Chapter 604 Kui Niu Returns
Sun Wukong thought about it before making a decision. He invited him to visit Princess Iron Fan in Cuiyun Mountain and pay homage to her.

Princess Iron Fan didn't see her, so she closed the door.

Monkey King was not in a hurry, let alone angry, he just stayed outside the door quietly, guarding the door to meet Princess Iron Fan.

The fire in the Huoyan Mountain was burning fiercely, and it was unknown when it would be extinguished. The heat wave was overwhelming, making Tang Seng and others miserable and miserable.

In the Bibotan, the Bull Demon King came to the banquet, and the All-Sacred Dragon King, although he was only Taiyi, was an old monster within a million miles.What's more, the Wansheng Dragon King is also a strange beast, and he had some acquaintance with the Bull Demon King before entering Jin'ao Island, even the Bull Demon King gave him a little bit of trouble.

In the Bibotan Dragon Palace, there is luxury and gorgeousness, and there are countless rare treasures.

The hallowed dragon and the bull devil sit on the same table, drinking and having fun, enjoying singing and dancing.

The Bull Demon King drank a glass of fine wine, laughed and said: "Old Dragon, to be offensive, why haven't I seen your son-in-law for a long time?
Could it be. . . "

The holy old dragon sighed, and said: "I'll let you see a joke, my daughter Yanluo was captured into the Westward Journey as a dragon horse, and was ridden by people day and night. imperial envoy.

Although my son-in-law is a powerful generation of Daluo Jinxian, he is really lacking in character. He offended Evernight City, and even almost implicated the old dragon. My family was destroyed. I drove him out of my Wanshenglong Palace early. No more involvement with it.

Sigh~ Blame my old eyes for being dizzy. I shouldn't have been greedy for this son-in-law on the list back then, and even lost my daughter! "

The Bull Demon King shook the wine glass in his hand and said: "Why should the old dragon be worried? My niece can get the blessing of Buddhist luck and virtue by following the journey to the west. Her cultivation base will naturally improve greatly, and she will definitely break through the realm of Taiyi Jinxian. Yes, doesn't that seem like a good thing?"

The Wansheng old dragon shook his head and said: "If there are such benefits, how can that disciple of the god, Ao Bing, let Xiao Bailong out of the shackles of Journey to the West?
My Dragon Clan cultivates Dao, not only emphasizing Dao, but also emphasizing blood!From the blood of the ancestors, the purer the blood of the dragon blood, the more chance to break through the Daluo realm. If the blood is mottled, the ancestors will be blocked by the heroic spirits of the ancestors in this life, and they will not be able to enter the Daluo!
Unless you are no longer a dragon clan and abandon the luck and virtue brought by the dragon clan, you can break into Da Luo, and the sea-covering great sage Jiao Demon King is this kind of certification path. "

The Bull Demon King nodded, and said in silence for a moment: "I wait for the alien beasts of the world to reproduce with the most blood. Although niece Yanluo's trip is a catastrophe, it is also a chance. It is much better than you, an old dragon, hiding like a turtle. "

The old holy dragon could only smile wryly. He has lived forever in the world and has been reduced to a generation of ants. He only hopes that the journey to the west will end soon and his daughter can return safely.

Thinking of this, he looked at the Bull Demon King and said, "What's the matter? Don't want to receive your sworn brother? Run to take refuge in my Dragon Palace?"

The Bull Demon King shook his head and said, "I'm not avoiding him, but I'm hesitating. I don't know if the trend of teaching should change because of me!"

"Brother Niu, listen to what I, a living old dragon, say.

In the face of a catastrophe, although the disputes behind are important, everything must be more considerate of the front.If you can't survive by yourself, what else can you talk about? "

The Bull Demon King was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "So what if I don't borrow the precious fan? How dare Western Buddhists touch me?"

"Why don't you dare? Brother Niu, the era of saints is long gone. Although you were once the mount of a saint who reached the sky, that was in the past, not now!
You don't have the reputation of a saint, how can Western Buddhism dare not take you?At that time, even if you escaped unharmed and ran back to Jinao Island, you will naturally have no worries.

But what about your wife and children?They will definitely be implicated, and even die because of your momentary anger!

Although I, the old dragon, gave up my luck to offset the life-and-death crisis after another life-and-death crisis in order to survive, I can also see clearly many things that the authorities are obsessed with and bystanders are clear about. "

The Bull Demon King was lost in thought, without a smile on his face.

Finally, he stood up, and suddenly picked up the wine glass in his hand and drank it down in one gulp.


The wine glass fell to the ground and shattered, and the Bull Demon King said: "Thank you, old dragon, for your words."

The old dragon waved his hands and smiled indifferently.

After the Bull Demon King bid farewell, he stepped on the water-discharging golden crystal beast and rushed to Cuiyun Mountain.

When the Bull Demon King met Sun Wukong, there was no conflict or fight between the two, just like old friends reunited, the two chatted some gossip, Princess Iron Fan took out the plantain fan and handed it to Monkey King.

Thanks to Monkey King, he fanned the banana fan to extinguish the Flaming Mountain, eliminating the source of the flame, and the [-]-mile-long Flaming Mountain disappeared from the world.

Tang Seng and his party continued to go west, and Cuiyun Mountain survived the disaster safely.

The Bull Demon King and his wife stood on the top of the mountain embracing each other and watching Tang Seng go away.

"Madam, it's time for us to leave!"

"Do you really want to go back? You should think about it. Once you enter the Jiejiao, you will be haunted by all kinds of thoughts." Princess Iron Fan murmured.

The drizzle in front of Cuiyun Mountain is falling with the wind, dripping and dyeing the green leaves of the mountains and forests to look greener, all things are reborn, the flames are extinguished, and the vegetation is climbing and blooming to surround Cuiyun Mountain.

The Bull Demon King nodded solemnly, and said, "For the red boy, we only have this way!"

Princess Iron Fan trembled, and the Bull Demon King who was holding her tightened his hands. She was embraced, and the uneasiness in her heart turned into An Ran.

She said: "Okay, I will follow my husband!"

. . .

Cuiyun Mountain, a good spiritual vein, is empty, and the thunder clouds that have accumulated for thousands of years in Jilei Mountain have also dissipated. All the monsters on the mountain are going their separate ways. Most of the rest entered the Nightless City and found a place to live there.

The Bull Demon King left Jilei Mountain with more than a thousand confidants and big demons. What he took away was the result of painstaking efforts for thousands of years. All the golden immortals and Taiyi big monsters followed him and returned to the East China Sea.

Abandoning the title of Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King, he used the body of Kui Niu to lead thousands of demons to establish a foothold overseas, and became one of the many forces in the East China Sea that defended Jinao Island.

When Kui Niu came back, he took Princess Iron Fan and Red Boy to the island, met the three Holy Mothers, and paid homage to the holy statue of Tongtian Saint.There is no more demon king in the world, only Kui Niu of the East China Sea occupying the island.

The four traveled westward for more than a month before they arrived at Jisaiguo.

At the same moment, Xiaozhu, who has traveled around the world, also set foot on Xiniu Hezhou, looked in the direction of Ji Saiguo, and rushed away like a streamer.

The four Tang monks saw a temple with a one-hundred-foot-tall tower, which was extremely spectacular, but the temple was depressed.The incense and ashes in the ancient temple are cold, and the leaves in the virtual corridor sweep the wind.The censer in front of the Buddha is still there, but there are no more people who come to offer incense and worship the Buddha. There are only a group of monks with shackles, their eyes numb and empty, doing their own things, as if they have lost hope for the whole world and are only waiting for death to come .Even, several young monks were nailed to the golden pillar of the main hall.

When Tang Monk saw it, he felt extremely compassionate. All the monks were insensitive, and the Buddhist temple was empty and lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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