Chapter 481

The head of the twelve golden immortals who once explained and taught, the immortal who hit the golden bell, worshiped under the seat of the former great disciple of Jiejiao.

If the word Zeng is removed, then Jiejiao is undoubtedly a victory.

It's a pity that there is an extra past. The master and apprentice are not the Taoist immortals they used to be, but just monks in Western Buddhism.

On Jinao Island, Qiushou Immortal, Lingya Immortal, and Jin Guangxian are cultivating in the cave, not caring about world affairs.

On the island, Kui Niu, the mount of the sage Tongtian, left Jinao Island, and no one dared to stop him.

The Qingniu in Taishang Laojun's palace was lazily lying in the Tiangong, drowsy.

The Jade Rabbit of Fairy Chang'e is making pills with a pestle.

On Heifeng Mountain, Heifeng was drinking and talking with the spirit snake brought back from the spirit lake, and a wolf spirit was his friend.

Hei Feng's cultivation has reached the stage of Taiyi Late Stage, but when he discussed the Dao with this snake and wolf, he did so with a Buddhist scripture.

. . .

The 81 survivors in Journey to the West each have their own lives, and they are not involved in the slightest. They are just fragments of fate, and many fragments have not even appeared. When all the fragments of fate appear, they will be swept away. connected to form parts of a whole.

In the southeast pole of Buzhou, a beautiful girl wearing a wide-sleeved fairy dress, strolled on the scorched black wasteland. Behind her, a handsome young man followed behind her with a slightly embarrassing expression. , not daring to step forward and reluctant to leave.

Ling'er walked for a long time, and finally turned around and said, "Qi Shuming, right? Even if this fairy saves you again, you don't have to follow me like this?"

When Qi Shuming heard this, his blushing face turned red even more, and he said with shame: "I hope the fairy forgives my sins. The younger generation is ordered by the master to follow the fairy, and be sent by the fairy for a thousand years to make up for the mistakes of the past, and I hope the senior will be merciful. "

Ling'er rolled her eyes and said: "I've said it all, what happened back then is over, you don't need to follow me anymore, besides, with your mere Xuanxian cultivation base, following me will still drag me down .”

Qi Shuming's face was flushed, he was so ashamed that he buried his head in the skirt of his clothes, he didn't dare to lift his head, and only responded silently.

Seeing this, Ling'er could only sigh, ignored him, and walked forward on her own.

Qi Shuming also quickly followed Linger's pace.

In the East Antarctic, on the wasteland, one behind the other, they crossed thousands of miles of demonic land and saved all souls and common people.

In the secular world of the world, the unified dynasty of the Han Dynasty prospered, Emperor Wu of the Han succeeded to the throne, Confucianism and Taoism reappeared in the world, and through Dong Zhongshu's art, they became the righteous way in the world in one fell swoop, the orthodoxy in the world, and the rule of the world. Confucianism and Taoism have flourished since then.

On Mount Kongtong, the three sages of Confucianism and Taoism established Confucianism, Taoism and Confucianism here.Confucius manifested his sage in heaven and earth, Xunzi and Mencius were left and right, and hundreds of sage disciples followed.

With the blessing of humanity and luck, Dong Zhongshu became a great scholar of Confucianism, and also ascended to the position of sage.

The fate of the world is nine tripods and nine golden dragons, hovering around Confucius' body.Confucius' momentum rose again and again, and he broke through the realm of the Daluo Jinxian, comparable to the power of a quasi-sage!Confucius said respectfully:
"Today, I, Confucius, together with a hundred sages of the human race, established the Confucianism and Taoism in Kongtong Mountain, and established my way of humanity, which is the way of the whole world."

The voice is short, but the response from heaven and earth is not simple.

In the wall of the plane, the sleeves of the Yuanshi sage waved, and a seal flew out, the former treasure of Buzhou Mountain, the Fantian seal!

The word "Fantian" on the Fantian seal faded with the wind, and was replaced by the word Kongtong!
The seal of Kongtong fell nine days and fell into the hands of Confucius. Confucius felt it and bowed down to thank him: "Thank you for the kindness of the sage."

Afterwards, he said again: "Even the treasure Kongtong seal suppresses the luck of my teaching, and becomes the treasure of my human way of luck, the luck of all directions, come!"

Clouds surge in all directions between the sky and the earth, dragons and snakes rise from the land, and golden dragons pour in. The former Fantian seal has turned into the treasure of human luck, the Kongtong Seal, and has become the treasure of a religion's luck!
Xuanhuang's merits and virtues descended from the most holy body of Confucianism and Taoism, and descended on the bodies of all sages, which shows the meaning of righteousness and righteousness.

Since then, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty accepted Dong Zhongshu's inheritance from the sky and respect from the earth.The ancestor of heaven and all things.Therefore, there is no difference in all envelopes, and it is built to harmonize the sun, moon, wind and rain, and to complete it through yin and yang, cold and heat.Therefore, the sage establishes the Tao in accordance with the sky, but also loves and sacrifices selfishness.

In the age of conferring gods and gods and demons dancing wildly, the Shang Dynasty did not bow down to the emperor of heaven, and did not claim to be the son of heaven.

In the era when the heaven and the earth are clear, the human race is self-reliant, and the immortals and demons are hidden.

But the heaven that the human race bows its head to is the generalized way of heaven, not the emperor of heaven. People are raised in heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are their parents. They respect themselves as the sons of heaven and earth. The emperor, and the parent and son of the whole heaven, distinguished the identity of the human race from the many Bai Bai clans.

After Qing Luo sensed it, he remained indifferent. This is a matter of the human race, it is the choice of the human race, and he has no right to interfere.Moreover, in his opinion, the advantages of this matter outweigh the disadvantages, at least for the moment.

The status of the protagonist of the world of the human race can at least be more stable. Whether it is cultivation or reproduction, the human race will receive more help from the heaven and the earth, so there will be more human masters in the wall of the plane.

At this moment, the prehistoric powers have also seen that the human race's cultivation of immortality and Taoism is more than a hundred times faster than that of monsters, and some talented people are even a thousand times faster than monsters.

However, the human race has occupied the prehistoric land for nearly a million years, and has been the protagonist of the world for more than [-] years. It was only in the era of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors that there were so many masters. After that, those human race masters disappeared.

Even Jinxian and Taiyi, there are very few immortals in the realm.

Most of these worlds are people with deep thoughts. How can they not guess that behind the disappearance of these immortals, there may be saints intervening!
So they are even more taboo towards the human race.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty respected the heavens and Confucianism, inspired by heaven, accomplished Confucianism and Taoism, and assisted by humanity.

The grand righteousness of Confucianism and Taoism is awe-inspiring, upright and bright, dispelling all evils and evils, and showing the saints in the world.

After a long time in the human race, there finally appeared another existence comparable to the quasi-sage!

After the establishment of Confucianism and Taoism, there is an endless stream of people who study Confucianism and Taoism, vying to be the first, and all of them are led by Confucianism!
The luck of the Han Dynasty was blessed by the heavens, and its prosperity was like the scorching sun, driving away the barbarians, extending from east to west, connecting north and south, combing the mountains, rivers and land, and casting the immortal dragon veins of the human race.

But at this moment, in the city of Evernight, a Western Bodhisattva entered, passed through the Western Pure Land, crossed the gap between the East and the West, and preached to the central land since then!

He is the former Cihang Taoist and now the Guanshiyin Bodhisattva!
Great Mercy and Great Compassion, Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara, with thousands of hands and thousands of eyes, sees the suffering in the world, listens to the sounds and colors of the world, saves the suffering and rescues the suffering, great mercy and great compassion.

The Western Buddha came from the East, because the road of the Nightless City was advanced ten thousand years and changed a lot, but Avalokitesvara still came to the mortal world of the central land.

(End of this chapter)

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