he thinks he is a master of Taiyi, becoming the famous Taiyi among the hundreds of immortals in the city that never sleeps. One!
Now, if there is another chance, how can he give up?

Qing Luo smiled and said: "You go to the northeast here, and there is a fairy mountain named Huaguo Mountain a million miles away. You go to this mountain to live in seclusion and protect the monkey family in this mountain, but you can't be called the monkey king. , Do not show up in front of the monkeys.

Until one day, there was an earth-shattering monkey among the monkeys, and you reappeared to help that person. "

The white monkey nodded hurriedly.

Qing Luo said: "You stretch out your palms."

The white monkey hurriedly spread out his palms, full of surprises in his heart.

Qing Luo reached out and carved a Luo Ling pattern on the palm of the white monkey, and hid three magic powers.Then he said to the white monkey: "You must know what this pattern is, and if the time comes, it will be passed on to you.

There are still three life-saving methods in this pattern, which can protect your body when you are in crisis. "

The white monkey was overjoyed, and thanked him: "Thank you for the Dharma, Lord of the Mountain."

Obtaining the falling spirit pattern is equivalent to being a person from the city that never turns dark. Why doesn't he like it?
Qingluo stretched out his hand a little more, monkey hairs suddenly grew on the palm of the white monkey, the spirit pattern appeared, and the Luo spirit pattern disappeared.

Qing Luo said: "This pattern must not be displayed in front of others, do you remember?"

The white monkey nodded in agreement, and he must be careful not to be careless about this matter.Just as it was thinking, it felt as if its body was vacated again, and it returned to the original sea surface, as if what happened just now was like a dream.

It hastily sensed its left palm, and there was a hidden powerful mana in the palm, and the white monkey heaved a sigh of relief.

Qing Luo watched the white monkey walking towards Huaguo Mountain quietly in the air. With this Monkey Golden Immortal's late stage cultivation, in Huaguo Mountain after the Bodhi Patriarch set up an enchantment, his strength was neither high nor low, just right.

(End of this chapter)

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