Chapter 610
For the first time, Daleiyin Temple was extremely quiet, except for the bursts of Buddha bells and thunder, there was no Buddha's words, and no public voices.

Unexpectedly, the Tathagata World Honored One was also silent, and the disciples stood in front of the Lion and Camel Kingdom, and it was impossible for the four of them to get through only by Journey to the West.

The immortals who explained and taught also retreated three homes, and would not make a move.Only the Buddhas of Daleiyin Temple acted.

If the Zhunsheng took action, the dispute would expand. If the Zhunsheng didn't take action, who could defeat the three Da Luo Jinxians?Although Manjusri and Samantabhadra have profound Buddhist teachings, they can at most maintain an invincible situation with them. If they send another group of Buddhas, I am afraid that they will send more people.

He is standing on the ground of Buddhism at the moment, but the feeling in his heart is still against the teaching, even if he is as wise as him, it is difficult to make a decision for a while.

The silence of Daleiyin Temple lasted for a short time, and the Tathagata finally broke the silence.

"The golden cicada is in trouble in the country of lions and camels. I teach him to help him. He wrote Manjushri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and..."

The Tathagata World Honored One suddenly stopped, he looked up at Dongfang Tianwaitian, his face was shocked for a moment.

All the Buddhas were puzzled. The World Honored One had never lost his composure before, and he also looked towards the east.

At this moment, the peerless powers of the Great Desolation all looked up to the east, with expressions of joy, sadness, worry and anger, which were different from each other.

Under the city of Buyetian, in Dayanzhong, Qing Luo suddenly opened his eyes, his expression slightly startled, the induction of the son of Daoxuan can't go wrong, the Dao guides, and the sage returns.

He speculated a lot in his mind, what was Daozu's intention?

The two virgins on Jin'ao Island were stunned suddenly, and then they were overjoyed. The bell in Biyou Palace rang loudly, and the sound spread throughout the East China Sea, Kyushu, three islands and ten veins, and countless Jiejiao disciples rushed to Biyou.

The [-] people in the Lion Camel Kingdom were also stunned, as were the two Daluo Immortals and a Holy Mother. They didn't wake up until the bell in Biyou Palace rang.

The Holy Mother of Guiling didn't say much, and she just rolled her sleeves and the sea waves generated tides, rolling up the disciples of Jiejiao who were transformed into mortals among the group of monsters, and rushed to the sky.

Qiu Shou and Ling Ya followed closely behind, ignoring the real monsters in Lion Camel Kingdom and the four trapped Buddhist scriptures.

The golden-winged roc curled its lips, and had no choice but to soar into the sky and return to Tiannan.

On the heavenly court, there are 28 constellations, [-] heavenly evils, gods of thunder, gods of plague, gods of fire, wind, rain, thunder and lightning. . .

All the righteous gods or auxiliary gods who would only leave the heavenly court when they were on duty on weekdays rushed to the sky.

On the wall of the plane, the five Hunyuan saints were all surprised, and the six saints will gather today.

On this wall of faces, we meet after a hundred thousand years of conferring the gods.

Lao Tzu's expressionless face also softened a little. He didn't look at the east, but at Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun was silent, he was both happy and ashamed, there was something to regret, and there was also something to regret.This is the first time since he was born as a sage, as Yuqing Yuanshi, he felt uneasy facing his close relatives.

Empress Nuwa walked out of Wa Palace and watched with great interest what would happen next. Is it a battle between brothers against each other?Or is it the kind that turns a blind eye or even never communicates with each other?

After Amitabha and Zhunti Buddha's mother exchanged glances, they both shook their heads and smiled wryly.

Outside the eastern sky, a little green light appeared, breaking through the feng shui fire raging in chaos, piercing the sky and clouds, and a weather sword as big as a circle, like a blade that opened up the world!

Biyou Dao Bell suddenly stopped, all the immortal disciples on Jin'ao Island bowed down and touched the ground with their heads, some old demons who came from the deep mountains and old forests wept excitedly, and some crooked old men who woke up from the dry sitting on the lonely mountain were trembling all over. , the energetic young man who was promoted from the next sect to the Ben sect was overjoyed. . .

Thousands of immortals bowed together, and the voices gathered like a torrent, resounding through the earth.

The gods manifested their summons, their voices moved the heavens and the earth like miracles, and the visions were alive.

"Meet the leader! Welcome back the leader!"

"Meet the leader! Welcome back the leader!"

"Meet the leader! Welcome back the leader!"

The rite of worship of Wanxian wholeheartedly, the weather is majestic, the morning sun is shining, and Jin'ao Island is full of luck and prosperity, and the rivers and mountains are magnificent for thousands of miles.

Above the sky, the Meteorological Dao Sword fell through the sky, and the Dao Sword was 33 days longer, just like the God's Punishment Sword that descended from the sky.
The Dao sword falls and inserts into the sea of ​​intercepting the teaching of luck, the image and the Qi are combined, the Tao and the teaching are combined, the Dao sword stands straight above the Jinao Island, the sword's edge points to the mountain island, and the hilt is held by the sky.

The Jiejiao Qiyun is condensed into the Jiejiao Dao Sword, where the Dao Sword is located is the Qiyun, and the sword points to the Qiyun, whoever moves recklessly, will be cut immediately!

Under the Taoist sword, a Taoist man slowly walked out, with endless sword seas in his deep eyes, casually dressed in a green robe, without the sky flowers falling like a saint coming to the world, golden lotus springing from the ground, and purple air coming from the east to auspicious clouds and auspicious colors.

But there are stars in the sky, the stars and the universe are voluntarily hovering and shining on his top, the weather of thunder, lightning and wind and rain in four seasons agrees with it, the sun, moon and night travel gods contribute to the flames, and all kinds of visions are only for one life.

He just stood there, and the whole world was overshadowed by it.

Today's Master Tongtian is not like the former Taoist, but more like a swordsman!
Without the gentleness and modesty of the Taoist, without the restraint of the complicated etiquette of the Taoist, only the free and easy freedom of the swordsman.

Master Tongtian smiled in his eyes, and said in a loud voice: "You are on par!"

The disciples of Wanxian got up one after another under the leadership of the two saints.

Under the leadership of Kangong Doumu, the gods got up one after another.

All the disciples of Jiejiao lowered their heads and held the ceremony. Although they had countless feelings in their hearts, they did not dare to speak lightly.

The scene was silent for a while, only the wind blowing from Zizhi Cliff slightly touched the face.It's not speechless, but too much speech. When we met suddenly, I didn't know what to say, how to say, and what to say first.

Tong Tian looked at the gods above the sky, and then condensed the gods on Jin'ao Island, his mind was slightly swaying, and he said bluntly: "Look at it if you want, when did my disciples become afraid to even look at the leader?"

Disciple Ten Thousand Immortals' heart was touched, their leader is still the leader of Tongtian leader who doesn't care about trivial details!

Wan Xianying claimed that countless pairs of eyes looked at the saint in front of him, perhaps it was the first time that he looked at a supreme saint so closely and so boldly!

The courage to look directly at a saint is not something everyone can possess.

Disciple Wanxian looked at Tongtian, and Tongtian greeted him with a faint smile. His pupils were so wide that even the stars and the sea couldn't match them, so he could hold the eyes of every disciple in front of him.

Tongtian laughed loudly, "I teach my disciples that in life they should wield the sword without hindrance, and in death they should be buried in the ocean with the sword of the soul.

Regardless of whether you are alive or dead, I will always watch you from now on.

There will be no next time, and there will never be a future! "

His voice pierced into the chaos beyond the sky, even the raging wind, water and fire could not be eliminated.His voice went straight down to the [-]th floor of hell, even if thousands of ghosts howled miserably, it couldn't be concealed.

The master of Tongtian sect is as powerful as a rainbow, and the Taoist sword on Jin'ao Island is infinite.

(End of this chapter)

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