Chapter 492
Taoism and Buddhism are entangled in causal interests, and they don't want to get involved, even if there are meritorious interests.

But now, the Buddhist sect invites him, and the Buddhist sect is showing favor to the heavenly court and wooing the heavenly court.

How could Queen Mother Haotian not understand, they naturally agreed.If the heavenly court and the Buddhist sect are united again, the mighty power of heaven will naturally be even greater!

Taishang Laojun glanced at Haotian and didn't say much.

The Tathagata World Honored One said again: "In this matter, all the saints of Taoism, Buddha and demons participated, and it is fair and right from now on."

Everyone is very kind.

But at this time, the God of Rescue Kuku who was sitting beside the Jade Emperor suddenly said, "Then I wonder who the Buddha wants to take on such a big task?"

The old Buddha said with a smile, "I'm sorry to bother you. I, the Buddha Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, is in charge of this matter, and I also ask the guardians of Jialan, Liuding Liujia, and Wufangjiedi to follow, so that they can go to the west to learn scriptures and preach."

Hearing this, Emperor Zhenwu couldn't help wondering: "Why is it so troublesome to obtain a scripture? Could it be that the World Honored One used the body of a mortal to obtain the scripture?"

Tathagata said: "That's true. Ordinary people belong to mortal minds, can enter the mortal world, and can feel the suffering of the common people. Only then can they have the decision to seek the truth."

The Great Immortal Huang Jiao who was sitting on the side also asked: "However, from Nanzhan Buzhou to Xiniu Hezhou, even if it takes mortals to walk day and night, it will not be [-]% in thousands of years.

Is it possible to seek sutras for a hundred generations? "

The Tathagata shook his head and said: "Naturally, it can't be a thousand years. At that time, I will have the help of my Buddha's Dharma, so don't worry about it."

After hearing something, Qiu Shouxian couldn't help asking: "Who does the Buddhist sect want to send to learn the scriptures?"

The smile on Tathagata's face stagnated, he was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "My second disciple, Jin Chanzi!"

"What?" Not only the Qiushou Immortal was startled, but also the Golden Hoop Immortal Ma Sui was stunned.

Qiu Shouxian's complexion also changed drastically, and the murderous intent in his eyes did not hold back at all. He is the Taoist of the green lion. Even though he has become the Daoist, the ferocity of those beasts is still buried in the deepest heart.

They didn't care who Jin Chanzi was or who the Tathagata's second disciple was, but what they cared about was Jin Chanzi, the second disciple of the Tathagata World Honored One, who was once Guangchengzi Yuanshen!
Everyone in the field looked a little surprised, and Xianjiao began to frown, not because of the Buddha, but because of the reaction of cutting off the teaching.

Qingxu Daodezhen stood up and said: "Immortal Qiushou, what is the relationship between Buddhism and your sect? We only need to wait for the Buddha to teach Buddhism, and the Tao to teach Taoism, and they have nothing to do with each other."

Ma Sui snorted coldly, and said, "It's not like I don't know what your Excellency is thinking. Since you, the pure and moral gentleman, have said so, then I will say the same thing.

Since you are elaborating on Buddhism and preaching, then you should just preach your way.

It is irrelevant for me to stop teaching immortals to act, and for me to stop teaching myself! " After finishing speaking, he bowed to Haotian Yaochi, Wulao, and Taishang Laojun, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Qiu Shou Xian, Ling Ya Xian, etc. also turned and left, no longer getting involved.

All the immortals in Yaochi have different expressions and their thoughts are flying.

Seeing this, the old Buddha sighed, clasped his hands together, and said, "That's good! It's my fault."

The Jade Emperor said with a smile: "Don't worry about the Buddha, after all, there is still love."

The God of Rescue Kuku said a few words on the occasion, then excused himself and left.

Afterwards, all the elders of the four imperial courts and the three parties left the field, leaving only a few important figures to discuss the matter together.

Save Ku Tianzun took Xiaozhu and Ao Bing out of Yaochi, did not leave the Heavenly Court, but waited quietly in the Miaoyan Palace of the 28th Heaven Realm.

He saw an old man among the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court.

Xiaozhu and Ao Bing only meditate in the palace.The God of Rescue Kuku gave the two of them three more flat peaches, and meditated for a thousand years in the Miaoyan Palace to see if they could cross the border.

In the heaven in the northern part of the Heavenly Court, at this moment, thousands of miles of clouds gather, and thousands of miles of wind blows.

There is a Taoist who stands on the sky, his aura has reached the peak and extreme state of Taiyi, and he is half a step away.At this moment, he is breaking through the realm of Daluo Jinxian!

The Taoist held a dust whisk and was dressed in a yellow robe, looking at the thunder elephants gradually gathering in the sky.

To break through the Daluo Jinxian, not only have to experience three disasters and five disasters, but also five declines of heaven and man, and a lot of disasters.Of course, in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, he has to endure the disaster of thunder and calamity, wash away the vulgar body, and achieve the Tao body.

This nine-fold thunder calamity is nine supreme divine thunders, the thunder that shatters all dharmas.

He had to pay attention.

He flicked his sleeves and scattered countless spirit beans, each of which fell to the ground and became a soldier, possessing the cultivation base of the heavenly realm.These spiritual beans are one of the many opportunities he has been looking for in tens of thousands of years.This bean soldier can form a vertical and horizontal formation, and its power is comparable to that of the Great Luo.

Because it consists of one hundred thousand bean soldiers!

One hundred thousand bean soldiers manifested, the situation was like a dragon becoming a tiger, the great formation was mysterious and powerful, and the pattern of formations emerged, which was extremely mysterious.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed many immortals.It also alarmed Qiushouxian and Lingyaxian who were walking back.

Immortal Lingya said: "This is the Thunder Tribulation formed by the postnatal spiritual achievement of Daluo Jinxian, and I think he is another person with unparalleled talent."

Jin Guangxian shook his head and said: "Even if you are amazingly talented and born at an untimely time, how can you compare with me in the way of achievement?"

Immortal Jin Hoop frowned and said: "The aura of this Taoism seems to explain and teach Yuqing Immortal Dharma!"

Qiu Shouxian snorted coldly and said, "I want to see what other peerless geniuses have emerged from Chanjiao?"

As he said that, he took a step forward, crossed thousands of miles in an instant, and rushed to that place of thunder disaster.

Lingya Fairy sighed and said, "I'd better follow up, to save him from doing anything bad."

Several people nodded, and rushed to the place where the thunder disaster occurred.

The Taoist, who was crossing the thunder calamity, was preparing the technique of crossing the thunder calamity, when he suddenly felt a lot of spiritual thoughts scanning his surroundings, he snorted coldly, and the powerful spiritual thoughts turned into jade-clear immortal light, swept around, and immediately Those divine thoughts swept away.As soon as those masters of divine sense saw Yuqing's celestial light, they stopped scanning.

He smiled proudly. For tens of thousands of years of cultivating Taoism, he has been in need of wind for wind and rain for rain. All kinds of opportunities are endless. He has been taught skills, Taoism, and many spiritual treasures. The journey has been smooth so far.

How could he, Master Xuanzhen, be easy to get along with?

But at this time, a domineering aura swept over, directly sweeping away the large formation of Dao soldiers that he was about to complete.

His face turned cold, and he said: "Who dares to disturb the impoverished Taoism?"

"Oh, I said who it is, but I didn't expect it to be you!" Qiu Shouxian stepped forward and said coldly.

As soon as Master Xuanzhen looked at him, his cultivation was unfathomable, so he named him Da Luo Jinxian.

He immediately laughed and said: "This senior misunderstood, the junior has never seen the senior.

Master Xuanzhen, the younger generation, is the commander of the heavenly soldiers under the seat of the Antarctic Longevity Emperor. "

Qiu Shouxian looked even colder, and said: "Today, the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng came personally, and you will not be able to break through the realm of Da Luo."

As soon as the words fell, Jin Guangxian and the other three also appeared, looked at Master Xuanzhen, their expressions changed, and there was no smile on their faces.

When Master Xuanzhen saw this scene, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately felt bad.

Ma Sui looked up at the thunderclouds in the sky, the thunderclouds were approaching, if they waited for the thunderstorm to fall, they would be protected by the laws of heaven and earth, and it would be too late for them to act again.

Ma Sui stretched out his hand and clapped it, a huge golden ring appeared, descended from the sky, and trapped Master Xuanzhen.

Master Xuanzhen said in horror: "You are all seniors, how can you disregard your face and take action against this junior? Aren't you afraid of being pursued by the Antarctic Immortal Emperor?"

Ma Sui didn't move at all, the golden circle fell down and bound Master Xuanzhen in an instant, no matter how Master Xuanzhen struggled, he couldn't escape at all.

Ma Sui sneered on his face, and said: "The cause of the future, the fruit of today, are destined to fall." After saying that, he stretched out his hand a little more, and the golden circle that trapped Master Xuanzhen shrunk sharply in an instant, wanting to crush his body to pieces crack.

But at this time, a ray of starlight came vertically and horizontally, the starlight flickered and dazzled, Master Xuanzhen was rescued in an instant.

Qiu Shouxian said angrily: "Nanji, do you really want to fight me again?"

In the void, the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor volleyed out, and said coldly: "The Conferred God has passed, do you still want to entangle with a junior?"

"Junior?" Lingya Fairy sneered, "Back then he was so powerful that he didn't take me seriously. Once reincarnated, those karma will disappear? Those enmities will disappear?"

The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng glanced at the thunderclouds in the sky, the thunderclouds are about to come, Da Luo's chances are rare, and if you miss it once, you will never meet again.

The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng stretched out his hand, and on the southern sky, the stars of the southern battles shone on it, and the overlapping shadows of the stars blocked the four great immortals.He said to Master Xuanzhen: "You just need to go through the calamity with peace of mind, don't worry about other things."

Master Xuanzhen said gratefully, "Thank you, Great Emperor."

After all, he got up and flew to the distance.

Seeing this, the Golden Hoop Immortal stretched out his hand and waved the golden ring across the sky like a sea. The golden ring flew all over the sky into the overlapping shadows of the starry sky, smashing stars one by one, piercing through thousands of miles of interstellar space, but eventually its power dissipated.

Qiushouxian, Lingyaxian, and Jin Guangxian attacked at the same time, and the four big Luos fought against one of the four emperors of heaven.

The four big Luos are the seven immortals who accompanied the saints in the age of conferred gods, and the four emperors are the avatars of the disciples of the quasi-sages who explain the teachings, and they are also one of the four emperors of the heaven, blessed by the luck of the heaven.

Fortunately, it was the avatar of the Shanshi, not the Antarctic Immortal Weng himself.

The Shangqing Immortal Method and the Yuqing Immortal Method, separated by tens of thousands of years, fought again.

In the starry sky, meteors fell one after another, the treasure circle was grand, the golden gang's evil light was extremely sharp, the green knife soared across the stars like a giant dragon, and the white sword of absolute light shattered the stars infinitely with ten thousand rays of absolute light.

The Ninth Heaven Realm trembled, and more and more immortals paid attention to it.

Several people in Yaochi also noticed it, but ignored it.The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother have nothing to do with Buddhism, and the Taishang Laojun only thinks that it is nothing more than a small fight.

But the Xianjiao immortals left in a hurry, heading for the northern sky.

Because, it is none other than their former senior brother, the former master of the Golden Light Cave in Qianyuan Mountain, Taiyi Daoist!
Even if it's just a reincarnation with incomplete mind and soul, it's still the Twelve Golden Immortals they teach.

Therefore, Master Xuanzhen, the opportunity in this life is so good, and the path of Taoism is so smooth, it is because he relies on the help of an interpreter, overt and secret, to make his cultivation of Taoism so smooth in this life!

(End of this chapter)

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