Chapter 602

After the red boy in Huoyun Cave, it was the God of Dragon and Water who captured Tang Monk, and was captured by the water army invited by Monkey King from the Dragon King of the West Sea to solve the problem.

After that, it was the three monsters of Che Chi Kingdom who were played by Sun Wu in Sanqing Temple.

At that time, Empress Nuwa, who was far away on the wall of the plane, couldn't help chuckling, looking at the silent Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun with a gloomy face.

In front of the holy statue of Sanqing, Monkey King bestowed "holy water" to the three demons.Zhu Bajie didn't dare to do such a disrespectful act in front of the patriarch, so he just pretended to be tired and fell asleep.

The Three Demons and Sun Wukong fought in front of King Chechi, but were tricked by Monkey King to death.

Tang Seng and his party took the customs clearance disk and went west again.

Encountering obstacles in front of the Tongtian River, he met the King of Inspiration who ate boys and girls, and was managed by him to capture Tang Seng away.

Sun Wukong invites Avalokitesvara, a bamboo basket takes away the fish demon, and Tang Seng is saved.

After that, there was Jindou Mountain Green Bull Essence, Lao Tzu's mount, holding a vajra bracelet, which alarmed all the gods and Buddhas to capture him, but there was no way. Even Luo Jinxian couldn't handle it.

Lao Tzu deliberately obstructed it, so the Buddhist Journey to the West would naturally fail.Monkey King scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, but there was nothing he could do. None of the three righteous gods in the sky could subdue them.

Even the Tathagata on the Western Spirit Mountain had a dignified face.

A green ox has blocked the westward journey of Western Buddhism for many years, and no one can break it.

Of course, the good deeds Sun Wukong did in front of the Sanqing Temple cannot be concealed from the Taoist gods. Even if there are great gods in the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, Sun Wukong can't invite them.

Tang Seng was trapped in front of Jindou Mountain for three months, and Laojun walked out of Tushita Palace for 33 days, and took back the vajra bracelet and green ox.

Since then, Sun Wukong never dared to disrespect many Taoist gods.

Trapped for three months, Tang Seng and his party were able to set out on the road.

Later, he drank the water from the Daughter Country's Pregnancy River in the Zimu River, conceived a child in his womb, and was sworn brother by the Bull Demon King. , Monkey King planned to leave, but Tang Seng was captured by the scorpion spirit in the pipa cave of the poisonous enemy mountain, and wanted to marry and worship.

Monkey King couldn't stand against this fierce monster that could sting Tathagata, so he invited Pleiades Sun King to subdue him.

Pleiades Sun King showed his true form, double-crested rooster, with the help of the blessing of the heavenly priesthood, the scorpion spirit that was approaching by the starlight of the sun showed its true image, and was suppressed by the sun and could not move.

Zhu Bajie was stung by the scorpion spirit, the pain was still there, and the anger in his heart was still there, so he hurried forward and raised the nine-toothed rake to beat the scorpion spirit to pieces.

However, at this moment, a soft and charming voice came from the east, saying: "Marshal Tianpeng, please be merciful."

Sun Wukong and Bajie and the others searched for the sound, and saw a tide of thousands of miles of flowers suddenly descending from the nine heavens in the east, thousands of flowers blooming to be as vast as a river, and the colorful rays of light scattered across the sky, and the sky turned into seven colors wherever it passed, like a dream Wonderland.

Standing on the broad flower tide are [-] stunning female fairies holding palace lanterns on both sides. The enchanting body is outlined in palace gowns and gauze, with snow-like skin half-opened, amorous and ethereal.

Among the female fairies, there is a large cloud bed embroidered with colorful streamline brocade tents. In the cloud tent with light gauze like mist, there is a woman lying lazy and charming. Even if half of the gauze covers her graceful curves, it is enough to confuse men all over the world. mind.

What's more, the woman's beauty beyond the physical appearance is not only a vulgar beauty, but also a beauty that tends to the realm of Taoism, the beauty of the Taoism she cultivates!
Zhu Bajie was still holding the nail rake up high. He was stunned for a while, and then he kept the half-bent nail rake above his head. He turned his head to look back, his eyes were so fierce that he almost sank.

Sun Wukong's eyes flashed golden light to look at the person coming, but he couldn't see through the origin, just like looking at flowers through fog.

Lord Pleiades Star saw it, and he was amazed for a long time before he came back to his senses, bent down and said with a half bow: "The little god has seen the master of Dongling Palace in Tiancheng."

The woman in the tent let out a chuckle, and the indescribable amorous feelings made half of Zhu Bajie's body crumble to the bone.

"Lord Pleiades Star, you are so polite. You were not so reserved when you stole into my Ten Thousand Flowers Pavilion a few days ago."

Lord Pleiades Star had a slight embarrassment on his face, he smiled awkwardly, and said: "It's really a honor for the little god to be able to remember the little god after taking care of everything."

Yue Ke said with a smile: "You don't have to be cautious, Mr. Xing. If you come to my Tiancheng East Mansion in the future, it will be a good hospitality. I came here today because of this demon."

Hearing this, the subdued scorpion spirit revived hope in her already desperate heart.She hastily transformed into a human body, a soft and charming woman, lying on the ground, weeping, saying: "The little demon has committed a serious crime, but please forgive the life of the little demon, senior, and I will make an atonement."

Subaru Xingjun was stunned, and looked back at Sun Wukong. Just as Sun Wukong was about to speak, Zhu Bajie gave a smirk, put away the rake in his hand, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Thanks to the fairy who came in time, otherwise my old pig would be hurt and correct it if he knew his mistake." What a demon life."

Sun Wukong despised Zhu Bajie's sluggish eyes, stepped forward and said, "Palace Master Dongling, is this your intention or Tiancheng's intention?"

Yue Ke was surprised, and gave a soft "oh", raised her flawless jade fingers to admire, and propped up the temple point on the side of her head with the other hand, and said with a smile: "It's what I mean, so what? Do women like me fight for it?"

Sun Wukong shook his head and said with a sneer: "Mansion Master is worrying too much. My old grandson asks himself that he is not your opponent at this moment, so naturally he will not be ungrateful. Since Mansion Master wants to keep this monster, then take it."

Yue Ke stretched out his hand, and the scorpion spirit that was suppressed by Pleiades Sun King was instantly absorbed into Huachao, and his supernatural powers returned.

"Heaven and earth aliens are also rare. If they die, they will be extinct in the prehistoric world. What does the Great Sage think?"

Sun Wukong didn't know why, and scratched his head in doubt.

Yue Ke smiled lightly and said: "The world is vast, and all living beings are on the line. The same origin and different origins, mutual birth and mutual killing, what should I do?"

Sun Wukong was stunned, shook his head and said, "Please tell me, Palace Master, what is your intention?"

"Don't think about it, great sage. When the time comes, you will understand. Let me leave!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and turned his head, the cloud sleeves were flying, and the tide of flowers came and went again. Before leaving, Yue Ke said with a smile: "Marshal Tianpeng will see you next time, don't call me a fairy, I am the nightless city Dongling Lord."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Bajie's thousands of fantasies were instantly shattered. These words contained great supernatural powers, and they pierced into his primordial spirit and true spirit, which was extremely painful.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong couldn't help gloating, "Idiot, if one Chang'e fairy is not enough, why don't we find another one?"

Bajie was ashamed and scolded angrily: "Damn Bi Mawen, what is the muddy water?"

Lord Pleiades couldn't help but growl, and said: "Great Sage, the canopy should quickly rescue the holy monk, and Journey to the West is the most important."

The two nodded in response, and thanked Lord Pleiades to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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