Chapter 493 Lunar Sun
Chi Jingzi, Great Master Lingbao, and Qingxu Daodezhenjun rushed to the northern heaven to help.

As soon as the three of them arrived, before they could make a move, they heard a piercing long cry of a golden spear, and a golden-winged roc covering the sky and the sun spread its wings and spread its wings, releasing millions of golden feathers , Each golden feather is comparable to a sharp fairy sword, with millions of feathers falling, the sound of gold and Ge intersecting can be heard endlessly.

Great Master Lingbao hurriedly took out the Tianluo Umbrella, turned it into a huge net, and engulfed the sky, covering the three of them.

Qingxu Daode Zhenjun threw the five-fire and seven-bird fan, and the souls of the seven ancient holy birds reappeared, fighting with the golden-winged roc in the raging fire.

However, under the sky and clouds, suddenly there was a burst of extremely cold flames surging out, the icy flame swallowed the hot flame, and it was empty.

Yuan Tianjun's figure flashed and stood in front of the three of them.

Yu Yixian took the body of Dapeng, and also stood in front of the three of Chanjiao.

Old friends and old enemies meet again today, the enmity continues again, and the flames of war start again.

The Great Antarctic Changsheng said: "I will teach you, have you forgotten that before the Hangu Pass, we clapped our hands together to make a promise not to fight for life and death. Under the witness of the uncle, you are going to go back on your word today?"

Immortal Golden Hoop said: "We will never forget the agreement we made with Master Uncle back then. But at this moment, Master Xuanzhen is not a disciple of your teaching, nor a disciple of Sanqing, so naturally there is no breach of contract!"

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor looked at it coldly, and stretched out his hand to make a move. The emperor's order came out, and the Antarctic stars and gods, and millions of heavenly soldiers and generals all flew into the sky and rushed to this place.

The Antarctic Emperor Changsheng said coldly: "If you don't leave, although today's emperor will not hurt everyone's lives because of the agreement, he will not escape the oppression!"

"Nanji, you need to be cautious about what you say. Only you have three corpses, do you have this ability?"

On the billions of stars, Kangong Doumu sat on the star king, stretched out her hand, and all the stars and generals in Antarctica dared not make it.

The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor's face turned even colder. On the top of Kunlun Mountain, the Antarctic Immortal stepped out in one step, and the deity himself.

But as soon as he stepped out of the top of Kunlun Mountains, a black and yellow ancient map unfolded, mountains and rivers spread out, full of vitality, covering the hollow field, and the Antarctic fairy was included in the map of good fortune.

Nanji Xianweng's complexion changed drastically, he held back his displeasure and said, "It would be inappropriate for Qingzu to intervene in my interpretation of the Second Sect now."

The deity Qingluo walked out, and said with a smile: "This deity has absolutely no such intentions, fellow daoist, you should think about it.

If fellow daoists make a move, then the struggle between the two sects of interpretation and interception will change from the struggle of Da Luo to the struggle of quasi-sages, then the great war will surely resume!But now to explain the number of great powers of the Second Teaching, presumably fellow Taoists are also clear.

At this moment, the Taiqing sage never wants to see Taoist sects fighting against each other again!It's okay to make small troubles, but if it becomes big, I'm afraid it will be. . . "

The Antarctic Immortal stopped for a moment, he glanced at the Master Xuanzhen who was passing through the thunder disaster in the sky, sighed and said: "Forget it, after all, it is the cause of the previous life, the state of Da Luo depends on his good fortune."

When he thought of this junior, he couldn't help feeling pity in his heart. Before he became a god, he had lost nearly [-]% of his primordial spirit, and it was difficult to advance on the road.Now that he was reincarnated and rebuilt, he could finally step into Da Luo Jinxian again, and he suffered this doom again.

Qing Luo said with a smile: "Don't worry, sometimes life must be there. The fortune of Taiyi Daoist is not given by others, but needs to be fought for by oneself."

Anji Immortal Weng Jishou said: "Thank you Qingzu for your guidance."

With a smile on his face, Qing Luo sent the Antarctic Immortal out of the Creation Map.He personally rushed to the lunar planet.

On Jinao Island, the Holy Mother of Wudang looked at the Antarctic fairy who had returned to Kunlun, and laughed.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is contemplating the two corpses, and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit is in a deep sleep for ten thousand years. At this time, she alone is in charge of the overall situation in the church.

She had to deal with it cautiously, for fear that the interception would suffer another catastrophe.

Above the heavenly court, the celestial light is scattered in all directions, and Baowei is rushing in all directions. The tyrannical power of the Da Luo Jinxian in the Conferred God era is fully displayed, far surpassing the power of the Da Luo Jinxian today.

Seeing this, Master Xuanzhen had no choice but to run again and again, ran out of the Nantian Gate, and once again deployed a hundred thousand bean soldiers to cross the catastrophe.

Thunder tribulations fell one after another, Master Xuanzhen had all kinds of spiritual treasures, his magic power was profound, and his way of life was stable, but it was extremely difficult to deal with it.Fortunately, the [-] bean soldiers formation was unparalleled in power and extremely effective in restraining the thunder calamity, so he could still survive this calamity.

In the heavenly court, Qiushouxian watched the thunder calamity fall, and felt ruthless, and directly showed his body, turning into an extremely huge lion and leaping out of the heavenly court.

A million-foot-high lion stood outside the Nantianmen, with an extremely huge mouth, an extremely powerful force of attraction surged in, and the lion directly swallowed a hundred thousand bean soldiers in one bite!
The big bean soldier formation was broken, and the thunder tribulation fell. Master Xuanzhen was momentarily unsteady, and was instantly beaten until he bled wildly, losing the opportunity and ability to survive the last thunder calamity!
And the green lion was also locked by the thunder disaster because of the sudden attack. The last thunder disaster was ten times stronger and hit the green lion fiercely. , into human form.

Qiushouxian was seriously injured, and all the immortals of Jiejiao abandoned their opponents and dodged to Qiushouxian's side.

The Xianjiao immortals hastily protected the Master Xuanzhen behind him, and guarded against intercepting the Jiaoxians.

Just when the two parties were at a stalemate, the Taishang Laojun passed by, saw the immortals, and only said, "It's all gone."

The immortals had no choice but to say yes, and the Taishang Laojun also returned to the third heaven.

This matter has been talked about by various forces, and it is only spread.

And this Qiushou immortal swallowed one hundred thousand bean soldiers in one gulp, and was rumored by the immortals to become a general who swallowed one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers in one go.

Qing Luo stepped onto the Lunar Star.

It was the first time he set foot on the lunar star.

Here, there is only deathly stillness, coldness, and coldness, penetrating into the hearts of the people, and going deep into the heart of the primordial spirit.

Qingluo walked to the front of the Lunar Star, where there was a towering laurel, which was the ancestral vein of the laurel tree.

It is the only giant tree on the lunar star, and it is involved with the entire lunar star.

Under the laurel tree, there is a big man wielding an axe, chopping the laurel tree.

He doesn't know his name or surname, he doesn't know his past, and he doesn't know his future.All he knew was that others named him Wu Gang.

He only knows that all his memories are sealed in this tree, and only when the tree is broken can he understand who he is, where he came from, where he went, what he has done, and who he has loved.

But this tree is too difficult to cut, the tree is so tall, the laurel supports the sky, and it has countless branches.

On such a cold lunar star, a huge laurel forest grows.

This end of the forest is connected to Wu Gang, and the other end of the forest is connected to Guanghan Palace.

The distance between a forest is farther than heaven and earth, life and death.

Qing Luo looked at Wu Gang and asked, "How long have you been chopping down this tree?"

Wu Gang heard someone behind him, stopped cutting the tree, turned to look at him, and said, "It's been a long, long time."

"Who are you? I've never met you."

Qing Luo said with a smile: "I was invited by the Taiyin Star Lord to come to Taiyin to see an old friend."

"The Lunar Star Lord? Those two women?" Wu Gang scratched his head in doubt.

Qing Luo nodded and said, "Not bad."

Wu Gang groaned, pointed at the path in front of him with the axe in his hand, and said, "Let's go from here, it should work, after all, I have never left this tree for hundreds of miles."

Qing Luo nodded, thank you, and stepped into the Lunar Star.

He walked into the laurel, and a rabbit as white as jade jumped out, jumped in front of him, turned into a delicate and cute girl, and said with a smile: "Welcome to the distinguished guest. The jade rabbit is ordered by the master, and is here to welcome seniors."

Qing Luo smiled and said: "On this lunar planet, but you are the only rabbit?"

Yutu nodded and said with a smile, "Isn't it just me?"

As she spoke, she opened her mouth and smiled, revealing two white rabbit teeth and fluffy rabbit ears, which were indescribably cute.

Qing Luo just smiled, and walked into the depths of Taiyin Star together with Yutu.

The farther you go to the lunar star, the colder and colder the aura of heaven and earth becomes. If you go to the extreme depths, even the Da Luo Jinxian may find it difficult to bear the invisible and intangible aura of lunar.

Although the Jade Rabbit only has the cultivation base of a golden fairy, she is a self-generated spiritual creature of the Taiyin star. She is a spiritual creature conceived in the Qi of the Taiyin, so naturally she will not feel any discomfort.

In the center of the lunar star, there is a large hall named Guanghan Palace.

Qinghui, moon and cold, the palace is high, and the world is independent and lonely.

In front of the main hall, there are nine laurel trees, which form a garden. In the garden, there is a swing, a table, two chairs, and two women.

One is the peerless Chang'e, and the other is the former Shiji.

Qing Luo bowed her head and said with a smile: "Poverty made you two wait longer."

Shiji laughed and said, "It's okay, Pindao hasn't thanked fellow Daoist for letting me know how I got out of the catastrophe."

Qing Luo waved his hand and said: "It's a little effort, not to mention that fellow Taoist has also helped the deity, so it can be considered as a cause and effect.

Today, Fairy Chang'e invited her deity to come here, so let me tell you what's going on. "

After hearing this, Chang'e took a step forward and said, "The disciple that fellow Taoist has accepted is a golden crow.

The Golden Crow is of the same lineage, and I am not in the same breath.

Today, I invite fellow Taoists, do I want to ask friends, do I intend to help the Jinwu lineage, or stand by and watch?

Donghuang Taiyi hurt my husband, separated by a forest, eternally hopeless! "

After hearing this, Qing Luo sighed and said, "Fairy Chang'e, there are some grievances that cannot be resolved.

Even if you wiped out the Golden Crow lineage one day in the future, will your husband still be able to return?You only want the hatred in your heart for a moment, but it will hurt you for a lifetime and endless years. "

Chang'e's face was slightly cold, but she still said in a harmonious voice: "Fellow Daoist, are you going to help the Jinwu family?"

Qing Luo shook her head and said: "I am here today not to let the fairy ask me if I can help the Golden Crow's lineage, but to reconcile the Taiyin and Sun's lineage."

"Reconciliation?" Shi Ji asked, "Talk about it, fellow Taoist." She reached out her hand to stop Chang'e who was about to speak again, and signaled Qing Luo to continue talking.

Qing Luo nodded and said: "The hatred of Fairy Chang'e is tied to the body of Great Witch Houyi. The hatred of Golden Crow is also tied to the body of Great Witch Houyi.

Back then when Hou Yi shot the sun, nine out of ten fell, but it was not the case.After all, Hou Yi was merciful, leaving a way out for the nine children and a trace of soul.

It is God's will that nine days fall in ten days.If there is no Hou Yi shooting for nine days, there will be Qian Yi, Zuo Yi and right Yi shooting.This is the irreversible trend.

Hou Yi left behind Jiu Ri a remnant soul, not only saving a life for Jiu Ri, but also saving a life for himself.

My disciple, Shuo De, died because of Hou Yi in his previous life, and he was born because of Hou Yi's kindness in this life.Cause and effect are mixed, grievances and grievances are entangled, and they are extremely complicated.

Since you can't figure it out, then ignore it, rebuild the cause and effect, and reopen the grievances.

When there is a new life on the ninth day, there will be a time when Hou Yi will return. If Fairy Chang'e believes in this deity and puts aside her grievances, this deity will definitely let Hou Yi return one day!
Isn't the fairy's expectation, the source of love, and the source of hate all Hou Yi's great witch?
Fairy willing? "

(End of this chapter)

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