Chapter 479 The Great Way of Heaven
Time passed slowly, Qing Luo fell in the mountain and sea boundary, and did not come out for a long time.

He missed a lot of people and things, such as going to see the first emperor Qin Shihuang, son Fusu, Han ancestor Liu Bang, and Wujiang Xiang Yu who have been passed down for 5000 years in his previous life.Even in the era of hundreds of schools of thought, he did not go to witness the return of the jade to Zhao, the pleading for guilt, the sacrifice of courage, the encirclement of Wei to save Zhao, and the assassination of King Qin by Jing Ke. . .

Qing Luo may or may not have thought of these people, but he will not go to see them.

In the previous life, Qingluo was just a generation of ordinary people, and they were all famous people in the long river of history.

But now, to them, Qingluo is the gap between the sky and the ants.Maybe it's just because when Qing Luo sees her, their luck and fate will change.

More because Qing Luo is the supreme power in the world, his words and deeds will attract countless people's attention, and will have a lot of influence.

The higher you stand, the farther you can see, and the more people will see you.

For example, the spirit stone of Nightless City, even though Nightless City is very low-key, is still noticed by many powerful people.

Each of these great powers is a generation of extraordinary wisdom, and the use of spirit stones is actually ordinary currency.If Lingshi can really become the currency of the fairy world, then there will be infinite opportunities and good fortune.

But they can see it, but they can't get it.

Because they don't have the authority and authority of heaven and earth as big as Evernight City.

And which one of them has no deadly enemy, which one has no enemy, and which one has only one enemy?
The existence that can be called an enemy by them, how can it be a simple existence?Qing Luo also has many enemies, such as Styx, Wu Clan, and Chanjiao. . .

But Qing Luo solved these enemies.

Those who can be resolved are resolved, and those who can be directly suppressed are directly suppressed.

After the enemy comes the friend.The monsters are friends, the heavens are friends, Buddhism and Taoism are friends, immortals and gods are friends, goodness reaches the world, friends make friends everywhere, all the way to the world, there are friends who can be trusted.

Coupled with Qing Luo's tyrannical strength to defeat Styx with one palm, although it may not be the best in the wild, it is definitely rare in the wild.

So Qingluo could do it, but it was difficult for them.

The circulation of spirit stones has gradually spread from the Nightless City to the four corners of the world, gradually accepted by more and more immortals, and stored by major forces.

In another ten thousand years, when the spirit stones circulate to a certain extent, then the spirit stones may become the currency of immortals, then Ge Kun will have a great opportunity, and the road will surely go one step further!
Since the circulation of spirit stones, Ge Kun has been casting spirit stones day and night, supplemented by spirit vein stones and formations, and mainly dao patterns, to cast spirit stones one after another.

After he knew the opportunity of Lingshi, Ge Kun was no longer as leisurely as before. He was more concerned about this matter than anyone else, because he knew the opportunity better.

In the southwest of the wilderness, in the dead zone of thorns, spiritual veins were opened one after another, and spiritual stones were excavated and sent to the city that never sleeps.

The thorny death area covers an area of ​​more than one billion miles in the southwest of the prehistoric area, and there are naturally countless Lingshi Lingshan in it.Due to the thorns, except for the blood spirits and crows, there are no other creatures living here, so there is no accident of disputes between the spirit stones and the spirit veins.

As for Lingshi Lingmai, for the prehistoric world, it takes tens of thousands of years to form a mountain of spirits.But within the Thorn Dead Zone, it only takes tens of thousands of years to form.

Because there are no other creatures in the thorny area, there is no spirit to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, so the speed of aura storage and recovery is much higher than that of mountains where other creatures are scattered.

As for the whole prehistoric world, the aura of the prehistoric world will never be exhausted.

Outside the prehistoric world, there are endless earth, feng, shui and fire. As soon as the earth's feng, shui and fire approach the edge of the prehistoric, they will be decomposed by the power of heaven into five elements of aura, and flow into the prehistoric world.

As for the prehistoric aura, it has been drying up from ancient times to the present, not only because countless fairy lands will be destroyed every catastrophe, but also because there are more and more prehistoric creatures, and the speed at which the creatures absorb aura exceeds the speed at which the prehistoric heaven transforms it.

Therefore, there will be less and less aura between heaven and earth.

Because of this, countless souls will fall every time the heaven and earth catastrophe occurs, in order to balance the return speed of the heaven and earth aura.

Among the living beings in the world, the older and more powerful beings naturally absorb the largest amount of spiritual energy in the world, so some of these great powers will fall every time a catastrophe occurs.

A quasi-sage's power is equivalent to the speed at which millions of heavenly immortals and immortals can absorb spiritual energy.

But the death of great powers is less and less, and the number of newly born great powers is also less and less, so the speed of return of heaven and earth aura is getting faster and faster, and because of this, in the future catastrophe of heaven and earth, the power will become weaker and weaker for heaven and earth powers. Ordinary creatures from heaven and earth are getting heavier and heavier!
The way of heaven is not to curb the way of the prehistoric souls to practice Taoism, but the way of heaven is to help the prehistoric souls to pursue the Tao.If the way of heaven and the monks in the world are really in complete opposition, then the way of heaven will directly prevent the aura of heaven and earth from returning, and the aura of heaven and earth will be extinct. Who can step on the road of immortality again?
The way of heaven is never afraid or worried that the prehistoric creatures will go against the sky, because the prehistoric creatures cannot reach the height of the way of heaven and have no power against the sky.

The ultimate pursuit of the way of heaven is not to rule the prehistoric world, but to perfect the order of the prehistoric world, to build a reasonable order of all living beings, and to protect the prehistoric existence.

This is the eternal pursuit of the Dao of Heaven, the mission, the duty, and the ultimate desire.

The reason why the way of heaven can become the way of heaven is not that it should be, but because Pangu's will chose it, and the will before Pangu's fall recognized it. spirit.

Qing Luo used to always think that Tiandao was afraid that the power of heaven and earth like him would surpass Tiandao and endanger Tiandao's rule.It wasn't until Qing Luo saw the gap between the majesty of the heaven and the sentient beings in the heaven and earth that he realized the selfless greatness of the heaven.

The way of heaven is inhumane and treats all things equally.

The way of heaven rewards those who work hard, and the way of virtue is the way of heaven.

This is Qingluo's understanding of the way of heaven, and the stronger Qingluo is, the more he feels the magnificence of the way of heaven in a broad sense.

Therefore, Qing Luo always has a heart of respect for this world, is fearless and invincible, and respects the heaven and the earth, so his luck in the world is destined not to be too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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