Chapter 603 Six Ears Redemption

Tang Seng was rescued and went westward to continue his journey.

There are ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties in Journey to the West, and every difficulty is his catastrophe, Tang Seng's catastrophe.

I don't know how many times he was caught, and I don't know how many times Zhu Bajie yelled: "Brother, master was taken away by monsters!" Every time it seemed that there was no danger, but Tang Seng was on the verge of life and death every time.

Death, probably maybe not the scariest thing.

The last moment of dying gives you hope, and you will be reborn, and then you will be close to the edge of death after rebirth, and you will come to the end of your life again.

Endless cycle, hovering on the verge of life and death, this feeling is more desperate and frightening than letting life disappear!No matter how strong Tang Seng's heart is, and the Buddha's heart is supreme, he can't resist the consumption of countless life and death hovering on the edge.

Finally, after Sun Wukong killed several thieves, his fear was thoroughly aroused, Tang Seng angrily reprimanded Sun Wukong and drove him away again.

Then, the six-eared macaque came and turned into Sun Wukong, defeated Tang Monk and saluted, and returned to Huaguo Mountain to become king.

On the other hand, Monkey King went to Nanhai Avalokitesvara to complain. His heart that had just been hit was soothed by Avalokitesvara, but he was scolded by Tang Seng as a traitor, killing teachers and ancestors.

Sun Wukong was furious, and ran back to Huaguo Mountain, where he met the fake Monkey King. The two fought for a long time, but Drifting thought there must be something wrong, so he rushed to Huaguo Mountain to question, and met the two monkeys fighting.

The two Monkey Kings returned to Tang Seng and asked to identify them. Tang Seng realized that he had wrongly blamed the real Wukong.

The two had no choice but to fight all the way and fly to the South China Sea, asking Guanyin of the South China Sea to identify them.Avalokitesvara pondered for a moment, shook his head and said nothing, even if he saw the real monkey king, he would not dare to point it out, because the six-eared macaque, like Sun Wukong, learned from the ancestor Bodhi.

Although the six-eared macaque can listen to the sounds of heaven and earth, for a saint, only the saint is willing to let you hear it. If the saint is willing, he will be in front of him even if he is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.If the sage doesn't allow it, even if they know each other face to face, they won't be able to hear the sound of the Tao.

Avalokitesvara shook his head and didn't know, the monkey could only distinguish between the heaven and the earth, and the beast of the underworld could tell the true and false Sun Wukong by listening, but it didn't say anything because it found it interesting. He is an ancient beast with the same longevity as heaven and earth. , into the catastrophe of the Lich but survived safely, there is its own way of survival.

Until the two monkeys hit the western sky, many monks and King Kong were also shocked.

It wasn't until Avalokitesvara came that Tathagata told the true and false Monkey King and the heel of the six-eared macaque.

The six-eared macaque was startled, and was suppressed by the purple gold bowl of the Tathagata World Honored One. How could a little Taiyi demon monkey be safe in the hands of the Tathagata?
Patriarch Bodhi knew about the six-eared macaque stealing the way, but he never said it.What bad thoughts can a monkey who is despised by the world have?
It's just for survival, to have a place to live, to have a place to be comfortable.

The ancestor of Bodhi passed on the 36 changes of Sun Wukong, and the macaque can also know 36, but he can't change the 72 ways, because the 72 ways are realized by Sun Wukong himself.

The six-eared macaque was instigated by others, instigated against the heart, and wanted to replace Monkey King as the protagonist of the world's calamity, feeling the feeling of being watched by the world and all living beings.

The six-eared macaque is very lonely, because the Taoist ancestor once said: "The law should not be passed on lightly, and the Tao should not be passed on to the six ears."

Liu Er, who was originally a wild alien, was alone, and was even more isolated by all beings in the world.

The eyes of Taoist ancestors do not refer to the six-eared macaque, but only to those who are half-hearted, half-hearted, and unstable.Because Daozu is too big and the six-eared macaque is too small, Daozu is so small that he can't see him, so naturally he won't care about it.

Similarly, because the prehistoric world is too great, every word and deed will cause the world to change, so the six-eared macaque is permanently lonely throughout his life.

Liu Er has no way to seek the Tao in this life, only the Bodhi ancestor is willing to cross all living beings without asking his heels or looking at others, and only those who feel that all living beings are suffering should cross.

He felt the benevolence of Buddha nature from the Bodhi ancestor, so he was tempted to join Buddhism, and only then did he have the true and false Monkey King.

Sun Wukong was impersonated, and he was so angry that he raised the golden cudgel and hit him. However, at this moment, the proverbs spoken by the woman appeared in his mind inexplicably.

The world is vast, and all living beings are on the line.The same root and different origin, mutual growth and mutual killing, what is the nature of the self?

The stick raised by Sun Wukong stops, and under the stick is a monkey with six ears. Its eyes are full of fear, anxiety, loneliness, and the bitterness of being abandoned by the world.

After all, he still failed to hit the stick. Sun Wukong stood up the stick, put one hand on his hips, held the stick in the other, and sighed: "You go, I save your life today, I hope you can practice well, and you will finally have a fruitful body!"

The six-eared macaque thanked him, thanked Sun Wukong, and also worshiped the Buddhas of Lingshan. He has no ambitions, no changes of fate, he just wants to live, to live, that's all.

He and Sun Wukong can never be the same, although they are both born and raised, but Sun Wukong is favored by heaven and patronized by saints.His six ears are rejected by the world, and all living beings don't like him.

The legend of Monkey King Monkey King spread throughout the three worlds and became a hero in the hearts of countless people.If Sun Wukong is proud in the eyes of all living beings and in his own eyes, then the six-eared macaque is a humble existence in the dust.

After six ears thanked him, he went straight out of the Xitian Daleiyin Temple and became the second monster who could walk out of Daleiyin!
The six-eared macaque went to the Nightless City, and then joined the demon clan, walked into the death of all demons, became a demon clan, accepted his new identity, and practiced peacefully and quietly.

Sun Wukong looked at the free six ears, and felt rippling in his heart. He didn't show it, but after saying goodbye to many gods and Buddhas, he returned to Tang Seng and continued westward.

He used to be a demon yearning for freedom and longing for freedom, but now the golden band on his head and the monk's robe on his body are all restraining, loosely restraining all freedom.

Sun Wukong only hopes that the westward journey will end as soon as possible, so that he can return to the mountains and forests, see the sky and the earth, and play among the mountains and rivers without any fetters or restraints.

Tang Seng and his party continued to move forward until they reached the Flame Mountain.

The Huoyan Mountain is 33 miles away, and the Huoguang Land has a reputation.It is difficult to fry the five leaks of pills with fire, but it is not clear to stir up the three passes.Tens of thousands of miles of flames are burned to form a hell of fire, which comes from the fire of the [-] layers of heavenly elixir furnace, even if there is only a little fire in the furnace, falling into the mortal world will be a disaster for heaven and earth.

Princess Iron Fan in Cuiyun Mountain looks at Tang Monk and his party in front of the mountain.

Is this door to be borrowed or not?She couldn't make up her mind, so she could only look at the Bull Demon King's decision.

And the Bull Demon King went to Bibotan to attend the feast of the Dragon King of All Saints, obviously trying to shirk.And as for the jade-faced fox, there is no jade-faced fox that confuses the Bull Demon King, only the jade-faced fairy in the Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion in Tiancheng.

Even if Sun Wukong knew that the alliance vows of the Seven Great Sages had long since been shattered, and the kindness of the seven sworn brothers had dispersed, his current status may still be unlucky!
(End of this chapter)

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