Chapter 623
What's more, Guanyin, who is the five elders of the Taoist sect, should also be worshiped by her.

Bai Suzhen's light gauze and white dress walked past all living beings, she could see ordinary people, but ordinary people couldn't see her with naked eyes.

After worshiping and offering incense, there was a golden light flashing in the sky, and the phantom image of Avalokitesvara descended, only Bai Suzhen could see it.

Avalokitesvara sits on the lotus platform, Venerable Hui An stands on the left, and the boy of good fortune stands on the right.This boy of good fortune is not the boy of good fortune, but a disciple of Guanyin's missionary search for sentient beings.

Avalokitesvara said: "Who do I ask?"

Bai Suzhen took the gift of a junior, and replied respectfully: "My disciple Lishan, my mother, Bai Suzhen, pays homage to Master Guanyin."

"What do you want?"

"Disciple Bai Suzhen's Taoist realm is blocked, and it is difficult to find a way out. I hope that Master Guanyin can give me some guidance."

Avalokitesvara opened his eyes, looked directly at Bai Suzhen, shuttled back and forth through the air and luck, and said: "You have an unfinished relationship with the world. It is a kindness for saving your life, and you need to repay it. This is cause and effect, it is also a calamity of love, and it is also a chance. , you have to decide for yourself."

Bai Suzhen had a clear understanding, like looking for flowers in the fog, said: "It's hard for a disciple to predict a great master's supernatural power."

Avalokitesvara smiled lightly and said: "

March [-]rd is Qingming, and there are many rains during Qingming.

If you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, you must go to the high place of West Lake to find it. "

When the voice fell, the dharma image ascended to the sky and left, and Guanyin left.

Bai Suzhen saluted and thanked, guessing in her heart.

If you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, you need to go to the high place of West Lake to find it.The high place of West Lake, the place where I met the boy in the rain that day, isn't the Broken Bridge the high place of West Lake?

Her expression gradually brightened, she turned and went back to the White Mansion, waiting for the Ching Ming Festival.

She still remembered the little shepherd boy who saved her thousands of years ago, but there was no way to repay her in the vast sea of ​​people. Now that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has pointed out, there are traces to be found.

As a golden fairy, she has never had the idea of ​​marrying a mortal, which is too absurd and too dangerous.

The luck of the Golden Immortal is not something a mere mortal can bear, if the luck can't stand it, it turns back, and the fortune turns into a disaster!

In the dead of night, the city of Hangzhou calmed down, and the human beings who had been busy all day had already fallen asleep.

The lights are dimming, and the night is thick. Occasionally, someone's cat is in love and meowing like a baby crying, which makes the night a bit weird.

Bai Suzhen was lying on the wooden table in front of the window, the candle in the lamp was dimming, standing in the room and looking out from the wide open window, the stars in the sky were gradually fading away, the moon was hazy, the path paved with smooth cobblestones shimmered, and occasionally fireflies danced around From the gardens on both sides of the road, from the grass, one or two insects could be heard from time to time, and the night scene was peaceful.

Bai Suzhen, who was deep in thought, rested her chin on her hands and rested her arms on the table, she was slightly stunned and speechless.

All of a sudden, the oil lamp in front of his face exploded, splashing a few sparks.

Bai Suzhen regained consciousness, and the girl said to herself in a soft voice: "As the saying goes in the world, it's a good omen to turn on the lights! I don't know what's going to happen tonight?"

The sky outside the window was covered by black clouds at some point, the moon and stars disappeared, and Bai Suzhen smelled a demonic aura.

Suddenly, a burst of blue mysterious light escaped from Qiantang County, followed by a brilliant golden light cutting towards the blue mysterious light ahead.

While the blue light was flashing, he was in no hurry to resist the golden light, so he still lowered a magic weapon in the shape of a teacup. The teacup turned over and a force of space shrouded it and absorbed the light into it.

Bai Suzhen smiled lightly, and said to herself: "It's really a fate, he gave me an umbrella that day, and today I will help him."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Suzhen had turned into the experienced Suguang to meet the golden light that was chasing her.

As soon as the golden light converged, it turned into a statue of a god, which was the God of Wealth.He said: "Who are you? Stop the God from handling the case?"

Bai Suzhen smiled and said: "Poverty Daoist is from Lishan old mother's sect, so he is also from the same sect as Shenjun."

God of Wealth was stunned for a moment, then realized, and said: "It turns out that it is the disciple of the Holy Mother, the little god is disrespectful."

Bai Suzhen waved her hand and said: "The gods don't need to be flattered. I just have something to do with the monster that the gods chased after. I wonder if the gods can let Bai Suzhen take this monster instead and return Ku Yin?"

Shenjun wanted to say a few more words, but the little god next to him transmitted a few words, Ku Caishen's expression changed immediately, and he smiled apologetically: "Since the fellow Taoist will do the work for me, the little god will leave first!"

Bai Suzhen thanked: "Thank you, God, for your convenience."

The God of Wealth returns with a group of gods.

Only then did Bai Suzhen turn her head to look at the ghosts under the subdued blue light.

One demon and five ghosts.

The boy who gave the umbrella on the broken bridge smiled and said, "Thank you, Miss, for relieving the trouble." The five ghosts behind him also bowed down to thank them.

Bai Suzhen smiled lightly and said, "Send those treasury silver back. If there is really a shortage of silver taels, just take gold and silver from the ground, why worry about having no gold and silver?"

The young man opened the folding fan in his hand, and his embarrassed appearance just now disappeared. He smiled and said, "Girl, this is money that I have not easily stolen. How can I return it? I am afraid that the God of Wealth directly peeled off my skin." Woolen cloth.

Besides, wouldn't it be more interesting to use the stolen money? "

Bai Suzhen was amused by this rhetoric for a moment, she couldn't help but chuckle, Qingcheng's face was like a lotus, and she was as quiet as a silver moon.

His gallbladder was inexplicably throbbing, beating faster, even the enchanting face of the master Yueke who charmed all sentient beings had never moved his heart, but the smile of the woman in front of him had already moved his heart.

Not to mention him, but the five ghosts on the side have all become perverts, staring straight at the beautiful woman in front of them.

Bai Suzhen said helplessly: "Since the young master doesn't pay it back, then he won't pay it back. It's just that I won't be able to do this in the future."

Cen Biqing came back to his senses, coughed, and brought back the wisdom of all the ghosts, he said: "Oh? The girl is a Taoist fairy, how can you allow me, a monster, to do evil in the world?
Why not swing the fairy sword to kill demons and eliminate demons? "

Bai Suzhen didn't take it seriously, "I'm not a virtuous person, not to mention that you and I belong to different species, so we can be regarded as the same family. You are not some evil spirit, there is no need."

Cen Biqing was shocked when he heard that, and said, "Really? The girl is of the same race as me?"

Bai Suzhen nodded slightly.

"Does the girl know what the mortal world calls the same clan?"

"I don't know."

"Haha, relatives of the same clan can be called the main family.

The girl and I are also in the same family, so we are still a family! "

Bai Suzhen's face was reddish, and she lightly reprimanded: "Don't want Meng Lang!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left with a flick of his sleeves, returning to the White Mansion.

Seeing this, Cen Biqing didn't rush to catch up, but said to the five ghosts: "You guys hide these vulgar things first, and come to see me when I call you in the future."

The head of the five ghosts, Bai Fu, expressed embarrassment on his face: "Young master, you have been away from Tiancheng for a long time, and today you have provoked the righteous gods of the heavenly court. I am afraid that the master will blame us if he finds out."

Cen Biqing waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's a big deal before he goes back when his anger subsides."

After finishing speaking, he dodged and broke into the White Mansion.

In the mansion, Bai Suzhen was restrained and gentle, looked at people with cold eyes, and said: "If you keep messing around, don't blame me for being rude."

(End of this chapter)

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