The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 628 The Decision to Break the World

Chapter 628 The Decision to Break the World
But if you are not a saint, you will end up as an ant.

This statement is not false, even if it is half a step of Hunyuan, even if it is very close to Hunyuan's Taoism, it will not be able to see through the calamity that affects hundreds of millions of souls in the prehistoric world.

Qingluo looked at Xuandu, none of the saints and masters of the three religions were present, and Xuandu, the first disciple of the second generation of Xuanmen, was the person with the most status.

The controversy over Buddhism and Taoism is by no means a small cause and effect such as the ownership of spiritual treasures and a disciple's inheritance, but a huge matter related to the followers of Infinite Taoism, Buddhas and immortals, and even more related to the luck of the saints in charge.

Xuandu was silent for a long time, and the World Honored One was also silent for a long time. The land where thunder has been heard for thousands of years is extremely empty and silent at this moment.

After a long time, Master Xuandu raised his eyes, looked at the Tathagata World Honored One, and suddenly smiled: "I am in charge of teaching the words of the sage, and the grievances and grudges will be eliminated."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone knew in their hearts, the holy will of Lao Tzu and the sage!It seems that the unification of Taoism and Buddha is unstoppable, and the world is united!
The Tathagata, the World Honored One, and all the other Buddhas laughed, bowed again, and said, "Good!"

Everyone in the Taoist sect stood up in the same way, and the Anji Immortal and the Three Holy Mothers followed Xuandu in the same salute, saying: "We are good together!"

Yaochi laughed at the right time and said: "Today is really a great joy. Today, Taoism and Buddhism are reunited, and being together is the blessing of all living beings in the wild!"

The Tathagata replied: "Thank you for your compliment, fellow Taoist priest of Yaochi. Since that's the case, I'll talk about the business today, and there will be no further delay."

Hearing this, all the powerful people present were shocked, and they returned to their positions with dignified expressions.

A huge bright golden lotus rises above Lingshan, and under the root of the lotus, the lotus blooms and closes again, gathering the whole Lingshan into a grand golden lotus.

Beyond the lotus, there is a prehistoric world.

Inside the lotus is the Buddha Realm.

Except for the existence of Hunyuan, no one else can peep into it.

The Buddha said leisurely: "Since the Great God Pangu opened up the world, great powers have emerged from generation to generation, and countless strong men and ancestors have all sought for hundreds of millions of years together for Hunyuan.

But only Daozu Hongjun, Empress Nuwa, Taiqing leader, Yuqing leader, Shangqing leader, Zhunti Buddhist mother, and Jieyin leader have certified the Hunyuan saint status.

There may be other ancient beings who have also entered the realm of Hunyuan, such as the demon ancestor Luohu, but in the known prehistoric world, there are only seven saints.

Including the Pingxin Empress of the Land of Reincarnation, this authentic saint is considered to be eight Hunyuan.

Besides, none of the hundreds of millions of living beings can prove the Dao of Hunyuan.

Even the five saints located at the five poles of heaven and earth, borrowed the power of heaven and earth to send out the holy power of Hunyuan to suppress the five poles, and there was no power of Hunyuan outside the five poles.

I, the Tathagata, am just one of the hundreds of millions of endless beings, but I am willing to try the law for all beings, use my body to open the way, and use my own body to step into the great realm of chaos!
It is not only for self, but also for the guidance of the world! "

All the great powers are shocked in their hearts. Has the Tathagata World Honored One reached the threshold of Hunyuan?
Zhen Yuanzi frowned and said: "The heart of the World Honored One is good, but except for the six saints who possess the majestic purple energy, and the pure and sacrificed lady Pingxin, no one has taken this step, not to mention saints, but No one can break the realm of Hunyuan.

Although the World-Honored One has great power and great realm, but your realm is not as good as that of the poor, so how can you put yourself to the test? "

Yaochi also said: "What Immortal Zhenyuan said is true, besides, the great catastrophe of heaven and earth is approaching, and the unknowable supernatural catastrophe is close to death. If something happens to the World Honored One, Western Buddhism will suffer losses, and dealing with the catastrophe is even more dangerous. All living beings in Hezhou, Xiniu are suffering even more!"

Everyone in the Taoist sect obviously agrees that although the Tathagata World Honored One has a high realm, he is only a great power of two corpses, and he has not entered the half-step Hunyuan. How to prove Hunyuan?

Now that this amount of kalpa has not passed, the blessings of Buddhist luck are all present in the body of the Tathagata. If something happens to him, the entire Western Buddhism may suffer a serious setback.

The response to the evil calamity is a major event in the entire prehistoric world. Looking at the situation, Buddhism is still a big ally. Naturally, all the great powers do not want Buddhism to lose its backbone, the Tathagata, the World Honored One.

Qing Luo pondered for a moment, and then said: "Dare to ask the World Honored One, breaking through the situation in a hurry, but because of the reason why the demon ancestor suppressed the stone monkey at the beginning of Journey to the West?"

The Tathagata smiled wryly and said: "As Qingzu said, it was not my own will to rush through the realm, the primordial magic power that the Demon Ancestor planted into my true spirit consciousness back then has become more and more irrepressible.

If I don't forcibly break through, I'm afraid that the magic power brewing in my body will eventually turn me into a Buddha and a demon! "

All the great powers were shocked, and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit couldn't help but said bluntly: "The magic power can't even suppress the strength of the two great powers of the World Honored One?"

Tathagata nodded, "Not only that, I have not left the top of Lingshan Mountain for many years. In fact, it is the place where the luck of ten thousand Buddhas gathers to suppress the magic power, and the infinite Buddhist law of Daleiyin Temple to suppress it, so that I can suppress it for such a long time.

Since the last battle of Faith Waves, the magic power has been nourished by the infinite magic thoughts in the magic sea, and it has increased dramatically. Now this magic power has the power of half a step of Hunyuan! "

Now, all the great powers are demons with a big change in expression, half a step of Hunyuan, how terrible is that?
The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit asked suspiciously: "What is the origin of the magic power? Just a little bit can make the power of Buddha and Taoism, the bane of all demons, indestructible?"

Great Immortal Zhenyuan sighed: "Fellow Daoist Jinling doesn't know that Pindao is an old fellow who has survived for a long time. Before the flood came out, there were three thousand gods and demons entrenched in the boundless chaos.

There are also four or nine Hongmeng purple qi wandering in the feng shui fire.And this extreme source of magic power from Hongmeng is a derivative of Hongmeng Ziqi.

Primordial purple energy is the foundation of enlightenment, and extreme source magic power is the foundation of becoming a demon!Except for the saints, no one can be eliminated! "

All the great masters present were silent.

Yes, it cannot be explained without sages, how can it be explained without sages at this moment?

If the Tathagata wants to become a demon, with the help of the demon ancestor Luohu, even if there is another ancestor who hates the demon, it will not matter.However, the ancestor of Qiu Mo was restricted a lot, even though he had Hunyuan power, it was difficult to make a move.

And if the Tathagata becomes a demon sage, he may be a demon who truly exists on par with the six sages!
When the time comes, the devil will come together, and the saint will not come out. Who will fight?
Seeing that no one made a sound, Qing Luo Yuanshen asked again: "Then I don't know how sure the Tathagata World-Honored One is in breaking the realm and Hunyuan?"

All the mighty ones looked at Tathagata again.

The Tathagata shook his head and sighed, "Twenty percent at most!"

"Twenty percent? Why is it so low?" The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit asked in surprise.

Zhen Yuanzi said, "Twenty percent is not too low!
You must know that the realm of Hunyuan, the supreme universe, and the vast and boundless plane are very few.

Even the No. 1 Eastern Emperor, who was as strong as a saint back then, was blessed with the spiritual luck of hundreds of millions of monsters, and the position of the Eastern Emperor in the ancient demon court of the prehistoric heaven was blessed. With the most treasured Chaos Clock in hand, half a step into the realm of Hunyuan is only [-]% sure. "

Yaochi nodded in agreement, and said: "Now is the right time for Buddhism to prosper, and only with the help of Buddhist luck can we have a chance to win!"

(End of this chapter)

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