Chapter 478

On that day, the brilliance of humanity bloomed between heaven and earth.Ordinary people can cultivate immortals, gods, Buddhas, defy the sky, and gain longevity, but they have no way of their own.

Today, the way of self that belongs to the human way has nothing to do with immortals, gods and Buddhas, but Confucianism and Taoism that are only related to people!

Confucianism transforms Confucianism and Taoism, Confucian saint Confucius is revered as the most holy man, Confucius and Haoran will live forever, righteousness will never die, and Confucius will never die.

Confucius held a book in one hand and a pen in the other.It is written in the book that the spring and autumn are prosperous, the atmosphere is boundless, and the awe-inspiring righteousness shines through the night of the ages, illuminating the world and winning the government!
Yingzheng holds the Twelve Golden Men, incarnated as gods and demons, with peerless murderous intent sweeping across the Pentium, a phantom of Pangu, or a phantom that cannot be counted as a phantom of Pangu, merged with Yingzheng's body.

Confucianism and Daoism bring luck back to flow, like rivers and rivers returning to hundreds of rivers, and the righteousness is like the brilliance of the sun.

Confucian righteousness brings together thousands of Confucian scholars, three thousand disciples, and 72 sages, all of whom lead their own luck into the body of a saint.

Ying Zheng said coldly: "Confucius, do you really dare to conquer the world with me?"

Confucius shook his head and said: "I am not fighting for the world, but to protect the painstaking efforts of our human ancestors for thousands of years, so that they will not fall into the hands of the witches, and the people of the world will not suffer from the slavery of your witches."

On the sky, the body of Mencius, the body of Xunzi, and the power of the three sages of Confucianism are all displayed, revealing their meaning.

Yingzheng said angrily: "Since you are asking for death, don't regret it!"

As soon as the words fell, the tripod of Kyushu moved, the tripod of the king of people shook, and the nine golden dragons of luck and the golden dragon of body protection on Ying Zheng's body merged into one, turning into a giant dragon of 100 million feet, with golden light flashing, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

Haoran's righteousness is like a sea of ​​clouds, but he can't help but be trapped by the golden dragon, and he can't get out.

Ying Zheng smiled wildly, and made a decree to burn books and confuse Confucianism, so as to exterminate Confucianism and Taoism!

The three saints were angry, but they couldn't get out, and were trapped by the golden dragon.Even though they share the fate of humanity, Confucius is only one of a hundred schools of thought, while Yingzheng is the king of the world, so he can be protected by the fate of the whole humanity.

After three months of burning books and burying Confucianism, the luck of Confucianism and Taoism has been greatly reduced, and the three sages of Confucianism and Taoism are in crisis instead.

Just at this time, the corpse of the emperor Fuxi was brought out by the Emperor Shanggong. He led millions of heavenly soldiers in the heavenly court and set up a net of heaven and earth. The 28 stars and the king of Jiuyao Xing led the fighting crowd from the west and descended to the mortal world to defeat the witches. , Qin Wang Yingzheng fell since then, and his son Hu Hai succeeded to the throne. Ten years later, the Qin Dynasty fell and was replaced by the Han Dynasty.

The world returns to peace, and the world is unified.

But at this moment, the Nightless City is doing one thing.

All transactions in the city are exchanged for a three-inch long spirit stone, which is used to replace barter.

This is Ge Kun's chance, the currency of immortals!
These spirit stones are produced in batches by Ge Kun's large formation, and they are absolutely unique. This formation is the only one in the world that can produce spirit stones.

The spirit stone is guaranteed by the prestige of the Nightless City, and it is used to exchange all exchangeable items in the city. It is enforced by the Sky City, and it has been adapted for thousands of years before it gradually becomes popular in every part of the Nightless City.

In the city that never sleeps, the spirit treasure auction started to be held at the price of spirit stones. Of course, the spirit treasures auctioned are only acquired spirit treasures, and it is extremely difficult for top-grade acquired spirit treasures to appear. Lingshi is exchanged.

And the spirit stone has the special symbol of the three characters "Buyetian" and Ge Kun's own unique avenue pattern. All living beings in the world, only Ge Kun's big formation can create the spirit stone of "Buyetian", and as long as there are immortals , you can easily detect the authenticity.

Ge Kun's Dao of Earth is one of the Dao of the Five Elements, the Dao of Origin, his practice of the Dao of Earth, two generations of practice, has reached the extreme of the Dao of Earth, the master of the Dao of Earth, relying on his strength, apart from Saint, no one can easily imitate and break his Dao pattern.

Evernight City began to implement Lingshi Gaiden, which gradually affected the immortals and other worlds outside the Nightless City, and even the four teleportation formations began to charge a price, and no longer provided it free of charge.The large teleportation array began to use spirit stones as the price of transmission, and deeply integrated the spirit stones with the city that never sleeps.As long as you enter the Nightless City, you will definitely use Lingshi.

The current number of immortals in the Nightless City has reached 300 million immortals every year. Driven by the radiation of these immortals, the spirit stones in the Nightless City are quietly spreading to immortals in obscurity.

But at this moment, a Hinayana Buddha in Western Buddhism entered the Evernight City, and opened a temple in the Night City, named "Huanxi Temple"!
The Buddha who came here is the Lord of the Wonderful Emotion World among the Three Thousand Worlds of Buddhism, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, the long-eared Dingguang Immortal back then.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha came here to preach, and what he preached was not hard practice of Zen, but Joy Zen, the practice of Buddhism's double cultivation, the art of the house!

Qing Luo didn't take it seriously, and came as soon as he came. The Nightless Sky City will not prohibit anyone from coming, as long as they don't violate the rules, anyone can enter the city.

Qing Luo is a very open-minded person, so he asked the people of the lotus elves to learn common delicacies and open restaurants, which can satisfy both meat and vegetables.

Combined with these mortal delicacies and Qingluo's past life memories, the delicacies of Evernight City are absolutely delicious.

Of course, these meat and vegetable ingredients have no causal connection.

Because, Qing Luo purposely opened up many small worlds in the City of Nightless Sky, adopting poultry from all sides, chickens, ducks and fish to raise cattle and pigs. . . .All kinds of creatures.

In this world, they will live their lives in peace, without worrying about being killed by humans, hunting by natural enemies, or having no food.

They will live here for the rest of their lives. If there are those who have opened their spirits, they will become monsters, and they will be sent to other small worlds for their cultivation, and they will be treated as monsters.

If there are no creatures who have enlightened their spiritual wisdom and practiced demon law, then after they enjoy a peaceful life, they will die of old age on their own, and then their corpses and physical bodies will be used as the price for a lifetime of peace and happiness.Of course, when their flesh is dead, it will still maintain the young and fresh meat to ensure the taste is sufficient.

Nightless City, such a free and happy city with food, beauties, and beautiful scenery, attracts many monks to take a look, and it will be unforgettable for all living beings.

(End of this chapter)

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