Chapter 634
Volume Six Hunyuan Supreme

Demons walk in the world, the ancestors return to the wilderness, and the body of the semi-sage resists the calamity.

The three Buddhas take turns to leave the world, and all races and powers compete for the prehistoric.

Primordial Purple Qi Hunyuansheng, the six worlds of heaven and earth are opened for me.

The extraordinary catastrophe falls in my body, and hundreds of millions of sentient beings are prehistoric!
. . . . . .

Chapter 633: The Dharma-ending Era
The fast way of cultivating immortals means that more immortals will break through the realm faster, the heaven and earth vitality absorbed by the monks in the world will increase sharply, and the predicament will ease, the number of fallen monks will decrease, and the spiritual energy returned to the world will also be less.

The spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth is getting thinner, and it is no longer the era when one can cultivate immortals anywhere.

Therefore, countless sect forces have begun to seize the land of the spirit veins, the land where the spirit energy is born, and rely on the richer blessed land to speed up their cultivation.

There are many shortcomings in the rapid development of cultivation.For example, the biggest shortcoming is the flaw of Dao heart and insufficient state of mind.In addition, the immortals cultivated by relying on heaven, materials and earth treasures have mottled and frivolous mana, and their magical powers and mana are not as good as those who fight steadily step by step in battle.For another example, most of the fast-growing immortal cultivators find it difficult to ascend to a very high level, and are often stuck in a certain level and cannot advance an inch forever!
Therefore, there is no super-charged Taiyi Golden Immortal, let alone a mediocre Daluo Golden Immortal!

Every Taiyi has experienced the baptism and sculpting of the years, comprehending the profoundness of Taoism, and his Taoism, mana, and supernatural powers have all been greatly sublimated.

Although the quick method of cultivating immortals has great disadvantages, it is still respected by all forces.Not only to compare with other major forces, but also to prepare for the apocalypse predicted by those top existences.

Most of these instant cultivators were used as cannon fodder by various forces, and they could not escape the fate of turning into fly ash once the catastrophe came.But without this quick path to cultivating immortals, they might not be able to reach the current state in their entire lives.

In the prehistoric land, Xiaozhu, who has traveled the world, stopped and watched the vitality of the world permeating the ordinary wilderness gradually dissipate.

The girl shook her head. She is just a spectator for such a major event involving all living beings. If anyone can change, then she feels that at least there must be an existence like a master to do something. Even ordinary quasi-sages are afraid is powerless.

Although this wilderness is uninhabited, there are many wild animals.

Eagles spread their wings and soar in the sky, jackals, tigers and leopards roam and hunt, sheep graze with their heads down, cows rush across the river wildly, bees and butterflies fly in wild flowers, insects hide in the grass and cry from the depths, and birds catch insects in the trees Feeding the young birds, frogs croaking in the small green lake, snakes entrenched beside the stream, and schools of fish swimming among the reeds. . .

Countless creatures in the wilderness have lost the opportunity to open up their spiritual wisdom, awaken their self-awareness, and truly understand the vast world.

Because, the last trace of spiritual energy in this wilderness was also absorbed by a golden fairy breaking through the realm thousands of miles away.

There is no spiritual vein here, and no spiritual energy will be produced.

The aura of the whole world is drying up, so naturally there will be no aura to escape from other places to replenish the aura here.

Xiaozhu sighed, walked past the herd of beasts, climbed to a high mountain, and stood on the top of the mountain overlooking the sky.

She could see that the sky that was once full of colorful auras had now become only white clouds floating quietly in the sky, motionless.

Without the wandering of spiritual energy, without the boost of wind energy, the cloud is also powerless to move.

Not only the Great Desolate World, but also the large and small worlds, small worlds, and small secret realms that exist in the gaps in the Prehistoric Desolate, all of which lack aura.

The entire prehistoric world is ushering in the Dharma-ending era!
The word Mo Dharma has also spread throughout the world, making countless monks terrified.

Time flies, and time flies like an arrow.

Honghuang is as calm as water, or in other words, as calm as stagnant water.Deadly calm.

Because most of the mountains and rivers in the world have dried up their aura!
The major forces have stopped preaching. Even if there is the best Taoism, how can one practice Taoism without the aura of heaven and earth?
Those Jinxian Taiyi monks all began to live in seclusion, or to seal their self-cultivation, just to preserve their mana. If they consume mana at will, there will be no sufficient vitality to replenish the world, and no spiritual things to rely on. It may take thousands of years to recover. Restore mana.

In the entire prehistoric world, the only place with any vitality is the Evernight City!
Even in heaven, without the aura of heaven and earth, the gods cast spells, the sun and the moon alternate, the four seasons reincarnate, and ice, wind, rain and snow are extremely difficult to come.

The vitality of Evernight City is due to the currency of immortals, Lingshi!

The unimaginably huge reserves of spirit stones are enough to support the cultivation of many humble immortals, and enough to maintain the consumption of Jinxian Taiyi.

The great abilities of those Da Luo Jinxians are rarely affected by it, because most of their supernatural powers rely on the power of the Dao, the manifestation of the Dao, rather than the aura of heaven and earth.

As long as the three thousand great ways and one hundred and eight thousand small ways still exist in the world, they will not lose their magic power like ordinary immortals.

The wall of the plane, the six sages watched it, without saying a word, waiting quietly.

The peerless powers of the prehistoric world are also waiting, waiting without any rush.

In the wild, countless immortals have spread a word.

"The prehistoric era has ushered in the Dharma-ending era!"

Once the dharma is really at an end, there is no hope of cultivation anymore, and even many immortals with low mana, and immortals who have not achieved immortality will degenerate into mortals.

Having experienced the happiness of immortals, seeing the vastness of the world and the grandeur of the world, it is hard for them to imagine the terrifying picture of becoming a mortal!
Under the city of Buyetian, in Dayan, Qingluo Yuanshen and Self Shi Yuanshen are still trying their best to deduce the Tao. There is no spiritual energy in Dayan, and the immortals understand Tao, not spirit, so naturally they will not be affected .

Sensing the vitality of the prehistoric world, Qing Luo frowned. If she really let it go, it won't be long before the real era of doomsday.

In the prehistoric era at this moment, the number of immortals is too large to count. There are hundreds of millions of qi trainers and monks in all realms below the immortals. There are tens of times as many golden immortals, and several times as many golden immortals. Daluo Jinxian has more than a dozen people!
This is only a few hundred years, and there are so many immortals. If they persist for another hundred years, the vitality of the world may not exist at all!

Such a huge amount of spiritual energy is far from being able to meet the needs of the prehistoric spiritual energy, and even the recovery speed of the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth is not as fast as that consumed by all living beings.

In the Dharma-ending era, the four characters were imprinted on the hearts of every immortal, and became a shadow covering the hearts of the entire prehistoric immortals.

All the immortals are anxious, and all the immortals seek the Dharma, even if they are powerful, they can't solve it.

But at the moment when the immortal way is almost at a standstill, the demonic way is still rampant, and the demonic sects from all over the world take action to confuse the immortals' hearts and transform them into demons.

In the Demon Abyss Sea, there are more and more demon heads. Day after day, year after year, there are tens of thousands of demons hiding in the deep sea, waiting for the opportunity.

The ancestral land of extreme demons is wide open, and endless demon energy pours into the demon abyss to support the cultivation of all demons and strengthen the realm of demon cultivation.

At this time, it's time for Dao Xiaomo to rise!

And Hongjun, who was far away in the depths of the chaos, finally opened his eyes and looked at the prehistoric world.

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(End of this chapter)

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