Chapter 495
The stories of Qi Shuming and Ling'er, Nuwa's descendants and Xuanmen Sword Fairy spread all over the world.

Ling'er's misfortune deserves the sympathy and pity of others.

But Qi Shuming's infatuation made those female fairies even more secretly promise.

The chicness of the sword fairy, the romance of the fairy swordsman, and the infatuation of the swordsman are the fantasies of countless female fairies, and even countless innocent girls in their boudoirs.

This regrettable love affair spread all over the world, and let the world know that there are evil spirits like fierce beasts.

There are also many powerful people who are watching Qingluo's reaction and the reaction of the holy aunt of Nuwa Temple.

Sure enough, Evernight City did not disappoint them.The Weeping Blood Spirit Emperor promulgated the Nightless Heaven Order, declaring that all the departments belonging to the Nightless Heavenly City, where they are, and any places where fierce beasts appear, should be reported to Tiancheng.

As soon as the Nightless Heavenly Order came out, the sky and the earth shook.Ten thousand immortals were shocked, ten thousand immortals were dispatched, and Zhu Fang's powers were shocked.

The Nightless Order is not only for the immortals of Zhaotian City, but all the immortals in the city can do it. If they do it, they will be rewarded.

Because it is too attractive to immortals, there are many immortals attracted.

The Nightless City accommodates millions of immortals, including demons, Buddhas, Daos, gods, ghosts, and even witches.

These immortals come from heaven and earth, and all the immortals of the three realms and six realms are here.

One hundred thousand immortals are willing to search all over the world, ten thousand golden immortals, three thousand Taiyi golden immortals, several Daluo golden immortals, search the heaven and earth, nine heavens and ten places, wherever there are footprints of fierce beasts, they will search for them.

This kind of power is shocking and shocking to the world.

Even if it was cut off from the teaching, and the ten thousand immortals came to court, it is nothing more than this.At that time, it was the Middle Ages, and the Sage Sect had been cultivated for millions of years before it had such power.

But now, looking at the prehistoric world, how many forces have such a grandeur?Even though these immortals are voluntary and move for profit, they can be mobilized after all.Such a huge immortal is only one-tenth of the immortals in Evernight City!

Nightless City is already at work, clearing away the beasts hidden in every Jedi.

Qing Luo didn't know when the Beast Emperor Shen Ni would return to the Primordial Desolation, and he didn't know what level of cultivation the Beast Emperor Shen Ni would have when he returned, but he and Shen Ni formed a grudge just once.

The beast gods of the three wars are all entangled with Qing Luo, and there is also the blood feud between Teng Liu and Shen Ni!With such a cause and effect, Qing Luo doesn't know whether Shen Ni will fight him to the death or not, but Qing Luo is absolutely unwilling to be passive and weak again.

If the world's turmoil rises again, the general trend will turn, and the general trend will turn to people, then Qing Luo is no longer willing to be the one pushed by the turmoil of the times, he just wants to be the promoter of the turmoil in the world, the only way is to stand on the cusp of the turmoil of the world , only the highest position can touch Hunyuan, even if the cusp is very dangerous.

Therefore, Qing Luo must grasp the initiative, the initiative of cause and effect.Although the world's fierce beasts disappeared in front of people, they did not completely disappear between the heaven and the earth. They were still hidden in the shadows that could not be seen by all living beings in the world, waiting for the return of their emperor, just like the monster clan waiting for their demon emperor Taiyi .

In the Three Realms, ferocious beasts were discovered, beheaded and disappeared from the world.

In the city that never sleeps, there is an extra giant list. In addition to issuing various missions to convey orders, there is also a list.

That's the killer list!
Ranked by the strength and number of killing beasts, each of the top [-] will have many rewards. The rewards from the city that never sleeps include spirit stones, exercises, spiritual treasures, natural and earthly treasures, and miraculous medicines. , can be obtained from this.

This list is not only limited to more than 300 Taiyi Golden Immortals from Tiancheng, all immortals in the world, no matter demons, Buddhas, Taoists, witches, immortals and ghosts, can be included in the list!

Hunting and killing ferocious beasts has become the norm in the city that never sleeps, and it has become the most effective way for countless monks to sharpen their morality, improve their strength, and obtain a wealthy couple.

There are not many ferocious beasts in the world, and they are even more endangered.

But no one will object, because fierce beasts are the mortal enemies of all spirits in the world.Fierce beasts are beasts born of the murderous resentment of the corpses of three thousand gods and demons. They are natural enemies with all kinds of prehistoric spirits. Fierce beasts don't know emotions, they don't know how to cultivate, they only know how to fight and kill.In the ancient times, after countless years of fighting, all spirits finally defeated the beasts and won the dominance of the prehistoric world.

All spirits and ferocious beasts are mortal enemies, born with long-cherished wishes, born before the way of heaven, and continue unabated.

Their only supreme god is the Beast Emperor Shenni.When the Beast Emperor Shen Ni raises his arms and calls out, the ferocious beasts that have rested and rested for countless years in the heaven and earth will form a wave of ferocious beasts and besiege the Nightless Sky.

Qing Luo didn't want to have another bloodbath against the night sky, so he acted ahead of time, and he wanted to make the God Rebellion who came back one day have no soldiers to use, and no troops to lead!
Even, Qing Luo went out of the mountain in person to settle the karma with the mountain giant ape, the god of the fierce mountain, the warrior of the wild ape.

And when Qing Luo set off, it was already a thousand years later.The ferocious beast has been hidden for thousands of years, and no ferocious beast dared to show a trace.Because as soon as they show a trace, countless immortals will come to take their heads like locusts.

But after this wind of killing evils blew to Huangfengling, Tiger Xianfeng was terrified, so he had to interrupt the hidden cultivation of the white tiger and beast, and told him.

After hearing this, Warlord White Tiger just snorted coldly and said, "Although it's very sad, I have to say, 'This rumored Qing Zu has unfathomable strength, and he will be far from his opponent. We can only wait The Beast Emperor returns, and he will settle the cause and effect with this person.

During this period of time, Ben will have to sleep for tens of thousands of years until the cultivation method fades before he can wake up.So during this period of time, I will never be involved with you again, you must be careful, break through the realm of Taiyi as soon as possible, and protect yourself. "

After Hu Xianfeng heard it, his heart trembled, and he nodded in agreement.

After the White Tiger Warrior ordered the Tiger Pioneer to retreat, he meditated alone. He was thinking about the return of the Beast Emperor. He didn't want to restore the glory of the past, but only wanted to let the fierce beasts continue.

In an unknown interface somewhere, there is an ancient blood pool under the Beast Emperor God. In the blood pool is not only the blood of countless creatures, but also the blood essence from those powerful beasts that were killed in the prehistoric world.

But no matter what kind of ferocious blood it is, it is merging into the body of the Beast Emperor God Ni, and the aura of God Ni is getting stronger and stronger. Although the three corpses are not killed, the tyrannical aura of the quasi-sage peak has far surpassed the power of all the gods. Yes, the quasi-sage who beheaded the two corpses has already touched the edge of the Primordial Realm very close.

Shen Ni naturally felt that in the prehistoric stone world, ferocious beasts were slaughtered and slaughtered every day.Even though ferocious beasts don't have the seven emotions and six desires, they don't have the affection between father and son, mother and son, and even mother eats her son.But they have a supreme belief, the Beast Emperor God Rebellion!
Although Shen Ni was born without feelings and only knows about murder, but for him, these fierce beasts who have accompanied him for countless years are his lifelong battles and his sons of glory!

(End of this chapter)

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