Chapter 496 God of the Fierce Mountain
Wild West, one of the top ten forbidden places in the wild.

There are poor mountains and bad waters, swarms of wild beasts here, genocide and genocide are happening here every day.

The Wild West is a true portrayal of the entire Xiniu Hezhou.

Here there is only barbarism, desolation, fighting, the cycle of life and death, and the wandering of blood and corpses.

Western sages have great compassion. Even though wild and ferocious beasts survive because of killing, they are born to create karma. Western sages have left a place for them to live just because they are living beings.

This is their last resting place in the west. The whole west has been revived due to the rise of western religion, the reproduction of the people, the enlightenment of the enlightenment, and the evolution of the century. The whole Xiniu Hezhou is full of prosperity, vigorous vitality and strong vitality like the rising sun!
In the east of the wild west, there is an endless mountain range, with mountains superimposed, and thousands of mountains piled up, like a hundred thousand mountains.

There are countless fierce spirits in the mountains, countless life harvesters, countless bloodthirsty soul-devouring demons, violent wild beasts, and bloodthirsty beasts.

This is the forbidden place for monks and immortals.

But today, in front of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there is a Taoist who looks up at the barren mountains thousands of miles away.

The white-clothed Taoist walked on the ground, even though the ground was covered with thorns and poor mountains and rivers, it was only a step under his feet!
The way of the Taoist in white is very high, as high as the source of the way, and the three thousand ways are connected with the derived way, and the three thousand ways are so many, such as the sea of ​​three thousand ways, the world of three thousand ways.

But Daohai is three thousand, and he only takes a trace of the three thousand Daohai, crossing the realm of weak water three thousand, and only takes a scoop.

The three thousand silk dao he took did not pay attention to the perception of the dao, but the technique of the dao!

This is the result of thousands of years of practice by the Taoist in white.

The Taoist in white walked on the ground, but landed in the intersection of every time and every space.His figure is visible to all living beings, but hard to touch.Because he walked in a vacuum beyond time and space, not in the wild west in the past, nor in the wild west in the future.

Therefore, the white-clothed Taoist traveled all the way without any killing or storm, and he and the Jedi lived in peace.

The Taoist in white looked up at the mountain, and the mountain was no longer a mountain.Look up at the sky, the sky is no longer the sky.Reach out and touch the ground, and the ground is no longer the ground.

The mountain has become a wall; the ground has become a forbidden place; the sky has become a prison.

The mountains, the earth and the sky constitute a heaven and earth prison, imprisoning a ferocious beast.

The god of the fierce mountain, the warrior of the wild ape, the mountain giant ape sleeps here.It has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years in the three thousand dreams of leading the saint.

And these 10 years have also allowed the strength of the four fierce gods who once followed the Beast Emperor God Rebellion to recover almost completely.

A light smile appeared on Qingluo's handsome face.He laughed because he admired the great wisdom of Jieyin sage.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the leading saint just put the god of the fierce mountain to sleep here, and did not intervene in the karma of grievances, but suppressed the karma between Qing Luo and the beast.

Since it is not the cause and effect of the Western religion, let them settle it by themselves.

Qing Luo stretched out his hand, and the derived chain stretched out ten thousand white chains. The black and white god chain flew into the sky, piercing through this forbidden place with the heaven, earth and mountain range as its prison. Three thousand broke away.

The vicious ape roared angrily up to the sky, the sound of the ape overlapped the mountains, and the mountains shook and the water shook and the earth tilted.

The fierce ape incarnates into a giant that is nearly ten thousand feet high, and the mountains are so high that they are no more than the feet of the giant ape.The fierce ape looked at the Taoist in white, like a giant and an ant.

But the fierce ape looked unprecedentedly solemn.Because it felt the Taoist in front of him, whose strength was unpredictable, and it was more than a thousand times stronger than the Taoist 10 years ago.

Although it is also much stronger, it has experienced countless battles in the Three Thousand Worlds of the Great Dream, sharpened itself, sharpened its mind, and sharpened its combat skills. Its strength is not much worse than that of the ancient times!
Although the white-clothed Taoist is as small as an ant, no one will recognize him if he just stands there, and no one dares to treat him as an ant.

The aura of Heaven and Earth Almighty, the temperament and state of mind of Heaven and Earth Almighty cannot be achieved by pretending.

The Taoist in white looked at the fierce ape and said, "Does your excellency know the whereabouts of Fellow God Rebel?"

"Looking for death! Even though you are a quasi-sage and powerful, my emperor is the existence of the ancient supreme. How can you allow juniors like you to call your title directly?"

As soon as the giant palm of the sky fell, it was like a piece of sky falling down, covering thousands of miles of sky and making it drowsy. This palm can destroy a middle-thousand world. The force of gravity, which can be measured numerically, presses downward.

The Taoist man in white had neither joy nor sorrow on his face. He stretched out his hand and pointed. An ancient map lay out in the hollow, covering the universe, spanning the world, and accepted the palm without any waves.

Qingluo said flatly: "I will give you another chance, if you don't say it, then there is no need for you to exist!"

The kindness in Qing Luo's heart has disappeared, let alone his enemies, he only has rationality in his heart, he will not smile against his will, and he does not want to smile at his enemies to show it.

The scene of the ancient picture being put into the giant palm of the sky was reflected in the huge eyes of the vicious ape, and it couldn't help trembling in its heart. It only took [-]% of its strength just now to have such power.

This Taoist, who has not been seen in just a few hundred thousand years, has reached such a point!
But the fierce ape has never felt fear in this life.

The vicious ape howled furiously, ignoring Qing Luo's words, swung his giant fists, and hit the bulging muscles in front of his chest fiercely.

Every time it was hit, the fierce ape's face showed a trace of pain, and his chest became more protruding.

After it struck nine times, it stopped suddenly, and roared up to the sky with its huge mouth, a ball of earthy yellow light rose up, and the dark yellow light shone on the sky.

In the light, there is a tall mountain peak, the mountain peak is exposed, rising against the wind, and growing continuously.

At this moment, the vicious ape looked sluggish and his breath dropped, but there was an unparalleled determination on his face.

The whole body of the Taoist in white was forcibly imprisoned by the fierce ape with the force of the earth, and his whole body could not move.

This is also the reason why the fierce ape casts spells with peace of mind.

And the Taoist in white did not move, which was the reason why the fierce ape was able to cast the spell safely.

He didn't move and didn't stop, not because of the imprisonment of the fierce ape, but because he wanted to show the supreme power of the Lord of the Evernight City.

As a descendant of Nuwa, Ling'er died because of a ferocious beast, and the holy aunt of Nuwa Temple was the Supreme Elder of Nightless Tiancheng. Her death would reduce Tiancheng's sense of trust, and it would even make people who had different intentions feel less confident. People have thoughts that they shouldn't have.

Since it was the ferocious beast that caused the reputation of the Evernight City to fall, then the prestige of the Evernight City should be recovered from the body of the ferocious beast.

Qing Luo wants to defeat the god of the fierce mountain when he is the strongest, and to be strong by force is the most shocking way to shake people's hearts, and the best way to convince others.

On the sky, the ancient mountain became taller and taller, gradually ranging from ten thousand miles to hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of miles. It was like a lonely mountain continent suspended in the air, and no one in the three realms could see it.

This is the strongest blow of the fierce ape at this time in his life, and it is also a kind of peerless supernatural power that he has comprehended and created throughout his life.

(End of this chapter)

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