The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 625 Dawei Tianlong, ten thousand trees contend for spring

Chapter 625 Dawei Tianlong, ten thousand trees contend for spring

In the White Mansion, the servants transformed by the five ghosts went back and forth to refill tea and water, pass food and chopsticks, and were busy all the time.

Under the waterside pavilion, the two green and white snakes sat with Xu Xian for a drinking banquet.

Bai Suzhen was gentle and considerate, which made Xu Xian let go of the embarrassment in his heart, but he also had a bit of a scholarly spirit.Xiaoqing explained the dishes on the side, detailing each of the peerless delicacies on the table.

The dishes on this table are all cooked by Xiaoqing according to the famous delicacies of the Nightless City. Although the local materials are not comparable to the spiritual materials in the Tiancheng, they are definitely far superior to the common delicacy.

Xu Xian was eating delicious food, accompanied by a peerless beauty, and only he knew the taste of it.

Suddenly, Bai Suzhen froze and looked outside the door.Xiaoqing noticed something and looked outside the door.

Bai Suzhen got up and said with a smile: "Xiaoqing, please accompany Mr. Xu for a while, I remember there is still a dish that is not ready, I will go and have a look."

Xiaoqing laughed and said, "Yes, sister."

Xu Xian said in a daze: "It's not in the way, it's not in the way, I..."

Xiaoqing gagged her mouth with wine before she finished speaking.

Bai Suzhen walked to the door, and there was a handsome monk standing in front of the Bai Mansion.

She opened the door and said with a smile, "I don't know what the great master is doing here?"

Fa Hai raised his head, even though he was not close to women, he was slightly amazed by the beautiful woman in front of him.

The spring face of hibiscus, the soft fingers of catkins, the waist of willows supporting the wind, the plain white skirt and tulle cover, the girl's misty fairy spirit and seductive style are combined into one.

Fa Hai bowed his head with one hand and said: "Little Monk Fa Hai, I sensed that there is a ghostly spirit hiding around the West Lake, so I came here to ask the fairy."

Bai Suzhen smiled lightly and said, "Demon? Ghost?

Master won't think I'm a demon, will he? "

Fa Hai shook his head, and replied with a dignified expression: "No, the fairy has all the orthodox skills of the Taoist school. It is presumably either a fairy in the sky or some high-ranking Taoist. The poor monk dare not make a judgment."

Bai Suzhen saw that he was so solemn, thought of such a rigid monk, let Xiaoqing deal with him, anyway, the left and right are only in the realm of golden immortals, and Xiaoqing's supernatural powers are not inferior to this monk, even if she loses, she still pays attention to him.

After thinking about it, Bai Suzhen turned back to the White Mansion and ignored Fa Hai.

However, as soon as Bai Suzhen walked back, she saw an unbearable scene under the water pavilion.

Xiaoqing has a variety of styles, and she lays on the half-drunk Xu Xian, with one arm around her waist and the other hooking her back. Her jade neck gently rubs against Xu Xian's Adam's apple, but her body looks like a snake.

Beauty Xu Xian was in his arms, the fragrance of virgins permeated his nostrils, his whole body was in a daze, and he wrapped his hands around Xiaoqing's water snake waist, muttering.

Bai Suzhen's face was slightly sullen, and she scolded: "Xiaoqing!"

Xiaoqing suddenly turned her head, looked at Bai Suzhen with a seductive and sinking eyes, and said with a light smile, "Sister, don't you think this scholar is still so lustful? The world is as black as crows, men, there are not many good things.

Sister, don't be emotional with men! "

After saying that, he got up, and all kinds of amorous feelings in his eyes retracted, only the indifferent vertical pupils of the snake.

Xu Xian, who was in a daze, also suddenly woke up. In his memory, everything just now was just a dream that had not yet begun.

Xu Xian hurriedly got up, and said: "Young lady redeemed her sins, I fell asleep just now because I was too drunk."

Bai Suzhen smiled lightly, "It's okay, it seems that the young master is not a playboy who hangs around the place for a long time.

Xiaoqing, there is a monk from Huazhai outside, you should send him away.I'm here to entertain the young master. "

After hearing this, Xiaoqing nodded and said, "Yes, sister." Yuluo walked towards the gate of the White Mansion with a cold expression.

Xu Xian wondered, "Here, what's wrong with Miss Xiaoqing?"

Bai Suzhen poured the copper jug ​​and said with a smile: "It's okay, she's just a little drunk and sleepy, lazy and sleepy, and doesn't want to talk to people."

Fa Hai, who was standing outside the gate of the White Mansion, raised his head suddenly when he was suspicious.

The red lacquered door was closed tightly and no one opened it. A gust of wind blew out from it. A woman in a light gauze walked out barefoot. Her cold eyes were like vertical pupils of a snake. The aura of the snake demon raged in all directions.

"Where is the master going? Would you like to sit in the mansion?"

The voice was extremely cold and emotionless.

Fa Hai's face changed color, and he said sharply: "Bold monster, I can see that you are not human at a glance, so hurry up and arrest!"

Xiaoqing smiled mockingly with her cold eyes, turned around and turned into a blue demon wind and flew away.

Fa Hai didn't even think about it, he immediately chased after him, and shouted: "Don't go, evildoer!"

During the flight, Xiaoqing turned her head and saw the monk chasing him, the ice on her face was even worse, and she took off to a cliff waterfall at a high speed.

There is no one around, it is empty and quiet, the wilderness forest is overgrown and surrounds the cliff, and it stretches for thousands of miles. The vitality of the trees is lush and lush, only the noisy waterfall flows straight down into a pool in the valley.

Fa Hai chased after him, and directly used the Buddhist method of catching demons, shouting loudly: "Dawei Tianlong!"

He is instantly aided by a phantom of a dragon flying to the sky, borrowing the divine power of the eight buddhist gods and dragons, the Zhongtian buddhist, and the dragon buddhism, and the powerful dragon power suppresses the evil spirits of the snake family with its blood.

The phantom of a thousand-foot dragon occupies Fa Hai's body, and the power of the huge dharma body breaks through the cassock on his body. His chest is exposed, and a majestic dragon tattoo is engraved on his back with a strong spine, emitting golden light of Buddha nature.

Xiaoqing's face tightened, Tianlong's suppressing force made her extremely uncomfortable, but she didn't panic, it seems that this monk still has some tricks.

But compared with her, almost is not a star, especially in a place with extremely strong wood!

Xiaoqing waved her arms open, as if embracing the void, a little blue light flickered between her brows, and countless blue light spots scattered from her body, melting into the branches and leaves of forest trees thousands of miles around.

The long hair flutters, the clothes fly up, the girl's spiritual eyes flicker, surrounded by countless green light spots, the indescribably vast and stunning beauty is like the creation of a goddess, and the arrival of a goddess.

Seeing the thousand-foot golden dragon swooping down with its brilliant dragon power, Xiaoqing didn't panic at all, she raised her open hands suddenly, and shouted: "Wanmu strives for spring!"

In an instant, endless green leaves flew up from the thousand-mile forest, reaching the sky with endless green leaves, and turned into nine extremely thick green chains coiling around the golden dragon's dharma body.

The golden dragon dharma was instantly trapped in place by the dharma chains born in this thousand-mile forest, and it was difficult to break free.

Fa Hai's supernatural power was blocked, he was startled for a moment, and then he used the spell in his hand again.

"Dawei Tianlong!"

"World Honored Earth Store!"

"Prajna Buddhas!"

"Prayaba is coaxing!"

It borrowed the power of the eight Buddhas of Heaven, Dragon, and Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, as well as the power of the Buddhas of the three thousand worlds, to condense them into one. Taiyi!
Fahai's body melted with divine power, and directly merged into the body of the Dharma-figure golden dragon. The golden dragon's power became more powerful, and it breathed out golden Buddha flames to burn nine chains, and its eyes shot out with divine power to hit Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing calmly took out an antique teacup, flipped through it casually, and collected the two magical golden lights.

Then he sneered and said: "Monk, I fell into my hands today. I am in a bad mood. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky!"

(End of this chapter)

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