Chapter 480 Spirits and Demons
Qing Luo has two clones of two and three corpses.The body of the evil corpse is the Emperor of Weeping Blood, capturing the luck of a city.

The good corpse is Emperor Qinghua of the East Extreme, who is in charge of the great good in the world, and possesses the luck of one of the four emperors of the heaven. Moreover, the Emperor Qinghua of the East Extreme, who is transformed into a ten-directed deity, is divided into hundreds of millions of spiritual bodies. Like the deep like the sea.

And doing good and accumulating virtue is a matter of good corpses, and it is no longer a matter of Qingluo.Qingluo Yuanshen, all the good and evil on the implicated Dao, are cut out, so that they become more rational, understand the world, and can break through the essence of all things without being affected by sensibility.

Nightless Sky City is also blessed with the luck of the six directions, and the luck is boundless.And Qingluo is promoting the currency of the immortal, although it is seeking opportunities for Ge Kun, why is it not attracting luck from all directions for the city of Evernight?

Qing Luo's various schemes have only one purpose.

That is the achievement of Hunyuan!
He has practiced Taoism for a short time and progressed very quickly, but because of this, he has a gap with many great masters of heaven and earth in terms of time accumulation.

Nowadays, if Hong Huang is said to be the one who has achieved Hunyuan, perhaps the biggest one is not Qing Luo.

It is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal who divided the four continents and founded the Earth Immortal, the Kunpeng who became the master of the monster race with mana, the most proud colorful peacock in the world, and even once considered the master of the Asura Sect. There are some hidden deep existences. . .

Even though Qing Luo has never been to the Zixiao Palace to preach, he also knows that becoming a saint requires great opportunity, great perseverance, great wisdom, and great merit.

Great opportunity, the identity of Qingluo Daoxuan's son has brought him a lot.With great perseverance, great wisdom, superimposed memories of two lifetimes, and long-term practice, he can be regarded as comparable to those extremely powerful.

But he has no great merit.

Even though Qingluo has experienced the prosperity of the human race for several times, she has won the merits of the human race and received several merit awards, but after all, it is only a small merit, and there is no merit bestowed by the whole world, nor a huge merit.

Needless to say, Zhen Yuanzi's merit is Kunpeng. Although the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race was destroyed, he had already accumulated infinitely many merits and virtues in inheriting the Supreme Court of Heaven and enlightening hundreds of millions of Monster Races in the glorious period of ancient times.

Moreover, they live for a very long time, even if they can't make great merits under the saints, they can make small merits.Small merits accumulated for thousands of years, millions of years, tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, a Yuan Hui, then small merits will become great merits!
Even though Qing Luo's strength is comparable to theirs, he is still too young, and he needs to accumulate.

But after knowing the existence of the Transcendent Calamity, he will not really accumulate slowly and practice slowly.

He wants to hoard luck, which is as huge as a vast ocean. At most, luck will give birth to chance, and chance is accompanied by merit.

Even though Qing Luo is now considered to be in the middle stage of quasi-sage, beheading the two corpses, there is still one step before Hunyuan, and that is to shape the corpse of himself.

The body movement of the original self is called the later period, the later period of the quasi-sage.Although the third corpse could be sensed, no one could kill it.

Zhenyuanzi, Kunpeng, and Minghe are such realms.Although there is no big difference in strength in such a realm, they are much better than the mid-term quasi-sages in terms of cognition of the Dao. They can better know where their Dao is going and where the Dao is destined.Ru Minghe spared no effort to seize the ninth-rank Qinglian.

Qing Luo practiced Taoism in the world of mountains and seas, and he who cut off the two corpses made him more and more admirable, mysterious and awe-inspiring.

Even the first-generation subordinates like Yueke, Minghou, and Yueji are becoming more and more afraid of Qingluo.

There are only a few of his disciples who are still the same, fearless and respectful.

Qing Luo fell silent and continued to build the Dao of Derivation.His four Dao chains of heaven, earth, black and yellow can lead to the four corners of the universe, and all evolutionary trajectories can be reached.

In addition to the four Dao chains, he has countless Dao chains, which can reach the heavens and the earth, cross the four seas, and wander around in the eight wildernesses.

Qingluo is the only one with the Derivative Dao, he has already stood at the extreme of the Derivative Dao, further on is the limit obstacle, beyond that is the world of Hunyuan, if he can't get beyond, he can only live below forever.

And Qing Luo is not in a hurry to cross over, because it is not yet the time.

After his own corpse awakens and comes out, he will receive the extraordinary power to kill the three corpses, and the three corpses will become one to become the power to break the realm of Hunyuan, and then continue the road of deriving the Dao, stepping into Hunyuan.

As for the present, what Qing Luo needs to do is to consolidate the Dao of Derivation, deduce the Dafa, and lay the cornerstone of the Dao.

In Qingluo's silent mountain and sea realm, legends about Qingluo in the prehistoric world have gradually become popular.

The prehistoric world has once again become a stage for many immortals.

On the Huaguo Mountain in the sea next to the Aolai Country of Dongsheng Shenzhou, the multicolored stones on the top of the mountain are silently absorbing the essence of the sun, moon and stars, the spirit of the earth and the sky.The entire fairy mountain of blessed land, with it as the eye of the formation, there is a large formation protecting the colorful stones and Huaguo Mountain.

This stone will not be broken, the formation will not be broken, and Taiyi will not enter.

Above the Heavenly Court, under the seat of Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole, the Canopy Marshal, one of the four sages of the North Pole, is diligently practicing Taoism on the bank of the Tianhe River, seeking to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

And Bai'e, who is also one of the four sages of the North Pole, the spirit snake general under the seat of Emperor Zhenwu, is being punished.She was punished because she went down to Lishan to visit her daughter without permission, causing a fierce demon to escape.

Emperor Zhenwu is the most impartial and upright among the four sages of the North Pole, even if he is the second capable general under him, he still punishes them.

Xuan Li, the lord of Beiling Mansion District in the City of Everlasting Sky, is at the time when she is proud of her life.He was on the occasion of a happy marriage and great joy, and there was a lot of excitement in the place where the snake tribe lived in Beiling District, and there were many fawning people who came to congratulate him.

His Taoist companion is a big demon in Bibotan, named Yao Ji, who also attained Taoism from the Snake Clan. Her main body is Qingbi Spirit Snake, and she is also in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

She was defeated only because a dragon who attained the Tao seized the Bibo Pool, but fortunately Xuanli rescued her and brought her back to the City of Nevernight.

And after the big demon in Bibotan knew Xuanli's identity, he was so frightened that he flew out of his mind, and hurriedly voluntarily entered the position of Earth Immortal, willing to guard Bibotan, and willingly joined the foreign dragon clan, as a side branch of the dragon clan, and then came to Nightless Sky City to plead guilty .

If this dragon really doesn't come to plead guilty, then Xuanli will come to make a karma in the future, but now he apologizes in person, and has two identities, and he offers a heavy gift, so Xuanli and Yaoji agreed not to care about this matter. thing.

And they agreed because this dragon gave a treasure, the famous Zizhu.

This bead does not have the power of a powerful magic weapon, it only has one function.

That is the opportunity to multiply and give birth to offspring.

Both Xuanli and Yaoji are Taiyi Golden Immortals, if there is no chance, it may be difficult to have offspring.And with this bead, they can have children after tens of thousands of years.

Since then, the Jiaolong lived in Bibotan of Wansheng Mountain with peace of mind, and called himself the Wansheng Dragon King.

In Daleiyin Temple, Lingshan Mountain in the west, the Buddha was teaching Buddhism to all the Buddhas. Beside him, one on the left and one on the right, there were two bright lamps burning, one blue and one purple.

In the corner of the Great Leiyin Temple, there is a scorpion listening to the same sermon.

In Lingshan Bieyuan, there is a golden-nosed white-haired mouse gnawing incense candles.

At the foot of Lingshan Mountain, there is a weasel looking at the ever-bright glazed lanterns on the mountain.

At the feet of the Tathagata World Honored One, the golden cicada who once led the sage back has transformed into a disciple of the Tathagata World Honored One.

(End of this chapter)

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