Chapter 626 Invitation from Lingshan
The golden dragon's divine power was even stronger, and his body was ignited with Buddha flames. He wanted to break free and tried [-]% of his divine power, but it was still difficult to get rid of the nine strange chains.

Above the forest in the wilderness, on the cliff and waterfall in the valley, a thousand-foot golden dragon is trapped by chains from nine directions. The barefoot girl looks at the dragon coldly, and the girl's tulle dress is blown by a slight breeze, occasionally revealing her snow-white skin, tempting The appearance of the person is in spring.

The golden dragon shouted angrily: "Monster, what kind of demonic magic did you use? How could you devour my Buddha's power?"

Xiao Qing looked at Jin Long's enraged state, and the depression in his heart was suppressed for a moment, the coldness on his face faded, he smiled softly and said: "The origin of this supernatural power is very old!

This is the unique skill of Qingzu Qingzu of the Nightless City. As for me, little snake, it was just a coincidence, and I learned a little superficially under my luck.But even if it's just superficial, even if you can only use one-thousandth of the divine power, it's enough to deal with you monk! "

In fact, the supernatural power is the great supernatural power taught to her by her father Xuan Li himself.This supernatural power is the supernatural power comprehended when the Qingluo Jinxian first formed, and it is used to kill the powerful enemy of the white crane and devour the mana in the enemy's body.

Xuanli and Qingluo belong to the same snake genus, so naturally they pay more attention to it, and passed on some magical powers to Xuanli.
Xiaoqing used the spirit pattern between her eyebrows to display this supernatural power, and it was even more for gain. With the help of the wood attribute of the Wanli Forest, she overwhelmed Fa Hai's supernatural power.

Grasp it lightly with plain hands and apply force, and the nine dharma chains supercharge and absorb Fahai Buddha's power.

The light of the phantom of the Golden Dragon Dharma Aspect became more and more gloomy.

Finally, after several breaths of stalemate, the dharma form was shattered, and Fa Hai appeared, looking like he was seriously injured.

Xiaoqing looked at the embarrassed Fa Hai, feeling much less unhappy.

To deal with existences of the same level, once you make a move, you will either take the initiative to launch a thunder strike to determine the outcome, or you can only fight hard for a long time in a mentally exhausting fight, and you may lose if you make a wrong move.

Xiaoqing is not stupid, she knows that this monk is a little higher than her level, so when she came up, she used the secret knowledge at the bottom of the box to set points and demote this monk.

Xiaoqing pressed lightly with her fingers, and Fahai, who was entangled in the chain, was brought into the valley below by the chain.

With a "plop", it fell into the pool.

Xiaoqing covered her eyes with her hands, looked at the sky, and said, "Well, it's still early, so I'll have fun with you, monk."

After the words fell, Xiao Qing turned into a snake tail and fell into the pool.

Fahai's magic power was restricted all over his body, and his hands and feet were bound by chains. He could only climb out of the water in a state of embarrassment, sit on a big rock, and meditate on Buddhist scriptures.

Xiaoqing chuckled and said, "Monk, are you still in the mood to recite Buddhist scriptures at this time?

Tonight, this snake will use you to fill its stomach and eat you up.

Death is imminent, and you are still a monk, have you never tasted the joys of men and women?
Do you want Ben Snake to play with you? "

Fa Hai suddenly opened his eyes, and angrily scolded: "An evildoer is an evildoer, full of evil desires, ignorant and ignorant in heart, even if he becomes a human being, he still has a wicked heart!"

Xiaoqing was just teasing him to play casually. She never liked to eat human flesh, and she didn't want to eat greasy, dirty human stinky skin, let alone thinking about love between men and women.

Touched by Fa Hai's angry words, she had another thought.

Xiaoqing bent down, put one hand on his left shoulder, squeezed her plain hand lightly, but leaned her head on his right shoulder and rubbed against his earlobe, exhaled a delicate fragrance, and said: "The world says monks don't approach women, but you are so dead If you're about to become a ghost, what kind of monk are you going to do?"

Fa Hai trembled all over, and the smooth fingers of the snake girl walked around her body like jade. The cool touch could better sense the closeness of the skin.

. . .

(The scale is too large, for fear of being blocked.)
In the uninhabited pool, a seductive girl's naked skirt is wrapped around a bare-chested man.

The monk's majestic but beautiful chest muscles, the mighty golden dragon tattooed on the bronze complexion, intertwined with the girl's snow-white skin, the visual impact is even more obvious.

. . .

Fahai, who had never experienced sex between men and women, was aroused by the lust that a monk should not have.Fa Hai, who always believed that his Dao mind was stable and unmoved by external objects, was defeated.

The desire to be born in the heart, the seven emotions and six desires are all derived.

Xiaoqing exhaled a faint fragrance, approached Fa Hai's ear, and said with a charming smile: "The Buddha said that form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. Desire is also a kind of practice.

Monk, do you want me to help you practice? "

Fahai's face flushed red, sweat dripped from his forehead, he closed his eyes tightly, and silently recited the Qingxin mantra to maintain the last sliver of clarity.

Seeing that the monk was still unmoved, Xiaoqing's eyes showed a strange color, and he opened his mouth to spit out a wisp of multicolored light smoke into Fahai's mouth.

In an instant, Fahai seemed to be in a group of dancing celestial maidens. All kinds of wonderful women in the world danced around him in their naked clothes.

. . .

Finally, under the charm, Fahai lost the last trace of his clear heart, his eyes were red and wide open, and he hugged the charming woman beside him fiercely, wanting to. . .

However, Xiaoqing giggled, and the sound of the silver bell was particularly piercing.

Xiao Qing turned around and broke away from Fa Hai's embrace, saying: "Monk, you broke the precept!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and put away the dharma chain, and then left in the air.

Fahai was left alone in a daze, and fell into the water again. The cold water made his mind slightly clear, but he also regained a little clarity.

Immediately, Fahai turned his hands over and took out the golden bowl of subduing demons and covered his body upside down, with a bright golden light hanging down to protect his original mind.

. . . . . .

Looking south to Buzhou, the city that never sleeps, Dayan.

The huge ethereal figure in white clothes standing in the middle of the sky is more solid at this moment, and the aura of three thousand paths surrounding the whole body is even more ethereal.

The dharma body opened his eyes, and a golden scroll flew from Dayan Wai, stood in front of his eyes, and slowly unfolded by itself.

After the dharma body glanced at it, it was silent for a long time, the light and shadow flickered, and the deity's primordial spirit appeared again.

The invitation from the top of the Lingshan Mountain, the invitation of the Tathagata, had no choice but to go.What's more, even if the Tathagata World Honored One didn't ask for this matter, Qing Luo would definitely go by himself.

At the same time, the three bishops and the Holy Mother, who were far away on Jinao Island, also received a message from Lingshan, and the three were overjoyed!
In Zifu Cave, Master Xuandu stood up suddenly, put away the Buddhist message, turned around and stepped out of Zifu Cave.

On the Kunlun Mountains, the Antarctic fairy suddenly shook his stick-holding hand, sighed and envied, and called the sika deer to go on a long journey.

Nine Heavens Tower, Yaochi Immortal Palace, the Queen Mother’s expression was startled, she thought for a long time, her figure faded away, she quietly left Yaochi Wonderland, and headed for the Western Lingshan.

Not only Taoist sects, but also Confucianist Confucius and Mencius and Xun Yasheng were invited.

Zhen Yuanzi in Wuzhuang Temple looked repeatedly at the brocade silk inscribed with Buddhist mantras in his hand, laughed and sighed.

The five Taoist quasi-sages Da Neng, Zhenyuan Daxian, Buyetian Qingzu, the Queen Mother of Yaochi, and the three Confucian saints all received the invitation from Lingshan, and none of them refused.

But it was only these few, apart from that, the demon master from Beiming, Minghe from the sea of ​​blood, all the ancient great witches and great demons from Luzhou in Beiju, and other great supernatural beings were not invited.

(End of this chapter)

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