Chapter 453 Go to Zixiao
It would be much more convenient to have the white monkey to take care of him in this future place of right and wrong.

Qing Luo got up and left the East China Sea, and went straight to the sky.

Ascended through one level after another level of heaven.

Until it rises 33 days away, it is not in the flood.

Qing Luo did not return to Bu Ye Tian, ​​but went to Chaos.

The millennium period of Zixiao Palace is approaching, and Daozu made an appointment with him, and he should also visit the supreme god of the prehistoric, Hongjun Daozu.

In the past, the words of Nuwa in the Nuwa Temple, if you step into the realm of quasi-sage, you should be able to understand everything.

In the past, Kong Xuan also said that only when he reached the Quasi-Holy Realm did he know everything.

At that time, among the more than 70 billion human beings on the earth, why did he choose him to come to the prehistoric, and what is the purpose and use of letting him come to the prehistoric?

Is the way of heaven, the supreme existence, really the existence that is described in the time travel books to obliterate the odd numbers?
What is the relationship between the Dao of Heaven and the Dao?
How dependent are heaven and earth, sentient beings and the way of heaven?

These thoughts that he once had when he was weak, resurfaced before Qing Luo's eyes again.

But Qing Luo did not have the panic she had at the beginning, she did not flinch, she did not escape, she went straight into the chaos, and embarked on the road to find the source of everything.

No matter whether it is good fortune, bad luck, good luck or calamity in Zixiao Palace, he can only face it and welcome it.

As for escaping, hiding, oh, under the way of heaven, in the prehistoric, any creature can see everything in a glance in the cognition of the will of the way of heaven, how about the innate treasure?What about the Chaos Supreme Treasure?So what about Grandmist Supreme Treasure?
In the world of Heaven, in its home field, can one hide with just one treasure?
Qing Luo would never believe these nonsense. In his eyes, the Dao of Heaven is the most stalwart existence in the prehistoric world except Pan Gu, and the most supreme existence in the prehistoric world. Even the Six Sages, even Hongjun, are not on the same line as the Dao of Heaven.

It is often said that the Dao of Heaven will obliterate the odd numbers and all existences that may surpass the Dao of Heaven.

Qing Luo never thinks that way, even the six sages of the way of heaven, even Hongjun, have not surpassed the way of heaven, and have not opposed the way of heaven. Who can compare to Liu Sheng and Hong Jun?

Will ants who can't even reach the holy position be a threat in the eyes of Tiandao?
And Qingluo is this ant, an ant who can't reach the holy position.

From Qing Luo's point of view, the Dao of Heaven and the Great God of Pangu have Pangu first, then the Great Desolation, and then the Dao of Heaven. They are not in the same era.

Pan Gu is the existence that created the world, and the Dao of Heaven is the existence that maintains the world.They are not in the same place or at the same time, and they are also gracious and virtuous to hundreds of millions of creatures in the wild.

Qing Luo slowed down and stepped into chaos.

This is not the first time he has stepped into the prehistoric world, but it is the first time he has felt the mystery of chaos.

Three thousand avenues, one hundred and eight thousand small avenues, and all kinds of order in the world do not exist here.

Even though he is a great power, he has only set foot in chaos, but cannot comprehend chaos, let alone possess and control chaos, even the slightest possibility is impossible.

Qingluo thought of the Empress Nuwa who once opened up the Wahuang Heaven in the chaos and established the Wahuang Palace.

It turns out that the gap between a saint and a quasi-sage is not the distance between heaven and earth, but the gap between the world and the world.

Earth, feng, shui and fire are the main scene of chaos forever, non-stop, even if the world is barren and dead, the earth, feng, shui and fire here are still raging.

An imprint appeared in Qing Luo's heart, it was the imprint of Zixiao Palace, in the depths of the chaos, without this imprint, he would only be lost in the boundless chaos.

Three flowers and five qi emerged from the top of the blue sky, and the three flowers gathered on the top of the five qi, and the towering fortune beads rose above the blue clouds, and the power derived from it bloomed and fell down the whole body.

He is stepping on the creation map, and when he takes a step, the front end of the creation map will extend one step forward, and the back end will retract one step.

Qing Luo kept walking, with no sense of time passing, no sense of direction in space, only a mark in her mind to guide her forward.

After walking for a long time, it may be a breath, or it may be ten thousand years!

Finally, Qing Luo stopped.

In front of him stood a majestic palace.The purple divine thunder, which annihilates all dharmas, hovers above Zixiao like thunder pythons.

Dao Qi Yun, Tai Chi Yin Yang Dao, Fortune Dao, Five Elements Dao. . .Three thousand avenues, the aura of each avenue remains, and is scattered around Zixiao Palace.

Once upon a time, the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace, the masters of the three thousand ways, all came out of this palace, and the source of all laws and ten thousand ways in the world came from here.

The Zixiao Palace is simple and elegant, but because of the aura of the Dao, it is full of majesty, and it is as beautiful as the Dao realm!

Qing Luo is intoxicated by it, this is the beauty of the Dao, not the beauty of the naked eye described by the color, but the beauty of the manifestation of the Yuanshen Dao, and it is magnificent.

After being intoxicated for a long time, the door of Zixiao Palace suddenly opened wide, and an emotionless voice came out: "Come in."

Qing Luo's mind returned, he restrained his mind, even if the hundred and eight thousand scales on his body trembled, even if he would get this opportunity soon after enlightenment, Qing Luo also stopped.

The owner of this place ordered him to go in.

Qing Luo bowed and said respectfully: "Qing Luo, I pay my respects to the Taoist ancestor and Zixiao Palace."

After finishing speaking, he got up, took steps, and walked into Zixiao Palace.

As soon as Qing Luo stepped into the hall, the door of Zixiao Palace suddenly closed behind him.


The sound was not loud, but in such a quiet and empty place in Zixiao Palace, it was very ear-piercing.

Qing Luo raised her head, walked straight ahead, bowed her head and walked, only looking at the hall stone under her feet. The whole hall is a single stone, which is very simple and ordinary.

It wasn't until Qing Luo saw six futons with his lowered head that he stopped, bowed his knees, and bowed down.

Kneeling Hongjun three times, there is no one else, only Qingluo is in the prehistoric, so you should thank him.

Thank you Daozu for passing on the Three Thousand Ways, thank you Daozu for being in harmony with the Tao, and thank you Daozu for protecting the prehistoric world.

Without Dao ancestors preaching, without Dao ancestors joining the Dao, and without Dao ancestors guarding the Dao, then this prehistoric wilderness is still wild at this time, and it is still the prehistoric era of ancient times.

Without Dao ancestors preaching, the Dao stops at Da Luo, and the practice of Tao stops at immortality.

If there is no Dao ancestor to join the Tao, the way of heaven will be lacking, the sky will be unfair, the sky will fall, and the world will be destroyed.

Without Taoist ancestors to guard the Tao, the world is in turmoil, all kinds of evil thoughts are rampant, demons disturb the world, and the common people have no spirit.

"Get up." Daozu's voice was still ruthless.

Qing Luo got up, raised her head, and looked at Hong Jun.

Ancestor Hongjun sat cross-legged on his head, with his hands on his knees, his face was old and ordinary.

He gave off the feeling that was the way it should be, that where he sat, that was where he was supposed to sit.No matter what, it will not feel inappropriate.

Hongjun stretched out his hand, Qingluo fell down, and a futon appeared behind the six holy futons, facing Daozu Hongjun directly.


Qing Luo nodded, sat down slowly, remained silent, waiting for the Taoist's words.Since Taoist ancestor called him, he broke up with him.

Qing Luo is a listener, Hong Jun is a speaker.The speaker has an intention, and the listener also has an intention.

(End of this chapter)

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