The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 477 The Most Holy of Confucianism and Taoism

Chapter 477 The Most Holy of Confucianism and Taoism
From then on, Nightless Sky City has the power to control the luck of heaven and earth. Although there are not many, it is very comprehensive.All the racial forces active in the wild at this moment fell into it.

A city is not the realm of one person, but countless worlds of countless individuals.

The Yuanling Pagoda was submerged, Qing Luo's figure disappeared into the world, and returned to the mountain and sea world of the City of Nevernight.

Since the beginning of Qingluo beheading the corpse, all kinds of visions in the heaven and earth have lasted for ten days and ten nights, and it will not stop until then.

Qingluo beheading a good corpse is a matter of course. With nearly a million years of accumulation of good thoughts and 5000 years of good perception, I searched for hundreds of great sages to ask them, and got the help of Haotian, the help of the ninth-grade Qinglian, and perfected the thoughts of good corpses. , Good corpses are good, so good corpses are cut with nine-grade green lotus, and nine-grade green lotus is turned into nine-color lotus.

The position of Emperor Qinghua of Dongji also has the help of Haotian imperial seal, the accumulation of good thoughts in his body, and the majestic luck. Only with the blessing of innate treasure luck can he be able to kill the good corpse.But after beheading the good corpse, his strength has reached the peak of the world, and he occupies a lot of power in the world, so that he can use his own luck to raise the derivative trail and turn it into a derivative avenue.

And after he sits on the Lord of the One, there will be another city from the heavens to gather luck to reach its peak.

Demons, immortals, and Buddhas are opportunities bestowed by saints, while heaven, earth, and people are opportunities that Qing Luo seeks.The three emperors of the human race will agree because of his body of a virtuous person, Haotian will agree because of his body of a good corpse, and if Qingluo has not reconciled with the two ancestor witches of Jiufeng Xingtian, the empress of Pingxin will not agree. Allow it.

The success of every step is the fruit of Qing Luo's long-term planning in the past. The seemingly coincidental luck is actually the result of hard work and accumulation.

Every step of the way, every step of the way, every step of the way, this is Qing Luo's plan.

The city that never sleeps is only at this very moment that it is qualified to give Ge Kun a great opportunity.

In a city recognized by heaven, earth, people, gods, ghosts, immortals, Buddhas and demons, although each party has little power, they are comprehensive when put together.

In the previous Nightless City, there was not enough authority and luck, but now, it is enough.

The next step is Ge Kun's opportunity.

Among the mundane, thousands of years have passed, wars are raging, the Spring and Autumn Era has passed, and the Warring States struggle for supremacy.

Among them, the Qin State, known as the country of Di Yi by the vassal states, began to rise.

With the rise of Qin, their ancestral traditions have not been forgotten, that is the top of Mount Tai!
For thousands of years, the top of Mount Tai has always been covered by mist. Their ancestors, none other than Qingluo, met Qin on Mount Tai when Qingluo suppressed the Qingzhou Ding, and Qingluo passed on his martial arts. , who led the wild tribe at the foot of the mountain, managed and educated for a hundred years, civilized and civilized, and survived and multiplied.Later, there was a nomadic clan called Ying, and the two clans merged into one. This place was called Qin, and this clan had the surname Ying.

But no one noticed the blood of the Wu clan that has been flowing for thousands of years in the blood of the Ying clan.

All the people of the Qin Kingdom have the power of the blood of the witch clan, even if it is only one of the billions of rare blood, it is enough to make them invincible and invincible.What's more, the way of shamanization of Shang Yang's preaching and teaching made Qin's civilization enlightened, and it was able to survive and grow stronger, overwhelming the princes.

At this time, the world's common customs are already the home field of Taoism, Confucianism, Mohism, Law, military and other prominent scholars. A hundred schools of thought are contending, and only these powerful family studies can compete!
After the efforts of the sixth king of Qin, the Qin State finally possessed supreme strength and dominated the princes.

As far as the first emperor, the survivors of the sixth life, vigorously pursued strategies and impoverished the inner world, swallowed the princes for two weeks, acted as the supreme and controlled the Liuhe, held on to beat and flog the world, and vigorously vibrated the world.Taking the land of Baiyue in the south, I thought it was Guilin and Xiangjun; the monarch of Baiyue bowed his head and tied his neck, and commissioned his officials.It made Meng Tian build the Great Wall in the north and guard the fence, but the Xiongnu were more than [-] miles away; the Hu people dared not go south to herd horses, and the scholars did not dare to bend their bows and complain.

The fate of the world has been scattered for thousands of years, and finally once again ruled the world and the country.

Qin Wang Yingzheng opened the Zen in Mount Tai, rectified his body, gained luck, was blessed by human luck, and became the king of kings.

During this period, there were countless wars and fights, countless epic stories, and countless capable men and strangers who showed their talents, combined vertically and horizontally, 36 methods of military strategists, and the car of the ladder. . .Various schools of thought fought for the country in order to survive, and even though there were millions of soldiers, they were no match for the strength of Qin.

The rise of Qin Dynasty was determined by God.

But Qin's cholera also came from this.

The first emperor of the millennium, Qin Shihuang, Yingzheng, was actually of the blood of the witch clan, and the endless evil spirit formed by the war was able to cultivate himself, become the real body of the great witch, unify the world, and even cast twelve golden men to become the gods of the twelve capitals. In order to summon the ancient witches, return to heaven and earth, and come to the world again.

But this time, Jiufeng and Xingtian didn't go out. Chi Youzhi once called them to go, but they lost troops and generals.What's more, today when the Heaven and Earth Avenue is perfect and the human race has risen!
However, Ying Zheng is invincible in the world, and his prestige is in the world.

Because he is the king of people, these two words restrict many people from making moves.

These restricted people, there are many, have a lot of great power in heaven and earth, and they cannot be shot.Because Yingzheng has humane luck to protect him, to attack him is to attack humanity!

Promoting torture, abolishing the ways of the former kings, burning the words of hundreds of schools, and using the head of fools; famous for the city, killing heroes.Torture and severe punishment to oppress the people of the world.

When all the people were in distress and no one could be saved, one family stepped forward.

They set up their hearts for the heaven and the earth, set up their lives for the living and the people, inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations.

Since then, Confucianism and Taoism have emerged from heaven and earth. On that day, the awe-inspiring righteousness between heaven and earth is in the sky, and the righteousness of heaven and earth is boundless.

(End of this chapter)

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