Chapter 491 Journey to the West

During the peach banquet, after the seven fairies presented the peaches, all the fairies stepped back, and the seven fairies began to dance.

The seven women wear seven-color wide-sleeved fairy dresses, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. The seven women and seven immortals have different looks.

The seven female fairies are not the most beautiful in the world, but they have an aura that is not even in the world. The combination of the elegance of a noble princess and the agility of a girl is fascinating and craving. people's hearts.

But the dance of the seven fairies is not a masterpiece. The seven fairies danced a rainbow dance, the sky was full of rainbows, and the sun was shining everywhere. It was also extremely beautiful. No color change, just a little appreciation.

After the seven girls danced, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly and changed to the sound of Xianxiao.

A Qing Xiao respects the mountains and rivers, and a Ming Xiao Chuan Nine Heavens.

Above the nine heavens, a woman in white flew down, stepping on the moonlight, shining brightly all over the place, and swaying the moonlight.

The candle shadow on the mica screen is deep, and the long river gradually falls and the dawn stars sink.Under the sky and the moon, her skin is innocent and innocent, and she comes to Yuli Yaochi at dawn.Tingting emerald green cover, full of plain dimples, when the makeup is washed.The waves of too much liquid turn over, and the neon clothes dance, and the soul is broken.Even still, the old fragrance is light and powdery, the flowers are not like it, and people are haggard.Want to call the Fairy of the Moon Palace.Pan Yinhui, vast waves thousands of miles.Looking back, the ice curtain is half covered, and the bright pendant is falling.The shadow of the moon is desolate, the dew is scattered, and whoever leans on the small corridor, the sky and the earth are all amazing.

The Moon God of the Toad Palace, the three worlds are extremely beautiful, the beauty is peerless and peerless, spanning the years and the heavens and the earth, her grace is unmatched.

This dance, the dance of the moon god, dances the heaven and earth, dances the heaven and the earth, and dances the fairy heart.The sky, the earth, the sun and the moon are silent and silent.The green mountains and long rivers are silent.

Above the sky, the peerless woman stepped on the stars, walked in the starry sky, the starry sky formed a river, surrounded by stars, and the moon god Hongtian.Hundreds of millions of stars twinkle around the Taiyin, the Taiyin is the absolute king, and billions of stars prostrate in the nine heavens of the Taiyin, just like this Yaochi Ten Thousand Immortals submit to the peerless face of the Moon God!

The canopy next to Emperor Ziwei is obsessed with watching, from obsession to heart, from heart to obsession, to magic barrier, and to the world of mortals and love barriers to immortals and gods.

After dancing to the song, Wan Xian was still immersed in the astonishing dance, unable to extricate himself.

Even those who were disturbed in their minds boldly released their immortal consciousness to sweep towards the moon god.

Chang'e's plain clothes flicked lightly, and the absolute light of the sun floated by. Those bold people all hugged their heads and screamed in pain.

All of a sudden, the immortals realized that such a peerless woman was not weak.

The Moon God bowed to Haotian Jishou, Haotian nodded with a smile, and the Moon God flew to the moon by stepping on the Milky Way.

Only then did everyone gradually come to their senses, but Emperor Dongji Qinghua frowned.

Because when the Moon God of Nine Heavens left, he was invited to have a talk with Shanglunxing.

Of course, he would not think that the Nine Heavens Moon God invited him to spend the night and the moon on the Lunar Star like those young immortals who had daydreams.

The so-called not going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, Chang'e has nothing to do with him, so naturally she will not invite him for nothing.So he will only inform the ontology and let the ontology decide for himself.

He is the Heavenly Venerable who saves the world from suffering, not a strategist in the world, and he will not interfere with anything that has nothing to do with his position.

At this moment, Qing Luo in the mountain and sea world also frowned. He looked up at Taiyin Star, feeling helpless in his heart, what was supposed to come would come.

The entanglement between the sun and the yin, he couldn't avoid it even if he wanted to.Since you can't avoid it, then face it head-on and face it calmly.

In the heavenly court, after dancing, eating, and drinking, those immortal juniors left their seats under the leadership of their elders after saluting.

Similarly, the seven fairies who had just presented the fairy dance also sneaked in with many immortals from the lower world, and fled to the mortal world.

One day in the sky, one year underground.An hour in the sky is a month on earth.

A few hours in the sky are enough for many unexpected things to happen in the mortal world.

In Heavenly Court Yaochi, all the immortals left one after another, and there were fewer and fewer immortals.

The fairyland is very big, and it can accommodate thousands of immortals without being tight at all.

Because of this, Yaochi seemed more and more empty.

Until all the casual cultivators left, the gods of the heavenly court left, and only the second master of the heavenly court, the four emperors, the five elders, and the disciples of the second Chanjie sect remained, the Peach Banquet finally became a meeting hall.

The first one to speak was Taishang Laojun.

He said bluntly: "There are still a few pills in the old furnace that have not yet been released, everyone should make a decision earlier."

As soon as these words came out, the original atmosphere of immortal gods and Rong Qile disappeared instantly in the hall.

The Tathagata put his palms together and said with a smile, "I would like to obey the orders of the Daoist One.

In the old days of enshrining the gods, explaining the teachings owed a lot of karma to Western Buddhism. Now that the intention is manifested today, my West should be prosperous.

If we want to prosper, then the nine states and ten lands, and the four major continents, all teach my Dharma, and all understand my Buddha.

Therefore, my teaching needs the help of fellow Taoists. "

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor frowned, and looked at Chi Jingzi, and all the immortals looked at Taishang Laojun again.

The people who intercepted the teachings just treated them coldly, not to the Tathagata World Honored One, but only to explain the teachings.Because the Tathagata World Honored One used to be their big brother, even if it was just once, it was enough to make them respect forever.

Taishang Laojun sighed and said: "I once answered the first ancestor of the two Western Buddhas, willing to inherit and explain the cause and effect of teaching. The promise of the past, the words of today.

I will understand this cause and effect by myself.

However, my Eastern World is not only my two families, but also the immortals of Jiejiao.I also need to ask their opinion. "

When the Jiejiao immortals heard this, their complexions changed slightly.Of course, 1 of them are unwilling or hopeful.

However, standing in front of them was the leader of the Taoist sect, the grand master of the Taoist sect.Even if it's just a clone, in the era when the six sages were hidden, the Supreme Lord represented the will of Lao Tzu and the sage.

They still remember that they are Taoist disciples, the disciples of Tongtian Sage.

But precisely because they are the disciples of the Tongtian Saint, they will not forget the misery of the Fengshen, and the withering of the Fengshen.

Ma Sui took a step forward and said, "I am willing to listen to Daoist Master's order, but I will never forget the past of conferring gods."

Even though the Tathagata World Honored One's heart has entered the Buddha's heart, he still can't help but feel a dull pain in his heart.

Taishang Laojun said with a smile: "That's all."

He said to the Tathagata again: "I, the Eastern World, allow you the West to prosper in the East for a eon. After a eon, the prosperity, decline, honor and disgrace are all unknown."

The Tathagata nodded silently.

Taishang Laojun asked again: "How did Naer and other Buddhists spread it? When did they spread it, and who taught it?"

The Tathagata bowed his head to Avalokitesvara, and Avalokitesvara said: "My Buddha wants to use the method of teaching to promote my Buddha's great law, the Western scriptures to spread to the east, and my Buddhist scriptures to spread widely in the secular world.

As for the people who learn the scriptures, I, the Buddha, would like to send out one person from Xuanmen and Tianting, and then invite Nuwa to join them in order to prove that the way of teaching the Dharma is feasible.

As for when to teach the Dharma, my Buddha Amitabha once left a statement saying: Dongsheng Shenzhou Huaguo Mountain, the stone-shattering Buddha rises. "

When Haotian Queen Mother heard this, her face showed surprise. They never expected that they could be involved in such a dispute of cause and effect.

(End of this chapter)

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