Chapter 605

After he stepped forward to inquire about the cause and effect, he only knew the reason.

This place is called Jisai Country, tens of thousands of years ago, it was a chaotic and miserable land where demons occupied the capital of Cholera.

The common people are in dire straits, with no land to grow and no one dares to leave their homes.Once you walk out of the house, you don't know when you will be sucked into a mummy by a vampire bat that fell from the sky. The streets are full of uncontained corpses lying on the streets.Their ancestors were already in despair, but perhaps God finally sensed their miserable world, and sent a female Bodhisattva to subdue one hundred thousand demon bats, quell the demons, and leave behind a treasure to protect the country.

Since then, the weather has been smooth, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the country is dignified and dignified.That treasure is a glazed orb on the pagoda of this temple!
Unexpectedly, the bead was stolen three years ago, and the king was furious. He thought that the monks in Jinguang Temple had stolen the orb, so he took the monks of this temple as prisoners, and imprisoned them in the temple to punish them as coolies.

When Tang Seng heard about it, he burst into tears. As a Buddhist disciple, how could he see the monks' hardships and misery?He secretly thought in his heart that he must prove the injustice for these poor monks.

At night, Tang Seng went to the Golden Pagoda, the uninhabited ancient pagoda polluted by a blood rain, took a broom and swept it layer by layer to clean up the ashes.

Sun Wukong went with Tang Seng. The master and apprentice held a lamp to illuminate, and the other carried a broom to sweep the pagoda. There was an indescribable warmth between master and apprentice in the quiet night.

In the prehistoric night, the four major continents are different, and the starry sky is also different for every thousand miles.

The starry sky of Jisai Kingdom is a spotless mirror sky, dotted with thousands of stars, the moon is not visible, there is no cloud in the sky, and the galaxy is twinkling.

A meteor flying from the east across the sky, piercing through the clouds and atmosphere, trailing a bright streamer behind it, the meteor fell directly to the ancient golden pagoda.

Sun Wukong, who was sweeping the pagoda with Tang Seng, had a feeling, and he read a few mantras and blew them to Tang Seng. A sense of sleepiness entered Tang Seng's mind, but he fell asleep after a while.

Sun Wukong set up a magical protection, and then he called out the golden cudgel, raised it, stepped on the top of the tower, and looked at the person coming.

A girl in a green shirt stood on the top of the tower with her back to Sun Wukong. The faint starlight was scattered on the green clothes, and her hair was lightly tied behind her back by a Taoist hairpin.

Monkey King stepped forward and shouted, "Who is here?"

The girl turned her head, curiosity showed on her beautiful face, and she said, "You are the Monkey King who made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace? It seems that this appearance is nothing more than that."

Sun Wukong shook his head and said: "You woman, how can you only care about appearance? My grandson asks himself that his supernatural powers are all passable. Although you are also a great golden fairy, before I put on this golden hoop, I can crush you naturally."

Xiao Zhu lightly said: "The uncommon fate is really extraordinary. The little girl was rude."

Seeing her like this, Sun Wukong felt embarrassed, put away the golden cudgel, and said: "I don't know where you live in Xianshan, what is your name?"

Xiaozhu smiled lightly, "The little girl is Xiaozhu, the eldest disciple of Qingzu, but she is just a wandering fairy."

Sun Wukong's eyes changed, and his smile became more sincere. If the people in Evernight City had malicious intentions, they would strike out amidst the tide of belief.As for impostors, no one in Honghuang dared to impersonate others as boldly as Sun Wukong.

Those with great supernatural powers have boundless supernatural powers, even if they just read the name of the Dao, they can get some insights. If there are really impostors, those pretended to be great supernatural powers should have taken action long ago.

"I don't know why the fairy came here?"

Xiaozhu reached out and tapped the ancient pagoda that had been silent for three years, and said: "I came here for it, to be precise, I came here for the orb on the pagoda."

Sun Wukong's mind turned around and he understood immediately, "It turns out that it was the fairy who came here to save the suffering and disasters ten thousand years ago."

Xiaozhu was taken aback for a moment, and murmured: "Help the suffering?"

"What's the matter, but my old grandson said something wrong?"

"No, the little girl was touched by the great sage's words." Xiao Zhu stepped forward and said, "Please also tell the king that the holy god here is Daluo Jinxian Xiaozhu, not a Buddhist female Bodhisattva.

The ancestors of these monks were moved by greed and hatred, and enshrined the treasures left by me as the most precious treasures of Buddhism. Because of this, the pearls were honored by the respected state religion.

Now that the orb has been stolen, their descendants have to bear the karma of this matter, it is really wrong.

Therefore, the little girl came here to trace the whereabouts of the orb and recover the leftover orb. "

Sun Wukong pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Then I don't know what evidence the fairy has? Otherwise, my old grandson is clumsy and tongue-tied, and I am afraid that the blind emperor will not agree with it."

Xiaozhu stroked her hair blown by the wind, said with a smile: "At that time, I will show myself in front of the king and convince him."

Sun Wukong was delighted, with this help, tomorrow the king will be able to leave with peace of mind, without delay.

So, the next day Tang Seng entered the palace to meet the king.Sun Wukong told the king about the orb.

The king was dubious and asked, "How can you confirm that the divine treasure of our country was not given by a Buddhist Bodhisattva?"

Sun Wukong smiled and said: "The king moves outside the palace, and he will know what kind of vision there is in the sky."

When the king heard this, he hurriedly led a group of civil and military officials out of the hall and looked up at the sky.

On the originally empty sky, light suddenly appeared, and a goddess came out of the light with holy wings, and the impact of the phantom shocked every citizen of the country.

About the events of tens of thousands of years ago, only from classics, history books or folklore.Although time has passed, the legend of the god who saved their country will never stop disappearing and has been passed down from generation to generation.

At first everyone thought it was just a legend, but today their hearts were shocked again, their gods really exist!

All mortals worshiped, Xiao Zhu did not back down, because she could bear it.As the god of the country's beliefs, he is not only the immortal who saved their ancestors, but also benefited the people of the country for thousands of years. He has his own merits to the ancestors and the community.

Xiaozhu stands in the light, overlooking all living beings like looking at ants.She said slowly: "I am the God of Light who saved you back then!

The orb on the golden pagoda was stolen by someone. I feel your pious belief, so I came here to manifest it.

I should place another treasure and reproduce the brilliance of the Golden Pagoda. Thinking of you, I will suddenly be born again in prison. "

(End of this chapter)

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