Chapter 627
On the top of Lingshan Mountain, Daleiyin Temple, the land of ten thousand Buddhas.

At this moment, the figures are sparse, only a few figures.

The Tathagata World Honored One is still sitting in the center, the ancient Buddha who lit the lamp in the past is on the left, and the future Buddha Maitreya is on the right.

Avalokitesvara sits on the lower side of the ancient Buddha.Peacock Daming King and Dari Tathagata sit under Maitreya Buddha.

Except for the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in Jiuyou Difu, all Buddhist quasi-sages and great powers have arrived.Even if Peacock Daming King Buddha and Da Ri Tathagata are just two three-corpse immortals, their strength is far superior to Da Luo, and slightly inferior to quasi-sages.

All six were silent, waiting for someone to come.

Soon, a yellow light flashed outside Daleiyin Temple, and a middle-aged Taoist appeared.

Tathagata laughed, and the other five put their hands together and performed the Buddha ceremony.Tathagata smiled and said, "The Great Immortal Zhenyuan came so quickly."

Zhenyuan Ziji saluted, and said with a smile: "I'm a neighbor, so naturally I should hurry up."

Tathagata nodded and said: "Fellow Zhenyuan, please wait for a moment, and speak again after you arrive."

Zhen Yuanzi returned the salute, and sat down beside Master Guanyin.

As soon as he was seated, he saw white lights and shadows criss-crossing outside the Daleiyin Temple, and an ethereal white dress appeared in the Buddhist temple. He saluted and said: "All Buddhas are well!"

A look of surprise flashed across the eyes of Avalokitesvara and the other Buddhas, but they still smiled back.

The Tathagata returned the salute, and sighed: "Qingzu's realm is really unpredictable, we are ashamed."

Qingluo Yuanshen smiled lightly, and said: "World Honored One, please don't say such words. My Dao body comprehends supernatural powers and can't be taken lightly. I can only come to the meeting with the body of Yuanshen. I hope you don't think I have a heart of negligence. "

Zhen Yuanzi smiled heartily, and said: "Fellow Daoist's words are too modest, you will be feared in later generations, you have lived in poverty for countless years, but you haven't gone as far as you."

Qingluo Yuanshen shook his head, and said: "No way, fellow Taoist Zhenyuan possesses two ways of heaven and earth, how can he be compared with ordinary Taoists like us?"

Before the words fell, a graceful and luxurious voice said: "I am not as fast as you, and I am slow."

Everyone's words were interrupted, and when they looked up, it was the Queen Mother of Yaochi who had arrived.

Everyone stood up and saluted, without any discomfort at being interrupted.

The Queen Mother bowed her head and said: "Today, I am only a fairyland, not the Queen Mother of the Heavenly Court. You can rest assured."

The Tathagata World Honored One nodded with a smile and said, "Good!"

The queen mother sat beside Zhenyuan, looked at Qingluo Yuanshen who was sitting next to the Peacock Daming King Buddha, and said with shame on her face, "I am ashamed of being a fellow Taoist. It’s the old man who failed to do his best.”

Qingluo Yuanshen shook his head and smiled lightly, "Fellow Yao Chi has his own difficulties. As the Lord of the Three Realms, the Queen Mother of Heavenly Court must have many shackles. The Queen Mother has tried her best.

What's more, saving Ku Tianzun from falling is also what I need for my way, and Styx's move also helped me. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked different.

Qing Luo's words mean that the fall of the Heavenly Lord of Rescue Ku was intentional, and the good corpse was cut out and then fell, the secret of which cannot be underestimated.

Only the peacock Daming Wangfo beside Qingluo had a strange look in his eyes.

At this time, outside the Daleiyin Temple, Master Xuandu walked in lightly, bowed to everyone, and everyone returned the bow.

Master Xuandu said: "It's the first time that Xuandu meets all fellow Taoists, and it's because of it."

The Tathagata World Honored One smiled back, and with a word of fate, the rise and fall of countless Taoist schools are all close.

Afterwards, the Antarctic Immortal went down to the deer, walked into Leiyin Temple in his old age, bowed to everyone, then sat down next to Master Xuandu, and said his brother again.

Xuandu nodded back.

Afterwards, the three concubines of Jin'ao Island came together. The Virgin of Jinling, the Virgin of Wudang, and the Virgin of Guiling walked into Daleiyin Temple and looked at the Tathagata who was sitting in the middle.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and when we meet again, it is already you and me, and it is no longer us.

The three of them made their heads together, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said: "The East China Sea is far away, so please forgive me for being late."

Tathagata looked at the three former junior sisters, with mixed emotions in his heart, and said: "It is a great fortune for the three fellow Taoists to come!"

The Holy Mother of Guiling restrained her temperament a lot after experiencing Fengshen, but she still had her original nature. She sighed and said: "I teach Biyou Palace Xia Four True Instructions, but today we are gathered in the Buddhist Temple. It is really fate!"

After finishing speaking, she was about to turn around and sit down, but when she saw the Antarctic Immortal next to the Great Master Xuandu, she stopped walking to the left, turned to the right, and bowed to Qingluo, Then sit down.

Seeing this, the Antarctic fairy could only give a wry smile.

Qing Luo returned the salute, seeing this, the two Holy Mothers of Jin Ling Wudang could only go to the right and sit beside Qing Luo.

All the great masters waited for a while, only to see the three great masters rushing straight to the sky, and the three Confucian masters rushed to the sky.

The leader is Confucius of Confucianism, who is full of righteousness and righteousness. Every move is accompanied by righteousness and a gentleman's style. It has nothing to do with the appearance of age, but the inner modesty of a gentleman.

Mencius, the sub-sage on the left, has a smiling face like spring wind and rain, heart-warming.

The sub-sage Xunzi on the right side has a solemn and solemn face, carrying the Confucian rituals, majestic and majestic.

The three of them bowed their waists and clasped their fists to salute, and all of you are able to return the salute.

After the three Confucianists sat beside the Nanji Immortal, the Tathagata finally spoke again.

"Today, I presumptuously invited all fellow Taoists to come to Daleiyin Temple for a gathering.

Because of this, you are not far away, you don't care about common things, and you can go alone. I am really grateful. "

"This matter is of great importance, please listen to me patiently."

Zhen Yuanzi replied with a smile: "Such a big matter, don't say it in detail, even if it is said tens of thousands of times, I will still listen to it!
World Honored One, please speak! "

Everyone nodded in agreement, and the Tathagata continued to speak just now.

"Before I say this, I want to make a decision first." After finishing speaking, the Tathagata stood up and bowed deeply to Master Xuandu.

Even if the Xuandu is as stable as Mount Tai, I was shocked for a moment, the Buddhist sect is in charge, and all the Buddhas are now the first in the world, and no one in the world can accept such a gift, except saints!
Master Xuandu stood up and bowed his head, saying: "What does the World Honored One mean?"

"Fellow Daoists, don't be alarmed, my Western Buddhism is flourishing, occupying the beliefs of all living beings in two continents and three seas in the world, and has caused many influences on Taoism. On behalf of Western Buddhism, I apologize to all Taoists."

Saying that, the ancient Buddha and Maitreya Buddha sitting on both sides all got up, and the Guanyin Dashi, the Peacock Daming King Buddha, and the Great Sun Tathagata all got up. The Three Virgins of Ao Island bowed deeply.

The six Buddhas bowed in unison, which made everyone present feel touched.

Qing Luo watched without saying a word, watching it silently.

The Tathagata World Honored One is worthy of great wisdom. He was able to let go of the Supreme Being of Buddhism, the leader of ten thousand Buddhas, and bow to the first disciple of the second generation of Taoism.

Tathagata's trip is intended to untangle the relationship between Taoism and Buddhism.

Qingluo Yuanshen suddenly felt a change.

With his son of Daoxuan's sensitive sense of catastrophe, and his Taoism close to the realm of chaos, he can sometimes grasp the variables that are almost invisible in the long river of fate, and deduce the virtual image of the future.

(End of this chapter)

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