The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 609 Explanation of the Final Dispute

Chapter 609 Explanation of the Final Dispute
Under the sky and above the vast sea, boundless clouds of calamity gather and gather, within which there are faint flashes of brilliant heavenly power and divine thunder. The terrifying thunder power terrifies all living beings.


The Dao of Heaven will not sit idly by the existence of this kind of evil that has gone beyond the rules of heaven and earth.

The golden-robed Taoist raised his hands together and worshiped them, three times to the sky, three times to the earth, and three times to the statue of the saint on Jin'ao Island.

"All living beings in the world have the right way. I am the ancestor of corpses, the ancestor of all corpses. Although it is a catastrophe, a great cholera and a strange beast, I am also a disciple of the Taoist sage Tongtian Sect. I am a disciple of Jiejiao. Respect the heaven and earth that nourishes me, and respect the teachers who preach and teach.

I am the Jin Guangxian who is the disciple of Jiejiao and serves the Seven Immortals! "

After the voice fell, the billowing thunder dispersed, and the heaven does not punish Taoists respecting heaven.

Avalokitesvara made a salute, "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, for attaining the Dao and beheading the evil corpse."

Jin Guangxian looked up at Avalokitesvara, if Avalokitesvara made a move while he was breaking the way, he would have died of reincarnation at this time.But Avalokitesvara did not make a move. She was the first person to congratulate her enlightenment after her enlightenment, which was of great significance. The evil thoughts in Jin Guangxian's heart were gone, and the nameless fire disappeared, so naturally she would not act recklessly again.

Seeing that he was silent, Avalokitesvara smiled lightly, took back the willow branches and the clean bottle, the clean bottle tilted slightly, and the vast sea returned to a small clean bottle.

"If the Taoist friends are fine, let's go back to the dojo. You are a first-time quasi-sage, and you still need to be stable."

Jin Guangxian was taken aback, and said: "Aren't you a Buddhist master, a bodhisattva who subdues demons and eliminates demons, and you just let such a vicious and vicious alien like me go?"

Guanyin saluted with one hand, and said with a smile: "Heaven, don't worry, why don't you worry about this poor monk?

The poor monk believes that as a disciple of the Jiejiao, fellow Taoists have their own Taoist mind, even if they have evil powers, they can do good. "

Jin Guangxian was speechless, he stared blankly at Guanyin who was going away, returned the gift, and returned to the East China Sea with the corpse.

It took Sun Wukong and Sand Monk a long time to react, and hurried to the mountain to rescue Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie.

Zhu Bajie was only trapped and fell asleep, but Tang Seng was miserable.Being damp and cold into the body, it was the strongest yin qi in the corpse poison that invaded the body, and he was muddled, the whole person got the wind and cold, and his appetite was lost. He suffered a lot for more than a month, and the whole person lost a lot of weight.

If it weren't for the cassock to protect and drive away the yin, the soul would have already returned to the underworld.

Tang Seng recovered from a serious illness, and a group of people also walked to Pansi Ridge, where they met seven spider spirits, Bajie Shuixi and seven female demons. Tang Seng was arrested, and the seven demons lost to Sun Wukong, and fled to Huanghuaguan.

Huanghua Guanzhu is a centipede that has survived for a long time, and this demon is the centipede that escaped from the centipede's cave that was killed by Qing Luo.

Back then, he was almost sacrificed by his fellow clan, but was rescued by Qing Luo by mistake. He has survived to this day, and has reached the peak of Taiyi, half a step into Daluo!

He has cultivated a great supernatural power, even the Daluo Jinxian can't be sloppy in front of him.He is known as the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, with a hundred eyes on his belly, and Jin Geng's illusory light is contained in the hundred eyes. An ordinary immortal can be pierced into the head with a direct face, just like infinite Jin Geng's divine power inserted into the Yintang, it is really dangerous.

Monk Tang and his disciples were poisoned by the Hundred-Eyed Demon King, and all were arrested except Monkey King.

Although the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord arrested Tang Seng and his party due to the love of his brothers and sisters for many years, he was terrified. After forcing Monkey King to retreat, he ordered the Seven Demon Girls to follow him to the City of Nevernight to seek refuge.

The Nightless City in Nanzhan Buzhou is the last shelter and retreat for all the goblins and ghosts in the world.As long as it is not a heinous evil spirit, anyone can enter.

Although the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord is called a Demon Lord, he has the heart of Taoism, and he has cultivated Taoism secretly in the Yellow Flower Temple, and he has obtained a Taoist rhyme that is floating in the world.

The Seven Demon Girls refused, because they had done too many murders, and they were full of aura of calamity. If they entered the Nightless City, they might be captured directly.

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord had no choice but to flee to the Nightless City alone, and the Seven Demon Girls dispersed and went to Beiju Luzhou to seek refuge according to his instructions.

It's a pity that they were still one step too late, and they were captured and wiped out by Liu Ding Liujia, who was guarding the westward journey above Chongtian, and only the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord escaped.

Tang Seng and others continued to move forward and encountered Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.Lion camel country!

Here, there are three great monsters, and they are also the two Daluo Jinxians of Jiejiao, Lingya Fairy and Qiushou Fairy, and the other is Yuanfeng's second son, Golden Wing Dapeng!

Under the three demons, there are [-] demons, with countless demons, and their power is overwhelming!
Most of these [-] demons were transformed by Jiejiao disciples' resentment, and they became mortals and transformed into demons here.

Otherwise, not far from the foot of Lingshan Mountain, not to mention [-] demons, even [-] demons will be suppressed and subdued by Thousand Buddhas. After all, this place is in the middle of Xiniu Hezhou, close to the main sect of Buddhism.

On Jinao Island, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit stepped out of the East China Sea to sit in the lion camel country.

She was originally a quasi-sage, so if there was no calculation in this first calamity, she would not be able to get involved in her head.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the great power of the three religions or the great power of the Buddhist sect, they have never fought easily. The Xuandu of the human religion, the Antarctic fairy who explained the teaching, the three saints of the Jiejiao, and the quasi-sages of the Buddhist sect did not fight.

In addition to the battle of the tide of faith that was calculated by the demon ancestors and the fierce beasts intervened, there is also Guanyin, the host of Journey to the West.

The Holy Mother of Guiling sits in Shituo Kingdom. In order to protect the disciples of Jiejiao, she was also invited by Master Xuandu, and for the sake of the affection of the three religions as Taoism. Come back together.

On Kunlun Mountain, the old man from Nanji shook his head and scolded the disciples of Chanjiao who were about to go to compete. The only remaining Daluo among the twelve golden immortals also sighed and remained silent.

Nanji accepted the invitation of Master Xuandu, and shunned Jiejiao.

Bull Demon King and Red Boy are the first ones.

Qiyushan Jinguangxian is the second house.

This lion and camel country is the third house.

This is the last bottom line of the Antarctic fairy. If he still wants to fight, he will never retreat again.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also understood, so she didn't stop many Jiejiao disciples, tens of thousands of disciples, even if they were only heavenly immortals, and even some disciples of the lower sect who had not yet achieved immortality, but for today's Jiejiao, there must be no mistakes.

From now on, the historical records of Jiejiao will be greatly changed, and the true objective facts of Fengshen will be described from the perspective of standing under the Dao of Heaven, and no longer mixed with hatred-tinged emotions.

Similarly, the historical records of elucidation and teaching have also been changed, abandoning the records of hatred, and teaching disciples and disciples that the disciples of the three religions belong to the same family!
In the lion camel country, the two immortals Lingya and Qiushou restrained Tang Seng and his party. Even Monkey King could not escape this catastrophe and was arrested.

Qiu Shouxian didn't swallow Monkey King, because he really swallowed it. Even with Monkey King's indestructible body, it is difficult to resist the decomposition of chaos in his body, and he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.

How can the existence of the two Daluos in the later stage be able to deal with only Sun Wukong, who is currently cultivated in Taiyi?
On the western spiritual mountain, the Tathagata stopped teaching the Dharma, and all the Buddhas and disciples were silent, waiting for the decree of the World Honored One.

(End of this chapter)

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