Chapter 624 Temptation
Cen Biqing waved his hands and smiled: "Miss, don't get me wrong, I'm here at the girl's house, just looking for a companion.

To be honest, I have also been trapped in the Golden Immortal Realm for a long time, and now I am only in the early stage of Golden Immortal. Compared with the girl, I am far behind. "

"As a companion?" Bai Suzhen frowned, "What on earth are you doing? Since you know the difference in realm, you still come to provoke me?"

He put away the folding fan and smiled, as if the boy next door was cute and cute, and his demeanor had changed.

"Sister, don't be angry. You and I are both of the same race, and we both came here to seek the way. We are alone and have no one to take care of us. Why don't you and I, two sisters, walk together all the way, travel around, and seek the way? "

Bai Suzhen was taken aback when she heard this, and couldn't help laughing out, "You have a lot of ideas, but you and I just met by chance, knowing people and faces but not knowing our hearts, if you have bad intentions, accidents will happen.

So, I still like to travel alone. "

Cen Biqing hurriedly greeted her and said, "Don't, sister!
I have the treasure of the City of Nightless Sky Asking Heart Talisman, if there is a different heart under Taiyi, I will be able to test it! "

Bai Suzhen glanced at the young man holding the treasure talisman, couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead, and easily took out the treasure to show others, his scheming was limited, although he pretended to be deep on the outside, but his heart still couldn't be pretended.

"It can be said in layman's terms that you and I are different from men and women, so it should be taboo. Even though they are snakes, there are differences.

Don't tell me that dressing up as a man is just an illusion, which can be seen at a glance. "

When Cen Biqing heard these words, his expression brightened, and he said: "Then if I am a daughter, you will agree?
Sister, please look! "

The blue light flickered, covering Cen Bi's figure, and after two breaths, the green light faded away.

A young girl in a green shirt spins out of it. Her shoulder-length hair is bright and watery. She is delicate but not weak. She is graceful and agile, like an elf. She has the softness, cunning and quickness of a southern girl, and the frankness and calmness of a northern girl.

As soon as she appeared, she bent down and asked, "Xiaoqing pays homage to my sister."

Bai Suzhen's beautiful eyes were startled, and she looked up and down the woman in front of her several times before she was sure that she was not mistaken, what she was in front of was a female body!
Bai Suzhen was very surprised, so her face softened, she helped her up with a smile, and said: "Sister, you don't need to be polite. My name is Bai Suzhen, if you don't mind, just call me sister."

Cen Biqing smiled and said: "Yes, Qing'er has met her sister, so she can call me Xiaoqing."

Just when the two snake demons became sisters, in the Jinshan Temple by the West Lake, a young and handsome monk knelt down in front of the Daxiong Hall to receive Zen grace.

The abbot passed away, transcending the sea of ​​suffering, and returning to bliss.

He Fahai, the ancient Buddha was afraid to leave disciples of the Sun King Buddha, and took over the post of abbot of Jinshan Temple.

Fahai received the spiritual treasure of the ancient Buddha, the tin rod for subjugating demons and the golden bowl for subduing demons, two top-quality acquired spiritual treasures.

As the abbot, he did not sit in the temple all day and preside over many affairs of the temple, but traveled the world alone, subduing demons and helping people in the world.

Tomb-sweeping day comes, and the two snakes, blue and white, walk around the West Lake in search of benefactors from thousands of years ago.

Sure enough, with the guidance of Master Guanyin, he found the savior. He was an extremely handsome son, whose surname was Xu, whose character was Chinese, and whose name was Immortal.

After the green snake and the two snakes played with him, they formed a bond with an oil-paper umbrella, and continued their bond on a black boat on the West Lake in heavy rain.

Inside the canopy, Bai Suzhen sat upright, Xu Xian sat opposite each other, and they looked at each other.Xu Xian was moved by love, and the cause and effect of the White Snake's debt to Xu Xian also moved closer to love.

Xiaoqing on the side watched silently, feeling depressed in her heart, but still smiling.

The old man standing on the waist boat outside the tent suddenly sang loudly.

"Ah, ah~."

The mellow tone resounded in the misty and rainy West Lake with a long accent.

(Please refer to this chapter for the key explanation here)
The poetry of Jiangnan has turned into a melodious song of water town.


'The beauty of the West Lake, the March day!
'Spring rain is like wine, willows are like smoke!

Xiaoqing heard such a sentimental water song, she couldn't help but feel in her heart, and confronted it.

↗ Destined to meet thousands of miles away~(Xiaoqing)
↘It's hard to hold hands when you don't have a chance to face each other~(Boatman)

↗Ten years of cultivation to cross the same boat~ (Xiaoqing)

<Hundred Years of Cultivation> Sleeping Together ~ (Boatman)
If it’s √thousands, √years, and good luck~ (Xiaoqing)
White ↗ head ~ the same heart is in front of you! (Boatman)
If it is √thousands, √years, √ good luck~
White head↘concentric↗ is in sight~
La la la la la, (Xiao Qing)

La la la la la, (boatman)

La la la, la la la la.
When a song falls, the sound is scattered by the West Lake, and the love is filled with smoke and rain.

Xu Xian was completely infatuated with Bai Suzhen, the softness and beauty in her body, the airy aura of her, was enough to make countless men fall for her.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing got off the boat, and Xu Xian gave them an umbrella to keep them out of the wind and rain.

Before leaving, Xiaoqing jokingly said: "My lord, if you are interested, you can come to our Baifu in Shuanghua Lane, Qingbo Gate. My sister is waiting for you to come and get the umbrella."

Xu Xian was a little crazy, and murmured: "Is it really possible?"

Bai Suzhen looked back, the beauty smiled and said, "Why not?"

Bai Suzhen and Bai Suzhen went back to the White Mansion, Xu Xian saw the beautiful woman leaving, and returned home as if in a daze.

After returning home for three days, he didn't think about food and tea, and his mind was filled with the appearance of that gentle and unrepentant woman all day long.

Xu Xian told his brother-in-law and sister about this matter, he was free, his parents died, only one eldest sister raised him, and after he grew up, he went to study medicine. Young people always have aspirations, and he is determined to be a "hanging pot" to help the world miracle doctor.

His sister strongly supported going to see other girls, and so did his brother-in-law. Even his medical master gave him leave to let him go.

Finally, Xu Xian plucked up his courage and rushed to the White Mansion in Shuanghua Lane, Qingbomen!

The White Mansion is a noble household, with a mighty style.

Xu Xian flinched and knocked on the door, a young man came to open the door, and when he heard that he was Xu Xian, he said that he had been waiting for a long time.

Walking in front of Langfang, the young man stopped suddenly and said, "My lord, you can go by yourself, the young lady is waiting for you by the lotus pond."

Xu Xian thanked him, walked straight through Langfang, and stepped forward, but was stunned for a moment, and the whole person froze.

In a pool of lotus, there was a woman in white who was paddling in a boat to pick lotus.Beside the small boat, there was a woman wearing a light gauze, who actually swam directly in the water. She was originally a delicate and playful girl, but she was enchanting because of her wet clothes clinging to her exquisite body.

Xiaoqing leaned on the wooden boat, and the lotus leaves and lotus clusters half covered her body.

Xiao Qingjiao said with a smile: "Sister, can you repair the fish pond, I will be squeezed out by them."

Unmoved, Bai Suzhen held the lotus leaves in her hands and asked, "Who wants to squeeze you out?"

Xiaoqing looked back with lowered eyebrows, looked at Xu Xian who was standing there in a daze with amorous eyes, and said, "He!"

Bai Suzhen smiled lightly, and said: "Xiaoqing, are you kidding me, hurry up and get dressed, Mr. Xu is here."

Xiaoqing laughed and said, "Yes, sister."

At the same time, on the Broken Bridge of the West Lake, Fa Hai closed his eyes and frowned, searching for traces of demonic and fairy aura, which were mixed and difficult to distinguish, and looked towards Qingbomen.

(End of this chapter)

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