Chapter 488 Emperor Taiyi
The despair he experienced on that day is unforgettable in this life, and no one understands it.

The bloodstains reappeared today, but it made him feel happy.

Once despair meant death, now hope means new life.

Lu Ya didn't turn around, but whispered, "Brotherhood."

The voice is low and magnetic, but it is tender for a moment.

It was also at this moment that the body of the giant crow exploded, and a gust of solar wind swept over the sky, blowing the sleeves of the two of them to flutter with the wind.

A high-pitched, ancient and noble sound came, a three-legged golden crow covered in golden flames, standing proudly in the starry sky, with its back to the sun, facing hundreds of millions of stars, the brilliance of the sun, unstoppable, unstoppable .

Before the sun star, the Golden Crow was reborn, and the Golden Crow reappeared.

The three-legged Golden Crow carries ten thousand rides of fire like the king of fire, rides back and returns to the sun.

Above the prehistoric land, the sky was dark.

A huge and boundless golden black shadow appeared in the prehistoric land.

The Golden Crow flew to the Great Sun, blocking the Great Sun from shooting towards the Great Desolation, and the shadow of the Yin Golden Crow on the Great Desolation Land was just the shadow of the Golden Crow cast by the sun.

Even though it is just a shadow, it is like the return of a king, proud and noble like a phoenix, ancient and mysterious, and shocking.

A single shadow can represent many things, such as the reappearance of the Golden Crow's bloodline, and the return of the rising luck of the Golden Crow's bloodline.

The three-legged golden crow flies into the great sun like a son returning to its mother's nest.

On the prehistoric land, the shadow of the Golden Crow disappeared, and a long cry resounded loudly. Above the great sun, a three-legged Golden Crow appeared. The Golden Crow spread its wings, and the great sun flourished.

In the starry sky, on the sun star, the real fire of the sun is surging, the golden crow is like a god, and its light is infinite.

Qing Luo laughed, Shuo De, Da Luo, it was done!
Not only became Daluo, but also understood the past and present.

In the ancient times, during the time of Liches, ten days came out together, Hou Yi shot the sun, and nine days fell.

The Nine Suns fell and the fire never went out, the Nine Yuanshen was broken but merged into one, and fell into a deep sleep in the ground, and the Yuanshen woke up tens of thousands of years later, the Yuanshen was confused and ignorant, and then met Qingluo and accepted him as a disciple.

Today, under the source of fire and yang, he finally reshaped his body, and the Golden Crow returned.

Shuo De is the Golden Crow, the fragments of the nine Golden Crow's fragmented primordial spirit merged into one, forming a new primordial spirit and a new independent consciousness.

The three-legged golden crow circles the flying star, and the sun star is excited in the midst of the sparks. The sun is getting stronger and the sun is hotter.

The three-legged golden crow flew down to the sun star, and the real fire of the sun, which was enough to make Da Luo Jinxian retreat, surrounded him. A young man stepped out of the fire, crowned by the sun, and followed by the fire.

There was fire in the young man's eyebrows and starry eyes. He was dressed in a golden robe, and he also had aristocratic temperament. The sun's flare was branded on it. The young man, like the sun, knelt down and worshiped the sky and the earth to worship the sun.

This time, there was an earth-shattering sound of worship.


The sound came out of the black and yellow, and the sound reverberated in the universe. The nine heavens and ten earths were shocked, and hundreds of millions of demon souls rose up!
Beiju Luzhou, there is no stagnation, a great ancient monster kneels down to the sun star, the ancient monster weeps, and the demon soul covers the sky.Countless heroic souls of the demon clan were born, and hundreds of millions of demon souls declared to the world at the top of their lungs. There were billions of demon spirits, and the invincible momentum of the demon clan reappeared in the world.

In the Ancestral Witch Hall, Xing Tian and Jiu Feng were shocked. Their witch clan was not afraid of life and death, and had no fear, except in front of that man.

The wall of the plane, the five saints were all shocked.

Nuwa stood up and left Wa Palace in an instant. Standing on the edge of the wall of the plane, she looked at the sun star in surprise.

At this moment, the prehistoric demon clan was full of demonic aura, angry with bullfighting, and angry with Xiaohan.

At this moment, all powers were shocked.

That peerless man, the man who once stood at the highest position in the world, the man who was more dazzling than a saint, and even called the emperor, didn't die?
At this moment, Qing Luo, who was standing outside the sun, was also shocked.

Lu Ya was shocked, and after the shock, he wept in ecstasy, and knelt down as a quasi-sage with great power.

After being shocked, Shuo De touched his head to the ground and wept with joy.

The sound of the Chaos Clock does not need to be questioned or guessed. The sound that resounds through every inch of space in the world is only and can only be this treasure.

But the Chaos Clock is just a name outside Honghuang. Within Honghuang, it is not called Chaos Clock. It is called Donghuang Bell.

There is only one person who can change the name of the innate treasure and be recognized by heaven and earth, even if the saint is counted.

That man, his name: Donghuang Taiyi!

The number one battle emperor of the demon clan, the number one strongest man in ancient times, there is no one in the sky to compete with, no one to rival!
On the sun star, the Donghuang bell rang, one after another, the sound shook the sky and the earth.

At this moment, the sun star is the number one star in all heavens and myriad worlds, surrounded by billions of stars, it is the leader of the countless heavens, and it is the king of billions of stars.

Shuode bowed down and called him uncle.

Lu Ya bowed down. At this moment, he let go of the heavy burden of millions of years, shed all his disguise, and became the little Golden Crow who was helpless in the chaos of gods, demons and witches. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi descended from the sky with hundreds of millions of demon gods. The brilliance of the sun came back to carry him back. At that moment, Donghuang Taiyi, his uncle, was the only god in the heavens and worlds in his eyes!

On the Eastern Emperor Bell, a man's figure quietly appeared.

In his brows and eyes is the vertical and horizontal world, the boundless domineering aura of the emperor.The light of the sun and the moon is overshadowed by him, and hundreds of millions of stars are not as good as him.

But his tone was very soft.

"Little Ten, Little Eleven, wait for me to come back!"

Shuo De and Lu Ya raised their heads together, Lu Ya choked with sobs and said, "Xiao Shi respectfully awaits uncle's return."

Shuo De agreed and replied: "Little Eleven also congratulates Uncle on his return." He is the No. 11 little Golden Crow that appeared in this world. He is not only the ninth son of Emperor Jun, but also the current Shuo De.

Beiju Luzhou, Bai Ze, Shang Yang, Fei Lian and other big demons agreed with their voices and responded: "I am waiting for the return of the Eastern Emperor!"

On the mountain of Beiming, the demon master Kunpeng smiled with tears in his eyes.

On the wall of the plane, Empress Nuwa laughed and said, "I am also waiting for the day when you come back!"

The Eastern Emperor Bell vibrated for nine times, and after the ninth sound, the Eastern Emperor Bell was silent, the sun and stars faded, the prehistoric sky was dimmed, the common people raised their hands, the sun disappeared, and the only bright moon was in the sky, illuminating the sky and the earth.

Donghuang Taiyi hid the sun star core, the sun was hidden for ten days, and the alternation of the sun and the moon stopped for ten days.

Ten days later, the great sun reappeared.

The wilderness returned to silence.

Qingluo returned to the mountain and sea boundary, two people went when she went, and one person returned when she returned.

He asked Shuo De to stay on the sun star to consolidate the Dao realm, and Shuo De also needed a period of time to be quiet before talking to Lu Ya.

Qing Luo didn't expect that Donghuang Taiyi really didn't fall.As the protagonist of the ancient calamity, Donghuang Taiyi did not fall.What's more, it has been hidden from all living beings in the world, and from the Supreme Saint.

But Donghuang Taiyi was indeed dead, he couldn't die anymore, he died at the foot of the half-buzhou mountain.

But in the long river of fate, his hundreds of millions of shattered true spirits reunited little by little under the guidance of a sliver of original soul left by the Eastern Emperor Bell. Really welcome back.

The current Donghuang is the reborn Donghuang, the Donghuang who is still sleeping.

(End of this chapter)

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