Chapter 489

The world returned to silence, but Nanzhan Buzhou in the south became lively again.

Liveliness is mortal and common people.

Because of a Bodhisattva.


Great Mercy and Great Compassion Avalokitesvara.

In the final battle of Cihang Taoist self-proclaimed god, he was destroyed by the evil corpse of the Holy Mother of Jinling, and his cultivation base was completely destroyed.

Fortunately, the sage Zhunti was merciful, and he was saved and entered the recluse, and abandoned the Tao to become a Buddha.

Puxian, Manjusri, and Cihang, who entered Buddhism, can no longer say whether they should abandon the way and rebel against their ancestors, or whether survival is the most important thing.At that time, Yuanshi Tianzun allowed the sage Zhunti to take them away. They also had no magic power of Taoism, and they could not practice Taoism all their lives, so they could not be regarded as abandoning Taoism.

If you can't cultivate the Tao, you can cultivate the Buddha.Cultivating Buddhism is cultivating the heart.Like the witch clan, if you cultivate your mind, the stronger your mind is, the stronger your body will be.

In Buddhism, what we cultivate in our hearts is great compassion, great Purdue, and great detachment.Buddhism does not have a sea of ​​dantian energy, but only one treasure, named relic, which is the collection of the essence of the Buddhist spiritual state of every Buddhist master. The relic is the Buddhist dantian. Between square inches, there can be infinite space.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva followed the King of Thousand Lights in the past for countless billions of kalpas, and listened to the Tathagata proclaiming the Great Compassion Heart Dharani. At present, from the first ground to the super eighth ground, he made an oath in Nanzhanbuzhou to benefit all sentient beings and live together. The strange appearance of thousands of hands and eyes.

Avalokitesvara declared: "

The thousand eyes first come to hear, and enter the place of exile; what they enter is stillness, and the two aspects of movement and stillness are clearly not born.If it increases gradually, what is heard is exhausted; what is heard is exhausted, and what is perceived is empty; the perception of emptiness is extremely round, and what is empty is extinguished; when birth and cessation are extinguished, quiescence is present.Suddenly surpassing, the world is out of the world, the ten directions are perfectly bright, and two special victories are obtained: one is to unite all the Buddhas in the ten directions.The second is to unite all sentient beings of the six realms in the ten directions, and share the same compassion and admiration with all sentient beings.

I would like to observe the suffering of all living beings in the world with thousands of eyes and thousands of hands, and be merciful to all living beings, so that the suffering will never disappear. If my body does not pass, I will not become a Buddha! "

The earth in the ten directions shook together, and all the Buddhas in the ten directions radiated light that surpassed the sun and the moon.Thousands of hands protect all living beings, and thousands of eyes look at the world, symbolizing the great compassion and boundless power of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.

Avalokitesvara, according to the category, can be transformed into 32 different identities, and it can be taught and enlightened, that is: Buddha body, Yuanjue body, Vatican body, Indra body, self-free celestial body, great self-possessed celestial body, Brahman Body, bhikkhu body. . .Celestial body, Kinnara body, Mahuraka body, Human body, Inhuman body.

Avalokitesvara influences the common people, responds to the species, has the appearance of a man and a woman, and a woman and a man, but with the body of a woman with great compassion, it is the most widely spread among the common people, and has been recognized by thousands of people.

For a moment, in the world of mortals, there was a voice like a tsunami, kneeling down and worshiping: "Namo Guanyin Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara of great compassion, Avalokitesvara of saving suffering and suffering!"

The name of Avalokitesvara spread throughout the world, and ordinary people only know that there is Avalokitesvara, but not the Tathagata.

This is the first big step in the eastward spread of Buddhism, the first big step from west to east.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva appears in the middle sky in the shape of a thousand hands and a thousand eyes, with a thousand eyes in the palm of a thousand hands, a thousand eyes to see the world, a thousand hands to help the world, and to save all living beings. The mighty power is dazzling.

At this moment, Avalokitesvara no longer has the aura of the Da Luo Jinxian, but the aura comparable to the power of a quasi-sage!
The powers of heaven and earth are shocked!

Since the ancestral Dao of the Zixiao Palace, all the powerful creatures in the prehistoric world have taken the way of killing corpses, borrowing the innate spiritual treasure to kill the three corpses, and no one has ever taken other shortcuts.

But at this moment, Avalokitesvara did not use the innate spirit treasure, did not kill the corpse, but still stepped into the quasi-sage realm!

Whether it was the great powers of Honghuang, or the saints on the wall of the plane, they were all shocked!
Empress Nuwa exclaimed, "Western Dafa is really mysterious."

But Lao Tzu fell silent, and closed his eyes as though he were thinking.

Yuanshi Tianzun was only surprised for a moment, and then he was relieved.

Because he used to be his disciple, but unfortunately, he is no longer his disciple now.

Each of his twelve disciples is a generation of astounding talents, and they are all disciples who have been taught and supported step by step by him with painstaking efforts.

It's a pity that after the First Battle of the Conferred Gods, the Twelve Golden Immortals were shattered and depressed. The sea is damaged, and the nine-curved Yellow River is gone, and the avenue of this life will end here.

Amitabha Buddha and Zhunti Buddha Mother looked at each other and smiled. They have painstakingly practiced the Western Dharma for countless years, and finally someone inherited it, and someone practiced it to great success!

They lack spiritual energy in the West, so they created the way of Buddhist cultivation that focuses on cultivating the mind, Taoism and realm, supplemented by spiritual energy.

They are born with a lack of spiritual treasures in the West, and they have no treasures to kill corpses.So they created this alternative method of proving the Tao, using relics as a breakthrough and a cornerstone for stepping into the quasi-sage realm.

They are rare in the west and have low qualifications, so they traveled across the ocean to the other side of the ocean to transform the common people and open the door of convenience.

. . .

They are too backward in the west and lack too much, but the two sages of the west did not complain or complain. , the reproduction of creatures, the genius disciples, and cultivated disciples who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Eastern world.

Heaven rewards them, because they work hard enough, even though they are saints, they are still not tired, they have not given up their ambitions, they have not abandoned their original aspirations, and they have never forgotten their original aspirations.
The great prosperity of the West is not just the will of the Dao of Heaven, not just the decision of the Dao of Heaven, but the addition of many reasons. Only then did the Great Prosperity of the West come into existence, and the hundreds of millions of blood and sweat of Western pioneers were concentrated in the four characters "Western Dangxing".

In the eastern world, it is also because of the spread of Avalokitesvara beliefs that people know that in the far west of the world, there is a supreme pure land where there is a world of Buddha’s bliss that is free from worries, sufferings and difficulties. Huai, for the teaching of Shamen, the door of Buddhism has no threshold, and all living beings in the world can step into the door of Buddhism.

And all the immortals and gods in the eastern world fell silent, and no one stopped them.Because Avalokitesvara is not only the three great masters of Buddhism, but also one of the five elders in the eastern world, and the elder in the south.

Even though this name is just a false name, with this false name, he is a Taoist god.Above identity, no one will stop it, no one will immediately oppose it.

All the immortal sects of Chanjiao are delighted, all disciples of Chanjiao regard Avalokitesvara as their own, and they are also Taoist gods, because the sage never said that Pu Xian and Manjusri Cihang should be expelled from Chanjiao.

Since he has not been expelled, he is still an evangelist, and among the monks in the world, no one dares to despise the disciples of saints.

(End of this chapter)

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